What was the biggest lie that re-elected Obama?

job creation?
Saving the auto industry?
Obama-care being deficit neutral?
That a movie caused the murder of a us ambassador on 9-11-2012?
That he inherited the debt?

Its amazing that people are such a state of denial

the country we loved until 2007 is gone and will never be the same again
thank you

View attachment 24276

CES0000000001 2001 M12 130823
CES0000000001 2002 M12 130291
CES0000000001 2003 M12 130353
CES0000000001 2004 M12 132372
CES0000000001 2005 M12 134856
CES0000000001 2006 M12 136927
CES0000000001 2007 M12 138042
CES0000000001 2008 M12 134425
CES0000000001 2009 M12 129373
CES0000000001 2010 M12 130395
CES0000000001 2011 M12 132498
CES0000000001 2012 M12 134668(P)

that is the job creation from 2001 as recorded in December of each year
I agree
this is not rocket science
This is a mess
BTW this does not include the 8 million people who have left the work force in the last 8 years
Of course you probably have no clue as to what I am talking about

God Bless
Notice: Data not available: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
biggest lie: worst recession since the 30's? No, why not Worst Recession Since "Democrat President Jimmy Carter"???? oh,no,yobamma cant say that,,Carter is a democrat! Can you imagine if a Republican was President from 76 thru 80? Do you think that instead, Obama would of used him as the culprit for the hell we went thru in the late 70's?

Could you imagine W going 4 years without a budget?
No Jobs created, still 4 million short of 07 levels?
doubling the debt sense 07?
Trillion dollar deficits for ever?
Running around screaming he saved the UAW with tax payers wealth on other peoples backs (that have yet to pay us back)
Proclaiming he killed UBL?

Now think about that for a minute
Hell in 04 CBS made up shit on W and in 2013 the press has totally ignored the negative GDP through Christmas
There talking about amnesty, or rubbers, god knows how evil romney was to re peat what fiat stated about Jeep and there future

what a joke this has became
I could not vot for a Dem just for the un fairness the true conservatives and people who really care about this country are getting treated

Could you imagine W taking responsibility for the leak on Valerie Plame?
Or the economic collapse in the fall of 2008? Gas prices over $4.00?

or testifying on the record to the 9/11 commission?
Could you imagine W not abandoning UBL to invade a country that had nothing to do with 9/11?
Or not pouring an endless river of cash into the quest to get the "guy who tried to kill my dad" instead of the guy who did get several thousand American lives?
Or actually giving our troops the equipment they needed? And then not standing on an aircraft carrier in a flight suit flying the banner "mission accomplished" ..... ten years ago?

Can you imagine Bush without Katrina? Alberto Gonzales? John Bolton? PATRIOT Act? Abu Ghraib? Torture? NSA Surveillance?
Could you imagine Dubya not polarizing the whole world??

Could you imagine Shrub running around screaming "we're gonna smoke him (UBL) out" and then actually doing it, instead of giving up, throwing up his hands and going "I don't know where he is, I don't spend much time on him"?
Could you imagine W hearing the news of 9/11 and then doing something more leaderlike than continuing to read "My Pet Goat" and then spending the day running and hiding like a little girl?
Could you imagine the Shrub taking the PDB of August 6 2001 -- seriously?

Could you imagine Dubya having enough maturity and sense of decorum that it wouldn't occur to him to start giving the Prime Minister of Germany a neck massage?

Could you imagine Dubya actually learning how to pronounce the word "nuclear"?
Or allowing us to know what went down in his oil-rich VP's "energy task force"?
Could you imagine W being able to travel anywhere he wants without fear of being arrested for war crimes? Or handling his job well enough that he wouldn't have left office after eight years with an approval rating of 22%?

Give me a freaking break.
right, and can you imagine if the elder bush was president in 1979? gee, anyone wanna guess what the dems and libs would be making ads with? and who they would be blaming all of the worlds problems on during the 2008 campaign? fill in the blank....The Worst Recession Since _________?
The biggest lie was his promise to the economic Left - to counter the concentrated power of big business with policies that strengthened the American Working Class.

But those hopes were dashed when he selected another Free Market Wall Street guy as his chief economic advisor.

Point is: John Galt now owns the county. He is no longer the persecuted minority.

There is no Labor Party. -no advocate for the working stiff who can't afford lobbyists.

Obama has succumbed to the Right. Concentrated money now owns both parties.

We are no longer living in the world of Ayn Rand when the government steals your family's pharmacy.

Now the pharmaceutical owns government.

(JRK, you've been lied to about who really runs the country. Turn off talk radio good man, we need your help brother)

JRK, please don't fight for the already powerful. Please don't fight on behalf of the concentrated wealth that wields a lobbying empire. You are fighting for the concentrated wealth that funds elections, staffs government, and runs a primary challenge against anybody who doesn't vote correctly.

(JRK, my friend, I enjoy reading your posts. But you have to realize that the new concentrated-power-of-government is wielded by concentrated money. Business owns government and it has set up special interest monopolies over every sector, including your chosen media sources. Obama is just window dressing for the stupid Left, who will never again get an FDR who fights for the American Middle Class that Reaganomics destroyed with globalized cheap labor)
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The left's policies are no more desirable than the far right's.

Thank heavens the socialists did not get what they want.
The tax cuts for the middle class. Taxes increased for the middle class. This deters job growth.

Judge a President not by what he says he will do but by what he actually does.
I was really amused at how Bush stopped speaking in public to any group that was not a veterans group, or the active military, about 1/3rd way through his second term. He also was not up to the heavy lifting. He had to send Cheney out to talk to the fat cats. Bush was pretty much on his way to being another Nixon, isolated, and imprisoned in the White House.

Hating GWB will not fix the mess were in today dude
get a life
BTW what did you do with the monies GWB made sure you were allowed to keep with his tax rates?Hell of thing to say about a man who did that for all of us
get a life dude.
get over it
move on
no matter how much you hate this man, it will not change the mess we are in today

I am up to about 8,000 in monies his tax rate saved for me

I lost it when , during his administration, my retirment portfolio dropped 40% in value. However, I am pleased to see that, in this administration, it has recovered!
Biggest lie that re-elected Obama?

Mitt Romney understands middle-class Americans.
"The tax cuts for the middle class. Taxes increased for the middle class. This deters job growth.

Judge a President not by what he says he will do but by what he actually does."

1950's, job growth in the USA was at it's peak. So was the tax rate, which reached a marginal level of 90%.
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The fact that he convinced 1/2 of the voters that Bush caused every economic problem we were facing in 2008/09. Obama never mentioned that it was the Liberals idea/agenda to give away homes to the poor!, then later all hell broke loose when Banks ran out of money to loan. I don't recall Bush pushing for that.

Give aways huh? Surely you have a link to this liberal give away program, right? Well no of course you don't because it simply never existed except in the lemming like minds of the pseudo-conned (Reads Dittoheads).
biggest lie: worst recession since the 30's? No, why not Worst Recession Since "Democrat President Jimmy Carter"???? oh,no,yobamma cant say that,,Carter is a democrat! Can you imagine if a Republican was President from 76 thru 80? Do you think that instead, Obama would of used him as the culprit for the hell we went thru in the late 70's?

In the 1980's I purchased a home (which I still live in) which had a prime rate of 12% (have since refinanced). Most of what you bought on credit at that time was at about that same rate. Gas had gone up to 1.50 per gallon from .99 per gallon. The job market was tight. Unemployment was high. I remember Carter getting on T.V. and telling the American people to spend less and save more. Well, that was one of the reasons that the Republicans had a field day with him. People were actually mad because they had to sacrifice some things. But one thing is for sure. Carter's administration slowed inflation through the pains of recession.

The Bush administration prints more money and throws it at it's ignorant citizens and tell them "this will make it all better". President George W. Bush tells us that we are going through a tough period but avoided talk of recession. He will not discuss the weak dollar and soaring oil prices. He won't tell you that every time the FED lowers interest rates that the dollar value weakens. He won't tell you that the rebate checks only increases inflation and is a temporary fix.

I know that many conservatives and libertarians think that the unusually severe recession of 1982 should be blamed on Carter's mishandling of the economy. But personally, looking back, I think he handled it very well. If it were not for him and the FED's Chairman Paul Volcker tightening the money supply to defeat rising inflation the U.S. economy would not have recovered in the 80's under Reagan. The recession was an intentional recession.

Bush's recession comes from ignorance and greed.

Carter's Recession vs. Bush's Recession - Democratic Underground
I know one that helped the Prez take Ohio again, at least:

PolitiFact Awards 'Lie Of The Year' To Romney Jeep Ad

And yes, no matter how you wingnuts wanna try and spin it, it's STILL a lie.


spin it?
I have not found any-one who has tried to spin that
Fiat made a comment
The left did just what politico did
The post continues to find examples as to the level the media has gone to hide the fact that this country has no chance of overcoming this Marxist regime that now runs our country
A lie?
Fiat Says Jeep Output May Return to China as Demand Rises - Bloomberg
Fiat SpA (F), majority owner of Chrysler Group LLC, plans to return Jeep output to China and may eventually make all of its models in that country, according to the head of both automakers’ operations in the region.
Take it up with Bloomberg and Fiat
As I said
your just confirming the accuracy of the post

An excellent example of just the type of lies that re-relected President Obama. We do not have a Marxist Regime running the country.

Good job again JR.
right, and can you imagine if the elder bush was president in 1979? gee, anyone wanna guess what the dems and libs would be making ads with? and who they would be blaming all of the worlds problems on during the 2008 campaign? fill in the blank....The Worst Recession Since _________?

President Ford was the GOP nominee for president in 1976. There was 0 % chance for GWHB to be president then.
I am really surprised as to the number of people who talk about the jeep fiasco
To start with Romney had a room full of idiots around him and advising him, he omly needed to stick to the simple fact BHO was lying and failing
but the jeep fiasco was not really a lie
as follows
And now, after Romney’s false claim of Jeep outsourcing to China, … Romney did not claim that Chrysler was “outsourcing” existing Jeep jobs to China but only that Chrysler is going to “build Jeeps in China.” And that is true.

… Chrysler itself has refuted Romney’s lie. Chrysler CEO Sergio Marchionne said in an e-mail to workers this week that Jeep assembly lines in the United States “will constitute the backbone of the brand.” But again: Romney never disputed that.

Here's How Romney, Obama Ads On Jeep And Ohio Stack Up - Forbes
Romney's ad and his comments in Defiance state that Chrysler has been taken over by an Italian company. Chrysler is based in Auburn Hills, Michigan, outside Detroit. Defiance is about an hour's drive to the a main Jeep plant in Toledo, Ohio.

Fiat has since increased its ownership to 58.5 percent after achieving several goals, including building a fuel-efficient compact car made in the United States and increasing Chrysler sales outside its North American base.
Chrysler as early as June 2011 had said it was considering adding Jeep production in China.

at worst it was a 1/2 truth
most main stream ignored
some even stated it was the biggest lie of the year

even though BHO stated
He saved GM (GWB did, with TAX PAYERS MONIES, LATE 2008)
He created 4.5 million jobs
The facts:
The number Castro cites is an accurate description of the growth of private-sector jobs since January 2010, when the long, steep slide in employment finally hit bottom. But while a total of 4.5 million jobs sounds great, it's not the whole picture.
Watch full speech of Julian Castro
Photos: Best of the DNC
Nonfarm private payrolls hit a post-recession low of 106.8 million that month, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The figure currently stands at 111.3 million as of July.
While that is indeed a gain of 4.5 million, it's only a net gain of 300,000 over the course of the Obama administration to date. The private jobs figure stood at 111 million in January 2009, the month Obama took office.
And total nonfarm payrolls, including government workers, are down from 133.6 million workers at the beginning of 2009 to 133.2 million in July 2012. There's been a net loss of nearly 1 million public-sector jobs since Obama took office, despite a surge in temporary hiring for the 2010 census.
only on there web site, better than nothing
CNN Fact Check: About those 4.5 million jobs ... - CNN.com
That Obamcare would add nothing to the defict
Obamacare Robs Medicare of $716 Billion to Fund Itself

According to the CBO, the payment cuts in Medicare include:
A $260 billion payment cut for hospital services.
A $39 billion payment cut for skilled nursing services.
A $17 billion payment cut for hospice services.
A $66 billion payment cut for home health services.
A $33 billion payment cut for all other services.
A $156 billion cut in payment rates in Medicare Advantage (MA); $156 billion is before considering interactions with other provisions. The House Ways and Means Committee was able to include interactions with other provisions, estimating the cuts to MA to be even higher, coming in at $308 billion.
$56 billion in cuts for disproportionate share hospital (DSH) payments.* DSH payments go to hospitals that serve a large number of low-income patients.
$114 billion in other provisions pertaining to Medicare, Medicaid, and CHIP* (does not include coverage-related provisions).
*Subtract $25 billion total between DSH payments and other provisions for spending
Meanwhile, the jobs that have come back aren't the same ones that were lost.

these are 100% lies
GM never gets out of 2012

oh yea, Benghazi
Killing UBL (see 0 dark 30 or read the book no easy day)
OP- No lies, dupe.

You do know 20+ other embassy attacks and protests WERE in reaction to the video EARLIER that day? Only the GOP KNOWS the motives of those who haven't been caught!! The bizarro pub alternate universe AGAIN...
FIAT's the best thing for Chryler in years. Relax, provincial ugly American Pub dupe yokels. Global economy.
OP- No lies, dupe.

You do know 20+ other embassy attacks and protests WERE in reaction to the video EARLIER that day? Only the GOP KNOWS the motives of those who haven't been caught!! The bizarro pub alternate universe AGAIN...

(Reuters) - Former CIA Director David Petraeus told Congress on Friday that he and the spy agency had sought to make clear from the outset that September's deadly attack on the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, involved an al Qaeda affiliate, lawmakers said.

Petraeus told lawmakers "there were extremists in the group" that launched the attack on the diplomatic mission, describing them as affiliates of al Qaeda and other groups, said Representative C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger, the top Democrat on the House of Representatives intelligence committee.

"The fact is that he clarified it," Ruppersberger said.
In Benghazi testimony, Petraeus says al Qaeda role known early | Reuters

(CNN) -- A pro-al Qaeda group responsible for a previous armed assault on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi is the chief suspect in Tuesday's attack that killed the U.S. ambassador to Libya, sources tracking militant Islamist groups in eastern Libya say.
They also note that the attack immediately followed a call from al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri for revenge for the death in June of Abu Yahya al-Libi, a senior Libyan member of the terror group.
The group suspected to be behind the assault -- the Imprisoned Omar Abdul Rahman Brigades -- first surfaced in May when it claimed responsibility for an attack on the International Red Cross office in Benghazi. The following month the group claimed responsibility for detonating an explosive device outside the U.S. Consulate and later released a video of that attack.
Noman Benotman, once a leading member of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group and now based at the Quilliam Foundation in London told CNN, "An attack like this would likely have required preparation. This would not seem to be merely a protest which escalated."
Pro-al Qaeda group seen behind deadly Benghazi attack - CNN.com

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