What was the biggest lie that re-elected Obama?

As a democrat, I am begging you republicans...please, PLEASE nominate Sarah Palin again next election. PLEASE!!!!!!!

The party of protecting women attacked her with no stopping
Spet 100s of millions on destroying ol Sarah
Hell even the scum bag Letterman got in on the deal
Marco will be our next President

Oh, come on! Give Mitt another chance! He has the charisma of a dead eel, and the magnatism of a rubber glove!

as compared to a man who has lied to you on everything?
you libs have a very strange sense of judgement
I will never understand how American elected such a boring person to be president, no personality,no charisma, to the extent that he needs a teleprompter just to speak to 6th graders.

I think the Bush II would have been better off with more teleprompters, and less off the cuff remarks...although I still get a kick out of watching him on Youtube making this speach:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OF48IghIN7c]Sicko: OB/Gyn Love - YouTube[/ame]:eusa_whistle:
The party of protecting women attacked her with no stopping
Spet 100s of millions on destroying ol Sarah
Hell even the scum bag Letterman got in on the deal
Marco will be our next President

Oh, come on! Give Mitt another chance! He has the charisma of a dead eel, and the magnatism of a rubber glove!

as compared to a man who has lied to you on everything?
you libs have a very strange sense of judgement

Well, our judgment is that we seek to win elections. I'm not sure what the republican judgement is, other than to lose and then whine about it for another 4 years!:lol:
I see the Red Whine is still flowing. Amazing how much whine you can make from sour grapes.

Again, the most effective lie that elected O'bama was "Jeep moving to China". That went over like the proverbial lead balloon. No way Romney was going to win either Ohio or his native Michigan after he floated that out there and when called on it, actually continued with it. Hard to live that down.

Oh ya the 1/2 truth?
Obama took GM and Chrysler into bankruptcy …. Well, technically, the Obama administration rescued GM and Chrysler when the only other option was a conventional bankruptcy favored by Romney.

… and sold Chrysler to Italians … These aren’t exactly scary people to Ohioans and Michiganders who have family names like Guadagne and Ventamiglia.

Oh, bullshit.

Chrysler was sold by Cerberus Capital Management, a company like Bain, and the company that actually owned it. What the USG did was tell Cerberus it wouldn't get help unless it did the responsible thing and struck a deal with Fiat. A loan that's been recovered, btw. What "family names like Guadagne and Ventamiglia" have to do with anything is lost on me.

… who are going to build Jeeps in China. OK, there is the Chinese bogeyman. And this charge is true. It’s just that it’s not all that frightening to Ohio and Michigan Jeep workers whose jobs seem pretty secure right now.
And now, after Romney’s false claim of Jeep outsourcing to China, … Romney did not claim that Chrysler was “outsourcing” existing Jeep jobs to China but only that Chrysler is going to “build Jeeps in China.” And that is true.

Again, it's bullshit.
“I saw a story today that one of the great manufacturers in this state, Jeep, now owned by the Italians, is thinking of moving all production to China. I will fight for every good job in America, I’m going to fight to make sure trade is fair” -- Mitt Romney, Defiance Ohio, October 25 2012

The ads continued to perpetuate the lie.

That's bizarre judgement, to be publicly called out for a blatant untruth ---- and then just continue with it anyway. Small wonder the electorate didn't want a guy in the top spot with that kind of judgement. This would indicate that Romney was betting the electorate was too stupid and uninformed to know better. He lost that bet. So there's an indication who the uninformed really are.
I will never understand how American elected such a boring person to be president, no personality,no charisma, to the extent that he needs a teleprompter just to speak to 6th graders.

I think the Bush II would have been better off with more teleprompters, and less off the cuff remarks...although I still get a kick out of watching him on Youtube making this speach:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OF48IghIN7c]Sicko: OB/Gyn Love - YouTube[/ame]:eusa_whistle:

from the cuff
I miss ol W
at least when Bush misspoke, it was funny, with Obama, its more like, I can't believe this guy is president. How can he blatantly lie to 300 million people? Everything is Bush's fault? when does it stop?
I will never understand how American elected such a boring person to be president, no personality,no charisma, to the extent that he needs a teleprompter just to speak to 6th graders.

I will never understand how every President since Eisenhower (let alone every talking head on Fox Noise) uses a Teleprompter for 57 years and somehow it's never an issue... until the stroke of 12 noon on January 20, 2009.

Must be a Mayan prediction thing.
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I see the Red Whine is still flowing. Amazing how much whine you can make from sour grapes.

Again, the most effective lie that elected O'bama was "Jeep moving to China". That went over like the proverbial lead balloon. No way Romney was going to win either Ohio or his native Michigan after he floated that out there and when called on it, actually continued with it. Hard to live that down.

Oh ya the 1/2 truth?
Obama took GM and Chrysler into bankruptcy …. Well, technically, the Obama administration rescued GM and Chrysler when the only other option was a conventional bankruptcy favored by Romney.

… and sold Chrysler to Italians … These aren’t exactly scary people to Ohioans and Michiganders who have family names like Guadagne and Ventamiglia.

Oh, bullshit.

Chrysler was sold by Cerberus Capital Management, a company like Bain, and the company that actually owned it. What the USG did was tell Cerberus it wouldn't get help unless it did the responsible thing and struck a deal with Fiat. A loan that's been recovered, btw. What "family names like Guadagne and Ventamiglia" have to do with anything is lost on me.

… who are going to build Jeeps in China. OK, there is the Chinese bogeyman. And this charge is true. It’s just that it’s not all that frightening to Ohio and Michigan Jeep workers whose jobs seem pretty secure right now.
And now, after Romney’s false claim of Jeep outsourcing to China, … Romney did not claim that Chrysler was “outsourcing” existing Jeep jobs to China but only that Chrysler is going to “build Jeeps in China.” And that is true.

Again, it's bullshit.
“I saw a story today that one of the great manufacturers in this state, Jeep, now owned by the Italians, is thinking of moving all production to China. I will fight for every good job in America, I’m going to fight to make sure trade is fair” -- Mitt Romney, Defiance Ohio, October 25 2012

The ads continued to perpetuate the lie.

That's bizarre judgement, to be publicly called out for a blatant untruth ---- and then just continue with it anyway. Small wonder the electorate didn't want a guy in the top spot with that kind of judgement. This would indicate that Romney was betting the electorate was too stupid and uninformed to know better. He lost that bet. So there's an indication who the uninformed really are.

Pogo BHO created the events
That "untruth" is Forbes, not mine
Simple as I can put it
Your passion about what is at worse or best a 1/2 truth
and yet you ignore the gran dad of lying

And you talk about mis informed?
Congress told GWB dont give them any money, yet he ignored them
BHO did not even ask
It was wrong to start with
The terms? the govt had nothing to do with setting the terms of those loans? without the will of the people?

So you claim that some group sold Chrysler and BHO had no play in it?
Well is that not amazing that without GWB there is no Chrysler
Without BHO it dies after W saves them


George W. Bush agreed to a temporary bailout, but handed the auto companies' long-term future over to his successor, President-Elect Barack Obama. Obama then shepherded a comprehensive bailout of the two companies that allowed them to stay in business but imposed numerous conditions that, it was hoped, would secure their viability and allow the companies to eventually return to profitability.
DETROIT, May 24 (Reuters) - Chrysler Group LLC was set on Tuesday to repay $7.5 billion in U.S. and Canadian government loans from its 2009 federal bailout, a move that will allow the U.S. automaker to distance itself from an unpopular bailout and deepen its ties with Italian automaker Fiat SpA (FIA.MI).

And BTW, whose money did they use to do this deal with?

No BHO had nothing to do with this event did he?
I will never understand how American elected such a boring person to be president, no personality,no charisma, to the extent that he needs a teleprompter just to speak to 6th graders.

I will never understand how every President since Eisenhower (let alone every talking head on Fox Noise) uses a Teleprompter for 57 years and somehow it's never an issue... until the stroke of 12 noon on January 20, 2009.

Must be a Mayan prediction thing.

I often wondered about this, too. Reagan hardly ever said a word without a teleprompter, unless Nancy told him what to say, instead...
Oh ya the 1/2 truth?
Obama took GM and Chrysler into bankruptcy …. Well, technically, the Obama administration rescued GM and Chrysler when the only other option was a conventional bankruptcy favored by Romney.

… and sold Chrysler to Italians … These aren’t exactly scary people to Ohioans and Michiganders who have family names like Guadagne and Ventamiglia.

Oh, bullshit.

Chrysler was sold by Cerberus Capital Management, a company like Bain, and the company that actually owned it. What the USG did was tell Cerberus it wouldn't get help unless it did the responsible thing and struck a deal with Fiat. A loan that's been recovered, btw. What "family names like Guadagne and Ventamiglia" have to do with anything is lost on me.

… who are going to build Jeeps in China. OK, there is the Chinese bogeyman. And this charge is true. It’s just that it’s not all that frightening to Ohio and Michigan Jeep workers whose jobs seem pretty secure right now.
And now, after Romney’s false claim of Jeep outsourcing to China, … Romney did not claim that Chrysler was “outsourcing” existing Jeep jobs to China but only that Chrysler is going to “build Jeeps in China.” And that is true.

Again, it's bullshit.
“I saw a story today that one of the great manufacturers in this state, Jeep, now owned by the Italians, is thinking of moving all production to China. I will fight for every good job in America, I’m going to fight to make sure trade is fair” -- Mitt Romney, Defiance Ohio, October 25 2012

The ads continued to perpetuate the lie.

That's bizarre judgement, to be publicly called out for a blatant untruth ---- and then just continue with it anyway. Small wonder the electorate didn't want a guy in the top spot with that kind of judgement. This would indicate that Romney was betting the electorate was too stupid and uninformed to know better. He lost that bet. So there's an indication who the uninformed really are.

Pogo BHO created the events
That "untruth" is Forbes, not mine
Simple as I can put it
Your passion about what is at worse or best a 1/2 truth
and yet you ignore the gran dad of lying

And you talk about mis informed?
Congress told GWB dont give them any money, yet he ignored them
BHO did not even ask
It was wrong to start with
The terms? the govt had nothing to do with setting the terms of those loans? without the will of the people?

So you claim that some group sold Chrysler and BHO had no play in it?
Well is that not amazing that without GWB there is no Chrysler
Without BHO it dies after W saves them


George W. Bush agreed to a temporary bailout, but handed the auto companies' long-term future over to his successor, President-Elect Barack Obama. Obama then shepherded a comprehensive bailout of the two companies that allowed them to stay in business but imposed numerous conditions that, it was hoped, would secure their viability and allow the companies to eventually return to profitability.
DETROIT, May 24 (Reuters) - Chrysler Group LLC was set on Tuesday to repay $7.5 billion in U.S. and Canadian government loans from its 2009 federal bailout, a move that will allow the U.S. automaker to distance itself from an unpopular bailout and deepen its ties with Italian automaker Fiat SpA (FIA.MI).

And BTW, whose money did they use to do this deal with?

No BHO had nothing to do with this event did he?

Nice try at retreating earlier post, but what you said was that "O'bama sold Chrysler" and "Romney never said Chrysler was moving", both of which were false, and proven so.

These goalposts don't move.
Fiat Says Jeep Output May Return to China as Demand Rises
By Craig Trudell - Oct 22, 2012 11:10 AM ET

Fiat SpA (F), majority owner of Chrysler Group LLC, plans to return Jeep output to China and may eventually make all of its models in that country, according to the head of both automakers’ operations in the region.
Fiat is in “very detailed conversations” with its Chinese partner, Guangzhou Automobile Group Co. (2238), about making Jeeps in the world’s largest auto market, said Mike Manley, chief operating officer of Fiat and Chrysler in Asia. Chrysler hasn’t built Jeeps there since before Fiat took control in 2009.

Fiat Says Jeep Output May Return to China as Demand Rises - Bloomberg
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Oh, bullshit.

Chrysler was sold by Cerberus Capital Management, a company like Bain, and the company that actually owned it. What the USG did was tell Cerberus it wouldn't get help unless it did the responsible thing and struck a deal with Fiat. A loan that's been recovered, btw. What "family names like Guadagne and Ventamiglia" have to do with anything is lost on me.

Again, it's bullshit.
“I saw a story today that one of the great manufacturers in this state, Jeep, now owned by the Italians, is thinking of moving all production to China. I will fight for every good job in America, I’m going to fight to make sure trade is fair” -- Mitt Romney, Defiance Ohio, October 25 2012

The ads continued to perpetuate the lie.

That's bizarre judgement, to be publicly called out for a blatant untruth ---- and then just continue with it anyway. Small wonder the electorate didn't want a guy in the top spot with that kind of judgement. This would indicate that Romney was betting the electorate was too stupid and uninformed to know better. He lost that bet. So there's an indication who the uninformed really are.

Pogo BHO created the events
That "untruth" is Forbes, not mine
Simple as I can put it
Your passion about what is at worse or best a 1/2 truth
and yet you ignore the gran dad of lying

And you talk about mis informed?
Congress told GWB dont give them any money, yet he ignored them
BHO did not even ask
It was wrong to start with
The terms? the govt had nothing to do with setting the terms of those loans? without the will of the people?

So you claim that some group sold Chrysler and BHO had no play in it?
Well is that not amazing that without GWB there is no Chrysler
Without BHO it dies after W saves them


George W. Bush agreed to a temporary bailout, but handed the auto companies' long-term future over to his successor, President-Elect Barack Obama. Obama then shepherded a comprehensive bailout of the two companies that allowed them to stay in business but imposed numerous conditions that, it was hoped, would secure their viability and allow the companies to eventually return to profitability.
DETROIT, May 24 (Reuters) - Chrysler Group LLC was set on Tuesday to repay $7.5 billion in U.S. and Canadian government loans from its 2009 federal bailout, a move that will allow the U.S. automaker to distance itself from an unpopular bailout and deepen its ties with Italian automaker Fiat SpA (FIA.MI).

And BTW, whose money did they use to do this deal with?

No BHO had nothing to do with this event did he?

Nice try at retreating earlier post, but what you said was that "O'bama sold Chrysler" and "Romney never said Chrysler was moving", both of which were false, and proven so.

These goalposts don't move.

Fiat Says Jeep Output May Return to China as Demand Rises - Bloomberg
Fiat SpA (F), majority owner of Chrysler Group LLC, plans to return Jeep output to China and may eventually make all of its models in that country, according to the head of both automakers’ operations in the region.
who said anything about moving gold post?

again why is it your anger is with this 1/2 truth and 0 anger with the king of lying
"UBL was armed"
why is it you liberals rad a link from a reputable news group and then accuse the person who linked the info as the liar?
the main stream does only 1/2 truths and mostly any more opinions
Fiat SpA (F), majority owner of Chrysler Group LLC, plans to return Jeep output to China and may eventually make all of its models in that country, according to the head of both automakers’ operations in the region.
Thats actual info that has a link
Fiat Says Jeep Output May Return to China as Demand Rises - Bloomberg
take it up with them to call you out, not me
why is it you liberals rad a link from a reputable news group and then accuse the person who linked the info as the liar?
the main stream does only 1/2 truths and mostly any more opinions
Fiat SpA (F), majority owner of Chrysler Group LLC, plans to return Jeep output to China and may eventually make all of its models in that country, according to the head of both automakers’ operations in the region.
Thats actual info that has a link
Fiat Says Jeep Output May Return to China as Demand Rises - Bloomberg
take it up with them to call you out, not me

You're really not following this are you?

Chrysler had already been making Jeeps in China, as all companies do for foreign markets of such items, which would be prohibitively expensive to export from here. They shut those factories down due to their poor financial health, I believe around 2008 or 09. All they're doing now is restarting those factories -- which not only indicates their growing health (they also added shifts in Ohio and Michigan) but directly contradicts what Romney was trying to sell about "moving" production to China. No such "move" was ever planned, Chrysler and the media pointed that out, and Romney reacted by continuing on with the false ads anyway.

Now that there is a boy in a bubble. And on election night the Bubble came back to bite him.

Btw right in your own link it's clarified: "Manley referred to adding Jeep production sites rather than shifting output from North America to China." Your own link.
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Jeeps moving to China, Total BS:

Is Jeep moving U.S. production to China? | Newslines

Clarification by Chrysler
On October 25, 2012, Chrysler made a clarifying statement:

There are times when the reading of a newswire report generates storms originated by a biased or predisposed approach. On Oct. 22, 2012, at 11:10 a.m. ET, the Bloomberg News report “Fiat Says Jeep® Output May Return to China as Demand Rises” stated “Chrysler currently builds all Jeep SUV models at plants in Michigan, Illinois and Ohio. Manley (President and CEO of the Jeep brand) referred to adding Jeep production sites rather than shifting output from North America to China.”

Despite clear and accurate reporting, the take has given birth to a number of stories making readers believe that Chrysler plans to shift all Jeep production to China from North America, and therefore idle assembly lines and U.S. workforce. It is a leap that would be difficult even for professional circus acrobats.

Let’s set the record straight: ”Jeep has no intention of shifting production of its Jeep models out of North America to China.” It’s simply reviewing the opportunities to return Jeep output to China for the world’s largest auto market. U.S. Jeep assembly lines will continue to stay in operation. A careful and unbiased reading of the Bloomberg take would have saved unnecessary fantasies and extravagant comments.

Which is a reference to the fifth paragraph of the original Bloomberg article:

Chrysler currently builds all Jeep SUV models at plants in Michigan, Illinois and Ohio. Manley referred to adding Jeep production sites rather than shifting output from North America to China.
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Job creation?
Saving the Auto industry?
Obama-care being deficit neutral?
That a movie caused the murder of a US ambassador on 9-11-2012?
That he inherited the debt?

Its amazing that people are such a state of denial

The country we loved until 2007 is gone and will never be the same again
Thank you

I don't think it was "lies" that got Obama re-elected, so much as it was Obama purchasing the election. He simply handed trillions out to the unions, green energy sector, auto industry, and Wall Street. At the same time, he forgave home owners on their home loans and forgave students on their college loans. There is not a single part of America you could find where Obama did not throw ungodly amounts of money at to win their affection and vote.

Almost half of America could not be purchased. Sadly, the rest of America was for sale, and sell they did. They sold out the entire future of this nation for their own greed (typical of the greedy, idiot liberal dumbocrat).

In part those where lies
The failed stimulus was exactly as you have pointed out
There was millions who stayed home and did not vote
But your right about those who do not understand how much better it is without the govt doing it for you

You are hypocritical, in that you have defended one of the greatest do it for you and let's get involved in everything neo-con governments ever. FDR would have been very impressed with Bush et al. Period.
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