What will be Sarah Huckabee's First Lie Be on the (R) Response to SOTU?


Stop it, Sarah, you're making me cry...
What a pathetic response, ALL about herself.
Chris Christie was terrible too.

Both of them ^^^^^ made their response about themselves.
Christy is definitely running in 2024.
Huckabee setting up "Her base" for future POTUS run.
The selection of this unfortunate person to deliver the rebuttal was interesting.

I think the GOP (the Party, not the candidates who are their own persons of course) have determined that Trump is going to be their 2024 nominee. I can't say I blame them. We're less than a year from the first primary and there are not many declared candidates besides the blob. If they had their druthers, they would try to make the world forget that the blob (Trump, not Sanders) ever happened. But since he's one of the few to have filed to run, the Party may have just decided that it would be better to embrace the fat slob (again, Trump, not Sanders). Picking this unfortunate woman to deliver the rebuttal reminds so many of the disastrous four years of "alternative facts", school yard taunts, and despicable behavior culminating in the Big Lie and insurrection attempt. Its a gamble but it looks like the only play that was available to them.
Worse than lying she was boring. God that was painful.
She said she was introducing her Conservative Educational Reform plan tomorrow for Arkansas and teachers in Arkansas would have Starting Salaries go from one of the lowest paid to one of the best paid, in the Nation?

So Sarah's gonna double teachers Starting salaries. LOLOOLLLOLLLOOLLLLOOLL
She's a LIAR.
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She said she was introducing her Conservative Educational plan tomorrow for Arkansas and teachers in Arkansas would go from one of the lowest paid to one of the best pay?

So Sarah's gonna double teachers salaries. LOLOOLLLOLLLOOLLLLOOLL
She's a LIAR.
Be that as it may...if she thinks she's going to run for President...she's dumber than I thought.
There are Democrats in Congress that believe Guam could tip over and that there is an American Flag on Mars left behind by the Astronauts.

Jewish space lasers
Pizza gate
Prayer rugs at border
Mexico paying for border wall
Great beautiful health care insurance
Falling in love with foreign dick taster, oh wait that 1 actually happened!

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