What was the biggest lie that re-elected Obama?

The Republicans generate the poverty in America.

100% stupid and liberal of course. Why be so afraid to give us your best example?? What does your fear tell us??

The Gop with the exception of the senate in 00-02 had congress from 94 through 06
we had an avg of 5% UE
we had balanced budgets
we were within 162 billion in 07 of the same

Sense we have had more than 4 million private sector jobs lost
in the last 4 years we have had 8 million people leave the same
The poverty rate today is the highest sense 1965
US Poverty Rate to Hit Highest Level Since 1965, Economists Say
This insanity makes no sense

I heard the head of Amazon say the other day that the most important money in the history of his company was the first $50,000.
He said it was a miracle he raised that first 50k in venture capital. Perhaps if Barry had been around then to raise capital gains taxes on the evil Republican wealthy the $50,000 would not have been available and Amazon would have never gotten off the ground.
The Republicans generate the poverty in America.

100% stupid and liberal of course. Why be so afraid to give us your best example?? What does your fear tell us??

The Gop with the exception of the senate in 00-02 had congress from 94 through 06
we had an avg of 5% UE
we had balanced budgets
we were within 162 billion in 07 of the same

Sense we have had more than 4 million private sector jobs lost
in the last 4 years we have had 8 million people leave the same
The poverty rate today is the highest sense 1965
US Poverty Rate to Hit Highest Level Since 1965, Economists Say
This insanity makes no sense

And like in 1893 and 1929, the fucking economy collapsed. Bush left office with 700,000 jobs being lost each month, you moronic munchkin.
did any of you hear the broadcast from the Glenn Beck show when a caller told Glenn that he heard from an reliable source(but wont give out the name) that Harry Reid was raping pedophiles? he called the show within a day or two after Reid accused Romney of not paying taxes. Glenn,Pat,Stu and me couldn't stop laughing !!!
100% stupid and liberal of course. Why be so afraid to give us your best example?? What does your fear tell us??

The Gop with the exception of the senate in 00-02 had congress from 94 through 06
we had an avg of 5% UE
we had balanced budgets
we were within 162 billion in 07 of the same

Sense we have had more than 4 million private sector jobs lost
in the last 4 years we have had 8 million people leave the same
The poverty rate today is the highest sense 1965
US Poverty Rate to Hit Highest Level Since 1965, Economists Say
This insanity makes no sense

I heard the head of Amazon say the other day that the most important money in the history of his company was the first $50,000.
He said it was a miracle he raised that first 50k in venture capital. Perhaps if Barry had been around then to raise capital gains taxes on the evil Republican wealthy the $50,000 would not have been available and Amazon would have never gotten off the ground.

Capital gains is the back bone of business
It is BTW taxing money that has all ready been taxed
Investing monies you have earned as I do seems weird to then again to pay taxes on the 2000 I made on a 20,000 investment of monies I paid taxes on once
401ks are everything for middle class america
if you sell that capital prior to retirement that hit you with income and capital gains taxes
About 37% in all

JeRK can't get around that 700,000 jobs were being lost monthly as Bush left office.
The Gop with the exception of the senate in 00-02 had congress from 94 through 06
we had an avg of 5% UE
we had balanced budgets
we were within 162 billion in 07 of the same

Sense we have had more than 4 million private sector jobs lost
in the last 4 years we have had 8 million people leave the same
The poverty rate today is the highest sense 1965
US Poverty Rate to Hit Highest Level Since 1965, Economists Say
This insanity makes no sense

I heard the head of Amazon say the other day that the most important money in the history of his company was the first $50,000.
He said it was a miracle he raised that first 50k in venture capital. Perhaps if Barry had been around then to raise capital gains taxes on the evil Republican wealthy the $50,000 would not have been available and Amazon would have never gotten off the ground.

Capital gains is the back bone of business
It is BTW taxing money that has all ready been taxed
Investing monies you have earned as I do seems weird to then again to pay taxes on the 2000 I made on a 20,000 investment of monies I paid taxes on once
401ks are everything for middle class america
if you sell that capital prior to retirement that hit you with income and capital gains taxes
About 37% in all


yes S=I ( savings equal investment) This is Econ 101. To a large degree what liberals take in taxes is surplus money a large part of which could be put into savings and then invested.

So, this means there is a huge price to be paid in terms of lost investment when liberals are in authority.

Why not make them illegal as the Constitution intended??
too stupid but perfectly liberal. You've confused stimulate with churn. If you drop money from a helicopter or hand out one time welfare all agree it will churn an economy or create a bubble that will burst and cause a recession, much like the liberal housing bubble.

My point, again.

Innovators only have an incentive to bring something to market when consumers have money to buy their products. The technical term is "demand".

Demand is where the more virulent supply side policies run into trouble.

It stars with the fact that investors want the cheapest possible labor costs so they can maximize returns. This is called "getting incentives right", and it explains the productivity advantage capitalism has over socialism. But it also puts downward pressure on wages and very often results in offshoring (because investors make more when their goods are made for pennies a day by workers who live in hovels beneath brutal dictators).

Making room for tax cuts. In addition to lowering wages, Supply Side Economics (or its steroidal, globalized big brother "neoliberalism") makes room for tax cuts by cutting benefits, policies, programs, entitlements and regulations which bolster middle class solvency (and increase purchasing power). Additionally, this austerity is utilized to weaken labor, e.g., the more disenfranchised and downtrodden a labor market, the less you have to pay them (which, again, results in higher returns - provided, of course, that you can dump enough credit on the downtrodden so they can, in the midst of falling and stagnant wages, still buy your stuff. And don't worry if they default on their debt. The system will bail out the lender (John Galt) while foreclosing on the borrower (the middle class). Make no mistake - just as the postwar economy favored the middle class, the post-Reagan economy is fully controlled by concentrated private sector wealth and the politicians it funds).

The "real life" downside of supply side policies (which, again, lowers wages/benefits to increase returns) is a middle class which has far less money than it had in 1950. This loss in wages/benefits (and jobs) has resulted in a 30yr over-reliance on credit. Research household debt starting in 1980 when American families started receiving 3 credit card offers a week. The expansion of credit launched by Reaganomics contributed to an amazing boom, but it slowly undermined middle class solvency until too many consumers, awash in debt, were one big financial downturn from losing their shirts. Reaganomics had a great run until the consumer was so over-burdened with debt that demand was irreparably compromised.

This is not to say that Supply Side policies are without merit. Indeed, In the 70s wages and benefits were at their highest. Moreover, the Fed was charged with maintaining full employment, which meant it stimulated the economy to keep economic downturns from devolving into spiraling deflation and job loss. And Labor was very strong, which meant it had the leverage to Strike for higher wages. The result of 40 years of demand-centered policies lead to inflation, which chipped away at the very purchasing power which Washington was trying to bolster. It turned into a double whammy because workers were paid so well that they were in a higher tax bracket, but the inflation meant that they actually had less real money. Uncle Milty did a great job explaining this. (Not sure you've read "Capitalism and Freedom" but you should. My side lets me read brilliant thinkers from the "other team", whereas yours maintains very tight ideological control and does not permit any wandering from the mothership. This makes sense because if you need to turn Hussein into Bin Laden (or Bob Dole's health care plan into grandma killing death squads), than you have to wage war on media sources that are not controlled by the party apparatus).

But the larger point is this: Supply Side policies made sense in the 70s because the problem was inflation along with a regulatory environment which suffocated efficiency. This is why Carter deregulated transportation and communications. (But deregulation can also be over-applied, like when Greenspan, executing Reagan's dream, said we shouldn't regulate the expansion of credit, especially in the form of what he called its greatest innovation: subprimes. Let's not talk about the unregulated derivative market or the fact that the SEC was so defanged that Arthur Anderson could get away with letting Enron create fake spinoffs to hide losses from workers and investors)

Ultimately, when the problem is deflation and weak demand - like it is today - than supply side policies - by further weakening demand - have the effect of removing oxygen from a fire.
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did any of you hear the broadcast from the Glenn Beck show when a caller told Glenn that he heard from an reliable source(but wont give out the name) that Harry Reid was raping pedophiles? he called the show within a day or two after Reid accused Romney of not paying taxes. Glenn,Pat,Stu and me couldn't stop laughing !!!

And who's sock puppet are you?
Can Romney claim he has paid more in federal taxes than the 47% people buying gasoline and cigarettes have?

dear, are you nuts. Romney pays millions each year in tax!! while those in the 47% dont even earn $50,000 and pay almost no tax!!

Whats wrong with you??

Romney pays millions, but hundreds of millions are paying federal taxes for every mile they drive. Billions of cigarettes are smoked and isn't liquor taxed?

If you have enough children you won't pay taxes on $50,000, but why don't you show us how many you would have to have? You brought it up, so prove it!
did any of you hear the broadcast from the Glenn Beck show when a caller told Glenn that he heard from an reliable source(but wont give out the name) that Harry Reid was raping pedophiles? he called the show within a day or two after Reid accused Romney of not paying taxes. Glenn,Pat,Stu and me couldn't stop laughing !!!

I imagine they were laughing. That has to be a new one.
so what does Beck have to do with our president, his performance and the level of mis information that got him re-elected?
GM? Tax Payer, GWB
Deficit? 162 billion in 07, 1.4 trillion in 09
UBL? read no east day and then go see 0 dark 30 and ask yourself how anyone could take credit for the lives and GUTS it took to find the scum bag
Where is the pictures from the night Benghazi took place?
where was BHO then? Hillary?
Obama care? where do I start with failure?
Jobs? 4 million fewer than 2008
Lets not forget the 8 million who are so far of the radar they do not even get counted anymore

And your babbling about an Beck?
That is desperation to find anything that will take away the truth
700,000 jobs lost monthly at the end of Bush's administration.

The biggest lie? That the GOP could not have prevented the Great Recession, though it held Congress for twelve years with compliant presidents.

The GOP had compliant presidents and the majority for 12 years: yep, you are uninformed. Republicans had the Congress plus compliant presidents.

104th 1995–1997 100 48 52 — — 435 204 230 1 —
105th 1997–1999 100 45 55 — — 435 207 226 2 —
106th 1999–2001 100 45 55 — — 435 211 223 1 —
107th 2001–2003 100 50 50 — — 435 212 221 2 — GOP had the tie breaker in the Senate with VP Cheney presiding
108th 2003–2005 100 48 51 1 — 435 205 229 1 —
109th 2005–2007 100 44 55 1 — 435 202 231 1 1

Composition of Congress by Party 1855?2013 ? Infoplease.com[/QUOTE]
Can Romney claim he has paid more in federal taxes than the 47% people buying gasoline and cigarettes have?

dear, are you nuts. Romney pays millions each year in tax!! while those in the 47% dont even earn $50,000 and pay almost no tax!!

Whats wrong with you??

Oh, the humanity, Edmund! Tell us more about what kind of rat bastards make less than $50k and don't pay millions in taxes, Edmund? It's time America saw Edmund Bellowfogger's truth about the rabble - the 71% of individuals and 51% of US families earning under $50k/a.

What do you log cabin nutballs know that Willard don't? Don't sugar coat it like Willard did, Ed.


  • $Personal_Household_Income_U.png
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What was the biggest lie that re-elected Obama?
That Democrats were only going to Tax the rich.
What lie elected Barack Obama?
Job creation?
Saving the Auto industry?
Obama-care being deficit neutral?
That a movie caused the murder of a US ambassador on 9-11-2012?
That he inherited the debt?

[additional nutball bogusness deleted to promote mental health]

It was the sum of those lies by the anti-American corporate employees elected to US leadership positions pretending to give a shit about the United States.

The specific lie that elected Obama is that Reagan had a clue - that voodoo economics work. Thirty years of bogus economics paid for by debt, including, hilariously, that the fake democrat smartboy Clinton balanced the budget. I could teach a monkey to borrow money to pay bills, which is basically what Clinton did as he took Reagan's voodoo economic policies to their natural limits. It tickles the hell out of me that a bobbleheaded puppet and nutball hero like Reagan tripled the national debt, while a fake-liberal scum like Clinton "balanced the budget" with borrowed money, and their acolytes fall all over each other praising them as exemplars to party while the facts prove they were both corporate shills.

The first four years of Junebug Bush's eight years of moroncy were basically a low level hangover from the roaring nineties when Clinton finished what Reagan started in terms of trading America's industrial base for cheap electronic toys made by functionally forced labor in (mostly) Asian hellholes.

In October 2007 it was clear to me the US was in a recession. It wasn't until months later the scum in government admitted it. In September 2008 my prediction was no complete recovery for the bottom half of wage earners until around 2016. Now that looks pretty optimistic. It is more likely that the blue collar wage earner will never again enjoy much leisure time or disposable income.

Reagan was probably a decent fool. Unfortunately "fool" is the operative word discussing him. His handlers' objectives included destroying labor for the benefit of corporations. The overarching concept was to make labor chattel, bouncing back and forth from low paying jobs to government programs, depending on need. Then taxing them for their own maintenance programs. Willard hilariously made that all too clear.

Obama is not the right man to bring the nation back; he doesn't know enough - and if he did, he is not his own man; his appointments of scum like Geithner, Summers and Holder prove that beyond a shadow of a doubt. But Obama didn't get elected based on his own lies; the results of thirty years of lies from the corporatist mainstream in BOTH PARTIES elected Obama in 2008 and residual memories of those lies re elected him in 2012.

Chart below (click on it to expand): Note that recessions in industrial America (pre-ReagaNUT policy) were V shaped (Reagan's TWO recessions were V shaped because that bobble headed puppet of Wall Street hadn't destroyed US industry yet); while Reagan's policies converting the US economy from a production based economy to an asset based economy degrade the overall economy and produce significantly longer lasting recessions that are more or less bowl shaped.


  • $JobLossesJan2013.jpg
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What lie elected Barack Obama?
Job creation?
Saving the Auto industry?
Obama-care being deficit neutral?
That a movie caused the murder of a US ambassador on 9-11-2012?
That he inherited the debt?

[additional nutball bogusness deleted to promote mental health]

It was the sum of those lies by the anti-American corporate employees elected to US leadership positions pretending to give a shit about the United States.

The specific lie that elected Obama is that Reagan had a clue - that voodoo economics work. Thirty years of bogus economics paid for by debt, including, hilariously, that the fake democrat smartboy Clinton balanced the budget. I could teach a monkey to borrow money to pay bills, which is basically what Clinton did as he took Reagan's voodoo economic policies to their natural limits. It tickles the hell out of me that a bobbleheaded puppet and nutball hero like Reagan tripled the national debt, while a fake-liberal scum like Clinton "balanced the budget" with borrowed money, and their acolytes fall all over each other praising them as exemplars to party while the facts prove they were both corporate shills.

The first four years of Junebug Bush's eight years of moroncy were basically a low level hangover from the roaring nineties when Clinton finished what Reagan started in terms of trading America's industrial base for cheap electronic toys made by functionally forced labor in (mostly) Asian hellholes.

In October 2007 it was clear to me the US was in a recession. It wasn't until months later the scum in government admitted it. In September 2008 my prediction was no complete recovery for the bottom half of wage earners until around 2016. Now that looks pretty optimistic. It is more likely that the blue collar wage earner will never again enjoy much leisure time or disposable income.

Reagan was probably a decent fool. Unfortunately "fool" is the operative word discussing him. His handlers' objectives included destroying labor for the benefit of corporations. The overarching concept was to make labor chattel, bouncing back and forth from low paying jobs to government programs, depending on need. Then taxing them for their own maintenance programs. Willard hilariously made that all too clear.

Obama is not the right man to bring the nation back; he doesn't know enough - and if he did, he is not his own man; his appointments of scum like Geithner, Summers and Holder prove that beyond a shadow of a doubt. But Obama didn't get elected based on his own lies; the results of thirty years of lies from the corporatist mainstream in BOTH PARTIES elected Obama in 2008 and residual memories of those lies re elected him in 2012.

Chart below (click on it to expand): Note that recessions in industrial America (pre-ReagaNUT policy) were V shaped (Reagan's TWO recessions were V shaped because that bobble headed puppet of Wall Street hadn't destroyed US industry yet); while Reagan's policies converting the US economy from a production based economy to an asset based economy degrade the overall economy and produce significantly longer lasting recessions that are more or less bowl shaped.

I stopped reading your thread at blaming Reagan
No it did not work
Reagan administration (both terms): 16.1 million
Bush 41 administration: 2.6 million
Clinton administration (both terms): 22.7 million
Bush 43 administration: 1.95 million
40 million jobs, take in account the GOP congress except 01-02 from 94 through 06
closer to 44 million
Which president of the us created the most jobs
GDP grew 26%
Peoples net worth grew annually 27%

Now your comparing that to
no private sector jobs sense Jan, 2008 (4 million fewer than)
Negative GDP last 1/4 with free money to the banks as well as record deficits
The prime in 88 was 10%
today its 4.5

stay focused on the truth and it will set you free
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JeRK, who caused the Bush administration to be responsible for losing SEVEN HUNDRED THOUSAND jobs monthly as he was leaving office.
What lie elected Barack Obama?
Job creation?
Saving the Auto industry?
Obama-care being deficit neutral?
That a movie caused the murder of a US ambassador on 9-11-2012?
That he inherited the debt?

[additional nutball bogusness deleted to promote mental health]

It was the sum of those lies by the anti-American corporate employees elected to US leadership positions pretending to give a shit about the United States.

The specific lie that elected Obama is that Reagan had a clue - that voodoo economics work. Thirty years of bogus economics paid for by debt, including, hilariously, that the fake democrat smartboy Clinton balanced the budget. I could teach a monkey to borrow money to pay bills, which is basically what Clinton did as he took Reagan's voodoo economic policies to their natural limits. It tickles the hell out of me that a bobbleheaded puppet and nutball hero like Reagan tripled the national debt, while a fake-liberal scum like Clinton "balanced the budget" with borrowed money, and their acolytes fall all over each other praising them as exemplars to party while the facts prove they were both corporate shills.

The first four years of Junebug Bush's eight years of moroncy were basically a low level hangover from the roaring nineties when Clinton finished what Reagan started in terms of trading America's industrial base for cheap electronic toys made by functionally forced labor in (mostly) Asian hellholes.

In October 2007 it was clear to me the US was in a recession. It wasn't until months later the scum in government admitted it. In September 2008 my prediction was no complete recovery for the bottom half of wage earners until around 2016. Now that looks pretty optimistic. It is more likely that the blue collar wage earner will never again enjoy much leisure time or disposable income.

Reagan was probably a decent fool. Unfortunately "fool" is the operative word discussing him. His handlers' objectives included destroying labor for the benefit of corporations. The overarching concept was to make labor chattel, bouncing back and forth from low paying jobs to government programs, depending on need. Then taxing them for their own maintenance programs. Willard hilariously made that all too clear.

Obama is not the right man to bring the nation back; he doesn't know enough - and if he did, he is not his own man; his appointments of scum like Geithner, Summers and Holder prove that beyond a shadow of a doubt. But Obama didn't get elected based on his own lies; the results of thirty years of lies from the corporatist mainstream in BOTH PARTIES elected Obama in 2008 and residual memories of those lies re elected him in 2012.

Chart below (click on it to expand): Note that recessions in industrial America (pre-ReagaNUT policy) were V shaped (Reagan's TWO recessions were V shaped because that bobble headed puppet of Wall Street hadn't destroyed US industry yet); while Reagan's policies converting the US economy from a production based economy to an asset based economy degrade the overall economy and produce significantly longer lasting recessions that are more or less bowl shaped.

I stopped reading your thread at blaming Reagan
No it did not work
Reagan administration (both terms): 16.1 million
Bush 41 administration: 2.6 million
Clinton administration (both terms): 22.7 million
Bush 43 administration: 1.95 million
40 million jobs, take in account the GOP congress except 01-02 from 94 through 06
closer to 44 million
Which president of the us created the most jobs
GDP grew 26%
Peoples net worth grew annually 27%

Now your comparing that to
no private sector jobs sense Jan, 2008 (4 million fewer than)
Negative GDP last 1/4 with free money to the banks as well as record deficits
The prime in 88 was 10%
today its 4.5

stay focused on the truth and it will set you free

Your first lie "I stopped reading your thread" would make the rest of your post a hilarious exercise in grunting out a steaming pile of ReagaNUTics even if it wasn't total gibberish. Even more laugh out loud funny on some level - it isn't clear what you believe you posted, but in your favor your gibberish has lots of numbers in it, so your family can be proud.

My post is an accurate summary of what happened and why. You don't have to agree with it, sport, but you and the rest of the white trash too stupid to know your own best interests are living it. Enjoy.

Sometimes one wonders why one pities the white trash of America... Nonetheless, perhaps if just one understands that results follow policies by some time, light might develop in nutball heads instead of voices (dimness of light does not matter, folks; in these cases all light is good).


  • $JobLossesJan2013.jpg
    152.5 KB · Views: 13
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What lie elected Barack Obama?

It was the sum of those lies by the anti-American corporate employees elected to US leadership positions pretending to give a shit about the United States.

The specific lie that elected Obama is that Reagan had a clue - that voodoo economics work. Thirty years of bogus economics paid for by debt, including, hilariously, that the fake democrat smartboy Clinton balanced the budget. I could teach a monkey to borrow money to pay bills, which is basically what Clinton did as he took Reagan's voodoo economic policies to their natural limits. It tickles the hell out of me that a bobbleheaded puppet and nutball hero like Reagan tripled the national debt, while a fake-liberal scum like Clinton "balanced the budget" with borrowed money, and their acolytes fall all over each other praising them as exemplars to party while the facts prove they were both corporate shills.

The first four years of Junebug Bush's eight years of moroncy were basically a low level hangover from the roaring nineties when Clinton finished what Reagan started in terms of trading America's industrial base for cheap electronic toys made by functionally forced labor in (mostly) Asian hellholes.

In October 2007 it was clear to me the US was in a recession. It wasn't until months later the scum in government admitted it. In September 2008 my prediction was no complete recovery for the bottom half of wage earners until around 2016. Now that looks pretty optimistic. It is more likely that the blue collar wage earner will never again enjoy much leisure time or disposable income.

Reagan was probably a decent fool. Unfortunately "fool" is the operative word discussing him. His handlers' objectives included destroying labor for the benefit of corporations. The overarching concept was to make labor chattel, bouncing back and forth from low paying jobs to government programs, depending on need. Then taxing them for their own maintenance programs. Willard hilariously made that all too clear.

Obama is not the right man to bring the nation back; he doesn't know enough - and if he did, he is not his own man; his appointments of scum like Geithner, Summers and Holder prove that beyond a shadow of a doubt. But Obama didn't get elected based on his own lies; the results of thirty years of lies from the corporatist mainstream in BOTH PARTIES elected Obama in 2008 and residual memories of those lies re elected him in 2012.

Chart below (click on it to expand): Note that recessions in industrial America (pre-ReagaNUT policy) were V shaped (Reagan's TWO recessions were V shaped because that bobble headed puppet of Wall Street hadn't destroyed US industry yet); while Reagan's policies converting the US economy from a production based economy to an asset based economy degrade the overall economy and produce significantly longer lasting recessions that are more or less bowl shaped.

I stopped reading your thread at blaming Reagan
No it did not work
Reagan administration (both terms): 16.1 million
Bush 41 administration: 2.6 million
Clinton administration (both terms): 22.7 million
Bush 43 administration: 1.95 million
40 million jobs, take in account the GOP congress except 01-02 from 94 through 06
closer to 44 million
Which president of the us created the most jobs
GDP grew 26%
Peoples net worth grew annually 27%

Now your comparing that to
no private sector jobs sense Jan, 2008 (4 million fewer than)
Negative GDP last 1/4 with free money to the banks as well as record deficits
The prime in 88 was 10%
today its 4.5

stay focused on the truth and it will set you free

Your first lie "I stopped reading your thread" would make the rest of your post a hilarious exercise in ReagaNUTics - even if it wasn't total gibberish. Worse, while it isn't clear what you believe you posted, but in your favor it has lots of numbers in it so your family can be proud.

Sometimes one wonders why one pities the white trash of America.

My post is an accurate record of what happened and why. You don't have to agree with it, sport, but you and the rest of the white trash too stupid to know your own best interests are living it. Enjoy.

White trash
that is the best rebuttle you have to those facts?
That would be strike one BTW
my ignore list has about 16 on it.
I do not converse with racist nor people who are not smart enough to debate those facts as simple as the ones I provided for you
Even the most un educated Liberal gets a free pass, as long as it he/she does with it class
something it appears you do not have
God Bless

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