What was a reason for God to sacrifice His Son?

You believers can't even agree on anything god related, so how do you expect non-believers to agree with you?
Objective truth is arrived at through a conflict and confusion process. What you see as weakness, nature uses as a strength.
^^^^ Dumbest answer yet.
The fact that you don't realize or understand it tells me you have no idea what I am talking about.
So you and hob arguing is nature's strength? :cuckoo:
I have no idea what that guy is arguing except for Catholics bad. He's probably a JW or Mormon.
Hob's a Jew, and to me, you both sound as cuckoo as each other. You both argue shit that's total nonsense. And you both believe that studying a book is the way to find god. You both don't believe the main stories of the bible to be true, except the ones you want to be true, so both cherry-pickers. You just don't like the same cherries. :biggrin:
Do you think that Jesus only having sex with a woman once means that he didn't like it?
Same answer as before, Taz.
So talking about Jesus having sex makes you uncomfortable?
Not at all. Talking with someone who is behaving disrespectfully about it tells me it would be illogical to have that conversation with that person.
So talking about Jesus' wood is disrespectful? Did he have small hands?
You seemed to skip right over the illogical part, Taz.

We both know what you are doing. Why do you want to waste my time with games?
I think it's a legit question to ask whether Jesus was gay, and that sleeping with MM only once is an indication of that. What say you?
It's not free will if a giant stone is poised over your head.
I see, so that giant stone over your head is what makes you make your choices?
Not your God's.
But you are the one arguing you have a rock over your head, right?

Not me. You.

So you don't have free will?
I never said I have one.
Well, it's not for you to say what I believe, now is it?
To paraphrase, can't we tell a lot about the writer from what he writes? :biggrin:
Objective truth is arrived at through a conflict and confusion process. What you see as weakness, nature uses as a strength.
^^^^ Dumbest answer yet.
The fact that you don't realize or understand it tells me you have no idea what I am talking about.
So you and hob arguing is nature's strength? :cuckoo:
I have no idea what that guy is arguing except for Catholics bad. He's probably a JW or Mormon.
Hob's a Jew, and to me, you both sound as cuckoo as each other. You both argue shit that's total nonsense. And you both believe that studying a book is the way to find god. You both don't believe the main stories of the bible to be true, except the ones you want to be true, so both cherry-pickers. You just don't like the same cherries. :biggrin:

What makes you think that I am Jewish? Get your facts straight... and I don't think studying a book is the way to find God. I never said that. Studying a book is the way to understand what the book is about. Once you learn what the book is about and apply that understanding to real life God will reveal himself to you.
^^^^ Dumbest answer yet.
The fact that you don't realize or understand it tells me you have no idea what I am talking about.
So you and hob arguing is nature's strength? :cuckoo:
I have no idea what that guy is arguing except for Catholics bad. He's probably a JW or Mormon.
Hob's a Jew, and to me, you both sound as cuckoo as each other. You both argue shit that's total nonsense. And you both believe that studying a book is the way to find god. You both don't believe the main stories of the bible to be true, except the ones you want to be true, so both cherry-pickers. You just don't like the same cherries. :biggrin:

What makes you think that I am Jewish? Get your facts straight... and I don't think studying a book is the way to find God. I never said that. Studying a book is the way to understand what the book is about. Once you learn what the book is about and apply that understanding to real life God will reveal himself to you.
"Once you learn what the book is about and apply that understanding to real life God will reveal himself to you." Study the book and god will reveal himself. You stand corrected.

You're a Jew, how many times have you made reference to the Torah/OT and blasted the NT, like, all the time?
The fact that you don't realize or understand it tells me you have no idea what I am talking about.
So you and hob arguing is nature's strength? :cuckoo:
I have no idea what that guy is arguing except for Catholics bad. He's probably a JW or Mormon.
Hob's a Jew, and to me, you both sound as cuckoo as each other. You both argue shit that's total nonsense. And you both believe that studying a book is the way to find god. You both don't believe the main stories of the bible to be true, except the ones you want to be true, so both cherry-pickers. You just don't like the same cherries. :biggrin:

What makes you think that I am Jewish? Get your facts straight... and I don't think studying a book is the way to find God. I never said that. Studying a book is the way to understand what the book is about. Once you learn what the book is about and apply that understanding to real life God will reveal himself to you.
"Once you learn what the book is about and apply that understanding to real life God will reveal himself to you." Study the book and god will reveal himself. You stand corrected.

You're a Jew, how many times have you made reference to the Torah/OT and blasted the NT, like, all the time?

Reading about someone else who was kicked by a mule is nothing at all like being kicked by a mule. Many people have been reading the bible for their entire lives, do not understand a word of it, never applied its teaching, and never found God. Ding thinks he found God but even you know that he's like a two year old who just found his own weenie and walks around everywhere with his hand in his diaper..

Forget about the bible, If you ever hope to get out of the confusion that you are in you need to read my words more carefully.

You think Im a Jew, Jews think Im a Christian, Christians think I'm an atheist..When I tell the truth, that I do not belong to or follow any religion, no one believes me even though there has never been a religion on earth that has ever claimed that Jesus and his disciples deliberately set out to curse the nations.

wtf... lol...
Last edited:
So you and hob arguing is nature's strength? :cuckoo:
I have no idea what that guy is arguing except for Catholics bad. He's probably a JW or Mormon.
Hob's a Jew, and to me, you both sound as cuckoo as each other. You both argue shit that's total nonsense. And you both believe that studying a book is the way to find god. You both don't believe the main stories of the bible to be true, except the ones you want to be true, so both cherry-pickers. You just don't like the same cherries. :biggrin:

What makes you think that I am Jewish? Get your facts straight... and I don't think studying a book is the way to find God. I never said that. Studying a book is the way to understand what the book is about. Once you learn what the book is about and apply that understanding to real life God will reveal himself to you.
"Once you learn what the book is about and apply that understanding to real life God will reveal himself to you." Study the book and god will reveal himself. You stand corrected.

You're a Jew, how many times have you made reference to the Torah/OT and blasted the NT, like, all the time?

Reading about someone else who was kicked by a mule is nothing at all like being kicked by a mule. Many people have been reading the bible for their entire lives, do not understand a word of it, never applied its teaching, and never found God. Ding thinks he found God but even you know that he's like a two year old who just found his own weenie and walks around everywhere with his hand in his diaper..

Forget about the bible, If you ever hope to get out of the confusion that you are in you need to read my words more carefully.

You think Im a Jew, Jews think Im a Christian, Christians think I'm an atheist..When I tell the truth, that I do not belong to or follow any religion, no one believes me even though there has never been a religion on earth that has ever claimed that Jesus and his disciples deliberately set out to curse the nations.

wtf... lol...
But I think you believe it is all a fairy tale and you are a militant atheist.
I have no idea what that guy is arguing except for Catholics bad. He's probably a JW or Mormon.
Hob's a Jew, and to me, you both sound as cuckoo as each other. You both argue shit that's total nonsense. And you both believe that studying a book is the way to find god. You both don't believe the main stories of the bible to be true, except the ones you want to be true, so both cherry-pickers. You just don't like the same cherries. :biggrin:

What makes you think that I am Jewish? Get your facts straight... and I don't think studying a book is the way to find God. I never said that. Studying a book is the way to understand what the book is about. Once you learn what the book is about and apply that understanding to real life God will reveal himself to you.
"Once you learn what the book is about and apply that understanding to real life God will reveal himself to you." Study the book and god will reveal himself. You stand corrected.

You're a Jew, how many times have you made reference to the Torah/OT and blasted the NT, like, all the time?

Reading about someone else who was kicked by a mule is nothing at all like being kicked by a mule. Many people have been reading the bible for their entire lives, do not understand a word of it, never applied its teaching, and never found God. Ding thinks he found God but even you know that he's like a two year old who just found his own weenie and walks around everywhere with his hand in his diaper..

Forget about the bible, If you ever hope to get out of the confusion that you are in you need to read my words more carefully.

You think Im a Jew, Jews think Im a Christian, Christians think I'm an atheist..When I tell the truth, that I do not belong to or follow any religion, no one believes me even though there has never been a religion on earth that has ever claimed that Jesus and his disciples deliberately set out to curse the nations.

wtf... lol...
But I think you believe it is all a fairy tale and you are a militant atheist.

I know, I know.. And you believe that one unequalled God is really three coequal beings that diddled a virgin to become fully human without a human father so that he could say things that no one understood, perform some magic tricks, turned himself into a matzo, got killed (because he loved the world so much) and, after three days, got up, spooked his friends for a while, and then floated up into the sky where he has waiting for thousands of years to suddenly reappear out of the sky and toss everyone who didn't believe this crap into hell to burn forever....

And you claim that you arrived at these beliefs by thinking rationally... lol

So much for what you think,
Last edited:
Hob's a Jew, and to me, you both sound as cuckoo as each other. You both argue shit that's total nonsense. And you both believe that studying a book is the way to find god. You both don't believe the main stories of the bible to be true, except the ones you want to be true, so both cherry-pickers. You just don't like the same cherries. :biggrin:

What makes you think that I am Jewish? Get your facts straight... and I don't think studying a book is the way to find God. I never said that. Studying a book is the way to understand what the book is about. Once you learn what the book is about and apply that understanding to real life God will reveal himself to you.
"Once you learn what the book is about and apply that understanding to real life God will reveal himself to you." Study the book and god will reveal himself. You stand corrected.

You're a Jew, how many times have you made reference to the Torah/OT and blasted the NT, like, all the time?

Reading about someone else who was kicked by a mule is nothing at all like being kicked by a mule. Many people have been reading the bible for their entire lives, do not understand a word of it, never applied its teaching, and never found God. Ding thinks he found God but even you know that he's like a two year old who just found his own weenie and walks around everywhere with his hand in his diaper..

Forget about the bible, If you ever hope to get out of the confusion that you are in you need to read my words more carefully.

You think Im a Jew, Jews think Im a Christian, Christians think I'm an atheist..When I tell the truth, that I do not belong to or follow any religion, no one believes me even though there has never been a religion on earth that has ever claimed that Jesus and his disciples deliberately set out to curse the nations.

wtf... lol...
But I think you believe it is all a fairy tale and you are a militant atheist.

I know, I know.. And you believe that one unequalled God is really three coequal beings that diddled a virgin to become fully human without a human father so that he could say things that no one understood, perform some magic tricks, turned himself into a matzo, got killed (because he loved the world so much) and, after three days, got up, spooked his friends for a while, and then floated up into the sky..

And you claim that you arrived at these beliefs by thinking rationally... lol

So much for what you think,
Look at you trying to change the subject.

Hey, you asked me to think about what your statement meant, right?

You climbed the beanstalk and are in possession of the goose that laid the golden egg, right?

That is what you wrote, right?

You are referring to a fairy tale, right?

Ergo, you believe the bible is a fairy tale.
I have no idea what that guy is arguing except for Catholics bad. He's probably a JW or Mormon.
Hob's a Jew, and to me, you both sound as cuckoo as each other. You both argue shit that's total nonsense. And you both believe that studying a book is the way to find god. You both don't believe the main stories of the bible to be true, except the ones you want to be true, so both cherry-pickers. You just don't like the same cherries. :biggrin:

What makes you think that I am Jewish? Get your facts straight... and I don't think studying a book is the way to find God. I never said that. Studying a book is the way to understand what the book is about. Once you learn what the book is about and apply that understanding to real life God will reveal himself to you.
"Once you learn what the book is about and apply that understanding to real life God will reveal himself to you." Study the book and god will reveal himself. You stand corrected.

You're a Jew, how many times have you made reference to the Torah/OT and blasted the NT, like, all the time?

Reading about someone else who was kicked by a mule is nothing at all like being kicked by a mule. Many people have been reading the bible for their entire lives, do not understand a word of it, never applied its teaching, and never found God. Ding thinks he found God but even you know that he's like a two year old who just found his own weenie and walks around everywhere with his hand in his diaper..

Forget about the bible, If you ever hope to get out of the confusion that you are in you need to read my words more carefully.

You think Im a Jew, Jews think Im a Christian, Christians think I'm an atheist..When I tell the truth, that I do not belong to or follow any religion, no one believes me even though there has never been a religion on earth that has ever claimed that Jesus and his disciples deliberately set out to curse the nations.

wtf... lol...
But I think you believe it is all a fairy tale and you are a militant atheist.
...with a yarmulke. :biggrin:
Hob's a Jew, and to me, you both sound as cuckoo as each other. You both argue shit that's total nonsense. And you both believe that studying a book is the way to find god. You both don't believe the main stories of the bible to be true, except the ones you want to be true, so both cherry-pickers. You just don't like the same cherries. :biggrin:

What makes you think that I am Jewish? Get your facts straight... and I don't think studying a book is the way to find God. I never said that. Studying a book is the way to understand what the book is about. Once you learn what the book is about and apply that understanding to real life God will reveal himself to you.
"Once you learn what the book is about and apply that understanding to real life God will reveal himself to you." Study the book and god will reveal himself. You stand corrected.

You're a Jew, how many times have you made reference to the Torah/OT and blasted the NT, like, all the time?

Reading about someone else who was kicked by a mule is nothing at all like being kicked by a mule. Many people have been reading the bible for their entire lives, do not understand a word of it, never applied its teaching, and never found God. Ding thinks he found God but even you know that he's like a two year old who just found his own weenie and walks around everywhere with his hand in his diaper..

Forget about the bible, If you ever hope to get out of the confusion that you are in you need to read my words more carefully.

You think Im a Jew, Jews think Im a Christian, Christians think I'm an atheist..When I tell the truth, that I do not belong to or follow any religion, no one believes me even though there has never been a religion on earth that has ever claimed that Jesus and his disciples deliberately set out to curse the nations.

wtf... lol...
But I think you believe it is all a fairy tale and you are a militant atheist.

I know, I know.. And you believe that one unequalled God is really three coequal beings that diddled a virgin to become fully human without a human father so that he could say things that no one understood, perform some magic tricks, turned himself into a matzo, got killed (because he loved the world so much) and, after three days, got up, spooked his friends for a while, and then floated up into the sky..

And you claim that you arrived at these beliefs by thinking rationally... lol

So much for what you think,
^^^^ Jew dissing the NT. Again.
If it looks like a turd and smells like a turd and feels like a turd, usually it is a turd.

Hobelim is a turd in sheep's clothing.
What makes you think that I am Jewish? Get your facts straight... and I don't think studying a book is the way to find God. I never said that. Studying a book is the way to understand what the book is about. Once you learn what the book is about and apply that understanding to real life God will reveal himself to you.
"Once you learn what the book is about and apply that understanding to real life God will reveal himself to you." Study the book and god will reveal himself. You stand corrected.

You're a Jew, how many times have you made reference to the Torah/OT and blasted the NT, like, all the time?

Reading about someone else who was kicked by a mule is nothing at all like being kicked by a mule. Many people have been reading the bible for their entire lives, do not understand a word of it, never applied its teaching, and never found God. Ding thinks he found God but even you know that he's like a two year old who just found his own weenie and walks around everywhere with his hand in his diaper..

Forget about the bible, If you ever hope to get out of the confusion that you are in you need to read my words more carefully.

You think Im a Jew, Jews think Im a Christian, Christians think I'm an atheist..When I tell the truth, that I do not belong to or follow any religion, no one believes me even though there has never been a religion on earth that has ever claimed that Jesus and his disciples deliberately set out to curse the nations.

wtf... lol...
But I think you believe it is all a fairy tale and you are a militant atheist.

I know, I know.. And you believe that one unequalled God is really three coequal beings that diddled a virgin to become fully human without a human father so that he could say things that no one understood, perform some magic tricks, turned himself into a matzo, got killed (because he loved the world so much) and, after three days, got up, spooked his friends for a while, and then floated up into the sky..

And you claim that you arrived at these beliefs by thinking rationally... lol

So much for what you think,
^^^^ Jew dissing the NT. Again.
He's not a Jew. He thinks the OT is a fairy tale too.

But then again... so do most Jews.
What makes you think that I am Jewish? Get your facts straight... and I don't think studying a book is the way to find God. I never said that. Studying a book is the way to understand what the book is about. Once you learn what the book is about and apply that understanding to real life God will reveal himself to you.
"Once you learn what the book is about and apply that understanding to real life God will reveal himself to you." Study the book and god will reveal himself. You stand corrected.

You're a Jew, how many times have you made reference to the Torah/OT and blasted the NT, like, all the time?

Reading about someone else who was kicked by a mule is nothing at all like being kicked by a mule. Many people have been reading the bible for their entire lives, do not understand a word of it, never applied its teaching, and never found God. Ding thinks he found God but even you know that he's like a two year old who just found his own weenie and walks around everywhere with his hand in his diaper..

Forget about the bible, If you ever hope to get out of the confusion that you are in you need to read my words more carefully.

You think Im a Jew, Jews think Im a Christian, Christians think I'm an atheist..When I tell the truth, that I do not belong to or follow any religion, no one believes me even though there has never been a religion on earth that has ever claimed that Jesus and his disciples deliberately set out to curse the nations.

wtf... lol...
But I think you believe it is all a fairy tale and you are a militant atheist.

I know, I know.. And you believe that one unequalled God is really three coequal beings that diddled a virgin to become fully human without a human father so that he could say things that no one understood, perform some magic tricks, turned himself into a matzo, got killed (because he loved the world so much) and, after three days, got up, spooked his friends for a while, and then floated up into the sky..

And you claim that you arrived at these beliefs by thinking rationally... lol

So much for what you think,
^^^^ Jew dissing the NT. Again.

The twilight zone is an excellent representation of Hobelim's subversive nature as nothing is as it seems to be.

Here we have Hobelim masquerading around as some super believer all the while he believes it is a fairy tale.
The twilight zone is an excellent representation of Hobelim's subversive nature as nothing is as it seems to be.

Here we have Hobelim masquerading around as some super believer all the while he believes it is a fairy tale.
I thought that I was supposed to be a militant atheist... Right sparkie?

Make up your mind.

BTW.... If you read the story of Adam and Eve and didn't immediately realize the story was exactly like a fairy tale when the talking serpent was introduced you should have been left back in kindergarten...
The twilight zone is an excellent representation of Hobelim's subversive nature as nothing is as it seems to be.

Here we have Hobelim masquerading around as some super believer all the while he believes it is a fairy tale.
I thought that I was supposed to be a militant atheist... Right sparkie?

Make up your mind.
And what I wrote is consistent with that. Militant atheists are subversive in that they subordinate religion.

Like you do.

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