What was the biggest lie that re-elected Obama?

The lies and the hatred of the extremist far right, social values wacks, and libertarians hurt our GOP effort tremendously as well.
Job creation?
Saving the Auto industry?
Obama-care being deficit neutral?
That a movie caused the murder of a US ambassador on 9-11-2012?
That he inherited the debt?

Its amazing that people are such a state of denial

The country we loved until 2007 is gone and will never be the same again
Thank you

The Romney lies that reelected Obama are too many to be counted.

What exactly does Romney have to do with BHO being dis honest to you?
You liberals care so much when your claim is the GOP is lying but ignore the lies that are real and effect all of us from the president?
Why does it matter?
IF Romney did lie about anything (which not sure he did) why do you allow BHO to get away with his lies?

Dan Froomkin: How the Mainstream Press Bungled the Single Biggest Story of the 2012 Campaign
:lol: I am glad you are copying my style, for some believe imitation is the best form of flattery.

You are so far right you make Ghenkis Khan look mainstream Republican.

The lies and the hatred of the extremist far right, social values wacks, and libertarians hurt our GOP effort tremendously as well.

Jakes so far left he makes castor look extreme right.
What was the biggest lie that re-elected Obama?

That 47% of Americans are leeches.
Let's see......according to JRK, President Bush saved the auto industry. According to Steve Rattner, who ran the Automotive Task Force that negotiated all the deals, President Bush merely kept the ball in play so that President Obama could do whatever was necessary to save the auto industry. Something that both agreed and believed was absolutely necessary.

So who should I believe.....JRK or the guy who was actually there and wrote a book about it? Wow....tough choice. Really tough choice (<----- that right there is sarcasm, folks)
The Romney lies that reelected Obama are too many to be counted.

What exactly does Romney have to do with BHO being dis honest to you?
You liberals care so much when your claim is the GOP is lying but ignore the lies that are real and effect all of us from the president?
Why does it matter?
IF Romney did lie about anything (which not sure he did) why do you allow BHO to get away with his lies?

Dan Froomkin: How the Mainstream Press Bungled the Single Biggest Story of the 2012 Campaign

you might want to look up the word copyright
Any way whats your point?
Let's see......according to JRK, President Bush saved the auto industry. According to Steve Rattner, who ran the Automotive Task Force that negotiated all the deals, President Bush merely kept the ball in play so that President Obama could do whatever was necessary to save the auto industry. Something that both agreed and believed was absolutely necessary.

So who should I believe.....JRK or the guy who was actually there and wrote a book about it? Wow....tough choice. Really tough choice (<----- that right there is sarcasm, folks)

keeping the ball in play?
no ball
no play my friend
you think the bond holders at GM were going to let them out of 2008 because the man who helped cause the mess tells you different?
think about it
What was the biggest lie that re-elected Obama?

That 47% of Americans are leeches.

you got a link to him saying that 47% of Americans were leeches?
you know I have never attacked our president
nor do I care about what Romney did, his advisers are 100% brain
The had this thing won hands down id they do not do stupid
they double down on stupid

BHO still loses if the main stream media plays it down the middle and Romney never has to do stupid
The post is simple
BHO lied about GM
he lied about the debt and his ownership of it
he lied about his job numbers
let me give you Libs an example
if every time BHO lied the main stream did this from the start?

it's only a net gain of 300,000 over the course of the Obama administration to date. The private jobs figure stood at 111 million in January 2009, the month Obama took office.
And total nonfarm payrolls, including government workers, are down from 133.6 million workers at the beginning of 2009 to 133.2 million in July 2012. There's been a net loss of nearly 1 million public-sector jobs since Obama took office, despite a surge in temporary hiring for the 2010 census.

CNN Fact Check: About those 4.5 million jobs ... - CNN.com
Let's see......according to JRK, President Bush saved the auto industry. According to Steve Rattner, who ran the Automotive Task Force that negotiated all the deals, President Bush merely kept the ball in play so that President Obama could do whatever was necessary to save the auto industry. Something that both agreed and believed was absolutely necessary.

So who should I believe.....JRK or the guy who was actually there and wrote a book about it? Wow....tough choice. Really tough choice (<----- that right there is sarcasm, folks)

keeping the ball in play?
no ball
no play my friend

you think the bond holders at GM were going to let them out of 2008 because the man who helped cause the mess tells you different?
think about it

Regarding the part in bold EXACTLY! President Bush did not save GM on his own. President Obama did not save GM on his own. They both played a part and neither GM nor Chrysler would be around if either one had fumbled the ball.

As for your bond holder question, I'm not sure I get it. Are you suggesting that Rattner "helped cause the mess"? Not certain what you mean and/or how it matters. My point was, if the guy who lead the ground effort makes it clear who set the direction, I'm gonna believe him, not you.
Let's see......according to JRK, President Bush saved the auto industry. According to Steve Rattner, who ran the Automotive Task Force that negotiated all the deals, President Bush merely kept the ball in play so that President Obama could do whatever was necessary to save the auto industry. Something that both agreed and believed was absolutely necessary.

So who should I believe.....JRK or the guy who was actually there and wrote a book about it? Wow....tough choice. Really tough choice (<----- that right there is sarcasm, folks)

keeping the ball in play?
no ball
no play my friend

you think the bond holders at GM were going to let them out of 2008 because the man who helped cause the mess tells you different?
think about it

Regarding the part in bold EXACTLY! President Bush did not save GM on his own. President Obama did not save GM on his own. They both played a part and neither GM nor Chrysler would be around if either one had fumbled the ball.

As for your bond holder question, I'm not sure I get it. Are you suggesting that Rattner "helped cause the mess"? Not certain what you mean and/or how it matters. My point was, if the guy who lead the ground effort makes it clear who set the direction, I'm gonna believe him, not you.

the UAW and GM were done bud
Enron done
chapter 11 done

congress including some democrats because they knew GM dying meant jobs in the south told GWB
NO, dont do it
the will of the people spoke and GWB ignored it

Now is that in his book?

It was GWB worst act as president

this is why GM does not exist without GWB
he ignored congress, gave billions to pay there union wages
etc... along with a few bills

In a statement, President-elect Barack Obama said today's loan was "a necessary step to help avoid a collapse in our auto industry that would have devastating consequences for our economy and our workers."

Obama added that "the auto companies must not squander this chance to reform bad management practices and begin the long-term restructuring that is absolutely required to save this critical industry and the millions of American jobs that depend on it."

Conditions similar to auto bailout bill
The terms of the loan are similar to those set in the auto bailout legislation that was passed by the House last week but was shot down in the Senate.

Even BHO said without there done dude, different tune now huh?
also note the senate voting this action down
Stopgap auto bailout to help GM, Chrysler - Dec. 19, 2008
What was the biggest lie that re-elected Obama?

That he could be beaten by a ham sandwich.

Sadly, the Ham Sandwich wasn't running, so the GOP nominated Romney instead.

I'm serious! well....sort of... :lol: I'm looking at Obama's record over four years and it is pretty lean.. Ya a stab at reforming health care...a few other tidbits but all in all he didn't really sign his name to much. Of course the traitors in the GOP were mostly responsible for what didn't get done. But that doesn't make Obama look better. I think what drew out a lot of voters was shear indignance at the name calling...the pictures of Obama with a bone through his nose.. the obvious but much denied racism. Most Americans were sickened by it and came out to make a statement.

BHO is the president and you still pull the race card?
they were lied too Huggy by the media about BHO record.
he did not save GM
He has created no jobs
about 800-900 billion of the 1.3 trillion deficit we are running he owns
the last GOP budget was within 163 billion of being balanced with the Iraq war wide open
Was JRK homeskooled or did he ride the short bus?

attacking your fellow Americans has become a way of life for the lib in this country
like the way you spelled home-schooled also
People who ride the short bus?
Is that a racial slur?
Is there a difference?

chill out
All I have done is point out some in accuarcies from the president

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