What was the biggest lie that re-elected Obama?

JRK and the neo-cons will not have power again, thank heavens.

As long as Dems and Moderates don't rest on their laurels.

We need to make 2014 the year we flush the teaturds.

Tea turds?
your in a pure state of denial dude
You do more to prove how much you have been lied to than I can in a life-time

what lie told by the BHO campaign got him re-elected the most?
You have ignored every example I have gave you

One more thing, does it matter to you that you voted for a man who has lied to you?
think about it
Job creation?
Saving the Auto industry?
Obama-care being deficit neutral?
That a movie caused the murder of a US ambassador on 9-11-2012?
That he inherited the debt?

Its amazing that people are such a state of denial

The country we loved until 2007 is gone and will never be the same again
Thank you

the biggest lie that elected obama was the one the republicans told themselves.

Del why is it you liberals ignore those simple examples?
why would you allow your selves to be lied to and like it is beyond me
and do not come back with Romney "lies"
he is not the president, and you did not vote for him
He got his supporters riled by saying he and the Dems were prepared to give them more free stuff and the Repubs were not going to be so generous.

The lie is that he and other libs actually care about poor people, the economy, unemployment, the debt or our constitution.

If they truly wanted to end poverty, it wouldn't be a record levels. If he wanted to help the economy, he wouldn't have shoved through policies that kill jobs. If he cared about the debt, he wouldn't do everything possible to grow it. If he cared about our constitution, he wouldn't search for ways to get around it.
Job creation?
Saving the Auto industry?
Obama-care being deficit neutral?
That a movie caused the murder of a US ambassador on 9-11-2012?
That he inherited the debt?

Its amazing that people are such a state of denial

The country we loved until 2007 is gone and will never be the same again
Thank you

I think it was the lie that Chrysler was going to close down its Jeep plant in Toledo so they could make all Jeeps in China. That and the lie that cutting the top tax rate to 25% would be revenue neutral when we already have a massive deficit in revenue. Those two Romney lies helped re-elect Obama.
The Biggest lie?

"Romney would have made a good president".

That lie got Obama elected.
LOL!!! I know...right? I'm laughing my butt off right now thinking about it.

1) NONE, 100% greed by the lender and the lendee. Not sure what W or any politician was suppose to do to stop bank fraud

Bush had everything to do with it. This is what happens when you deregulate and allow financial inst. to conduct faulty practice. Going to 2 diff. wars and writing a trillion dollar RX plan for seniors that were never paid for. I could go farther into with you, but I think I might loose you.

2) He believes that wealth is a product of the govt and that the govt has a right to gibe that wealth to those who have done nothing to earn it

No once again you are batting 0 for 2. I guess this is where your socialist crap come into play. first off big biz. has never been booming more than now. also what you don't undertand is the GOV. IS needed in MANY situations, the way it is able to function, is though taxes. It also needs to be said, NO creditible econ. think tank will say trickle down econ works, also the top 1% are NOT job creators. once again I can go farther into it but I think it might just confuse you.

3) No-one lied as I recall, Really REALLY? weapons of mass destruction, connection between Osama and sadam, I hope I dont need to keep going on this. Also PLEASE PLEASE explain how beruit is any different, I will wait!

4) What loser policies and what debt did he inherit? he added 3-500 billion to Ws last budget (failed stimulus, last 50% of tarp. and the dollars added to the Ominbus bill) he also had majorities in both houses that could have eliminated all of it.

I kinda went into this on answer 1. but I guess I can humor you. the bush tax cuts, 2 wars unpaid, RX plan for seniors unpaid, housing bubble and faulty loans, derugulation of wall street, citizens united, NEED ME TO KEEP GOING?

5) I do not recall Romney claiming that medicare would pay for Obama-care and Romnies was bi partisan and the will of the people.

Were you, or are you from Mass? Because my family is from there and I can tell you, it was pushed though just like ACA was. It was not bi partisan. Also Obama is NOT claiming medicare will pay for the ACA, Also you seem to have forgotten about Regan as well. the ACA is a brain storm of the right wing, now you don't like it cause it was passed under Obama?

6) The Tax payer as well as GWB
Admirers of the GM bailout should bear in mind that it was the Bush administration that first decided to intervene at the firm, offering a bridge loan on the condition that it draw up a deeply revised business plan. President Obama’s unique contribution was effectively to nationalize the company, seeing to it that the federal government violated normal bankruptcy processes and legal precedent to protect the defective element at the heart of GM’s troubles: the financial interests of the UAW. It did this by strong-arming GM’s bondholders into taking haircuts in order to sweeten the pot for the UAW. The Obama administration also creatively construed tax law to relieve GM of tens of billions of dollars in obligations — at the same time that Barack Obama & Co. were caterwauling about the supposed lack of patriotism of firms that used legal means rather than political favoritism to reduce their tax bills.

First off, on this one you are like o for 4 all in one thought, Should I send you a link from the ALL the many right and left leaning as well as independent groups who prove you wrong, I will if you push the issue

Its people like you that remain in the bubble that caused the Republicans a CLOBBERING at the voting booth.
JRK and the neo-cons will not have power again, thank heavens.

As long as Dems and Moderates don't rest on their laurels.

We need to make 2014 the year we flush the teaturds.

Tea turds?
your in a pure state of denial dude
You do more to prove how much you have been lied to than I can in a life-time

what lie told by the BHO campaign got him re-elected the most?
You have ignored every example I have gave you

One more thing, does it matter to you that you voted for a man who has lied to you?
think about it

The biggest lies that got BHO re-elected were told by the TeaPM and the neo-cons.
He got his supporters riled by saying he and the Dems were prepared to give them more free stuff and the Repubs were not going to be so generous.

The lie is that he and other libs actually care about poor people, the economy, unemployment, the debt or our constitution.

If they truly wanted to end poverty, it wouldn't be a record levels. If he wanted to help the economy, he wouldn't have shoved through policies that kill jobs. If he cared about the debt, he wouldn't do everything possible to grow it. If he cared about our constitution, he wouldn't search for ways to get around it.

It is amazing how easy it is to see this
yet the media ignores it and the people for some reason (who vote) ignore it also
it is a mess
You know my biggest issue with all of it? is the lying and people to lazy to admit it, allowing it to run there politics as well as part of there lives
The Biggest lie?

"Romney would have made a good president".

That lie got Obama elected.
LOL!!! I know...right? I'm laughing my butt off right now thinking about it.

1) NONE, 100% greed by the lender and the lendee. Not sure what W or any politician was suppose to do to stop bank fraud

Bush had everything to do with it. This is what happens when you deregulate and allow financial inst. to conduct faulty practice. Going to 2 diff. wars and writing a trillion dollar RX plan for seniors that were never paid for. I could go farther into with you, but I think I might loose you.

2) He believes that wealth is a product of the govt and that the govt has a right to gibe that wealth to those who have done nothing to earn it

No once again you are batting 0 for 2. I guess this is where your socialist crap come into play. first off big biz. has never been booming more than now. also what you don't undertand is the GOV. IS needed in MANY situations, the way it is able to function, is though taxes. It also needs to be said, NO creditible econ. think tank will say trickle down econ works, also the top 1% are NOT job creators. once again I can go farther into it but I think it might just confuse you.

3) No-one lied as I recall, Really REALLY? weapons of mass destruction, connection between Osama and sadam, I hope I dont need to keep going on this. Also PLEASE PLEASE explain how beruit is any different, I will wait!

4) What loser policies and what debt did he inherit? he added 3-500 billion to Ws last budget (failed stimulus, last 50% of tarp. and the dollars added to the Ominbus bill) he also had majorities in both houses that could have eliminated all of it.

I kinda went into this on answer 1. but I guess I can humor you. the bush tax cuts, 2 wars unpaid, RX plan for seniors unpaid, housing bubble and faulty loans, derugulation of wall street, citizens united, NEED ME TO KEEP GOING?

5) I do not recall Romney claiming that medicare would pay for Obama-care and Romnies was bi partisan and the will of the people.

Were you, or are you from Mass? Because my family is from there and I can tell you, it was pushed though just like ACA was. It was not bi partisan. Also Obama is NOT claiming medicare will pay for the ACA, Also you seem to have forgotten about Regan as well. the ACA is a brain storm of the right wing, now you don't like it cause it was passed under Obama?

6) The Tax payer as well as GWB
Admirers of the GM bailout should bear in mind that it was the Bush administration that first decided to intervene at the firm, offering a bridge loan on the condition that it draw up a deeply revised business plan. President Obama’s unique contribution was effectively to nationalize the company, seeing to it that the federal government violated normal bankruptcy processes and legal precedent to protect the defective element at the heart of GM’s troubles: the financial interests of the UAW. It did this by strong-arming GM’s bondholders into taking haircuts in order to sweeten the pot for the UAW. The Obama administration also creatively construed tax law to relieve GM of tens of billions of dollars in obligations — at the same time that Barack Obama & Co. were caterwauling about the supposed lack of patriotism of firms that used legal means rather than political favoritism to reduce their tax bills.

First off, on this one you are like o for 4 all in one thought, Should I send you a link from the ALL the many right and left leaning as well as independent groups who prove you wrong, I will if you push the issue

Its people like you that remain in the bubble that caused the Republicans a CLOBBERING at the voting booth.

he rebutted nothing
Medicare D had nothing to do with the wealth bubble
what legislation by W forced the banks to make bad loans? bundle them up and make them into a fund?
GM was saved by the TAXPAYER!!!!!!!
GM was saved by GWB USING TAX PAYERS MONEY IN 2008, explain to us how a broke chapter 7 GM gets out of 2008 without it?
he stated that the health care bill in Mass was not bi partisan?
he is a GOP, was a GOP gov, in MASS!!!!!!
how much more bi partisan would you want?
Last edited:
The biggest lie, that the Republican party is nothing more then angry racist white men.

They played the race card immediately and often.

The Obama ran the nastiest campaign I can remember. No outlining his agenda, no offer of hope, hardly showed up at the debates, and the character assassination was incredible to the point of making fun of someone with MS. Really disgusting.

Obama got reelected because the voting machines were rigged, thus explaining the polls, and he is black. No president should be reelected for the mess created in this country after 6 years of democrat majority. With Obama in office the liberal left can now say, hey I am not racist, see I have a friend in the WH.

And what was the biggest "hit" on Romney? That some companies that his group invested in, mostly after he left, went bankrupt. No matter that the majority did well after getting investments from Bain Capital. No mention that the companies that did go under would have sooner. No mention of the tons of jobs that have been lost due to democrat majority rule. No mention of the billions sent to Solyndra that vanished almost overnight that could have been used to actual create jobs.

Maybe the biggest lie was the one that the liberals had to tell themselves, four more years won't be that bad.
Substitute "tea party types" for Obama and you would have it right, Freewill.
What was the biggest lie that re-elected Obama?

that Romney was a viable candidate...

This from CNNs online news, not there main platform. every time BHO told this lie if the media rebuttes it like this, Romney would have become viable
he never stood a chance
CNN Fact Check: About those 4.5 million jobs ... - CNN.com
The facts:
The number Castro cites is an accurate description of the growth of private-sector jobs since January 2010, when the long, steep slide in employment finally hit bottom. But while a total of 4.5 million jobs sounds great, it's not the whole picture.
Watch full speech of Julian Castro
Photos: Best of the DNC
Nonfarm private payrolls hit a post-recession low of 106.8 million that month, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The figure currently stands at 111.3 million as of July.
While that is indeed a gain of 4.5 million, it's only a net gain of 300,000 over the course of the Obama administration to date. The private jobs figure stood at 111 million in January 2009, the month Obama took office.
And total nonfarm payrolls, including government workers, are down from 133.6 million workers at the beginning of 2009 to 133.2 million in July 2012. There's been a net loss of nearly 1 million public-sector jobs since Obama took office, despite a surge in temporary hiring for the 2010 census.
The biggest lie, that the Republican party is nothing more then angry racist white men.

They played the race card immediately and often.

The Obama ran the nastiest campaign I can remember. No outlining his agenda, no offer of hope, hardly showed up at the debates, and the character assassination was incredible to the point of making fun of someone with MS. Really disgusting.

Obama got reelected because the voting machines were rigged, thus explaining the polls, and he is black. No president should be reelected for the mess created in this country after 6 years of democrat majority. With Obama in office the liberal left can now say, hey I am not racist, see I have a friend in the WH.

And what was the biggest "hit" on Romney? That some companies that his group invested in, mostly after he left, went bankrupt. No matter that the majority did well after getting investments from Bain Capital. No mention that the companies that did go under would have sooner. No mention of the tons of jobs that have been lost due to democrat majority rule. No mention of the billions sent to Solyndra that vanished almost overnight that could have been used to actual create jobs.

Maybe the biggest lie was the one that the liberals had to tell themselves, four more years won't be that bad.

South Florida is probably 80% from thee NE
now you tell me where they claim the residence?
no state income
There voting block (whether there voting in both states is a matter of opinion) has made Florida a Blue state the last 2 elections and they tried to rob the 00 election
your thread is spot on
Substitute "tea party types" for Obama and you would have it right, Freewill.

Yes, another not in power group that the left uses as an excuse for the disaster of the last 6 years of democrat majority. Think about this, if you are 60 then 10 percent of your life has been spent under democrat dominance, and that is only the last 6. (if you are younger then it is much more) 10 Percent of your life wasted while Nero fiddled. 10 percent of your life blaming the Tea Party and the Republican party for the obvious, very obvious failure of the democrat party.

But keep passing out the free door prizes so far it has served the DNC well.
Job creation?
Saving the Auto industry?
Obama-care being deficit neutral?
That a movie caused the murder of a US ambassador on 9-11-2012?
That he inherited the debt?

Its amazing that people are such a state of denial

The country we loved until 2007 is gone and will never be the same again
Thank you

The biggest lie was .... drum role please .... that Romney cared for 53% of the people. We all know he represented the top 1% and the rest of us existed to serve that power elite.
Job creation?
Saving the Auto industry?
Obama-care being deficit neutral?
That a movie caused the murder of a US ambassador on 9-11-2012?
That he inherited the debt?

Its amazing that people are such a state of denial

The country we loved until 2007 is gone and will never be the same again
Thank you

The biggest lie was .... drum role please .... that Romney cared for 53% of the people. We all know he represented the top 1% and the rest of us existed to serve that power elite.

I have always stated Romney s advisers were idiots
the 47% comment should have left out those who have earned there SS
Its amazing that MR as Governor signed into law the prelude to Obama-care, yet your believe he cares nothing about the poor
crazy dude
what better example can I give than that?
Substitute "tea party types" for Obama and you would have it right, Freewill.

Yes, another not in power group that the left uses as an excuse for the disaster of the last 6 years of democrat majority. Think about this, if you are 60 then 10 percent of your life has been spent under democrat dominance, and that is only the last 6. (if you are younger then it is much more) 10 Percent of your life wasted while Nero fiddled. 10 percent of your life blaming the Tea Party and the Republican party for the obvious, very obvious failure of the democrat party.

But keep passing out the free door prizes so far it has served the DNC well.

You are babbling. The dems could do a lot better than what they are doing, but the GOP from 1994 to 2006? an absolute disaster.
Substitute "tea party types" for Obama and you would have it right, Freewill.

Yes, another not in power group that the left uses as an excuse for the disaster of the last 6 years of democrat majority. Think about this, if you are 60 then 10 percent of your life has been spent under democrat dominance, and that is only the last 6. (if you are younger then it is much more) 10 Percent of your life wasted while Nero fiddled. 10 percent of your life blaming the Tea Party and the Republican party for the obvious, very obvious failure of the democrat party.

But keep passing out the free door prizes so far it has served the DNC well.

My friend is that not crazy
The GOP had congress (except 00-02) through 2006 with the white house from 01-06
here is job creation during that time
CES0000000001 1994 M12 116094
CES0000000001 1995 M12 118251
CES0000000001 1996 M12 121061
CES0000000001 1997 M12 124452
CES0000000001 1998 M12 127466
CES0000000001 1999 M12 130636
CES0000000001 2000 M12 132580
CES0000000001 2001 M12 130823
CES0000000001 2002 M12 130291
CES0000000001 2003 M12 130353
CES0000000001 2004 M12 132372
CES0000000001 2005 M12 134856
CES0000000001 2006 M12 136927

Databases, Tables & Calculators by Subject
we had a defict of 162 billion in 2007, the last GOP budget

here is job total from 07 to present

CES0000000001 2007 M12 138042
CES0000000001 2008 M12 134425
CES0000000001 2009 M12 129373
CES0000000001 2010 M12 130395
CES0000000001 2011 M12 132498
CES0000000001 2012 M12 134668(P)

and somehow a lame duck president
S Palin
and the tea party gets blamed for all of this?
It is nuts

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