What will be the consequences China's declining population?

They're gonna open their borders to Mexicans and Africans to prop up their deciding birthrates.

Oh, and maybe their LEFTIST leaders will stop jailing, and murdering their citizens?
Will they be able to maintain production in the factories with a declining population?
No, without millions poor peasants are flocking into the city every years , low-end manufacturing POLITICAL - ECONOMIC model WONT WORK

Some countries with extractive institutions, such as communist China, have a strong central government, but others, including many sub-Saharan African countries, have constant domestic instability that makes them incapable of building a strong centralized state, further quashing the possibility of economic growth.
Well we have a major excess in births here so our beloved corporations will have an easy time replacing retirees.
That’s why they want Taiwan and their technology manufacturing capabilities.
EXACTLY , MY good FRIEND WORKED AS AN engineer in China for 2 years ( for a big German company ) , he said i have never seen something of good quality or working properly "made in China "
Maybe more rations for everybody and more income too. They've got a long long way to go before it's ever a problem.

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