What was Noah's Ark's name?

Strange question but only just occured. :) All ships have names right? So what was the ark's name?
It wasn't a ship and naming such things was not a custom of that day. The man built the ark in a desert land. It would be like building the Titanic in Arizona

"The practice of naming boats began thousands of years ago. Ancient Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians named their boats."
Strange question but only just occured. :) All ships have names right? So what was the ark's name?
It wasn't a ship and naming such things was not a custom of that day. The man built the ark in a desert land. It would be like building the Titanic in Arizona

"The practice of naming boats began thousands of years ago. Ancient Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians named their boats."
Well Noah wan't Greek, Roman or Egyptian so there ya go
Strange question but only just occured. :) All ships have names right? So what was the ark's name?
It wasn't a ship and naming such things was not a custom of that day. The man built the ark in a desert land. It would be like building the Titanic in Arizona

"The practice of naming boats began thousands of years ago. Ancient Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians named their boats."
Well Noah wan't Greek, Roman or Egyptian so there ya go

Although he did have an Australian accent in the movie. :D
The Duggarnaut

--I mean imagine how much God-sanctioned(?) incest there must have been for several generations after Noah's flood!

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