What was the biggest lie that re-elected Obama?

Is the birth certificate thing dead? Well I guess it served its purpose, along with the big ear thing. The real question is, can any American president carry out all his campaign promises unless he is given much more power? Should the president be given the power to control the economy? To now, both parties have, in times of crisis, cooperated a little ore to solve the problem, but of late this practice seems dead in the water. America now seems to belong gridlock. FDR, because of fear, was given 100 days to exert some power, after the 100 days the gridlock surfaced again. For better or worse those 100 days may have saved the country.
Is the birth certificate thing dead? Well I guess it served its purpose, along with the big ear thing. The real question is, can any American president carry out all his campaign promises unless he is given much more power? Should the president be given the power to control the economy? To now, both parties have, in times of crisis, cooperated a little ore to solve the problem, but of late this practice seems dead in the water. America now seems to belong gridlock. FDR, because of fear, was given 100 days to exert some power, after the 100 days the gridlock surfaced again. For better or worse those 100 days may have saved the country.

The first 50% of Tarp was done under GWB
that event alone kept us from going under
the others including the last 50% of tarp was done to increase the baseline, blame it on GWB and put us exactly where we are today
never allow a crises to got to waste

trillions in 401K and retirement's where saved with that first 350 billion that GWB utilized
I see AIG finished paying us back last week
That part of tarp is defict nutrueal except the monies GWB gave to GM to save them
the other trillion BHO spent and kept on the baseline budget did little to nothing

The jobs GM loses Ford and Toyota, etc... pick up
Hypocrite, false, dishonorable hypocrite.

You defend failed neo-conservatism.

You as a pretend conservative attack those who do not disagree as liberals and whatever else.

Hypocrite. Shut up, JRK, or Grow Up, and act American.

Was JRK homeskooled or did he ride the short bus?

attacking your fellow Americans has become a way of life for the lib in this country
like the way you spelled home-schooled also
People who ride the short bus?
Is that a racial slur?
Is there a difference?

chill out
All I have done is point out some in accuarcies from the president
JRK, I did not know you were a progressive liberal completely defending Bush's TARP.

You do not defend BHO's portion of it because it has not done enough rather than it is a Big Gubmint program.

You secret liberal, you.

Is the birth certificate thing dead? Well I guess it served its purpose, along with the big ear thing. The real question is, can any American president carry out all his campaign promises unless he is given much more power? Should the president be given the power to control the economy? To now, both parties have, in times of crisis, cooperated a little ore to solve the problem, but of late this practice seems dead in the water. America now seems to belong gridlock. FDR, because of fear, was given 100 days to exert some power, after the 100 days the gridlock surfaced again. For better or worse those 100 days may have saved the country.

The first 50% of Tarp was done under GWB
that event alone kept us from going under
the others including the last 50% of tarp was done to increase the baseline, blame it on GWB and put us exactly where we are today
never allow a crises to got to waste

trillions in 401K and retirement's where saved with that first 350 billion that GWB utilized
I see AIG finished paying us back last week
That part of tarp is defict nutrueal except the monies GWB gave to GM to save them
the other trillion BHO spent and kept on the baseline budget did little to nothing

The jobs GM loses Ford and Toyota, etc... pick up
Was JRK homeskooled or did he ride the short bus?

You bring this into an intelligent conversation about the future of this country, you spell home schooled "homeskooled" and you question my intelligence?
Job creation?
Saving the Auto industry?
Obama-care being deficit neutral?
That a movie caused the murder of a US ambassador on 9-11-2012?
That he inherited the debt?

Its amazing that people are such a state of denial

The country we loved until 2007 is gone and will never be the same again
Thank you

The BIGGEST Lie that re-elected Obama....

(ready for it?)

"Mitt Romney can win."
Job creation?
Saving the Auto industry?
Obama-care being deficit neutral?
That a movie caused the murder of a US ambassador on 9-11-2012?
That he inherited the debt?

Its amazing that people are such a state of denial

The country we loved until 2007 is gone and will never be the same again
Thank you

The BIGGEST Lie that re-elected Obama....

(ready for it?)

"Mitt Romney can win."

I dis agree
the comment that BHO stated that he had created 4.5 million jobs was the biggest

Most jobs created in the last 24 months were created by the oil and gas industry
and for the record with over 5 trillion dollars in deficit spending we still have only created a few thousand private sector jobs
saving GM as well as Obama care adding nothing to the deficit ran a close second

Many of us have no idea how a hand full of un ethical journalist and Romney surrounded by idiots could re elect THE worst president we have ever had, I mean no dis respect to the man, it is to his ethics, morale's as well with his performance

simple facts
The media ignoring those lies (except CNN on the job claim)
Biggest Lie that elected BHO were the two that the composite radical reactionary wing of the GOP told: that the reactionaries loved America and told the "truth" about Obama.

Americans did not vote for Obama so much as against the radical reactionaries.
Biggest Lie that elected BHO were the two that the composite radical reactionary wing of the GOP told: that the reactionaries loved America and told the "truth" about Obama.

Americans did not vote for Obama so much as against the radical reactionaries.

Sorry man, maybe some people stayed home because of them, but believe me, Most people who voted for Obama, Voted FOR OBAMA. Perhaps not Obama the man, but Obama the Legend anyways.

Job creation?
Saving the Auto industry?
Obama-care being deficit neutral?
That a movie caused the murder of a US ambassador on 9-11-2012?
That he inherited the debt?

Its amazing that people are such a state of denial

The country we loved until 2007 is gone and will never be the same again
Thank you

the biggest lie that elected obama was the one the republicans told themselves.
Job creation?
Saving the Auto industry?
Obama-care being deficit neutral?
That a movie caused the murder of a US ambassador on 9-11-2012?
That he inherited the debt?

Its amazing that people are such a state of denial

The country we loved until 2007 is gone and will never be the same again
Thank you

Romney and the "conservatives" who supported him.
Job creation?
Saving the Auto industry?
Obama-care being deficit neutral?
That a movie caused the murder of a US ambassador on 9-11-2012?
That he inherited the debt?

Its amazing that people are such a state of denial

The country we loved until 2007 is gone and will never be the same again
Thank you
The lie that he didn't have a valid birth certificate.
Job creation?
Saving the Auto industry?
Obama-care being deficit neutral?
That a movie caused the murder of a US ambassador on 9-11-2012?
That he inherited the debt?

Its amazing that people are such a state of denial

The country we loved until 2007 is gone and will never be the same again
Thank you

making the election about useless things like free contraceptives.

librals won, get used to fighting against meaningless drivel or learn to live off the land long term, off the grid.

We have a debt closing in on 20 trillion
we have over 20 million people with no hope of a real job
And rubbers took center stage

Hell, the wealthiest people in our country could afford to employ all those people and their lives would change very little.
Job creation?
Saving the Auto industry?
Obama-care being deficit neutral?
That a movie caused the murder of a US ambassador on 9-11-2012?
That he inherited the debt?

Its amazing that people are such a state of denial

The country we loved until 2007 is gone and will never be the same again
Thank you

VERY F...king SIMPLE!!!
And EVEN idiot GOP repeat this LIE and don't seem to understand the implications!!!

A) There are 10 million ILLEGAL CITIZENS that are counted by Obama as part of the "uninsured"... YES believe it as the CENSUS shows that number. Yet Obama continues that number!
B) There 14 million people ALREADY covered by Medicaid...YET the BIGGEST LIE ... Obama counts THEM as uninsured!
C) There are 18 million people UNDER AGE 34 making over $50,000 a year THAT PAY all their health expenses OUT of their own pocket SO why should they spend MORE money for insurance???
Add these up to 42 million.
OBAMA and even dumb GOPs say in there are 50 million!
Subtract 42 from 50 leaves 8!
8 Million truly uninsured THAT want health insurance! NOT 50 million! NOT a number that equals 16% of the population BUT 2.5% or 8 million!
BUT because of this LIE we have Obamacare DESTROYING 1/6th of the GDP. Forcing doctors out of medicine. Shutting down hospitals... ALL because Obamacare passed by ONLY 6 votes.
I guarantee 6 or more of the "YES" votes THOUGHT THEY WERE HELPING 50 million people!!!
BUT because this dick head President wants to do "BIG" things i.e. like FDR... HE LIED to us and said 16% of population is uninsured! LIE!!!

But before some one jumps on the 18 million under 34,etc.. statistic... UNDER STAND before you jump these points...
A) These 18 million pay out of their pockets about $1,000 a year on health expenses.. far less then if they took their employers' health plan.
B) BEFORE the Obamacare was passed DID anyone hear the term "free-loader" especially used to call these 18 million by Pelosi et.al.???

THIS was another total BIG ASS LIE!!! "FREELOADERS"???? THEY pay their own health care expenses??? WHAT the f...k are they calling them free loaders then????

So BIGGEST LIE Never was 50 million truly uninsured!

AS far as the NEXT biggest lie in Obamacare TANNING SALONS taxed! WHY not tax the $100 billion lawyers make that in turn according to the physicians cause $750 billion a year in defensive medicine, duplicate tests, etc. all out of fear of lawsuits! THINK!!!
If lawyers were taxed 10% that $10 billion in taxes would PAY THE premiums for 8 million truly uninsured!!!
Job creation?
Saving the Auto industry?
Obama-care being deficit neutral?
That a movie caused the murder of a US ambassador on 9-11-2012?
That he inherited the debt?

Its amazing that people are such a state of denial

The country we loved until 2007 is gone and will never be the same again
Thank you

VERY F...king SIMPLE!!!
And EVEN idiot GOP repeat this LIE and don't seem to understand the implications!!!

A) There are 10 million ILLEGAL CITIZENS that are counted by Obama as part of the "uninsured"... YES believe it as the CENSUS shows that number. Yet Obama continues that number!
B) There 14 million people ALREADY covered by Medicaid...YET the BIGGEST LIE ... Obama counts THEM as uninsured!
C) There are 18 million people UNDER AGE 34 making over $50,000 a year THAT PAY all their health expenses OUT of their own pocket SO why should they spend MORE money for insurance???
Add these up to 42 million.
OBAMA and even dumb GOPs say in there are 50 million!
Subtract 42 from 50 leaves 8!
8 Million truly uninsured THAT want health insurance! NOT 50 million! NOT a number that equals 16% of the population BUT 2.5% or 8 million!
BUT because of this LIE we have Obamacare DESTROYING 1/6th of the GDP. Forcing doctors out of medicine. Shutting down hospitals... ALL because Obamacare passed by ONLY 6 votes.
I guarantee 6 or more of the "YES" votes THOUGHT THEY WERE HELPING 50 million people!!!
BUT because this dick head President wants to do "BIG" things i.e. like FDR... HE LIED to us and said 16% of population is uninsured! LIE!!!

But before some one jumps on the 18 million under 34,etc.. statistic... UNDER STAND before you jump these points...
A) These 18 million pay out of their pockets about $1,000 a year on health expenses.. far less then if they took their employers' health plan.
B) BEFORE the Obamacare was passed DID anyone hear the term "free-loader" especially used to call these 18 million by Pelosi et.al.???

THIS was another total BIG ASS LIE!!! "FREELOADERS"???? THEY pay their own health care expenses??? WHAT the f...k are they calling them free loaders then????

So BIGGEST LIE Never was 50 million truly uninsured!

AS far as the NEXT biggest lie in Obamacare TANNING SALONS taxed! WHY not tax the $100 billion lawyers make that in turn according to the physicians cause $750 billion a year in defensive medicine, duplicate tests, etc. all out of fear of lawsuits! THINK!!!
If lawyers were taxed 10% that $10 billion in taxes would PAY THE premiums for 8 million truly uninsured!!!

okay, good point
He also robbed 100s of billions from medicare to pay for it, in theory
in reality that money has to come from some where
they claimed OC would save Medicare those billions

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