What will Biden get done that he couldn’t in the previous 47 years?

He will get it done to all of the little girls in the Lincoln Bedroom. Thank God Christmas and Easter are not Holidays to Progs. It keeps the children safe.
I predict on Day 1 Quid Pro Joe will replace the Eagle as the national symbol of America with a bowl of tapioca pudding.
Tramp already messed the country up. Biden is going to fix it.
BWAHAHAHAHAHA! That's freakin' hilarious! I can't believe you said that! Oh, wait, you were serious. You really think some mythical person named Tramp messed up the country and Quid Pro is going to fix it. Never mind.

Sooooooooooo... "Tramp" is mythical while "Quid Pro" is not?

Alllllllllll righty then.
I predict on Day 1 Quid Pro Joe will replace the Eagle as the national symbol of America with a bowl of tapioca pudding.

I could eat that up.

The eagle is our symbol though. Here's why


Fatter o' mact we should let Eagles vote. They know a threat when they see one. Plus, they beat Tom Brady.
Besides opening our border and forcing Americans to pay more for Mexico’s human filth, increasing profits for insurance carriers by expanding Kenyan Care, running fuel up to $5 and locking Americans out of work what can we expect him to get done that is positive for good real Americans?


Ignoring all the "besides" malarkey and getting to the question directly, perhaps he can help the country get a hold on a pandemic. Of course that doesn't qualify as "couldn't in the past 47 years", see "Ebola".

Member all the far-right hyperventilating on Ebola? That was fun.

Now let's do the "besides" strawmen.
"Mexico's human filth"? Do you mean migrants from Guatemala? Or are you too simpleminded to know those distinctions? Remember Fox Noise's "three Mexican countries"? That was fun too.


Then again, since it was Rump taking the action, maybe the chyron really did report it accurately. This is the same klown who thinks India's neighbors are "Button" and "Nipple", that Canada burned the White House, that there is among the "shithole countries" a "Nambia" and that the Bronx is "a very wonderful place in Germany" so it's right up his poopchute as a geography teacher....

Here's an interesting side angle related to the above --- member four years ago when Rump lost the popular vote and blamed it on O'bama letting "three million illegals" in to vote against him? Whelp, this round he lost by SIX million. By his own "logic" ............ who let them in?

"Kenyan Care"? Linkie?

"Running fuel up to $5 a gallon"? POTUSes have no influence on fuel. Never did.

"Locking Americans out of work"? Again, linkie?

Wonderful OP from the Department of Failing to Accurately Rationally Think Things Through (FARTTT)

And by the way OP, with Rump's $400 million in debt coming due plus all the court cases, you're going to have to give up your screen name to him.
"Get a hold on the pandemic"? Get a grip, there are SIX VACCINES in final testing that will end the pandemic regardless of who sits in the Oval Office.
Besides opening our border and forcing Americans to pay more for Mexico’s human filth, increasing profits for insurance carriers by expanding Kenyan Care, running fuel up to $5 and locking Americans out of work what can we expect him to get done that is positive for good real Americans?


Ignoring all the "besides" malarkey and getting to the question directly, perhaps he can help the country get a hold on a pandemic. Of course that doesn't qualify as "couldn't in the past 47 years", see "Ebola".

Member all the far-right hyperventilating on Ebola? That was fun.

Now let's do the "besides" strawmen.
"Mexico's human filth"? Do you mean migrants from Guatemala? Or are you too simpleminded to know those distinctions? Remember Fox Noise's "three Mexican countries"? That was fun too.


Then again, since it was Rump taking the action, maybe the chyron really did report it accurately. This is the same klown who thinks India's neighbors are "Button" and "Nipple", that Canada burned the White House, that there is among the "shithole countries" a "Nambia" and that the Bronx is "a very wonderful place in Germany" so it's right up his poopchute as a geography teacher....

Here's an interesting side angle related to the above --- member four years ago when Rump lost the popular vote and blamed it on O'bama letting "three million illegals" in to vote against him? Whelp, this round he lost by SIX million. By his own "logic" ............ who let them in?

"Kenyan Care"? Linkie?

"Running fuel up to $5 a gallon"? POTUSes have no influence on fuel. Never did.

"Locking Americans out of work"? Again, linkie?

Wonderful OP from the Department of Failing to Accurately Rationally Think Things Through (FARTTT)

And by the way OP, with Rump's $400 million in debt coming due plus all the court cases, you're going to have to give up your screen name to him.
"Get a hold on the pandemic"? Get a grip, there are SIX VACCINES in final testing that will end the pandemic regardless of who sits in the Oval Office.

Not that way --- I mean with actual what's called "leadership".

You know, stuff like actually attending and being informed by COVID meetings. Stuff like taking epidemiology experts seriously. Stuff like not standing on stage and suggesting injecting light or bleach, and not lying that it's "all going to go away very soon" when you already damn well know better. Stuff like not inciting mobs to storm their state capital with guns and kidnap the governor. That sort of thing. You show me President Biden pulling any of that shit and I'll send you a million dollars.
Besides opening our border and forcing Americans to pay more for Mexico’s human filth, increasing profits for insurance carriers by expanding Kenyan Care, running fuel up to $5 and locking Americans out of work what can we expect him to get done that is positive for good real Americans?
Lots of war and lots of goodies for the ultra rich.
Besides opening our border and forcing Americans to pay more for Mexico’s human filth, increasing profits for insurance carriers by expanding Kenyan Care, running fuel up to $5 and locking Americans out of work what can we expect him to get done that is positive for good real Americans?
If he does nothing but restore truth, civility and dignity to the nation, it will be a success!
Besides opening our border and forcing Americans to pay more for Mexico’s human filth, increasing profits for insurance carriers by expanding Kenyan Care, running fuel up to $5 and locking Americans out of work what can we expect him to get done that is positive for good real Americans?
If he does nothing but restore truth, civility and dignity to the nation, it will be a success!

So the feel good FEELZ in exchange for free shit for Mexico, $5 fuel, higher taxes, a national lockdown, higher profits for insurance carriers...etc etc
That actually sounds reasonable to you?
Pogo Mr Clean
I mean with actual what's called "leadership".
“Please Father Government, guide me, tell me how to live, what to do...Please Father Government take me by the nose...I submit to you.”

I guess only a broke loser has to cut 90% of the quoted post out because he can't handle it.
But then, that's what makes him a "loser".

Isn't it.

And isn't that fake quote ironic coming from a Rump Cultist.
Besides opening our border and forcing Americans to pay more for Mexico’s human filth, increasing profits for insurance carriers by expanding Kenyan Care, running fuel up to $5 and locking Americans out of work what can we expect him to get done that is positive for good real Americans?
If he does nothing but restore truth, civility and dignity to the nation, it will be a success!

So the feel good FEELZ in exchange for free shit for Mexico, $5 fuel, higher taxes, a national lockdown, higher profits for insurance carriers...etc etc
That actually sounds reasonable to you?
Pogo Mr Clean
Here I thought Trumpians were all about dismissing "feelings" while doing nothing but bitching about their own massive butt hurt after November 3!

Those things matter. Because lacking truth, civility and dignity, we get childish chaos!

Let's tax the rich because those who control 90% of the wealth is where we will get the money for coronavirus response, college loan deferment and healthcare. Let's raise the fuel tax so we can rebuild our infrastructure and wean ourselves off fossil fuel. Let's oinstitute a pathway to citizenship for immigrants because we cannot sustain generations of prisoners after they try to come here so they can have a better life. Let's take a sober step toward ending the pqnd mic because I want my Mom to live more despirateithanni want to go to a bar.

Your irresponsible politics have been tried and roundly rejected. Go watch Newsmax and let the adults take charge.

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