What we need to know about gun violence

Crime involving a firearm

First offence--min 10 years

Second offence-- min 25 years

no plea bargaining

First offense should be 25 years and the second offense should be life because the second offense mean you obtained a firearm after you have been convicted of a crime with a firearm...
Crime involving a firearm

First offence--min 10 years

Second offence-- min 25 years

no plea bargaining

First offense should be 25 years and the second offense should be life because the second offense mean you obtained a firearm after you have been convicted of a crime with a firearm...
Why? What's the difference between X criminal act and X criminal act while holding a gun? Isn't the result EXACTLY the same? Sounds like yet another authoritarian excuse for locking people up in prison for longer and longer periods of time.

"He was shoplifting with a gun in his pocket so instead of a slap on the wrist we're going to lock him up for 10 years" :rolleyes:
Crime involving a firearm

First offence--min 10 years

Second offence-- min 25 years

no plea bargaining

First offense should be 25 years and the second offense should be life because the second offense mean you obtained a firearm after you have been convicted of a crime with a firearm...
Why? What's the difference between X criminal act and X criminal act while holding a gun? Isn't the result EXACTLY the same? Sounds like yet another authoritarian excuse for locking people up in prison for longer and longer periods of time.

"He was shoplifting with a gun in his pocket so instead of a slap on the wrist we're going to lock him up for 10 years" :rolleyes:

If he was not using the gun in said crime and it was in his pocket then it is not a crime with a gun to me. If he was pointing the gun while robbing the store then it is a crime with a gun...

See the difference?
Crime involving a firearm

First offence--min 10 years

Second offence-- min 25 years

no plea bargaining

First offense should be 25 years and the second offense should be life because the second offense mean you obtained a firearm after you have been convicted of a crime with a firearm...
Why? What's the difference between X criminal act and X criminal act while holding a gun? Isn't the result EXACTLY the same? Sounds like yet another authoritarian excuse for locking people up in prison for longer and longer periods of time.

"He was shoplifting with a gun in his pocket so instead of a slap on the wrist we're going to lock him up for 10 years" :rolleyes:

"He was shoplifting with a gun in his pocket so instead of a slap on the wrist we're going to lock him up for 10 years"

shoplifting with a gun in his pocket?

and how, exactly, was the gun involved in the crime?

This your alma mater?

Crime involving a firearm

First offence--min 10 years

Second offence-- min 25 years

no plea bargaining

First offense should be 25 years and the second offense should be life because the second offense mean you obtained a firearm after you have been convicted of a crime with a firearm...
Why? What's the difference between X criminal act and X criminal act while holding a gun? Isn't the result EXACTLY the same? Sounds like yet another authoritarian excuse for locking people up in prison for longer and longer periods of time.

"He was shoplifting with a gun in his pocket so instead of a slap on the wrist we're going to lock him up for 10 years" :rolleyes:

If he was not using the gun in said crime and it was in his pocket then it is not a crime with a gun to me. If he was pointing the gun while robbing the store then it is a crime with a gun...

See the difference?
Nope, if he robs the store with or without a gun, the store still gets "robbed" EXACTLY the same result from same criminal act; so why should there be a drastrically different punishments for it? What are you hoping to accomplish with such a policy (I mean besides increasing the prison population)?
what proposals would they proffer to stem the tide of gun violence?

Gun don't do the violence. People do the violence.

We are not going to stop violence in inner city ghettos where most of the crime takes place until those people start taking personal responsibility for their lives. They can start with getting rid of the mostly Democrat leadership that has failed the people.

It is not a gun problem it is a lack of morals and responsibility that produces the violence.
Crime involving a firearm

First offence--min 10 years

Second offence-- min 25 years

no plea bargaining

First offense should be 25 years and the second offense should be life because the second offense mean you obtained a firearm after you have been convicted of a crime with a firearm...
Why? What's the difference between X criminal act and X criminal act while holding a gun? Isn't the result EXACTLY the same? Sounds like yet another authoritarian excuse for locking people up in prison for longer and longer periods of time.

"He was shoplifting with a gun in his pocket so instead of a slap on the wrist we're going to lock him up for 10 years" :rolleyes:

If he was not using the gun in said crime and it was in his pocket then it is not a crime with a gun to me. If he was pointing the gun while robbing the store then it is a crime with a gun...

See the difference?
Nope, if he robs the store with or without a gun, the store still gets "robbed" EXACTLY the same result from same criminal act; so why should there be a drastrically different punishments for it? What are you hoping to accomplish with such a policy (I mean besides increasing the prison population)?

If the individual robs the store they still go to prison and yes the weapon does matter and the amount of time is adjusted for that. You do get jail time for shoplifting which you should get, and if you use a knife, gun or your penis to rob the store then the using a knife should add years to the crime and the gun should add more, and if you use your penis I doubt anyone would notice.

So are you saying anyone doing a crime should not be sent to prison and shoplifting is the same as armed robbery?
shoplifting with a gun in his pocket?

and how, exactly, was the gun involved in the crime?

This your alma mater?


*YAWN* Today boys and girls we'll start our basic English lesson with.....
Hyperbole: exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally

*** Now back to our regularly scheduled demonstration of vapid *** :rolleyes:
shoplifting with a gun in his pocket?

and how, exactly, was the gun involved in the crime?

This your alma mater?


*YAWN* Today boys and girls we'll start our basic English lesson with.....
Hyperbole: exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally

*** Now back to our regularly scheduled demonstration of vapid *** :rolleyes:

Try again.

There is a difference between shoplifting and armed robbery and the law already notes this difference.

Could the fact the individual had a gun in his or her pocket during the robbery add more time to there sentence?

Yes, but should the gun in the pocket be consider as armed robbery?

Not unless the criminal pulled it out and used it in the robbery.

So what part of that is too hard for you?
If the individual robs the store they still go to prison and yes the weapon does matter and the amount of time is adjusted for that.
Again, why does the type of weapon matter? does the result differ when the store is robbed at knife point from when it is robbed at gunpoint? and Again, what are you attempting to accomplish with your recommended sentencing policy (BESIDES INCREASING THE PRISON POPULATION) ?

So are you saying anyone doing a crime should not be sent to prison and shoplifting is the same as armed robbery?
Do You have some sort of reading with comprehension problem or did you just suddenly get the urge to try your hand at straw man construction? X crime = X result = X punishment, do you perhaps need a diagram?
shoplifting with a gun in his pocket?

and how, exactly, was the gun involved in the crime?

This your alma mater?


*YAWN* Today boys and girls we'll start our basic English lesson with.....
Hyperbole: exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally

*** Now back to our regularly scheduled demonstration of vapid *** :rolleyes:

Hyperbole: exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally

that was hyperbole?

I should have guessed by the smile on your face.

oh, wait....

I couldn't see your face, AND

there was no indication it was hyperbole til you responded.
If the individual robs the store they still go to prison and yes the weapon does matter and the amount of time is adjusted for that.
Again, why does the type of weapon matter? does the result differ when the store is robbed at knife point from when it is robbed at gunpoint? and Again, what are you attempting to accomplish with your recommended sentencing policy (BESIDES INCREASING THE PRISON POPULATION) ?

So are you saying anyone doing a crime should not be sent to prison and shoplifting is the same as armed robbery?
Do You have some sort of reading with comprehension problem or did you just suddenly get the urge to try your hand at straw man construction? X crime = X result = X punishment, do you perhaps need a diagram?

Are you fucking kidding me?

Look you worthless prick I am stating for a fact you have a hard time understanding the difference between shoplifting and armed robbery. The gun in the pocket is not consider armed robbery but if the person pulls it out then yes it is consider armed robbery and the two things are different no matter how you twist it.

So it is you that is having a hard time with understanding the difference between shoplifting and armed robbery and yes if someone uses a gun in a armed robbery they should get extra time than someone just shoplifting, but you are too stupid to understand this simple fact and guess what it is that way already!
there was no indication it was hyperbole til you responded.

Yeah, the next time I deploy naked hyperbole I'll remember to include an illustrated instruction manual just for your benefit. :night:

From someone that does not know the difference between armed robbery and shoplifting...

What's next?

Let me guess you believe that my idea will only affect the minority community, right?
As soon as we stop calling it "gun violence" and refer to it as what it is; Violence, we will be finally taking a step in the right direction. It is simply a part of an epidemic of violence in this country.

Liberal asshats like Obama don't care about violent deaths unless it furthers their political agenda.
The gun in the pocket is not consider armed robbery but if the person pulls it out then yes it is consider armed robbery
What if the person pulls a knife instead of a gun? what about a baseball bat? is it still armed robbery? do they still get the extra 10 or 25 years you're proposing?

So it is you that is having a hard time with understanding the difference between shoplifting and armed robbery
You're the one that appears to be struggling to understand the difference, allow me to reiterate the equation for you since you seem to have missed it the first 3 times X crime = X result = X punishment, exception in your world it appears X crime = X result = X punishment or sometimes Y punishment or sometimes Z punishment.

BTW Why are you so angry?

Are you positive that gangs get their guns via a black market? Could the be getting them by way of strawman purchases at gun shows? How hard would it be to have a dupe buy Glocks at a gun show and drive them into south Chicago?

Is it absolutely true that gang guns are obtained through some black market scheme

We should know how they get their guns without doubt before we give up on preventing them from getting them. Only effective means will work, shrugging shoulders and giving up hasn't been too effective so far.
so strawman purchases are legal? If not, how do we make strawman purchases more illegal?
There's that pesky gun show loophole. But tell the NRA and the gun lovers we need background checks at gun shows and all we hear is obstinate petulence.
Can you show us this loophole please?
You don't own a licensed gun shop. No brick and mortar store. But you own a pick up truck and a trailer. So you load them up with weapons, lease a table at a gun show and get to business. No background checks at the gun shows and weapons are bought COD. From there they hit the streets.

No, thats not whats happening. Libs are always romanticizing bubba pulling up to the gun show and making a little cash selling to the hood. You guys are a hoot.
Prove it.
How do criminals get their weapons? When someone dies from gun fire, other than suicide or accidental discharge, is the shooter always a criminal before the gun fires? Often I read posts from gun lovers who blame gun deaths on criminals. Well, we might safely assume the the shooter is a criminal after they shoot someone, but are they always criminals before hand?

If we accept the premise forwarded by the gun lovers that no laws can prevent or curb our current blight of gun violence, what proposals would they proffer to stem the tide of gun violence? Can the proposition of flooding our streets with guns actually make us safer? If this were true, given the facts that we have a population of 300,000,000 and a public gun inventory of 300,000,000 shouldn't we be as safe as we can possibly be?

So, to recap, how do criminals get guns, is every shooter of humans a criminal, and with the 1:1 ratio of guns to Americans, why aren't we safe from gun violence?
Vast majority of guns are obtained by stealing them from lawful gun owners. Others by straw purchases. Very small number through the "gun show loophole" which doesnt exist. Why should criminals buy guns when they can steal them instead?
Do you have proof, or is this merely conjecture?

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