What was the biggest lie that re-elected Obama?

Let's see -- not only was the lie not true, the truth was the opposite of what he said, so I'd call that a double-lie. So your reaction is you want to agree to call the double-lie a "half-truth" and then move the goalposts?? Really?

The question was "what was the biggest lie that re-elected Obama". I answered it. You don't get to change my answer.

Incidentally, you can't tell "lies" about the "future". No one knows the future.

Pogo this is what is wrong with our country
your so blinded by something I will never understand you call that a double lie and ignore the lies BHO has stated 100%
Chrysler as early as June 2011 had said it was considering adding Jeep production in China.
from the link
Chrysler Group LLC, in alliance with and owned by the Italian automaker Fiat.[4][5] Initially holding a 20% interest in Chrysler Group, Fiat's stake was increased to 58.5% (fully diluted) following acquisition of the equity interests held by the U.S. Treasury (6% on June 3,
Chrysler - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
looks like to me he was right 2 out of the three
his mistake was to make the claim that where and not planning
Jeep is owned by Fiat, an Italian auto maker
that is where that tarp money went
lying about the past has a definite effect on ones future Pogo
Obama cannot even get 50% truths Pogo
your answer is okay with me, i do not have to live with it
Job creation?
Saving the Auto industry?
Obama-care being deficit neutral?
That a movie caused the murder of a US ambassador on 9-11-2012?
That he inherited the debt?

Its amazing that people are such a state of denial

The country we loved until 2007 is gone and will never be the same again
Thank you

It's a tie, MSNBC (has a mythical edge), CBS, ABC, CNN and NBC...
Job creation?
Saving the Auto industry?
Obama-care being deficit neutral?
That a movie caused the murder of a US ambassador on 9-11-2012?
That he inherited the debt?

Its amazing that people are such a state of denial

The country we loved until 2007 is gone and will never be the same again
Thank you

It's a tie, MSNBC (has a mythical edge), CBS, ABC, CNN and NBC...

As conservative as I am I could not live with who and what I am to be that biased
lying is not in my creed
Romney made his mistakes, his advisers are 100% idiots
he deserved a fair shake
Job creation?
Saving the Auto industry?
Obama-care being deficit neutral?
That a movie caused the murder of a US ambassador on 9-11-2012?
That he inherited the debt?

Its amazing that people are such a state of denial

The country we loved until 2007 is gone and will never be the same again
Thank you

It's a tie, MSNBC (has a mythical edge), CBS, ABC, CNN and NBC...

As conservative as I am I could not live with who and what I am to be that biased
lying is not in my creed
Romney made his mistakes, his advisers are 100% idiots
he deserved a fair shake

He did get a fair shake and threw it away with his own words. Can't blame that on the media; they just reported what he said.
Let's see -- not only was the lie not true, the truth was the opposite of what he said, so I'd call that a double-lie. So your reaction is you want to agree to call the double-lie a "half-truth" and then move the goalposts?? Really?

The question was "what was the biggest lie that re-elected Obama". I answered it. You don't get to change my answer.

Incidentally, you can't tell "lies" about the "future". No one knows the future.

Pogo this is what is wrong with our country
your so blinded by something I will never understand you call that a double lie and ignore the lies BHO has stated 100%
Chrysler as early as June 2011 had said it was considering adding Jeep production in China.
from the link
Chrysler Group LLC, in alliance with and owned by the Italian automaker Fiat.[4][5] Initially holding a 20% interest in Chrysler Group, Fiat's stake was increased to 58.5% (fully diluted) following acquisition of the equity interests held by the U.S. Treasury (6% on June 3,
Chrysler - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
looks like to me he was right 2 out of the three
his mistake was to make the claim that where and not planning
Jeep is owned by Fiat, an Italian auto maker
that is where that tarp money went

I'm afraid whatever these "BHO lies about the future", if such were even possible, are your issue, not mine. I made no such claim. I came in the Chinese Jeep.

What really happened:
By early 2008, it was clear that GM and Chrysler were teetering. Both firms had huge debts and high costs. The recession had slowed car sales to a trickle. Chrysler’s owner, Cerberus Capital Management, was hunting for a buyer and had been talking to Italian carmaker Fiat. In late 2008, President George W. Bush approved billion dollar loans to the companies to keep them afloat.

On Jan. 20, 2009, the day Obama took the oath of office, Fiat announced it was interested in buying Chrysler. Obama created an auto task force and in March, the task force told Chrysler to cut a deal with Fiat or be cut off from further government loans. In early April, Chrysler filed for bankruptcy and at the same time, announced an alliance with Fiat.
-- Pants on Fire

Now what Romney was quoting in the fake "moving to China" claim was a blog. So what did the Romney campaign do when the original story line was exposed as false by both news media and Chrysler itself? It continued running the same ads anyway :eek: - which demonstrates that here was a guy getting his news from uninformed blogs, just as he was getting false assessments of his own electoral chances from the CEC news bubble, which in turn, explains exactly why he was "shellshocked" at the election results. And it makes some of us wonder what else a Bubble Boob would have done in his sphere of disreality.

That's pretty blatant, and that's why I picked this for Lie of the Year. It's a lie-turd sandwich wrapped in a bubble with a soft creamy filling of Denial.
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It's a tie, MSNBC (has a mythical edge), CBS, ABC, CNN and NBC...

As conservative as I am I could not live with who and what I am to be that biased
lying is not in my creed
Romney made his mistakes, his advisers are 100% idiots
he deserved a fair shake

He did get a fair shake and threw it away with his own words. Can't blame that on the media; they just reported what he said.

If every time Obama made the claim he had created 1 job the media corrects him on it, i would agree
Every time BHO claimed he saved GM the media corrected him on it, I would agree
Every time BHO made the claim he inherited the debt from GWB the media corrected him I would agree
Every time he made the claim that Buffets secretary paid a higher tax rate than he did, they would ask him to clarify, I would agree
Every time he made the claim that Obama care was deficit neutral they would ask him how he was going to replace the 100s of billions he took from medicare I would agree
Every time he ignored the lies he told about Benghazi the media would press him to answer who knew and when, I would agree, rather where was he in all of that and why lie about it? I would agree
shall I go on?
Romney got a fair shake? not even
The biggest lie that comes to mind is:

"I care about 100 percent of the people and always have. " - - Mitt Romney, doing damage control following unfortunate '47 percent' fuckup.

I think that was the whopper of a lie that helped Obama as much as anything.
Let's see -- not only was the lie not true, the truth was the opposite of what he said, so I'd call that a double-lie. So your reaction is you want to agree to call the double-lie a "half-truth" and then move the goalposts?? Really?

The question was "what was the biggest lie that re-elected Obama". I answered it. You don't get to change my answer.

Incidentally, you can't tell "lies" about the "future". No one knows the future.

Pogo this is what is wrong with our country
your so blinded by something I will never understand you call that a double lie and ignore the lies BHO has stated 100%
Chrysler as early as June 2011 had said it was considering adding Jeep production in China.
from the link
Chrysler Group LLC, in alliance with and owned by the Italian automaker Fiat.[4][5] Initially holding a 20% interest in Chrysler Group, Fiat's stake was increased to 58.5% (fully diluted) following acquisition of the equity interests held by the U.S. Treasury (6% on June 3,
Chrysler - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
looks like to me he was right 2 out of the three
his mistake was to make the claim that where and not planning
Jeep is owned by Fiat, an Italian auto maker
that is where that tarp money went

I'm afraid whatever these "BHO lies about the future", if such were even possible, are your issue, not mine. I made no such claim. I came in the Chinese Jeep.

What really happened:
By early 2008, it was clear that GM and Chrysler were teetering. Both firms had huge debts and high costs. The recession had slowed car sales to a trickle. Chrysler’s owner, Cerberus Capital Management, was hunting for a buyer and had been talking to Italian carmaker Fiat. In late 2008, President George W. Bush approved billion dollar loans to the companies to keep them afloat.

On Jan. 20, 2009, the day Obama took the oath of office, Fiat announced it was interested in buying Chrysler. Obama created an auto task force and in March, the task force told Chrysler to cut a deal with Fiat or be cut off from further government loans. In early April, Chrysler filed for bankruptcy and at the same time, announced an alliance with Fiat.
-- Pants on Fire

Now what Romney was quoting in the fake "moving to China" claim was a blog. So what did the Romney campaign do when the original story line was exposed as false by both news media and Chrysler itself? It continued running the same ads anyway :eek: - which demonstrates that here was a guy getting his news from uninformed blogs, just as he was getting false assessments of his own electoral chances from the CEC news bubble, which in turn, explains exactly why he was "shellshocked" at the election results. And it makes some of us wonder what else a Bubble Boob would have done in his sphere of disreality.

That's pretty blatant, and that's why I picked this for Lie of the Year. It's a lie-turd sandwich wrapped in a bubble with a soft creamy filling of Denial.

what does any of this have to do with Obama lying about
who saved GM
His cliff HE and the dems created in 12 weeks in 09
Obamacare deficit neutral
Buffets tax rate?
Romney never told a lie that has american's killed either involved in it and probably could have prevented

I all ready said Romney s advisers where idiots
and BTW Fiat owns Chrysler so your link is confusing to me as to what your claim is doing but supporting the claim the man said?

your making such a huge issue of one mans 1/2 truth and 1/2 lie while 100% ignoring blatant lies by another
The biggest lie that comes to mind is:

"I care about 100 percent of the people and always have. " - - Mitt Romney, doing damage control following unfortunate '47 percent' fuckup.

I think that was the whopper of a lie that helped Obama as much as anything.

that trumps taking 100s of billions from medicare to pay for Obama care? and then claim the GOP is destroying medicare?
Romney was stupid there, not sure it was a lie though
big difference
what does any of this have to do with Obama lying about ::snip::

Nothing. Once again I didn't bring up O'bama. You did. I brought up Romney's Chinese Jeeps.

How come every time somebody posts about Romney, you try to twist it into to some time-shifted fantasy about O'bama?
The biggest lie that comes to mind is:

"I care about 100 percent of the people and always have. " - - Mitt Romney, doing damage control following unfortunate '47 percent' fuckup.

I think that was the whopper of a lie that helped Obama as much as anything.

that trumps taking 100s of billions from medicare to pay for Obama care? and then claim the GOP is destroying medicare?
Romney was stupid there, not sure it was a lie though
big difference

I thought the topic was lies. You know; shit that is knowingly false to either deceive or deflect.

That sort of thing.
JRK and bigrenbc, the extremist right wing equivalent of obamaphonelady, keep telling their lies.
Only in the minds of sick far right wing extremists like you.

You cost the GOP the election, and you will have no more influence in the Party.

You see your wing nuts' position dissolve every day, the last being Boehner crusing TPM in congress who crush him, and the coward from SC resigning his seat to move to a cushy job at Heritage.

JRK and bigrenbc, the extremist right wing equivalent of obamaphonelady, keep telling their lies.

that doesn't change the fact that you are a lying liberal.[/QUOTE]
Only in the minds of sick far right wing extremists like you.

You cost the GOP the election, and you will have no more influence in the Party.

You see your wing nuts' position dissolve every day, the last being Boehner crusing TPM in congress who crush him, and the coward from SC resigning his seat to move to a cushy job at Heritage.

JRK and bigrenbc, the extremist right wing equivalent of obamaphonelady, keep telling their lies.

that doesn't change the fact that you are a lying liberal.

Dude stop pretending that you are a republicans your words and your attacks on other Republicans give you away. You have no influence on the GOP because you are a member.
There are two reasons why the GOP lost giving a mirror image of obama to vote for and the welfare class.
bigrebnc is a concern troll who reveled in the Republican defeat last month.

He is a hick from sticks wanting to overthrow America. You are a simply goon.

Aside: we employ nearly 350 people in our business in three states: we are jobs creators.

What are you: a taker?

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