What was the biggest lie that re-elected Obama?

Job creation?
Saving the Auto industry?
Obama-care being deficit neutral?
That a movie caused the murder of a US ambassador on 9-11-2012?
That he inherited the debt?

Its amazing that people are such a state of denial

The country we loved until 2007 is gone and will never be the same again
Thank you

Still got a hurting ars, huh?:clap2:
why is it you liberals rad a link from a reputable news group and then accuse the person who linked the info as the liar?
the main stream does only 1/2 truths and mostly any more opinions
Fiat SpA (F), majority owner of Chrysler Group LLC, plans to return Jeep output to China and may eventually make all of its models in that country, according to the head of both automakers’ operations in the region.
Thats actual info that has a link
Fiat Says Jeep Output May Return to China as Demand Rises - Bloomberg
take it up with them to call you out, not me

You're really not following this are you?

Chrysler had already been making Jeeps in China, as all companies do for foreign markets of such items, which would be prohibitively expensive to export from here. They shut those factories down due to their poor financial health, I believe around 2008 or 09. All they're doing now is restarting those factories -- which not only indicates their growing health (they also added shifts in Ohio and Michigan) but directly contradicts what Romney was trying to sell about "moving" production to China. No such "move" was ever planned, Chrysler and the media pointed that out, and Romney reacted by continuing on with the false ads anyway.

Now that there is a boy in a bubble. And on election night the Bubble came back to bite him.

Well according to some of the press, your wrong
did I say 1/2 truth all along?

It was a 1/2 truth
this is so funny to watch you twitch about this when Obama has lied about everything that matters
from job growth
to deficits
to who really saved the UAW and who was it that really found UBL
what about Benghazi?
How about the story he told about killing UBL and the real event?
GM pays us back?

Dude chill out, you got what you voted for
negative GDP
no jobs
8 million people left the work force in 4 years
and another no budget trillion dollar deficit
And your trying to defend that with a 1/2 truth Romney stated?

My god no matter how stupid his advisers where, he was our only hope to fix this mess
Job creation?
Saving the Auto industry?
Obama-care being deficit neutral?
That a movie caused the murder of a US ambassador on 9-11-2012?
That he inherited the debt?

Its amazing that people are such a state of denial

The country we loved until 2007 is gone and will never be the same again
Thank you

Still got a hurting ars, huh?:clap2:

I love trillion dollar deficits to leave our kids
I think negative GDPs is a grand thing
8 million people has left the work force, there all happy
close to 4 million fewer are working now than was in Dec of 2007
That is 12 million people who were working in late 07, not today

I am fine brother, things are just perfect

CES0000000001 2001 M12 130823
CES0000000001 2002 M12 130291
CES0000000001 2003 M12 130353
CES0000000001 2004 M12 132372
CES0000000001 2005 M12 134856
CES0000000001 2006 M12 136927
CES0000000001 2007 M12 138042
CES0000000001 2008 M12 134425
CES0000000001 2009 M12 129373
CES0000000001 2010 M12 130395
CES0000000001 2011 M12 132498
CES0000000001 2012 M12 134668(P)

Databases, Tables & Calculators by Subject
why is it you liberals rad a link from a reputable news group and then accuse the person who linked the info as the liar?
the main stream does only 1/2 truths and mostly any more opinions
Fiat SpA (F), majority owner of Chrysler Group LLC, plans to return Jeep output to China and may eventually make all of its models in that country, according to the head of both automakers’ operations in the region.
Thats actual info that has a link
Fiat Says Jeep Output May Return to China as Demand Rises - Bloomberg
take it up with them to call you out, not me

You're really not following this are you?

Chrysler had already been making Jeeps in China, as all companies do for foreign markets of such items, which would be prohibitively expensive to export from here. They shut those factories down due to their poor financial health, I believe around 2008 or 09. All they're doing now is restarting those factories -- which not only indicates their growing health (they also added shifts in Ohio and Michigan) but directly contradicts what Romney was trying to sell about "moving" production to China. No such "move" was ever planned, Chrysler and the media pointed that out, and Romney reacted by continuing on with the false ads anyway.

Now that there is a boy in a bubble. And on election night the Bubble came back to bite him.

Well according to some of the press, your wrong
did I say 1/2 truth all along?

It was a 1/2 truth
this is so funny to watch you twitch about this when Obama has lied about everything that matters
from job growth
to deficits
to who really saved the UAW and who was it that really found UBL
what about Benghazi?
How about the story he told about killing UBL and the real event?
GM pays us back?

Dude chill out, you got what you voted for
negative GDP
no jobs
8 million people left the work force in 4 years
and another no budget trillion dollar deficit
And your trying to defend that with a 1/2 truth Romney stated?

My god no matter how stupid his advisers where, he was our only hope to fix this mess

I know English is your fifth language but I didn't "defend" anything; I proved two false statements to be false statements. Move the goalposts all you like but that's all there is to it. The country didn't want a president that out of touch with reality. Deal with it.
You're really not following this are you?

Chrysler had already been making Jeeps in China, as all companies do for foreign markets of such items, which would be prohibitively expensive to export from here. They shut those factories down due to their poor financial health, I believe around 2008 or 09. All they're doing now is restarting those factories -- which not only indicates their growing health (they also added shifts in Ohio and Michigan) but directly contradicts what Romney was trying to sell about "moving" production to China. No such "move" was ever planned, Chrysler and the media pointed that out, and Romney reacted by continuing on with the false ads anyway.

Now that there is a boy in a bubble. And on election night the Bubble came back to bite him.

Well according to some of the press, your wrong
did I say 1/2 truth all along?

It was a 1/2 truth
this is so funny to watch you twitch about this when Obama has lied about everything that matters
from job growth
to deficits
to who really saved the UAW and who was it that really found UBL
what about Benghazi?
How about the story he told about killing UBL and the real event?
GM pays us back?

Dude chill out, you got what you voted for
negative GDP
no jobs
8 million people left the work force in 4 years
and another no budget trillion dollar deficit
And your trying to defend that with a 1/2 truth Romney stated?

My god no matter how stupid his advisers where, he was our only hope to fix this mess

I know English is your fifth language but I didn't "defend" anything; I proved two false statements to be false statements. Move the goalposts all you like but that's all there is to it. The country didn't want a president that out of touch with reality. Deal with it.

how did you prove this?
according to others you proved nothing
At least I had the courage to claim at best any of it is 1/2 truth

Again no mention of Obama s lies that are 100% lies
job record?
Databases, Tables & Calculators by Subject
CES0000000001 2001 M12 130823
CES0000000001 2002 M12 130291
CES0000000001 2003 M12 130353
CES0000000001 2004 M12 132372
CES0000000001 2005 M12 134856
CES0000000001 2006 M12 136927
CES0000000001 2007 M12 138042
CES0000000001 2008 M12 134425

CES0000000001 2009 M12 129373
CES0000000001 2010 M12 130395
CES0000000001 2011 M12 132498
CES0000000001 2012 M12 134668(P)

These are from December of each year
now claiming to have created 1 job in that 4 year period is a lie
we are still million from 07 levels
that is not creation
JRK is doing the alinksie projection is all.

Ask him for evidence, and he doesn't have it.
Libs make me laugh with this grammar police when all else fails
Grammar police? :lol: Here, I will help you.

Thesis, Evidence, Conclusion

You go Assertion, Conclusion then want everybody to provide evidence to refute your Conclusion.
Well according to some of the press, your wrong
did I say 1/2 truth all along?

It was a 1/2 truth
this is so funny to watch you twitch about this when Obama has lied about everything that matters
from job growth
to deficits
to who really saved the UAW and who was it that really found UBL
what about Benghazi?
How about the story he told about killing UBL and the real event?
GM pays us back?

Dude chill out, you got what you voted for
negative GDP
no jobs
8 million people left the work force in 4 years
and another no budget trillion dollar deficit
And your trying to defend that with a 1/2 truth Romney stated?

My god no matter how stupid his advisers where, he was our only hope to fix this mess

I know English is your fifth language but I didn't "defend" anything; I proved two false statements to be false statements. Move the goalposts all you like but that's all there is to it. The country didn't want a president that out of touch with reality. Deal with it.

how did you prove this?
according to others you proved nothing

You can declare it "nothing" all you like but it doesn't make the post go away. Nor its documentation.

Your simple denial of what's on the page is pathetic self-delusion.
I know English is your fifth language but I didn't "defend" anything; I proved two false statements to be false statements. Move the goalposts all you like but that's all there is to it. The country didn't want a president that out of touch with reality. Deal with it.

how did you prove this?
according to others you proved nothing

You can declare it "nothing" all you like but it doesn't make the post go away. Nor its documentation.

Your simple denial of what's on the page is pathetic self-delusion.

your link is more accurate than mine?
Okay if it makes you happy
That is the exact mentality that has this country in the mess it is in
Or is the proper grammar
The reason we are in such a mess lies within the level of denial the liberal voter lives in, which should never be confused with a river in Egypt
Grammar police? :lol: Here, I will help you.

Thesis, Evidence, Conclusion

You go Assertion, Conclusion then want everybody to provide evidence to refute your Conclusion.

-- and even if you do, he just denies what's sitting right on the page.

That's not a debate -- that's a Bubble thumper.
This election was the Republican's to loose and sure enough they came through with flying colors.
Missouri Rep. Todd Akin first said "women can’t get pregnant from legitimate rape" or the runner up from Indiana Republican Treasurer Richard Mourdock who said "women who get pregnant during a rape was “something God intended.”
These two comments pretty much drove any self respecting Independent Voter away fro the Republican camp.
Lies didn't elect Obama, Romney did.

Amy Romney's advisers were idiots
But my god the press gave BHO a free pass on every lie he told
there the reason more than anything BHO was re elected
That is my opinion
He did NOT save GM
He did not save Chryler
GM has not paid us back
Taxpayers stand to lose $27B in bailout, watchdog says | Fox News
he did little to kill UBL, the event that found him was in place when he was elected and the way he was found he outlawed
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRdjFVXnKIg]5/9/11 Former CIA director says waterboarding was key to UBL find - YouTube[/ame]
There has 0 job creation sense 2007
even CNN agreed with that
CNN Fact Check: About those 4.5 million jobs ... - CNN.com
Benghazi and fort hood where terrorist attacks
The ugly truth about Benghazi and Team Obama | Fox News
Video: Fort Hood massacre not considered a terrorist attack? « Hot Air

ALL of these items BHO has at best been 25% honest about, yet the media ignored them all except as noted
google jeep, romney and my god you would think that Romney had killed the virgin Mary
This election was the Republican's to loose and sure enough they came through with flying colors.
Missouri Rep. Todd Akin first said "women can’t get pregnant from legitimate rape" or the runner up from Indiana Republican Treasurer Richard Mourdock who said "women who get pregnant during a rape was “something God intended.”
These two comments pretty much drove any self respecting Independent Voter away fro the Republican camp.

It is not about those few idiots as well as Romney's advisers
the media gave BHO a free pass
refer to thread above

you cannot overcome the voter who will not do there DD, or do not care
I think the GOP understood that the chances of ousting Obama were slim, which is why they didnt run a better candidate. It's an understandable stradegy, to save the better contenders for 2016. However, I honestly believe if they had ran a better candidate coupled with a better campaign, they would have won.
Flatly, the GOP should have won, could have won even with JRK.

But . . . they did not. We have reached a crossroads. Either we GOP make the right choice, or we will go on the ashbin of history.

We must reach out honestly and forthrightly to women and Hispanics, and we must throw away the far right reactionary radicals, who are the losing side of history.
Job creation?
Saving the Auto industry?
Obama-care being deficit neutral?
That a movie caused the murder of a US ambassador on 9-11-2012?
That he inherited the debt?

Its amazing that people are such a state of denial

The country we loved until 2007 is gone and will never be the same again
Thank you

The country morons loved "until 2007" never existed; what did exist was a sort of "Brigadoon" for pipedreamers on both sides of the political aisle. From about 1983 until 2008 the US government borrowed more money than in the previous 200 years and got less value from it than a horny kid gets at a two dollar peep show.
But I digress...

The lie that elected Obama was Willard's sweeping charge that 47% of American citizens are welfare queens. That video ended the contest.

It made me sad watching a corporate welfare hound like Willard attacking the ten to fifteen percent of decent people who need help, but it made me laugh out loud knowing the Mormon scum couldn't contain his pathological lying enough to avoid attacking about half of all voters in America.

Vulture capitalism seems to attract pathological liars, really.
Last edited:
I think the GOP understood that the chances of ousting Obama were slim, which is why they didnt run a better candidate. It's an understandable stradegy, to save the better contenders for 2016. However, I honestly believe if they had ran a better candidate coupled with a better campaign, they would have won.

Do you think that if the press calls BHO out on his performance as the president it would have made a difference?
Job creation?
Saving the Auto industry?
Obama-care being deficit neutral?
That a movie caused the murder of a US ambassador on 9-11-2012?
That he inherited the debt?

Its amazing that people are such a state of denial

The country we loved until 2007 is gone and will never be the same again
Thank you

The country morons loved "until 2007" never existed; what did exist was a sort of "Brigadoon" for pipedreamers on both sides of the political aisle. From about 1983 until 2008 the US government borrowed more money than in the previous 200 years and got less value from it than a horny kid gets at a two dollar peep show.
But I digress...

The lie that elected Obama was Willard's sweeping charge that 47% of American citizens are welfare queens. That video ended the contest.

It made me sad watching a corporate welfare hound like Willard attacking the ten to fifteen percent of decent people who need help, but it made me laugh out loud knowing the Mormon scum couldn't contain his pathological lying enough to avoid attacking about half of all voters in America.

Vulture capitalism seems to attract pathological liars, really.

The 47% comment was the end game, I agree
with the media giving BHO a free pass, nothing could have defeated him no matter
To be honest, his comment made me mad
many of those who are on the Govt payroll earned it and or deserve it
The rest of your thread makes no sense to me

Vulture capitalism?
But some stock in Exxon and stop whining

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