What will be Sarah Huckabee's First Lie Be on the (R) Response to SOTU?

The entertainment begins when the leftists on this forum defend every lie Balloon *Joe spews. Immigration and inflation alone will be hilarious!
Yup, they all lie
At least you can admit that Sanders LIES too.
They all lie. Some more than others.
I figure biden will make up some extraordinary stories that are easily debunked. Like the person was already dead or something. Sarah will make up stats, or lies to deflect away from republicans.
Same old shit shoe You retarded Americans absolutely love.
Sarah Huckabee will try to claim it's Biden's fault Trump printed 5 times more US dollars than all presidents in history combined.
Trash Trump inflation causing appointees Fed Chairman Jerome Powell & Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin who followed Trumps orders to "Run the Presses!" Print US Dollars baby print!
General Mark Milley who allowed China surveillance balloon to fly across the US is just another typical trash Trump appointee.
All the Red States allowed the China surveillance balloon to fly across without any defensive action.
1. Inflation was 1% when Biden was inaugurated
2. Red states don't have F-22 Raptors, dumbass.
3. The claim that balloons flew across the US when Trump was president is a LIE.
The first lie will be when Biden says “the state of the union is strong” when the nation is in the sorriest, shittiest state possible.
They all lie. Some more than others.
I figure biden will make up some extraordinary stories that are easily debunked. Like the person was already dead or something. Sarah will make up stats, or lies to deflect away from republicans.
Same old shit shoe You retarded Americans absolutely love.
Sure dude.
Same old shit shoe You retarded Americans absolutely love.
I despise ALL politicians, they ALL Lie and Con Us.
Tonight will just be another example, from the SOTU to the Huckabee response.

15 Of Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ Most Egregious Lies And Outrageous Remarks

In no particular order, here are some of Sanders’ most egregious lies and outrageous remarks you should reacquaint yourself with before her Tuesday night address:
  • She said Trump’s policy of separating children from their parents at the border and locking them in detention facilities was “very biblical.”
  • When Trump retweeted three unverified, Islamophobic videos, Sanders insisted it didn’t matter if the videos were “real” and told reporters that if they’re focusing on “the nature of the video, you’re focusing on the wrong thing.”
  • Weeks after a gunman slaughtered 19 children and two teachers at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, she declared in a speech that “we will make sure that when a kid is in the womb, they’re as safe as they are in a classroom.” At that point in 2022, there had already been 27 school shootings that year.
  • She refused to say the press was not the “enemy of the people.”
  • She admitted to lying during a press conference about former FBI director James Comey when she claimed “countless” FBI agents told her they were happy Trump fired him. She confessed under oath during special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation that this was not true, but she downplayed it as a mere “slip of the tongue.”
  • She twice used her government Twitter account to slam businesses she took personal issue with: a small restaurant in Virginia that refused to serve her and The New York Times for publishing an anonymous op-ed critical of the Trump administration. Former White House ethics chiefs said these incidents were illegal ethics code violation.
  • She mocked Biden for stuttering ― a speech impediment he’s dealt with throughout his life ― after a Democratic presidential debate in 2019.
  • She posted an Infowars-produced video of CNN’s Jim Acosta that appeared doctored to make him seem aggressive toward a White House intern, and used it to defend the Trump administration taking away Acosta’s White House press credentials.
  • She claimed God “wanted Donald Trump to become president.”
  • She falsely claimed that Trump’s border wall had stopped nearly 4,000 known or suspected terrorists at the U.S.-Mexico border in 2018. In reality, the wall ― for which Trump was demanding $5.7 billion in federal funds to build ― had only stopped six people on the No Fly List.
  • She claimed that the Mueller report findings were “a total and complete exoneration” of Trump even though the report summary explicitly said it “does not exonerate him.”
  • When a journalist used the term “lopping heads off” to refer to the need for a staff shakeup on the White House communications team, she took it very, very literally. “They’ve said I should be choked, they said I should deserve a lifetime of harassment, but certainly never had somebody say that I should be decapitated,” Sanders said in 2019.
  • She defended Trump’s unprecedented refusal to share his tax returns by claiming members of Congress are not “smart enough to look through the thousands of pages that I would assume President Trump’s taxes will be.”
  • While running for governor of Arkansas, she vowed not to support any rape or incest exceptions in legislation banning abortion ― an extreme position out of step with the vast majority of Americans, including more than three-quarters of Republicans, studies have found.
  • As Arkansas governor, she banned the term “Latinx” from any official state documents, saying the word ― which came into use in recent years as an inclusive, gender-neutral term to describe someone of Hispanic or Latino origin ― constitutes “ethnically insensitive and pejorative language.”
Wow this is like one small paragraph of all the havoc Poopeypants is wreaking....plus Sanders isnt president doofus.

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