What was the biggest lie that re-elected Obama?

Are there any intelligent libs here... that can put cogent thought together... that makes sense?

Or just the usual deflectors and dismissers, aka Useful Idiots for the Regime.

You expect intelligent discussion based on what? Your posts? Your kinda shit was a real hoot pre election but America spoke fuckwit and you lost. Do try and respect the elected president of the United States.

Do you really think BHO saved GM?
Do you really believe that BHO adding 500 billion dollars to the base line in 2009 in addition with 1 million fewer people working in the private sector in 2012 has nothing to with the so called cliff we are about to face?
What about that job creation claim? you think people should be able to lie about these things and get away with it?
Did GWB save GM or the UAW?
Do you feel that the way the admin lied about Benghazi was ethical, should we have prosecuted those who lied?

You wanted items to discuss? are you scared?

I don't recall wanting to go over RW nonsense with you. Scared? No. I feel much more comfortable about the countries chances with Obama at the helm for another 4 years.
Oh, more than one to be sure. The hate lies from the extremist right and libertarian wings guaranteed their Dear Leader's election.

Job creation?
Saving the Auto industry?
Obama-care being deficit neutral?
That a movie caused the murder of a US ambassador on 9-11-2012?
That he inherited the debt?

Its amazing that people are such a state of denial

The country we loved until 2007 is gone and will never be the same again
Thank you
Job creation?
Saving the Auto industry?
Obama-care being deficit neutral?
That a movie caused the murder of a US ambassador on 9-11-2012?
That he inherited the debt?

Its amazing that people are such a state of denial

The country we loved until 2007 is gone and will never be the same again
Thank you

The Romney lies that reelected Obama are too many to be counted.
You expect intelligent discussion based on what? Your posts? Your kinda shit was a real hoot pre election but America spoke fuckwit and you lost. Do try and respect the elected president of the United States.

Do you really think BHO saved GM?
Do you really believe that BHO adding 500 billion dollars to the base line in 2009 in addition with 1 million fewer people working in the private sector in 2012 has nothing to with the so called cliff we are about to face?
What about that job creation claim? you think people should be able to lie about these things and get away with it?
Did GWB save GM or the UAW?
Do you feel that the way the admin lied about Benghazi was ethical, should we have prosecuted those who lied?

You wanted items to discuss? are you scared?

I don't recall wanting to go over RW nonsense with you. Scared? No. I feel much more comfortable about the countries chances with Obama at the helm for another 4 years.

The truth has nothing to do with RW anything Huggy
you okay with BHO being less than honest and the main stream media covering it up to be re-elected?
That is not RW anything
that is what really happened Huggy
BHO gets re-elected on his record, I accept it (i have accepted it either way in all reality)

This country will find its bottom one day and come back
Your support of BHO is your right, but living in denial and ignoring who and what he really is, well I will be a gentlemen Huggy
JRK has lived "in denial and ignoring who and what" his own values really are, and they are not gentlemanly. JRK has all the insight of the ObamaPhoneLady.
What was the biggest lie that re-elected Obama?

I love the smell of sour grapes in the morning. It reminds me of the smell of victory.

sour grapes?
smell of victory?

having an election on which the media ignores as well as helps and the candidate lies to be re elected is not a victory
It is the end of freedom
pointing out this post election is as important as ever

Enjoy it my friend
the 1 million people who are not working in 2012 that where in 2008 I am sure are
The country that paid there bills until 2009 and had there credit rating down graded also is enjoying it
JRK, I am working for an America without your types in my GOP.

The 1mm not working is because of what are corruption in the GOP caused leading up to 2006.

Obama has further hurt the economy, but to suggest all was rosy before him is a major distortion and untruth, worth of a Dan Rather.
Ya I'd say the benghazi video lie. Or the death of osama. Lol
What was the biggest lie that re-elected Obama?

I'm going with "Jeeps moving to China" for 600, Alex.

I might have gone with "47%" but I missed that whole story. I was out that day.
Job creation?
Saving the Auto industry?
Obama-care being deficit neutral?
That a movie caused the murder of a US ambassador on 9-11-2012?
That he inherited the debt?

Its amazing that people are such a state of denial

The country we loved until 2007 is gone and will never be the same again
Thank you

The Romney lies that reelected Obama are too many to be counted.

What exactly does Romney have to do with BHO being dis honest to you?
You liberals care so much when your claim is the GOP is lying but ignore the lies that are real and effect all of us from the president?
Why does it matter?
IF Romney did lie about anything (which not sure he did) why do you allow BHO to get away with his lies?
JRK, we can do nothing about Dem lies, and if we lie when they haven't, then you are just like them.

We have to deal with liars like you in our party, and we are finally.
What was the biggest lie that re-elected Obama?

I'm going with "Jeeps moving to China" for 600, Alex.

I might have gone with "47%" but I missed that whole story. I was out that day.

Romney's ad and his comments in Defiance state that Chrysler has been taken over by an Italian company. Chrysler is based in Auburn Hills, Michigan, outside Detroit. Defiance is about an hour's drive to the a main Jeep plant in Toledo, Ohio.

Chrysler as early as June 2011 had said it was considering adding Jeep production in China.

"We are working to establish a global enterprise and previously announced our intent to return Jeep production to China, the world's largest auto market, in order to satisfy local market demand, which would not otherwise be accessible," said Marchionne in the email on Tuesday.

And he also reaffirmed previous Chrysler announcements about increasing its Jeep production at plants in Ohio, Illinois and Detroit.

Chrysler repeats not moving Jeep work to China from U.S. | Reuters

Now I can google this and find a bazillion stories about it
Not but 1 or 2 about BHO lying about saving GM nor his ownership of the 2009 baseline budget that he added 4-500 billion to

Looks to me as Romney was not lying
What was the biggest lie that re-elected Obama?

I'm going with "Jeeps moving to China" for 600, Alex.

I might have gone with "47%" but I missed that whole story. I was out that day.

Romney's ad and his comments in Defiance state that Chrysler has been taken over by an Italian company. Chrysler is based in Auburn Hills, Michigan, outside Detroit. Defiance is about an hour's drive to the a main Jeep plant in Toledo, Ohio.

Chrysler as early as June 2011 had said it was considering adding Jeep production in China.


Looks to me as Romney was not lying

I do hope you're not going to pull a PoliChic and pretend that the word "adding" is the same as "moving".

"I saw a story today that one of the great manufacturers in this state Jeep — now owned by the Italians — is thinking of moving all production to China" -- Mitt Romney, Defiance Ohio, reported in Detroit News 10/26

And actually the proper word isn't either moving or adding, it's "Re-starting". Chrysler already had a Jeep plant in China for that market --as other companies do-- and shut it down in 2009 due to their failing health. The fact that they were now planning not only to restart the plant but expand in Ohio and Michigan attests to their success since then, and hence makes the opposite point from the one Mitt made.

Now that's what I call pants-on-freaking-fire.

You may have noticed (unless your name is Karl Rove) that Romney lost Ohio. And his birth state of Michigan as well. People there knew better.
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Mitt made a mistake on that one. He should have pointed out how GM was grossly inflating its sales figure via channel stuffing.
What was the biggest lie that re-elected Obama?

I'm going with "Jeeps moving to China" for 600, Alex.

I might have gone with "47%" but I missed that whole story. I was out that day.

Romney's ad and his comments in Defiance state that Chrysler has been taken over by an Italian company. Chrysler is based in Auburn Hills, Michigan, outside Detroit. Defiance is about an hour's drive to the a main Jeep plant in Toledo, Ohio.

Chrysler as early as June 2011 had said it was considering adding Jeep production in China.


Looks to me as Romney was not lying

I do hope you're not going to pull a PoliChic and pretend that the word "adding" is the same as "moving".

"I saw a story today that one of the great manufacturers in this state Jeep — now owned by the Italians — is thinking of moving all production to China" -- Mitt Romney, Defiance Ohio, reported in Detroit News 10/26

And actually the proper word isn't either moving or adding, it's "Re-starting". Chrysler already had a Jeep plant in China for that market --as other companies do-- and shut it down in 2009 due to their failing health. The fact that they were now planning not only to restart the plant but expand in Ohio and Michigan attests to their success since then, and hence makes the opposite point of what Mitt implied.

Now that's what I call pants-on-freaking-fire.

You may have noticed (unless your name is Karl Rove) that Romney lost Ohio. And his birth state of Michigan as well. People there knew better.

Okay you attack a 1/2 truth about that and ignore 100% lies about the future of this country?
to start with I am not defending Romney, he was stupid in not just keeping the election about the lies BHO have repeated for 6 years
He was afraid I guess of being called a racist

My link showed the simple truth
Romney was stupid to try and make it more
so that justifies BHO claiming the debt is GWB and he has nothing to do with it? he inherited it?
That justifies the claim he saved GM?
His job creation numbers?

replacing jobs lost is not creating jobs
Mitt made a mistake on that one. He should have pointed out how GM was grossly inflating its sales figure via channel stuffing.

I have no idea what Romney and his ad visors where thinking about
The simple truth i think gave him a real chance
I guess they thought he would be called a racist or he could lie 1/2 as bad as BHO and get away with it
I goggled that Chrysler thing and the page lit up
you google Obama lying about his job numbers and over 50% agree with his lie
Let's see -- not only was the lie not true, the truth was the opposite of what he said, so I'd call that a double-lie. So your reaction is you want to agree to call the double-lie a "half-truth" and then move the goalposts?? Really?

The question was "what was the biggest lie that re-elected Obama". I answered it. You don't get to change my answer.

Incidentally, you can't tell "lies" about the "future". No one knows the future.
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I already covered the biggest lie that got Obama reelected earlier in this thread, but it bear repeating:

That the mainstream media are journalists.

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