What was a reason for God to sacrifice His Son?

You spoke of they were writing in code about the current events of their time, Hobelim.

Yes, instructions for how to live and how not to live. Which are entirely more useful than your belief that the Bible only pertains to events in their time.

Your bastardization of scripture has no basis or foundation in reality. I asked you once how you knew these things. Do you remember? Do you want to tell me again how you know these things?
You believers can't even agree on anything god related, so how do you expect non-believers to agree with you?
Objective truth is arrived at through a conflict and confusion process. What you see as weakness, nature uses as a strength.
^^^^ Dumbest answer yet.
The fact that you don't realize or understand it tells me you have no idea what I am talking about.
So you and hob arguing is nature's strength? :cuckoo:
I have no idea what that guy is arguing except for Catholics bad. He's probably a JW or Mormon.
So much for free will..
How so?
It's not free will if a giant stone is poised over your head.
I see, so that giant stone over your head is what makes you make your choices?
Not your God's.
But you are the one arguing you have a rock over your head, right?

Not me. You.

So you don't have free will?
I never said I have one.
I'm not going to dignify that with a response, Taz. You can better.
Do you think that Jesus only having sex with a woman once means that he didn't like it?
Same answer as before, Taz.
So talking about Jesus having sex makes you uncomfortable?
Not at all. Talking with someone who is behaving disrespectfully about it tells me it would be illogical to have that conversation with that person.
So talking about Jesus' wood is disrespectful? Did he have small hands?
You seemed to skip right over the illogical part, Taz.

We both know what you are doing. Why do you want to waste my time with games?
It's not free will if a giant stone is poised over your head.
I see, so that giant stone over your head is what makes you make your choices?
Not your God's.
But you are the one arguing you have a rock over your head, right?

Not me. You.

So you don't have free will?
I never said I have one.
Well, it's not for you to say what I believe, now is it?
You understand neither scripture nor the power of God.
That sounds like something satan would say.

Sheesh. Sounds like something Satan would say?

Jesus answered, “You are wrong, because you know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God." Matthew 22:29

I guess now even the least intelligent person out there whatever they believe or don't believe can plainly see the perversity of the road to destruction that you are blindly prancing along on like a fool....

Thank you for helping me to reveal the wisdom of God in giving the command to refrain from the flesh of any unclean creature that crawls on its belly or does not ruminate and for so generously providing overwhelming evidence for the terrifying and disturbing death consequent to failure to comply with divine instruction.

Well done!
I seem to recall Satan quoting scriptures too.

That is just as interesting as the other 89 time you told me I am on the path to destruction.

I recall satan quoting scripture too! From the beginning satan was a murderer.. He says something to the effect of "You will not die if you defy God, you will become like God and live forever."

Those who defy God, die in the very day they do it. Ask Adam and Eve.

Some descendants of that ever subtle and elusive talking serpent of old must have told you something similar..

"You won't die if you set aside the divine commands and worship a trinity in the form of a man turned matzo made by human hands. You will live forever and become like Jesus! Woo hoo! You just need faith! "

That would mean that you are dead and have been dying without relief ever since you were a tender and supple lad...Doesn't that explain everything?

Hell is a merciful and final warning that you are on the road to destruction. Don't believe me, just be honest with yourself.

No one knows better than you the depths of your agony and suffering while separated from God without life during your multiple eons in hell..
You've got some kind of hard on for Catholics, bro. You and Taz are two peas in a pod.
lol...yeah well if it ain't stiff it ain't worth a fuck...

No, seriously..I love Catholics, as long as they aren't trying to get me to throw my mind in the trash. If I didn't I would just let you all slowly disintegrate into nothingness as you are violated daily by every sort of foul and loathsome beast and bird...

You are pazzo man.

You don't have the intellectual strength or love of truth and God to reject the lie that spiritual food, the flesh of Jesus, is man made and edible.

Its a damn disgrace.

At least Taz has more self respect than that....
That sounds like something satan would say.

Sheesh. Sounds like something Satan would say?

Jesus answered, “You are wrong, because you know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God." Matthew 22:29

I guess now even the least intelligent person out there whatever they believe or don't believe can plainly see the perversity of the road to destruction that you are blindly prancing along on like a fool....

Thank you for helping me to reveal the wisdom of God in giving the command to refrain from the flesh of any unclean creature that crawls on its belly or does not ruminate and for so generously providing overwhelming evidence for the terrifying and disturbing death consequent to failure to comply with divine instruction.

Well done!
I seem to recall Satan quoting scriptures too.

That is just as interesting as the other 89 time you told me I am on the path to destruction.

I recall satan quoting scripture too! From the beginning satan was a murderer.. He says something to the effect of "You will not die if you defy God, you will become like God and live forever."

Those who defy God, die in the very day they do it. Ask Adam and Eve.

Some descendants of that ever subtle and elusive talking serpent of old must have told you something similar..

"You won't die if you set aside the divine commands and worship a trinity in the form of a man turned matzo made by human hands. You will live forever and become like Jesus! Woo hoo! You just need faith! "

That would mean that you are dead and have been dying without relief ever since you were a tender and supple lad...Doesn't that explain everything?

Hell is a merciful and final warning that you are on the road to destruction. Don't believe me, just be honest with yourself.

No one knows better than you the depths of your agony and suffering while separated from God without life during your multiple eons in hell..
You've got some kind of hard on for Catholics, bro. You and Taz are two peas in a pod.
lol...yeah well if it ain't stiff it ain't worth a fuck...

No, seriously..I love Catholics, as long as they aren't trying to get me to throw my mind in the trash. If I didn't I would just let you all slowly disintegrate into nothingness as you are violated daily by every sort of foul and loathsome creature..

You are pazzo man.

You don't have the intellectual strength or love of truth and God to reject the lie that spiritual food, the flesh of Jesus, is man made and edible.

Its a damn disgrace.
You are cracking me up. You run into many Catholics that force their dogma down your throats like you do to to them?

You can pretend all you want that you aren't on a mission, but your actions tell a different story.
It's not free will if a giant stone is poised over your head.
I see, so that giant stone over your head is what makes you make your choices?
Not your God's.
But you are the one arguing you have a rock over your head, right?

Not me. You.

So you don't have free will?
I never said I have one.
Well, it's not for you to say what I believe, now is it?
I didn't.
I see, so that giant stone over your head is what makes you make your choices?
Not your God's.
But you are the one arguing you have a rock over your head, right?

Not me. You.

So you don't have free will?
I never said I have one.
Well, it's not for you to say what I believe, now is it?
I didn't.
Then it's all good. You have free will. I have free will. Everything is as it should be.
Not your God's.
But you are the one arguing you have a rock over your head, right?

Not me. You.

So you don't have free will?
I never said I have one.
Well, it's not for you to say what I believe, now is it?
I didn't.
Then it's all good. You have free will. I have free will. Everything is as it should be.
I don't have free will or I would select immortality..
But you are the one arguing you have a rock over your head, right?

Not me. You.

So you don't have free will?
I never said I have one.
Well, it's not for you to say what I believe, now is it?
I didn't.
Then it's all good. You have free will. I have free will. Everything is as it should be.
I don't have free will or I would select immortality..
No one's stopping you. Go for it.
I never said I have one.
Well, it's not for you to say what I believe, now is it?
I didn't.
Then it's all good. You have free will. I have free will. Everything is as it should be.
I don't have free will or I would select immortality..
No one's stopping you. Go for it.
It's already been determined by the creator and I can't change their minds on the subject, they claim that is for Gods not humans.
Sheesh. Sounds like something Satan would say?

Jesus answered, “You are wrong, because you know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God." Matthew 22:29

I guess now even the least intelligent person out there whatever they believe or don't believe can plainly see the perversity of the road to destruction that you are blindly prancing along on like a fool....

Thank you for helping me to reveal the wisdom of God in giving the command to refrain from the flesh of any unclean creature that crawls on its belly or does not ruminate and for so generously providing overwhelming evidence for the terrifying and disturbing death consequent to failure to comply with divine instruction.

Well done!
I seem to recall Satan quoting scriptures too.

That is just as interesting as the other 89 time you told me I am on the path to destruction.

I recall satan quoting scripture too! From the beginning satan was a murderer.. He says something to the effect of "You will not die if you defy God, you will become like God and live forever."

Those who defy God, die in the very day they do it. Ask Adam and Eve.

Some descendants of that ever subtle and elusive talking serpent of old must have told you something similar..

"You won't die if you set aside the divine commands and worship a trinity in the form of a man turned matzo made by human hands. You will live forever and become like Jesus! Woo hoo! You just need faith! "

That would mean that you are dead and have been dying without relief ever since you were a tender and supple lad...Doesn't that explain everything?

Hell is a merciful and final warning that you are on the road to destruction. Don't believe me, just be honest with yourself.

No one knows better than you the depths of your agony and suffering while separated from God without life during your multiple eons in hell..
You've got some kind of hard on for Catholics, bro. You and Taz are two peas in a pod.
lol...yeah well if it ain't stiff it ain't worth a fuck...

No, seriously..I love Catholics, as long as they aren't trying to get me to throw my mind in the trash. If I didn't I would just let you all slowly disintegrate into nothingness as you are violated daily by every sort of foul and loathsome creature..

You are pazzo man.

You don't have the intellectual strength or love of truth and God to reject the lie that spiritual food, the flesh of Jesus, is man made and edible.

Its a damn disgrace.
You are cracking me up. You run into many Catholics that force their dogma down your throats like you do to to them?

You can pretend all you want that you aren't on a mission, but your actions tell a different story.

Don't be such a clueless dolt. This is a place where people engage each other of their own free will.

Most people I run into whatever their religion or lack of religion would be surprised to find out that I had any interest or knowledge in the subject of religion at all..

I am invisible to the dead.
Well, it's not for you to say what I believe, now is it?
I didn't.
Then it's all good. You have free will. I have free will. Everything is as it should be.
I don't have free will or I would select immortality..
No one's stopping you. Go for it.
It's already been determined by the creator and I can't change their minds on the subject, they claim that is for Gods not humans.
You really do have an external locus of control.
I seem to recall Satan quoting scriptures too.

That is just as interesting as the other 89 time you told me I am on the path to destruction.

I recall satan quoting scripture too! From the beginning satan was a murderer.. He says something to the effect of "You will not die if you defy God, you will become like God and live forever."

Those who defy God, die in the very day they do it. Ask Adam and Eve.

Some descendants of that ever subtle and elusive talking serpent of old must have told you something similar..

"You won't die if you set aside the divine commands and worship a trinity in the form of a man turned matzo made by human hands. You will live forever and become like Jesus! Woo hoo! You just need faith! "

That would mean that you are dead and have been dying without relief ever since you were a tender and supple lad...Doesn't that explain everything?

Hell is a merciful and final warning that you are on the road to destruction. Don't believe me, just be honest with yourself.

No one knows better than you the depths of your agony and suffering while separated from God without life during your multiple eons in hell..
You've got some kind of hard on for Catholics, bro. You and Taz are two peas in a pod.
lol...yeah well if it ain't stiff it ain't worth a fuck...

No, seriously..I love Catholics, as long as they aren't trying to get me to throw my mind in the trash. If I didn't I would just let you all slowly disintegrate into nothingness as you are violated daily by every sort of foul and loathsome creature..

You are pazzo man.

You don't have the intellectual strength or love of truth and God to reject the lie that spiritual food, the flesh of Jesus, is man made and edible.

Its a damn disgrace.
You are cracking me up. You run into many Catholics that force their dogma down your throats like you do to to them?

You can pretend all you want that you aren't on a mission, but your actions tell a different story.

Don't be such a clueless dolt. This is a place where people engage each other of their own free will.

Most people I run into whatever their religion or lack of religion would be surprised to find out that I had any interest or knowledge in the subject of religion at all..

I am invisible to the dead.
I must be a magnet for freaks.
I recall satan quoting scripture too! From the beginning satan was a murderer.. He says something to the effect of "You will not die if you defy God, you will become like God and live forever."

Those who defy God, die in the very day they do it. Ask Adam and Eve.

Some descendants of that ever subtle and elusive talking serpent of old must have told you something similar..

"You won't die if you set aside the divine commands and worship a trinity in the form of a man turned matzo made by human hands. You will live forever and become like Jesus! Woo hoo! You just need faith! "

That would mean that you are dead and have been dying without relief ever since you were a tender and supple lad...Doesn't that explain everything?

Hell is a merciful and final warning that you are on the road to destruction. Don't believe me, just be honest with yourself.

No one knows better than you the depths of your agony and suffering while separated from God without life during your multiple eons in hell..
You've got some kind of hard on for Catholics, bro. You and Taz are two peas in a pod.
lol...yeah well if it ain't stiff it ain't worth a fuck...

No, seriously..I love Catholics, as long as they aren't trying to get me to throw my mind in the trash. If I didn't I would just let you all slowly disintegrate into nothingness as you are violated daily by every sort of foul and loathsome creature..

You are pazzo man.

You don't have the intellectual strength or love of truth and God to reject the lie that spiritual food, the flesh of Jesus, is man made and edible.

Its a damn disgrace.
You are cracking me up. You run into many Catholics that force their dogma down your throats like you do to to them?

You can pretend all you want that you aren't on a mission, but your actions tell a different story.

Don't be such a clueless dolt. This is a place where people engage each other of their own free will.

Most people I run into whatever their religion or lack of religion would be surprised to find out that I had any interest or knowledge in the subject of religion at all..

I am invisible to the dead.
I must be a magnet for freaks.

No, you are an actor and lying fraud.

When people start throwing rotten tomatoes at you it's because you are not a very good one.
Jesus life was a way of redemption, not a magical forgiveness of sins (like only some Protestant denominations would have everyone believe). Jesus came with a new Covenant--i.e. repentance for the forgiveness of sins. People argued, Not True!!! Only God can forgive sins! We want proof!

If I understand you correctly, you are saying that it isnt Jesus' death that made it possible for people to achieve forgiveness, but his death and what is more important his ressurection was a proof for people to follow his teaching. Right?

It seems to me Jesus was saying that forgiveness is not about sacrifice and offerings, it is about giving up sin and being obedient to God. It is not the offering that opens us up to God's forgiveness, it is the giving up of the sin that opens us to God's forgiveness. He also spoke of discerning God's will and following it, not simply sitting down and calculating how many dill seeds will fulfill the Law.

Yes, God desires obedience and His mercy and forgiveness are ours under those circumstances. Many of the Jews were going above and beyond, complicating what should have remained uncomplicated. As a result, the well-to-do could earn that feeling of self-righteousness whereas the poor who had way too little in those times had to choose between their tithes, their offerings, and whether to let the family go hungry and ill-clothed at times in order to keep up with the Law. What if your neighbor is hungry? Is the tithe or cereal offering more important, or should such be used to feed the hungry at one's door?

Meri-----your post is chock full of libelous bull-shit-------the stuff used by your kind to
murder millions. An interesting factoid is-------the statement "he tithes salt" is a
Pharisee adage used to describe a NEUROTIC NUT. If there is any historically accurate
observation of an institution that EXTORTS from the poor-------it is the observation of the CATHOLIC CHURCH. Curiously enough-----the Christian historic revision
is that tithing is an extortion from the POOR (bs-----the poor owned no land----they had
nothing to TITHE-----tithing is an agricultural thing) and if there were any people in the land
who DISPARGED over zealousness in tithing------IT WAS THE PHARISEES. That
Jesus so comments (assuming the writer of "Hebrews" who never met Jesus somehow
"knew he did....") that fact marks JESUS as a PHARISEE

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