What was the biggest lie that re-elected Obama?

biggest lie:

He was asked why he voted to the left of Sen. Bernie Sanders; he said, "that was just me resisting George Bush".

Truth: he had two communist parents and so was a communist just like Sen. Bernie Sanders

So why is Barry so popular despite treasonous lies: he's a good looking half-black man who says to white people, I won't be angry with you over slavery if you make me president! Thats in effect what Shelby Steele says anyway.
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What was the biggest lie that re-elected Obama?

I can only speak from my own personal perspective.

I believe Obama is a frustrated socialist. I think if Bush had not blown up the economy, and we had a growing economy instead, Obama would have instituted many more government programs in addition to ObamaCare.

But then again, if Bush had not blown up the economy, Obama would not be President in the first place.

Obama is an incompetent idiot who happens to have the unprecedented good fortune to be surrounded by enemies even dumber than he is.

I dislike Obama so much, I very nearly decided to vote this year despite my utter disgust with the psychopaths who have hijacked the rhetoric on the Right.

I actually had my absentee ballot. Carried it with me for a long time.

But then, the "Obama watched as they died" bullshit began.

And that lie stopped me from voting.
I believe Obama is a frustrated socialist.

Only as means to support the achievement and retention of power.

Like most "socialists".

We are ripe with citizens who are imbued with entitlement and victimization.

Which history shows is the perfect audience and mechanism for the achievement and retention of power.
What was the biggest lie that re-elected Obama?

I can only speak from my own personal perspective.

I believe Obama is a frustrated socialist. I think if Bush had not blown up the economy, and we had a growing economy instead, Obama would have instituted many more government programs in addition to ObamaCare.

But then again, if Bush had not blown up the economy, Obama would not be President in the first place.

Obama is an incompetent idiot who happens to have the unprecedented good fortune to be surrounded by enemies even dumber than he is.

I dislike Obama so much, I very nearly decided to vote this year despite my utter disgust with the psychopaths who have hijacked the rhetoric on the Right.

I actually had my absentee ballot. Carried it with me for a long time.

But then, the "Obama watched as they died" bullshit began.

And that lie stopped me from voting.

What did W do to "blow up the economy"
Job creation?
Saving the Auto industry?
Obama-care being deficit neutral?
That a movie caused the murder of a US ambassador on 9-11-2012?
That he inherited the debt?

Its amazing that people are such a state of denial

The country we loved until 2007 is gone and will never be the same again
Thank you
that taxes would go up only on the so called rich.
Job creation?
Saving the Auto industry?
Obama-care being deficit neutral?
That a movie caused the murder of a US ambassador on 9-11-2012?
That he inherited the debt?

Its amazing that people are such a state of denial

The country we loved until 2007 is gone and will never be the same again
Thank you
that taxes would go up only on the so called rich.

got my first ck of 2013
with a new state income (changed states as I do often with my occupation) with that and the higher payroll, lost about 200.00 bring home
that is 10,000 a year
and we are bleeding over a trillion a year in deficts
Job creation?
Saving the Auto industry?
Obama-care being deficit neutral?
That a movie caused the murder of a US ambassador on 9-11-2012?
That he inherited the debt?

Its amazing that people are such a state of denial

The country we loved until 2007 is gone and will never be the same again
Thank you
that taxes would go up only on the so called rich.

got my first ck of 2013
with a new state income (changed states as I do often with my occupation) with that and the higher payroll, lost about 200.00 bring home
that is 10,000 a year
and we are bleeding over a trillion a year in deficts

and don't forget CBO said yesterday that 7 million will lose their health insurance under Obamacare and have to buy it!!
that taxes would go up only on the so called rich.

got my first ck of 2013
with a new state income (changed states as I do often with my occupation) with that and the higher payroll, lost about 200.00 bring home
that is 10,000 a year
and we are bleeding over a trillion a year in deficts

and don't forget CBO said yesterday that 7 million will lose their health insurance under Obamacare and have to buy it!!

mine has changed drastically
A new surprise every time I use it
got my first ck of 2013
with a new state income (changed states as I do often with my occupation) with that and the higher payroll, lost about 200.00 bring home
that is 10,000 a year
and we are bleeding over a trillion a year in deficts

and don't forget CBO said yesterday that 7 million will lose their health insurance under Obamacare and have to buy it!!

mine has changed drastically
A new surprise every time I use it

yes mine went up a full 25% just this year!
What was the biggest lie that re-elected Obama?

It's hard to say, the Republicans told so many of them.
What was the biggest lie that re-elected Obama?

It's hard to say, the Republicans told so many of them.

Like this one?
CBO: Under Obamacare 7 million to lose employer-provided health insurance - New York Manhattan Conservative | Examiner.com
Remember the president’s assurance back when he was working feverishly to sell Obamacare to an apprehensive populace? He said repeatedly, "If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan. Period." The claim was so dubious that even PolitiFact rated the promise in August of 2009 as half-true. Now a report released on Wednesday by the Congressional Budget Office suggests the fact-checking site might have been erring on the side of caution.

The nonpartisan government agency estimates that 7 million Americans will lose their employer-provided health insurance once the law becomes fully implemented.
What was the biggest lie that re-elected Obama?

It's hard to say, the Republicans told so many of them.

Like this one?
CBO: Under Obamacare 7 million to lose employer-provided health insurance - New York Manhattan Conservative | Examiner.com
Remember the president’s assurance back when he was working feverishly to sell Obamacare to an apprehensive populace? He said repeatedly, "If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan. Period." The claim was so dubious that even PolitiFact rated the promise in August of 2009 as half-true. Now a report released on Wednesday by the Congressional Budget Office suggests the fact-checking site might have been erring on the side of caution.

The nonpartisan government agency estimates that 7 million Americans will lose their employer-provided health insurance once the law becomes fully implemented.

yes buying insurance will amount to about a $500 per person per month tax thanks to BO, but still he's as beloved as ever!!!

Remember when he said, "If you like you're insurance you get to keep it!!!
What was the biggest lie that re-elected Obama?

It's hard to say, the Republicans told so many of them.

Like this one?
CBO: Under Obamacare 7 million to lose employer-provided health insurance - New York Manhattan Conservative | Examiner.com
Remember the president’s assurance back when he was working feverishly to sell Obamacare to an apprehensive populace? He said repeatedly, "If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan. Period." The claim was so dubious that even PolitiFact rated the promise in August of 2009 as half-true. Now a report released on Wednesday by the Congressional Budget Office suggests the fact-checking site might have been erring on the side of caution.

The nonpartisan government agency estimates that 7 million Americans will lose their employer-provided health insurance once the law becomes fully implemented.

If you idiots had a brain, you'd have basic coverage for every American with Medicare. You could set it up for a non-profit organization to run the program and just use the government to fund it. If done properly, you'd cut what we spend on health care in half and that would leave all that money to be spent in other parts of our economy. If people wanted more than basic coverage, they could purchase additional coverage with the non-profit organization, which would set the rates based on costs. Such a system would take businesses off the hook for expensive coverage. The government could figure out how to tax and raise the money and they would just be a money collector with oversight to prevent abuse.

Problem solved!
What was the biggest lie that re-elected Obama?

It's hard to say, the Republicans told so many of them.

Like this one?
CBO: Under Obamacare 7 million to lose employer-provided health insurance - New York Manhattan Conservative | Examiner.com
Remember the president’s assurance back when he was working feverishly to sell Obamacare to an apprehensive populace? He said repeatedly, "If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan. Period." The claim was so dubious that even PolitiFact rated the promise in August of 2009 as half-true. Now a report released on Wednesday by the Congressional Budget Office suggests the fact-checking site might have been erring on the side of caution.

The nonpartisan government agency estimates that 7 million Americans will lose their employer-provided health insurance once the law becomes fully implemented.

yes buying insurance will amount to about a $500 per person per month tax thanks to BO, but still he's as beloved as ever!!!

Remember when he said, "If you like you're insurance you get to keep it!!!

it is crazy
I mean people have no idea how bad these policies are going to harm this country for years and years to come
these huge deficits will come home to bight us one day like one has never seen sense the 30s
we are all ready very close
Like this one?
CBO: Under Obamacare 7 million to lose employer-provided health insurance - New York Manhattan Conservative | Examiner.com
Remember the president’s assurance back when he was working feverishly to sell Obamacare to an apprehensive populace? He said repeatedly, "If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan. Period." The claim was so dubious that even PolitiFact rated the promise in August of 2009 as half-true. Now a report released on Wednesday by the Congressional Budget Office suggests the fact-checking site might have been erring on the side of caution.

The nonpartisan government agency estimates that 7 million Americans will lose their employer-provided health insurance once the law becomes fully implemented.

yes buying insurance will amount to about a $500 per person per month tax thanks to BO, but still he's as beloved as ever!!!

Remember when he said, "If you like you're insurance you get to keep it!!!

it is crazy
I mean people have no idea how bad these policies are going to harm this country for years and years to come
these huge deficits will come home to bight us one day like one has never seen sense the 30s
we are all ready very close

Health care insurance was once provided by tax exempt, non-profit organizations and Reagan changed that. The system worked before Reagan changed it and could work again by taking business out of health care.

It doesn't have to cost the government anything to collect taxes to pay for health care. It's like 80% of our hospitals are tax exempt, non-profit organizations and they just need to start acting like one.
One of the biggest lies that got Obama re-elected was the one about Sandra Fluke wanting the government to pay for her to have sex.

That was a good one.

Thanks RWers, couldn't do it w/o your radical reactionary nonsense and added vitriol.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :thup:

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