What was the biggest lie that re-elected Obama?

I think the GOP understood that the chances of ousting Obama were slim, which is why they didnt run a better candidate. It's an understandable stradegy, to save the better contenders for 2016. However, I honestly believe if they had ran a better candidate coupled with a better campaign, they would have won.

I think you're right. I prolly would have voted for Huntsman, but with so many wackaloons crawling out of the woodwork (Santorum, Bachmann, Gingrich) they made Romney look reasonable by comparison and the Huntsmans and Pawlentys never had a chance. That's what happens when you live on (and enable) the fringe. The more the RP allows itself to be tugged off further and further to the right, the more it will continue to miss out on election day.
If central banks weren't buying securities, markets for corporate paper would be significantly lower and the 500 or so TRILLION dollars of basically worthless derivatives that Obama has propped up for four years would be like an anchor around the neck of the global economy. Energy companies like Exxon for example might only be about 30% over valued and brick and mortar licenses to print money like WalMart 40% false value, while online commerce types like eBay and Amazon are 50% over valued and fad stocks like Facebook and Apple are at least 60% over valued today.

So, you buy stocks and I'll keep land, various trade goods, and US government guaranteed investments - absorbing whatever losses are necessary to convert to other assets when inflation takes off. Then let's see who has the most toys.

Vulture capitalism is when a filthy god damned scum loads a company with debt, then pays himself the money as dividends on his way out the door. Crooks and the morons who wish they were smart enough to be crooks seem to go for it. Honest people don't.

For what it is worth, vulture capitalism - the practice of using borrowed money to buy businesses, was at one time an honorable method of passing farms and other small businesses along to children or over to partners. Then William Simon, Willard Romany and other ReagaNUT scum figured out that instead of paying people like Milken to fuck the public through penny stocks and junk bonds, they could simply borrow the money to fuck workers and keep all the money for themselves.

An early example, before Reagan was out of office his people had destroyed most of the glass industry in West Virginia, buying overcaptalized profitable businesses, looting them, and seriously downsizing them before selling as much real estate as possible while leaving the vestiges of an operating business. About ten thousand WV glass industry jobs were sold down the drain during the ReagaNUT learning curve stages of vulture capitalism.

Today the national number is closer to thirty or forty million decent paying US jobs traded to foreign hellholes for no benefit to a single decent American citizen. Admittedly, only about half of that number are directly attributable to vulture capitalism, but the idea of sending jobs offshore and retaining profits offshore is also the brain child of your heroes in the ReagaNUT economic cabal.
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I think the GOP understood that the chances of ousting Obama were slim, which is why they didnt run a better candidate. It's an understandable stradegy, to save the better contenders for 2016. However, I honestly believe if they had ran a better candidate coupled with a better campaign, they would have won.

Do you think that if the press calls BHO out on his performance as the president it would have made a difference?

at least when Bush misspoke, it was funny, with Obama, its more like, I can't believe this guy is president. How can he blatantly lie to 300 million people? Everything is Bush's fault? when does it stop?

It doesn't.

Bush is at present the living symbol of the false promises of ReagaNUTism. After a lifetime coasting along in the shadow of decent people, Bush's inadequacies caught up with him. Unfortunately for America at that moment he was as Peter Principled as anyone in public life has ever been.

Long after that filthy little inheritor-halfwit is dead he shall properly be described in history books just below James Buchanan and Bush ancestor Franklin Pierce as the least competent president in American history at least through the year 2012.

at least when Bush misspoke, it was funny, with Obama, its more like, I can't believe this guy is president. How can he blatantly lie to 300 million people? Everything is Bush's fault? when does it stop?

It doesn't.

Bush is at present the living symbol of the false promises of ReagaNUTism. After a lifetime coasting along in the shadow of decent people, Bush's inadequacies caught up with him. Unfortunately for America at that moment he was as Peter Principled as anyone in public life has ever been.

Long after that filthy little inheritor-halfwit is dead he shall properly be described in history books just below James Buchanan and Bush ancestor Franklin Pierce as the least competent president in American history at least through the year 2012.

That last part's kinda scary. To think that it's possible to have in the future a POTUS who's even worse that Shrub was. At that point the country probably ceases to exist. Obviously we're still paying for the Bushites.

Shrub was so bent on getting the second term his old man failed to, that he forgot to have a reason for running. He was always in over his head.
I was really amused at how Bush stopped speaking in public to any group that was not a veterans group, or the active military, about 1/3rd way through his second term. He also was not up to the heavy lifting. He had to send Cheney out to talk to the fat cats. Bush was pretty much on his way to being another Nixon, isolated, and imprisoned in the White House.
We lost because of our social values cons, our neo-cons, and our neo-econs.

America has just changed too much.
I think the GOP understood that the chances of ousting Obama were slim, which is why they didnt run a better candidate. It's an understandable stradegy, to save the better contenders for 2016. However, I honestly believe if they had ran a better candidate coupled with a better campaign, they would have won.

I think you're right. I prolly would have voted for Huntsman, but with so many wackaloons crawling out of the woodwork (Santorum, Bachmann, Gingrich) they made Romney look reasonable by comparison and the Huntsmans and Pawlentys never had a chance. That's what happens when you live on (and enable) the fringe. The more the RP allows itself to be tugged off further and further to the right, the more it will continue to miss out on election day.

Newt is so much more the leader than BHO its not even funny
The balanced budgets of the 90s? Thank Newt
Welfare reform in the 90s?
Thank Newt
You have a right to vote for whom ever.
I can tell you this, it cannot get any worse and to call any of those people wackaloons while ignoring the obvious is not normal
That worries me
there are so many of you
I mean no dis respect, but more of you really need to think about those your calling these names vs the ones your worshiping
It is not working
I was really amused at how Bush stopped speaking in public to any group that was not a veterans group, or the active military, about 1/3rd way through his second term. He also was not up to the heavy lifting. He had to send Cheney out to talk to the fat cats. Bush was pretty much on his way to being another Nixon, isolated, and imprisoned in the White House.

Hating GWB will not fix the mess were in today dude
get a life
BTW what did you do with the monies GWB made sure you were allowed to keep with his tax rates?
Hell of thing to say about a man who did that for all of us
get a life dude.
get over it
move on
no matter how much you hate this man, it will not change the mess we are in today

I am up to about 8,000 in monies his tax rate saved for me
at least when Bush misspoke, it was funny, with Obama, its more like, I can't believe this guy is president. How can he blatantly lie to 300 million people? Everything is Bush's fault? when does it stop?

It doesn't.

Bush is at present the living symbol of the false promises of ReagaNUTism. After a lifetime coasting along in the shadow of decent people, Bush's inadequacies caught up with him. Unfortunately for America at that moment he was as Peter Principled as anyone in public life has ever been.

Long after that filthy little inheritor-halfwit is dead he shall properly be described in history books just below James Buchanan and Bush ancestor Franklin Pierce as the least competent president in American history at least through the year 2012.

That last part's kinda scary. To think that it's possible to have in the future a POTUS who's even worse that Shrub was. At that point the country probably ceases to exist. Obviously we're still paying for the Bushites.

Shrub was so bent on getting the second term his old man failed to, that he forgot to have a reason for running. He was always in over his head.

We had a defict of 162 billion in 2007
We had a deficit of 1.5 trillion in 2009 with BHO owning about 900 billion of that with massive job loss and his failed stimulus, last 1/2 of tarp and the famed Omnibus bill

That deficit is all most the same amount GWB had total through 2007 from 2001
are you guys that desperate you have to lie to your selves?
I mean really that is fucked up

The totla debt in 2007 was 9 trillion
its over 16 today
and you blame GWB for that?

JRK is a paleo-con, dead political philosophy walking.

I find it fascinating him walking around here blathering on about a way of politics and culture that has died.
Job creation?
Saving the Auto industry?
Obama-care being deficit neutral?
That a movie caused the murder of a US ambassador on 9-11-2012?
That he inherited the debt?

Its amazing that people are such a state of denial

The country we loved until 2007 is gone and will never be the same again
Thank you

Still got a hurting ars, huh?:clap2:

I love trillion dollar deficits to leave our kids
I think negative GDPs is a grand thing
8 million people has left the work force, there all happy
close to 4 million fewer are working now than was in Dec of 2007
That is 12 million people who were working in late 07, not today

I am fine brother, things are just perfect

CES0000000001 2001 M12 130823
CES0000000001 2002 M12 130291
CES0000000001 2003 M12 130353
CES0000000001 2004 M12 132372
CES0000000001 2005 M12 134856
CES0000000001 2006 M12 136927
CES0000000001 2007 M12 138042
CES0000000001 2008 M12 134425
CES0000000001 2009 M12 129373
CES0000000001 2010 M12 130395
CES0000000001 2011 M12 132498
CES0000000001 2012 M12 134668(P)

Databases, Tables & Calculators by Subject

I am not your brother, Chump...
biggest lie: worst recession since the 30's? No, why not Worst Recession Since "Democrat President Jimmy Carter"???? oh,no,yobamma cant say that,,Carter is a democrat! Can you imagine if a Republican was President from 76 thru 80? Do you think that instead, Obama would of used him as the culprit for the hell we went thru in the late 70's?
I know one that helped the Prez take Ohio again, at least:

PolitiFact Awards 'Lie Of The Year' To Romney Jeep Ad

And yes, no matter how you wingnuts wanna try and spin it, it's STILL a lie.


spin it?
I have not found any-one who has tried to spin that
Fiat made a comment
The left did just what politico did
The post continues to find examples as to the level the media has gone to hide the fact that this country has no chance of overcoming this Marxist regime that now runs our country
A lie?
Fiat Says Jeep Output May Return to China as Demand Rises - Bloomberg
Fiat SpA (F), majority owner of Chrysler Group LLC, plans to return Jeep output to China and may eventually make all of its models in that country, according to the head of both automakers’ operations in the region.
Take it up with Bloomberg and Fiat
As I said
your just confirming the accuracy of the post
Still got a hurting ars, huh?:clap2:

I love trillion dollar deficits to leave our kids
I think negative GDPs is a grand thing
8 million people has left the work force, there all happy
close to 4 million fewer are working now than was in Dec of 2007
That is 12 million people who were working in late 07, not today

I am fine brother, things are just perfect

CES0000000001 2001 M12 130823
CES0000000001 2002 M12 130291
CES0000000001 2003 M12 130353
CES0000000001 2004 M12 132372
CES0000000001 2005 M12 134856
CES0000000001 2006 M12 136927
CES0000000001 2007 M12 138042
CES0000000001 2008 M12 134425
CES0000000001 2009 M12 129373
CES0000000001 2010 M12 130395
CES0000000001 2011 M12 132498
CES0000000001 2012 M12 134668(P)

Databases, Tables & Calculators by Subject

I am not your brother, Chump...

well Ill be dammed
Your level of class is amusing
dude this is not personal. If you cannot handle the truth go away


I would bet money your UE
Living on someone else s wealth, probably the tax payers
working people who are out there every day being part of the solution understand these things
Feel sorry for you
God Bless
biggest lie: worst recession since the 30's? No, why not Worst Recession Since "Democrat President Jimmy Carter"???? oh,no,yobamma cant say that,,Carter is a democrat! Can you imagine if a Republican was President from 76 thru 80? Do you think that instead, Obama would of used him as the culprit for the hell we went thru in the late 70's?

Could you imagine W going 4 years without a budget?
No Jobs created, still 4 million short of 07 levels?
doubling the debt sense 07?
Trillion dollar deficits for ever?
Running around screaming he saved the UAW with tax payers wealth on other peoples backs (that have yet to pay us back)
Proclaiming he killed UBL?

Now think about that for a minute
Hell in 04 CBS made up shit on W and in 2013 the press has totally ignored the negative GDP through Christmas
There talking about amnesty, or rubbers, god knows how evil romney was to re peat what fiat stated about Jeep and there future

what a joke this has became
I could not vot for a Dem just for the un fairness the true conservatives and people who really care about this country are getting treated
job creation?
Saving the auto industry?
Obama-care being deficit neutral?
That a movie caused the murder of a us ambassador on 9-11-2012?
That he inherited the debt?

Its amazing that people are such a state of denial

the country we loved until 2007 is gone and will never be the same again
thank you


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