What was the biggest lie that re-elected Obama?

Job creation?
Saving the Auto industry?
Obama-care being deficit neutral?
That a movie caused the murder of a US ambassador on 9-11-2012?
That he inherited the debt?

Its amazing that people are such a state of denial

The country we loved until 2007 is gone and will never be the same again
Thank you

making the election about useless things like free contraceptives.

librals won, get used to fighting against meaningless drivel or learn to live off the land long term, off the grid.


That bad, huh?
That he's a marxist communist socialist muslim from kenya. Stupid crap from the far right had independents running to Obama.
It hasn't been proven he isn't all of those.

There remains a significant element of the GOP that still thinks and talks this way, even after getting its ass kicked during 8% unemployment.

This element keeps telling us how bad things are, what a failure Obama has been, yet they lost to him by 130 electoral votes, and they absolutely refuse to look in the mirror. They just can't see outside of the cocoon they have created for themselves.


Those who voted for Obama do not care about lies. They have very low IQs or are educated and lack any form of common sense. They all live in a delusional world where Obama can never be wrong.
The BIGGEST LIE "50 million uninsured" that even today SOME conservatives still use and not only Obamacare supporters think is true!
NO one seems to be able to refute these FACTS though and YET people still believe it and it was a major reason Obamacare PASSED by just 6 votes!

B]10 million of the supposedly 50 million UNINSURED ARE NON-CITIZENS -[/B]
Source: Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau

14 million of the supposedly 50 million UNINSURED are already covered by Medicaid!
source:page 4 of the Blue Cross Report at this web page:http://coverageforall.org/pdf/BC-BS_Uninsured-America.pdf
18 million of the 50 million supposedly "UNINSURED".. ARE:
UNDER age 34
that can afford health insurance but
Source for the 18 million figure: CRISIS OF THE UNINSURED: 2009

AGE the annual per capita expenditure
20 $ 1,448 (So why should they pay a $2,000 penalty for not having insurance when they pay out less in real expenses???)
40 $ 2,601
65 $10,245

Source for above expenditures:: The Lifetime Distribution of Health Care Costs
The BIGGEST LIE "50 million uninsured" that even today SOME conservatives still use and not only Obamacare supporters think is true!
NO one seems to be able to refute these FACTS though and YET people still believe it and it was a major reason Obamacare PASSED by just 6 votes!

B]10 million of the supposedly 50 million UNINSURED ARE NON-CITIZENS -[/B]
Source: Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau

14 million of the supposedly 50 million UNINSURED are already covered by Medicaid!
source:page 4 of the Blue Cross Report at this web page:http://coverageforall.org/pdf/BC-BS_Uninsured-America.pdf
18 million of the 50 million supposedly "UNINSURED".. ARE:
UNDER age 34
that can afford health insurance but
Source for the 18 million figure: CRISIS OF THE UNINSURED: 2009

AGE the annual per capita expenditure
20 $ 1,448 (So why should they pay a $2,000 penalty for not having insurance when they pay out less in real expenses???)
40 $ 2,601
65 $10,245

Source for above expenditures:: The Lifetime Distribution of Health Care Costs

Well, you made up that 50million number, dweeb.
Those who voted for Obama do not care about lies. They have very low IQs or are educated and lack any form of common sense. They all live in a delusional world where Obama can never be wrong.

This is a winning strategy for winning popular elections right here.
What was the biggest lie that re-elected Obama?

That he could be beaten by a ham sandwich.

Sadly, the Ham Sandwich wasn't running, so the GOP nominated Romney instead.

I'm serious! well....sort of... :lol: I'm looking at Obama's record over four years and it is pretty lean.. Ya a stab at reforming health care...a few other tidbits but all in all he didn't really sign his name to much. Of course the traitors in the GOP were mostly responsible for what didn't get done. But that doesn't make Obama look better. I think what drew out a lot of voters was shear indignance at the name calling...the pictures of Obama with a bone through his nose.. the obvious but much denied racism. Most Americans were sickened by it and came out to make a statement.
Maybe it was the lie that Romney created jobs since he never ran the day-to-day operations of the businesses Bain Capital invested in.

Maybe it was that the minimum wage jobs he did create at Staples were not the kind of jobs America needs.

Huggy why do you Liberals do this? BHO did not lie to me, he lied to you Huggy
What does Romney have to do with BHO lying?
I respect the office Huggy
but Obama should be a better man than that
He did not save GM, the tax payer and GWB did
the Debt and yearly deficits he owns. he added 700 billion to the last GOP budget of 2007 and the in ability to create jobs has revenues below the same
He has created 400,000 jobs in 4 years, most of those came from Texas, ND, SD, Oklahoma, La
Fracking and tar sands Huggy
those are simple facts Huggy and Romney had nothing to do with that
Maybe it was the lie that Romney created jobs since he never ran the day-to-day operations of the businesses Bain Capital invested in.

Maybe it was that the minimum wage jobs he did create at Staples were not the kind of jobs America needs.

Huggy why do you Liberals do this? BHO did not lie to me, he lied to you Huggy
What does Romney have to do with BHO lying?
I respect the office Huggy
but Obama should be a better man than that
He did not save GM, the tax payer and GWB did
the Debt and yearly deficits he owns. he added 700 billion to the last GOP budget of 2007 and the in ability to create jobs has revenues below the same
He has created 400,000 jobs in 4 years, most of those came from Texas, ND, SD, Oklahoma, La
Fracking and tar sands Huggy
those are simple facts Huggy and Romney had nothing to do with that

Your 411 is so crazy I don't think I care to go down that rabbit hole. But thanks for the amusement! :lol:

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