What was the biggest lie that re-elected Obama?

Pub lies and hate killed the Pubs. The really ridiculous thing is for dupes to say they don't listen to Rush, or Beck, Breitbart Inc, Fox, or the hundreds of websites, orgs, institutes- it's ALL the same Pubcrappe. Duh.
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The biggest lie is that Obama is looking out for the middle class. If people only knew the truth!
That he's a marxist communist socialist muslim from kenya. Stupid crap from the far right had independents running to Obama.
Right. Obama won because the republicans lost. The repubican party does not represent the people anymore. It is a sick, failing party, and many republicans of high stature have said so. Things with this party must change or it will continue to lose elections. The extremist, wacko, right wing nuttiness and hard line BS needs to stop.
That he's a marxist communist socialist muslim from kenya. Stupid crap from the far right had independents running to Obama.
Right. Obama won because the republicans lost. The repubican party does not represent the people anymore. It is a sick, failing party, and many republicans of high stature have said so. Things with this party must change or it will continue to lose elections. The extremist, wacko, right wing nuttiness and hard line BS needs to stop.

Just so.
I will agree it was a fluke that Obama got re elected.

But it wasn't because of the sandra fluke.
What was the biggest lie that re-elected Obama?

"Hello My name is Mitt Romney and I'm just like you."

I thought it was more like...
"I'm Mitt Romney, I'm from the Republican Party and I'm here to help"
What was the biggest lie that re-elected Obama?


It pointed out just how kooky and out of touch his opposition had become.

so then what is the correct number if not 47%???

What was stated was in fact correct. The issue with that STUPID remark is some has deserved those benefits
Matter if fact though it was not a lie
Romney s Advisers where brain dead

Romney just needed to state the truth and stick to it
No jobs, 4 million fewer than 2007 still today on the private sector
Out of control spending to include no budgets sense BHO adding over 500 billion to the GWB baseline of 2009 proposed
GM still mowing us billions
Enhanced interrogations found UBL and the team 6 finished the job
The tax payer saved GM during the term of GWB
Medicare donated monies to Obama-care to make it LOOK to not add to the deficit

Positive ideas such as the GOP budget Obama ignored from his VP candidate
A tax policy that made sense

keep it simple, not shit like the Jeep fiasco that was in reality more true than not
Of course most main stream did not report the facts

unlike some

Romney was my 4th choice
Newt is the man we need to fix this mess

Any way, your right
The comment no matter how stupid was not a lie
JRK has just trashed every SS recipient, VA retiree, DAV pensioner, Medicare client, and so forth.

This arrogance is, in part, why my GOP lost: because of the JeRKs in the reactionary far right.
keep it simple, not shit like the Jeep fiasco that was in reality more true than not
Of course most main stream did not report the facts

Look -- everybody but Mitt Romney reported the facts. Romney said, and I quote, "I saw a story today that one of the great manufacturers in this state Jeep -- now owned by the Italians -- is thinking of moving all production to China" in Defiance Ohio on October 25.

You can trot out all the articles you like that get it wrong but it's on the record. In fact after the false claim came out and was jumped on by everybody from the news media to the auto industry to the Obama campaign, Romney came back and repeated it anyway!

I mean shit man, [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Lv5hfx0fXA"]it's on video right here at 10:34[/ame] :bang3: wtf?? Are you blind as well as obtuse?

This made PolitiFact's "Lie of the Year" in fact. Get your head out of the sand, break open the piggy bank, trot down to K-Mart and buy a fucking clue.
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Yup. BHO said he was going to raise taxes on the wealthy, and he did. He did not raise the income tax on the middle class. He said the payroll tax holiday was over for everybody, which was the responsible thing and way over due (originally the GOP was calling for its termination). I think he should say, "Fuck you all, dems and pubs and none, the entire American public, for being greedy bints and boys, I am for sequestration. We are going to get this thing under control even if I have to make it a one man band."
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keep it simple, not shit like the Jeep fiasco that was in reality more true than not
Of course most main stream did not report the facts

Look -- everybody but Mitt Romney reported the facts. Romney said, and I quote, "I saw a story today that one of the great manufacturers in this state Jeep -- now owned by the Italians -- is thinking of moving all production to China" in Defiance Ohio on October 25.

You can trot out all the articles you like that get it wrong but it's on the record. In fact after the false claim came out and was jumped on by everybody from the news media to the auto industry to the Obama campaign, Romney came back and repeated it anyway!

I mean shit man, [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Lv5hfx0fXA"]it's on video right here at 10:34[/ame] :bang3: wtf?? Are you blind as well as obtuse?

This made PolitiFact's "Lie of the Year" in fact. Get your head out of the sand, break open the piggy bank, trot down to K-Mart and buy a fucking clue.

As the thread has stated
what was the largest lie that re elected BHO

Later, the Romney campaign aired an advertisement that did not repeat the move of production from Ohio but said that Chrysler is considering making Jeeps in China, which Chrysler has said.

U.S. President Barack Obama's campaign, in its own ad, said Romney was making a "false claim" and noted that Chrysler had challenged Romney's statement.

Ohio is seen by many political pollsters one of several key "swing" states in next Tuesday's presidential election.

Chrysler has been managed by Fiat SpA (FIA.MI) since it emerged from its 2009 bankruptcy, when the Italian company took 20-percent ownership. Marchionne is chief executive of both Chrysler and Fiat.

Fiat has since increased its ownership to 58.5 percent after achieving several goals, including building a fuel-efficient compact car made in the United States and increasing Chrysler sales outside its North American base.

Romney's ad and his comments in Defiance state that Chrysler has been taken over by an Italian company. Chrysler is based in Auburn Hills, Michigan, outside Detroit. Defiance is about an hour's drive to the a main Jeep plant in Toledo, Ohio.

Chrysler as early as June 2011 had said it was considering adding Jeep production in China.

"We are working to establish a global enterprise and previously announced our intent to return Jeep production to China, the world's largest auto market, in order to satisfy local market demand, which would not otherwise be accessible," said Marchionne in the email on Tuesday

Chrysler repeats not moving Jeep work to China from U.S. | Reuters

@ worst The comment was never far from 1/2 truth, then corrected to be all truth

Your media never reported any of this and you as well as millions of others repeated these in correct mews stories un like this on that was fair and balanced
The biggest lies can be found in JRK's posts by the GOP that got Obama re-elected
@ worst The comment was never far from 1/2 truth, then corrected to be all truth

Your media never reported any of this and you as well as millions of others repeated these in correct mews stories un like this on that was fair and balanced

Oh poster please. Don't sit on here and try to bullshit me. I knew this story quite well before I ever signed on to this board. The comment was a lie. It was taken from a blog that misrepresented the story; that misrepresentation was clarified by Chrysler before it even got to Romney, then it was called out by the media, the car companies and the opposing candidate --- and he kept on saying it anyway. Your bullshit mountain doesn't make that not the case; it is the case, period. Like it or lump it but you're not entitled to your own set of facts.

And "I" don't have a media. I have facts. You have a steaming turd pie with bullshit icing.
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Pogo is right about Romney's misstatements about Jeep: he knew the truth but wanted to get elected.

As much as I like Mitt, he became a plastic man modeling to any who might vote for him. A shame.

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