What we have here is a "catastrophizing" event...and it's not just at Yale!

In “The Coddling of the American Mind,” Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt argued that too many college students engage in “catastrophizing,” which is to say, turning common events into nightmarish trials or claiming that easily bearable events are too awful to bear. After citing examples, they concluded, “smart people do, in fact, overreact to innocuous speech, make mountains out of molehills, and seek punishment for anyone whose words make anyone else feel uncomfortable.”
The New Intolerance of Student Activism

This is such a good term and I will be using it EVERY TIME we have one of those molehills made into a mountain event...i.e. Michael Brown the criminal shot, or Tayvon Martin again a criminal shot... or any of the mass shootings! "Catastrophized" Blown way way out of proportion.

The major BLAME though is the MSM and the need for news to fill the 24 hour news cycle!
The solution is simple though.
WAIT! WAIT all you idiots that read the headlines and jump hysterically at what you read!
WAIT! Think. Research. Find out the truth that for example this "hands up don't shoot" crowd after
Michael Brown.... do you think if just a few of the many people that at first had sympathy for this had just waited. See what the official investigation showed. You would have found out Brown attacked the officer!
The officer responded as any normal person would when attacked...attack back!

But no people jumped to conclusions. Made protests. And of course were always available when a
news crew was around!

How ridiculous these people are..."catastrophizing" a CRIMINAL attack!

You mean like they did with FEMA prisons, death panels, Benghazi, Fast and Furious, the War on Christmas, the BLS jobs report, The claim that Obama's skeet shooting picture was a fake, the nearly three decades of fake claims that the right has made about Hillary, and all the other crap that the right blows out of proportion? Is that the kind of dumb exaggeration you are talking about?
Wow...way to rattle off the entire list "the liberal's things to whine about" list.....

They were all brought up by RWNJs. That is a list of things right wingers have whined about.
can't sell papers when things aren't blown out of propportion

difference is, cons will eventually wonder away from a topic while leftist will start a movement based on non-facts.

I'd be willing to be that there's been more black v black murders in Chicago this year than black v cop shootings in America.

But are they out protesting in front of where gang bangers live?

The difference is that we pay and train cops to act professionally. We have a right to expect them to act professionally.

Prove to me that the majority of cops don't act professionally BECAUSE here are the FACTS dummy!

FACTS ARE 98.727% of the 900,000+ law enforcement officers do act professionally!

From January 2010 through December 2010 the National Police Misconduct Statistics and Reporting Project recorded 4,861 unique reports of police misconduct that involved 6,613 sworn law enforcement officers and 6,826 alleged victims.

4,861 – Unique reports of police misconduct tracked
6,613 – Number of sworn law enforcement officers involved (354 were agency leaders such as chiefs or sheriffs)
6,826 – Number of alleged victims involved
247 – Number of fatalities associated with tracked reports

This works out to NOW TO ALL you cop haters, what is the percent of bad cop reports to total number of cops???? 0.53476%!!!
A little over 1/2 of 1 percent in case you people couldn't figure that out!
NOW even more dramatic is look at above chart... See "Excessive Force" 23.8% of all the
4,861 reports... or 1,156 where excessive force... (most likely against blacks I'm sure!!) OR again
condescendingly speaking to you and your... that is a little over 1/10th of 1 percent 0.1273%!

Now explain to me why it is worth it to destroy the 900,000+ good cops by calling "murderers murderers"

Nobody said all cops were bad. There is no way to tell which ones are professional, or which ones will kill you for the fun of it. As long as they continue to close ranks and protect the bad ones, their reputation will not improve.
"For the fun of it:"?.....And you have the nerve to state you are not throwing out a blanket statement about LEO's?.....

Not all of them. Just the ones who will kill you for no reason. You got some way for us to tell which is which?
can't sell papers when things aren't blown out of propportion

difference is, cons will eventually wonder away from a topic while leftist will start a movement based on non-facts.

I'd be willing to be that there's been more black v black murders in Chicago this year than black v cop shootings in America.

But are they out protesting in front of where gang bangers live?

The difference is that we pay and train cops to act professionally. We have a right to expect them to act professionally.
Maybe in your tiny mind there is a crisis. The fact is 99.9% of police officers go through their work day without incident.
Your sides's obsessive focus on the 0.1% bad apples lends itself to things like the racist BLM movement and that idiotic worthy of scorn boycott of the MO Univ football team boycott.
You have no credibility.

Is it too much to demand that no cops should be allowed to be murders?
can't sell papers when things aren't blown out of propportion

difference is, cons will eventually wonder away from a topic while leftist will start a movement based on non-facts.

I'd be willing to be that there's been more black v black murders in Chicago this year than black v cop shootings in America.

But are they out protesting in front of where gang bangers live?

The difference is that we pay and train cops to act professionally. We have a right to expect them to act professionally.

Prove to me that the majority of cops don't act professionally BECAUSE here are the FACTS dummy!

FACTS ARE 98.727% of the 900,000+ law enforcement officers do act professionally!

From January 2010 through December 2010 the National Police Misconduct Statistics and Reporting Project recorded 4,861 unique reports of police misconduct that involved 6,613 sworn law enforcement officers and 6,826 alleged victims.

4,861 – Unique reports of police misconduct tracked
6,613 – Number of sworn law enforcement officers involved (354 were agency leaders such as chiefs or sheriffs)
6,826 – Number of alleged victims involved
247 – Number of fatalities associated with tracked reports

This works out to NOW TO ALL you cop haters, what is the percent of bad cop reports to total number of cops???? 0.53476%!!!
A little over 1/2 of 1 percent in case you people couldn't figure that out!
NOW even more dramatic is look at above chart... See "Excessive Force" 23.8% of all the
4,861 reports... or 1,156 where excessive force... (most likely against blacks I'm sure!!) OR again
condescendingly speaking to you and your... that is a little over 1/10th of 1 percent 0.1273%!

Now explain to me why it is worth it to destroy the 900,000+ good cops by calling "murderers murderers"
Cause cops look at you as a potential perp......

No because as Chris Rock has told you idiots that think you can act like idiots...
See how he sees blacks behavior..
Chris Rock - How not to get your ass kicked by the police!

But of course ONLY idiots go up to a bee hive and hit it and wonder why are they stinging me?

Do you agree with Chris Rock on everything?
can't sell papers when things aren't blown out of propportion

difference is, cons will eventually wonder away from a topic while leftist will start a movement based on non-facts.

I'd be willing to be that there's been more black v black murders in Chicago this year than black v cop shootings in America.

But are they out protesting in front of where gang bangers live?

The difference is that we pay and train cops to act professionally. We have a right to expect them to act professionally.
and they do, but you're an ignorant asshole that believes the first hateful lie told about any cop and assumes all of them are like that.

willing to take me up on my bet?

chitown b v b murders against American C v B shootings?
can't sell papers when things aren't blown out of propportion

difference is, cons will eventually wonder away from a topic while leftist will start a movement based on non-facts.

I'd be willing to be that there's been more black v black murders in Chicago this year than black v cop shootings in America.

But are they out protesting in front of where gang bangers live?

The difference is that we pay and train cops to act professionally. We have a right to expect them to act professionally.

Prove to me that the majority of cops don't act professionally BECAUSE here are the FACTS dummy!

FACTS ARE 98.727% of the 900,000+ law enforcement officers do act professionally!

From January 2010 through December 2010 the National Police Misconduct Statistics and Reporting Project recorded 4,861 unique reports of police misconduct that involved 6,613 sworn law enforcement officers and 6,826 alleged victims.

4,861 – Unique reports of police misconduct tracked
6,613 – Number of sworn law enforcement officers involved (354 were agency leaders such as chiefs or sheriffs)
6,826 – Number of alleged victims involved
247 – Number of fatalities associated with tracked reports

This works out to NOW TO ALL you cop haters, what is the percent of bad cop reports to total number of cops???? 0.53476%!!!
A little over 1/2 of 1 percent in case you people couldn't figure that out!
NOW even more dramatic is look at above chart... See "Excessive Force" 23.8% of all the
4,861 reports... or 1,156 where excessive force... (most likely against blacks I'm sure!!) OR again
condescendingly speaking to you and your... that is a little over 1/10th of 1 percent 0.1273%!

Now explain to me why it is worth it to destroy the 900,000+ good cops by calling "murderers murderers"

Nobody said all cops were bad. There is no way to tell which ones are professional, or which ones will kill you for the fun of it. As long as they continue to close ranks and protect the bad ones, their reputation will not improve.
"For the fun of it:"?.....And you have the nerve to state you are not throwing out a blanket statement about LEO's?.....
cops don't cover up murders either

bulldog is a leftist tool, msn told him cops are evul, so he can only repeat what he said, like a tool.
"The New Intolerance of Student Activism"


This is yet another ridiculous contrivance of the partisan right.

To express the opinion or concern that a college or university is failing to respond to incidents of racism is not 'intolerance.'

To engage in Constitutionally protected acts such as strikes, boycotts, and demonstrations is not 'intolerance.'
In “The Coddling of the American Mind,” Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt argued that too many college students engage in “catastrophizing,” which is to say, turning common events into nightmarish trials or claiming that easily bearable events are too awful to bear. After citing examples, they concluded, “smart people do, in fact, overreact to innocuous speech, make mountains out of molehills, and seek punishment for anyone whose words make anyone else feel uncomfortable.”
The New Intolerance of Student Activism

This is such a good term and I will be using it EVERY TIME we have one of those molehills made into a mountain event...i.e. Michael Brown the criminal shot, or Tayvon Martin again a criminal shot... or any of the mass shootings! "Catastrophized" Blown way way out of proportion.

The major BLAME though is the MSM and the need for news to fill the 24 hour news cycle!
The solution is simple though.
WAIT! WAIT all you idiots that read the headlines and jump hysterically at what you read!
WAIT! Think. Research. Find out the truth that for example this "hands up don't shoot" crowd after
Michael Brown.... do you think if just a few of the many people that at first had sympathy for this had just waited. See what the official investigation showed. You would have found out Brown attacked the officer!
The officer responded as any normal person would when attacked...attack back!

But no people jumped to conclusions. Made protests. And of course were always available when a
news crew was around!

How ridiculous these people are..."catastrophizing" a CRIMINAL attack!

You mean like they did with FEMA prisons, death panels, Benghazi, Fast and Furious, the War on Christmas, the BLS jobs report, The claim that Obama's skeet shooting picture was a fake, the nearly three decades of fake claims that the right has made about Hillary, and all the other crap that the right blows out of proportion? Is that the kind of dumb exaggeration you are talking about?
Wow...way to rattle off the entire list "the liberal's things to whine about" list.....

They were all brought up by RWNJs. That is a list of things right wingers have whined about.
You keep on convincing yourself of that....
can't sell papers when things aren't blown out of propportion

difference is, cons will eventually wonder away from a topic while leftist will start a movement based on non-facts.

I'd be willing to be that there's been more black v black murders in Chicago this year than black v cop shootings in America.

But are they out protesting in front of where gang bangers live?

The difference is that we pay and train cops to act professionally. We have a right to expect them to act professionally.
Maybe in your tiny mind there is a crisis. The fact is 99.9% of police officers go through their work day without incident.
Your sides's obsessive focus on the 0.1% bad apples lends itself to things like the racist BLM movement and that idiotic worthy of scorn boycott of the MO Univ football team boycott.
You have no credibility.

Is it too much to demand that no cops should be allowed to be murders?
Genius. No one is excusing the actions of bad cops who in reality should have not been hired in the first place.
The point is,.....read this carefully....your condemnation of the entire profession of police officer.
And don't try walking back your comments again. You stepped in it.
can't sell papers when things aren't blown out of propportion

difference is, cons will eventually wonder away from a topic while leftist will start a movement based on non-facts.

I'd be willing to be that there's been more black v black murders in Chicago this year than black v cop shootings in America.

But are they out protesting in front of where gang bangers live?

The difference is that we pay and train cops to act professionally. We have a right to expect them to act professionally.
and they do, but you're an ignorant asshole that believes the first hateful lie told about any cop and assumes all of them are like that.

willing to take me up on my bet?

chitown b v b murders against American C v B shootings?
Similar to the left's tactic of taking a story of how one person who does not belong to a politically correct protected class does something radically wrong, adn running with it as "see. this is why we refe4r to all conservatives as right wing nut jobs"...
To the lefties on USMB, anyone who is not a liberal IS a right wing nut job...
Liberals on here never miss an opportunity to paint non liberals as radicals. its part of the liberal playbook. Instead of debating the issues at hand, impugn the opposition with accusations.
can't sell papers when things aren't blown out of propportion

difference is, cons will eventually wonder away from a topic while leftist will start a movement based on non-facts.

I'd be willing to be that there's been more black v black murders in Chicago this year than black v cop shootings in America.

But are they out protesting in front of where gang bangers live?

The difference is that we pay and train cops to act professionally. We have a right to expect them to act professionally.

Prove to me that the majority of cops don't act professionally BECAUSE here are the FACTS dummy!

FACTS ARE 98.727% of the 900,000+ law enforcement officers do act professionally!

From January 2010 through December 2010 the National Police Misconduct Statistics and Reporting Project recorded 4,861 unique reports of police misconduct that involved 6,613 sworn law enforcement officers and 6,826 alleged victims.

4,861 – Unique reports of police misconduct tracked
6,613 – Number of sworn law enforcement officers involved (354 were agency leaders such as chiefs or sheriffs)
6,826 – Number of alleged victims involved
247 – Number of fatalities associated with tracked reports

This works out to NOW TO ALL you cop haters, what is the percent of bad cop reports to total number of cops???? 0.53476%!!!
A little over 1/2 of 1 percent in case you people couldn't figure that out!
NOW even more dramatic is look at above chart... See "Excessive Force" 23.8% of all the
4,861 reports... or 1,156 where excessive force... (most likely against blacks I'm sure!!) OR again
condescendingly speaking to you and your... that is a little over 1/10th of 1 percent 0.1273%!

Now explain to me why it is worth it to destroy the 900,000+ good cops by calling "murderers murderers"

Nobody said all cops were bad. There is no way to tell which ones are professional, or which ones will kill you for the fun of it. As long as they continue to close ranks and protect the bad ones, their reputation will not improve.
"For the fun of it:"?.....And you have the nerve to state you are not throwing out a blanket statement about LEO's?.....

Not all of them. Just the ones who will kill you for no reason. You got some way for us to tell which is which?
LOL....So you look at all police officers with the idea ion your head that they are capable of just snapping, then shooting you for no apparent reason..or as you put it, "just for fun"?
Perhaps you should seek counseling due to your extreme paranoia.
can't sell papers when things aren't blown out of propportion

difference is, cons will eventually wonder away from a topic while leftist will start a movement based on non-facts.

I'd be willing to be that there's been more black v black murders in Chicago this year than black v cop shootings in America.

But are they out protesting in front of where gang bangers live?

The difference is that we pay and train cops to act professionally. We have a right to expect them to act professionally.
and they do, but you're an ignorant asshole that believes the first hateful lie told about any cop and assumes all of them are like that.

willing to take me up on my bet?

chitown b v b murders against American C v B shootings?

Wingnuts keep saying that, but it's like comparing apples and oranges.........not the same thing at all.
can't sell papers when things aren't blown out of propportion

difference is, cons will eventually wonder away from a topic while leftist will start a movement based on non-facts.

I'd be willing to be that there's been more black v black murders in Chicago this year than black v cop shootings in America.

But are they out protesting in front of where gang bangers live?

The difference is that we pay and train cops to act professionally. We have a right to expect them to act professionally.

Prove to me that the majority of cops don't act professionally BECAUSE here are the FACTS dummy!

FACTS ARE 98.727% of the 900,000+ law enforcement officers do act professionally!

From January 2010 through December 2010 the National Police Misconduct Statistics and Reporting Project recorded 4,861 unique reports of police misconduct that involved 6,613 sworn law enforcement officers and 6,826 alleged victims.

4,861 – Unique reports of police misconduct tracked
6,613 – Number of sworn law enforcement officers involved (354 were agency leaders such as chiefs or sheriffs)
6,826 – Number of alleged victims involved
247 – Number of fatalities associated with tracked reports

This works out to NOW TO ALL you cop haters, what is the percent of bad cop reports to total number of cops???? 0.53476%!!!
A little over 1/2 of 1 percent in case you people couldn't figure that out!
NOW even more dramatic is look at above chart... See "Excessive Force" 23.8% of all the
4,861 reports... or 1,156 where excessive force... (most likely against blacks I'm sure!!) OR again
condescendingly speaking to you and your... that is a little over 1/10th of 1 percent 0.1273%!

Now explain to me why it is worth it to destroy the 900,000+ good cops by calling "murderers murderers"

Nobody said all cops were bad. There is no way to tell which ones are professional, or which ones will kill you for the fun of it. As long as they continue to close ranks and protect the bad ones, their reputation will not improve.
"For the fun of it:"?.....And you have the nerve to state you are not throwing out a blanket statement about LEO's?.....
cops don't cover up murders either

bulldog is a leftist tool, msn told him cops are evul, so he can only repeat what he said, like a tool.

Here are a few examples.
California Officers, Lawyer Arrested In Murder, Cover-Up
Chicago police and prosecutors caught lying as they cover up their murder of Darius Pinex
Corrupt Met Police cops 'covered up gangland murders over decades'
Police In Full Cover-Up Mode In Zachary Hammond Murder | Cop Block
can't sell papers when things aren't blown out of propportion

difference is, cons will eventually wonder away from a topic while leftist will start a movement based on non-facts.

I'd be willing to be that there's been more black v black murders in Chicago this year than black v cop shootings in America.

But are they out protesting in front of where gang bangers live?

The difference is that we pay and train cops to act professionally. We have a right to expect them to act professionally.
Maybe in your tiny mind there is a crisis. The fact is 99.9% of police officers go through their work day without incident.
Your sides's obsessive focus on the 0.1% bad apples lends itself to things like the racist BLM movement and that idiotic worthy of scorn boycott of the MO Univ football team boycott.
You have no credibility.

Is it too much to demand that no cops should be allowed to be murders?
Genius. No one is excusing the actions of bad cops who in reality should have not been hired in the first place.
The point is,.....read this carefully....your condemnation of the entire profession of police officer.
And don't try walking back your comments again. You stepped in it.

My only condemnation of the entire profession of police officer is that they don't police their own.
can't sell papers when things aren't blown out of propportion

difference is, cons will eventually wonder away from a topic while leftist will start a movement based on non-facts.

I'd be willing to be that there's been more black v black murders in Chicago this year than black v cop shootings in America.

But are they out protesting in front of where gang bangers live?

The difference is that we pay and train cops to act professionally. We have a right to expect them to act professionally.
and they do, but you're an ignorant asshole that believes the first hateful lie told about any cop and assumes all of them are like that.

willing to take me up on my bet?

chitown b v b murders against American C v B shootings?
Similar to the left's tactic of taking a story of how one person who does not belong to a politically correct protected class does something radically wrong, adn running with it as "see. this is why we refe4r to all conservatives as right wing nut jobs"...
To the lefties on USMB, anyone who is not a liberal IS a right wing nut job...
Liberals on here never miss an opportunity to paint non liberals as radicals. its part of the liberal playbook. Instead of debating the issues at hand, impugn the opposition with accusations.

There is never any shortage of right wingers defending those radical right wing nut jobs.
The difference is that we pay and train cops to act professionally. We have a right to expect them to act professionally.

Prove to me that the majority of cops don't act professionally BECAUSE here are the FACTS dummy!

FACTS ARE 98.727% of the 900,000+ law enforcement officers do act professionally!

From January 2010 through December 2010 the National Police Misconduct Statistics and Reporting Project recorded 4,861 unique reports of police misconduct that involved 6,613 sworn law enforcement officers and 6,826 alleged victims.

4,861 – Unique reports of police misconduct tracked
6,613 – Number of sworn law enforcement officers involved (354 were agency leaders such as chiefs or sheriffs)
6,826 – Number of alleged victims involved
247 – Number of fatalities associated with tracked reports

This works out to NOW TO ALL you cop haters, what is the percent of bad cop reports to total number of cops???? 0.53476%!!!
A little over 1/2 of 1 percent in case you people couldn't figure that out!
NOW even more dramatic is look at above chart... See "Excessive Force" 23.8% of all the
4,861 reports... or 1,156 where excessive force... (most likely against blacks I'm sure!!) OR again
condescendingly speaking to you and your... that is a little over 1/10th of 1 percent 0.1273%!

Now explain to me why it is worth it to destroy the 900,000+ good cops by calling "murderers murderers"

Nobody said all cops were bad. There is no way to tell which ones are professional, or which ones will kill you for the fun of it. As long as they continue to close ranks and protect the bad ones, their reputation will not improve.
"For the fun of it:"?.....And you have the nerve to state you are not throwing out a blanket statement about LEO's?.....

Not all of them. Just the ones who will kill you for no reason. You got some way for us to tell which is which?
LOL....So you look at all police officers with the idea ion your head that they are capable of just snapping, then shooting you for no apparent reason..or as you put it, "just for fun"?
Perhaps you should seek counseling due to your extreme paranoia.

Isn't it odd that I'm not the one who feels the need to be armed with a gun at all times.
More evidence of how a lot of today's youth are a bunch of hyper-sensitized ninnies incapable of dealing with adversity... first wave of the participation trophy crowd. Pathetic.
The difference is that we pay and train cops to act professionally. We have a right to expect them to act professionally.

Prove to me that the majority of cops don't act professionally BECAUSE here are the FACTS dummy!

FACTS ARE 98.727% of the 900,000+ law enforcement officers do act professionally!

From January 2010 through December 2010 the National Police Misconduct Statistics and Reporting Project recorded 4,861 unique reports of police misconduct that involved 6,613 sworn law enforcement officers and 6,826 alleged victims.

4,861 – Unique reports of police misconduct tracked
6,613 – Number of sworn law enforcement officers involved (354 were agency leaders such as chiefs or sheriffs)
6,826 – Number of alleged victims involved
247 – Number of fatalities associated with tracked reports

This works out to NOW TO ALL you cop haters, what is the percent of bad cop reports to total number of cops???? 0.53476%!!!
A little over 1/2 of 1 percent in case you people couldn't figure that out!
NOW even more dramatic is look at above chart... See "Excessive Force" 23.8% of all the
4,861 reports... or 1,156 where excessive force... (most likely against blacks I'm sure!!) OR again
condescendingly speaking to you and your... that is a little over 1/10th of 1 percent 0.1273%!

Now explain to me why it is worth it to destroy the 900,000+ good cops by calling "murderers murderers"

Nobody said all cops were bad. There is no way to tell which ones are professional, or which ones will kill you for the fun of it. As long as they continue to close ranks and protect the bad ones, their reputation will not improve.
"For the fun of it:"?.....And you have the nerve to state you are not throwing out a blanket statement about LEO's?.....
cops don't cover up murders either

bulldog is a leftist tool, msn told him cops are evul, so he can only repeat what he said, like a tool.

Here are a few examples.
California Officers, Lawyer Arrested In Murder, Cover-Up
Chicago police and prosecutors caught lying as they cover up their murder of Darius Pinex
Corrupt Met Police cops 'covered up gangland murders over decades'
Police In Full Cover-Up Mode In Zachary Hammond Murder | Cop Block

OK so do your FOUR stories cover the these 98.7% of the police?

FACTS ARE 98.727% of the 900,000+ law enforcement officers do act professionally!

From January 2010 through December 2010 the National Police Misconduct Statistics and Reporting Project recorded 4,861 unique reports of police misconduct that involved 6,613 sworn law enforcement officers and 6,826 alleged victims.

4,861 – Unique reports of police misconduct tracked
6,613 – Number of sworn law enforcement officers involved (354 were agency leaders such as chiefs or sheriffs)
6,826 – Number of alleged victims involved
247 – Number of fatalities associated with tracked reports

This works out to NOW TO ALL you cop haters, what is the percent of bad cop reports to total number of cops???? 0.53476%!!!
A little over 1/2 of 1 percent in case you people couldn't figure that out!
NOW even more dramatic is look at above chart... See "Excessive Force" 23.8% of all the
4,861 reports... or 1,156 where excessive force... (most likely against blacks I'm sure!!) OR again
condescendingly speaking to you and your... that is a little over 1/10th of 1 percent 0.1273%!

Now explain to me why it is worth it to destroy the 900,000+ good cops by calling "murderers murderers"
Prove to me that the majority of cops don't act professionally BECAUSE here are the FACTS dummy!

FACTS ARE 98.727% of the 900,000+ law enforcement officers do act professionally!

From January 2010 through December 2010 the National Police Misconduct Statistics and Reporting Project recorded 4,861 unique reports of police misconduct that involved 6,613 sworn law enforcement officers and 6,826 alleged victims.

4,861 – Unique reports of police misconduct tracked
6,613 – Number of sworn law enforcement officers involved (354 were agency leaders such as chiefs or sheriffs)
6,826 – Number of alleged victims involved
247 – Number of fatalities associated with tracked reports

This works out to NOW TO ALL you cop haters, what is the percent of bad cop reports to total number of cops???? 0.53476%!!!
A little over 1/2 of 1 percent in case you people couldn't figure that out!
NOW even more dramatic is look at above chart... See "Excessive Force" 23.8% of all the
4,861 reports... or 1,156 where excessive force... (most likely against blacks I'm sure!!) OR again
condescendingly speaking to you and your... that is a little over 1/10th of 1 percent 0.1273%!

Now explain to me why it is worth it to destroy the 900,000+ good cops by calling "murderers murderers"

Nobody said all cops were bad. There is no way to tell which ones are professional, or which ones will kill you for the fun of it. As long as they continue to close ranks and protect the bad ones, their reputation will not improve.
"For the fun of it:"?.....And you have the nerve to state you are not throwing out a blanket statement about LEO's?.....
cops don't cover up murders either

bulldog is a leftist tool, msn told him cops are evul, so he can only repeat what he said, like a tool.

Here are a few examples.
California Officers, Lawyer Arrested In Murder, Cover-Up
Chicago police and prosecutors caught lying as they cover up their murder of Darius Pinex
Corrupt Met Police cops 'covered up gangland murders over decades'
Police In Full Cover-Up Mode In Zachary Hammond Murder | Cop Block

OK so do your FOUR stories cover the these 98.7% of the police?

FACTS ARE 98.727% of the 900,000+ law enforcement officers do act professionally!

From January 2010 through December 2010 the National Police Misconduct Statistics and Reporting Project recorded 4,861 unique reports of police misconduct that involved 6,613 sworn law enforcement officers and 6,826 alleged victims.

4,861 – Unique reports of police misconduct tracked
6,613 – Number of sworn law enforcement officers involved (354 were agency leaders such as chiefs or sheriffs)
6,826 – Number of alleged victims involved
247 – Number of fatalities associated with tracked reports

This works out to NOW TO ALL you cop haters, what is the percent of bad cop reports to total number of cops???? 0.53476%!!!
A little over 1/2 of 1 percent in case you people couldn't figure that out!
NOW even more dramatic is look at above chart... See "Excessive Force" 23.8% of all the
4,861 reports... or 1,156 where excessive force... (most likely against blacks I'm sure!!) OR again
condescendingly speaking to you and your... that is a little over 1/10th of 1 percent 0.1273%!

Now explain to me why it is worth it to destroy the 900,000+ good cops by calling "murderers murderers"
Those four stories are far from all of them, and how does identifying the cops who do murder as murderers destroy the 900,000+ good cops?

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