What Will Happen to Hillary Over the Mishandling of Classified Material?

What Will Happen to Hillary Over the Mishandling of Classified Material?

  • She will be charged with a felony

    Votes: 1 2.0%
  • She will be charged with a misdermeanor

    Votes: 1 2.0%
  • Nothing

    Votes: 42 84.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 1 2.0%
  • Unsure

    Votes: 5 10.0%

  • Total voters
None of your assertions have been proven. Not one..


Bombshell: In Newly-Released Email, Hillary Orders Aide to Strip Classified Marking

Whoa: Hillary e-mail instructs aide to transmit classified data without markings - Hot Air

Email shows Clinton telling aide to send classified info 'nonsecure'

Hillary Instructed Adviser To Strip Heading From Sensitive Talking Points

Luckily we have learned that, like with Hillary, we can simply ignore the vast majority of things you say because it's all lies and BS.

Of course he lies, he's a democrat.

It's irrelevant, Hillary is unelectable.
None of your assertions have been proven. Not one.

Slick Willy, is that YOU?! Dude, what is up with the excess pillow talk with your 'bimbos', telling them all about Hillary's abortions and stuff? Learn to keep your mouth shut, man!
None of your assertions have been proven. Not one.

Slick Willy, is that YOU?! Dude, what is up with the excess pillow talk with your 'bimbos', telling them all about Hillary's abortions and stuff? Learn to keep your mouth shut, man!
Is that all you can do?

Man, you love smoke and mirrors to hide your inadequacies. :lol:
I am quite sure that many in the DNC would prefer plugs. The Clintons are hated in the dem party as much as in the GOP. Obama hates them, but the media loves them and the media is being allowed to run our country.

hillary has yet to catch a break from the media, but that won't diminish her groundswell of solid support.

everything is falling into place naturally, as it should, and her campaign will be peaking before you know it.

About 40 Senate Democrats have lined up behind Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. Not one has come forward for Mr. Sanders.


All of the female Democratic senators signed a secret letter to Hillary Rodham Clinton early this year encouraging her to run for president in 2016 - a letter that includes the signature of Sen. Elizabeth Warren and other senators who are mentioned as potential candidates, two high-ranking Democratic Senate aides told ABC News.

...meant to be a private show of support from a group of 16 high-profile former colleagues and fans who are now senators, urging Clinton to do what much of the Democratic Party assumes she will, the aides said.

In Secret Letter, Female Senate Dems Rally Behind Clinton

Like she really needed any encouragement.....she's wanted the job longer than Billyboy.

“She does get more scrutiny” than other candidates — especially male candidates...

This may shock you: Hillary Clinton is fundamentally honest | Jill Abramson

I’m not a favorite in Hillaryland. That makes what I want to say next surprising.

Hillary Clinton is fundamentally honest and trustworthy.

"Fundamentally" is a gaping hole of interpretation
Is that all you can do? Man, you love smoke and mirrors to hide your inadequacies. :lol:

No, it's not all I can do. You must have missed the previous post WHERE I SPANKED YOUR ASS IN FRONT OF EVERYONE, proving you are a liar. YOU falsely claimed that not one single thing I have said has been proven true...right before I posted numerous links to different media - across the world, not just in the US, that proved you were lying. These links, as you know, are not new. They have been presented to you on more than one occasion, but you could not resist LYING to justify your false opinion.

As I said, now that your lying has been proven for all to see again, we can get back to ignoring you.
Do I understand it correctly that she 'hired' or otherwise had someone come in and set up her computer or email account or the server or whatever? Then allowed or instructed her aide to send/receive emails on her behalf? Plus her own sending/receiving?

If so, then it sounds like she's responsible alright. Why would she do that and go that far, if it wasn't for wrongdoing?

Then it brings an even bigger question......how can she do something like that without higher up approval?

If her purpose in having this private server set up to do work that would include sensitive material and information outside the office, she knew what she was doing was wrong to begin with because any information exchanged outside office perimeters is inappropriate and illegal, never mind how it was classified.
The company she hired to administer the server (ie, have total access to all the information stored on it), was not cleared to handle classified information. Basically, everything she put on that server was accessible by uncleared personnel.

But that's not the only problem she has over this......that she hired the admin without clearance?
She has a lot of problems over this...
Hillary Clinton was given an extremely high level security clearance and at that time received a briefing required by law. In that briefing she was told that no matter what the classification level of the information she was handling, all of it would be handled as if it were all classified. She signed this document, a binding legal document. From that point on she was responsible for every piece of data, every document, every e-mail relating to government / State Department service. She signed it and was thus legally bound by it.

The vast majority of Liberals want to completely skip right on by this massive FACT. They might not like it. They may disagree with it. That, however, does not change the fact that it is the law, one that Hillary VIOLATED...as in BROKE THE LAW.

One of the programs, one of many, that she was 'Read Into' was extremely highly classified. Once she finished as Secretary of State and started out-processing she was 'Read Out' of the program. In this briefing she was told she would not speak, write, communicate in any way any information pertaining to this / these programs. She was required to turn in ALL classified information, documents, notes, folders, papers, e-mails - ALL CLASSIFIED. She could no longer have them in her possession because she no longer had a 'need to know' and had no business being involved in any of that classified material any more as a citizen.

The very FACT that she still had over 1,000 pieces of classified information - some clearly marked and NOT classified after the fact, is a violation of the law. The fact that she had all of this EXTREMELY Classified information in her possession is a serious breach of Intelligence and security. Many liberals want to skip right over this, as well. You CAN'T claim she did not know. The information in her possession, the information regarding the program she was 'read into' - all of this information, what it pertained to, was made clear to her - that's what happens when they read you into such a program...so her claim that she did not know this stuff was classified is B$! She was 'read out' - it was again explained to her, along with the direction that she was not to have any of it in her possession.

She broke the law...period.

Then again...Doesn't matter.
Boy oh boy you are a STORY TELLER....

Some folks just KNOW how secure information and clearances work... OTHERS don't even care because supporting their favorite political re-tred is too important. There is nothing more important to National Security than FOLLOWING and ENFORCING the security laws for classified info.. No go read HRC's quote in my sigline --- and tell me that really CARES about National Security.. .

Easy's summary is pretty accurate. You won't get ANY analysis on cable news anywhere NEAR that accurate. That's why there's still a debate about whether Mrs. Clinton ought to EVER handle classified info again. Explain the underlying rules and procedures to the American people (without violating any secrecy) --- and she'd be toast right now..
What Will Happen to Hillary Over He Mishandling of Classified Material?

Nothing at all should happen to Hillary because she was no less a victim of Obamas war In Libya, that should never have been fought to begin with.

Obamas eurotard pals are to blame for conning Obama into waging yet another unnecessary war

A VICTIM?? She wanted to take the credit for that assault on Libyan stability.. Wanted it to be Hillary's legacy..
Wouldn't the employees who EMAILED her be in trouble ?

If a CIA agent sends classified information to my Hotmail account why would I be the one to get in trouble?
If you are authorized and responsible to identify classified information and so and classify it when you see it, and fail to do so you will get in trouble. As Sec State, Hillary was so authorized and responsible. Thus, if she received emails with information that should be classified and failed to classify and properly handle it, she was negligent.

The sender has more responsibility .

We are talking the high level state department . Everyone knew what was going on with this outside email.

Why is only HILLARY being hassled ?

That's CERTAINLY not true. She was BOUND to report any breach of security over that communications that she established for her convenience.. The VERY FIRST TIME -- any classified information traveled over HER PERSONAL server -- she should have reported it -- and shut it down.. Or someone would have shut it down for her.

Doesn't NEED to be stolen. Doesn't NEED to be marked. IT NEEDS to be done on APPROVED and secure links. . PERIOD...
The sender has more responsibility .

We are talking the high level state department . Everyone knew what was going on with this outside email.

Why is only HILLARY being hassled ?

hillary has always been held to a different standard by partisan haters and hacks.

yet she'll still come thru the other side as the DNC nominee and future POTUS.

the window of alternate fantasy scenarios is quickly closing in, so i have to laugh and just enjoy the daily derangement for what it is.

The "alternate fantasy" is solely yours. That she didn't compromise secure communications and content with her personal communications setup.. And that she acted in ANY RESPONSIBLE way to prevent it from reoccurring --- over and over again..
What Will Happen to Hillary Over He Mishandling of Classified Material?

Someone smarter than you will determine whether or not she mishandled classified material.

That she mishandled the information.........Yeah she did.....................

For her prosecution of the same........not going to happen.............Our gov't will never prosecute their insiders.........she is above the law and you know it........

I just cited documents that would easily show how she was completely violating our security..............I signed similar in the military...........and if a peon did just a little of what she did..............they'd be under the jail and you know it..................

but keep pitching the lies.
What Will Happen to Hillary Over He Mishandling of Classified Material?

Someone smarter than you will determine whether or not she mishandled classified material.

That she mishandled the information.........Yeah she did.....................

For her prosecution of the same........not going to happen.............Our gov't will never prosecute their insiders.........she is above the law and you know it........

I just cited documents that would easily show how she was completely violating our security..............I signed similar in the military...........and if a peon did just a little of what she did..............they'd be under the jail and you know it..................

but keep pitching the lies.

What did I lie about, Gomer?
What Will Happen to Hillary Over He Mishandling of Classified Material?

Someone smarter than you will determine whether or not she mishandled classified material.

That she mishandled the information.........Yeah she did.....................

For her prosecution of the same........not going to happen.............Our gov't will never prosecute their insiders.........she is above the law and you know it........

I just cited documents that would easily show how she was completely violating our security..............I signed similar in the military...........and if a peon did just a little of what she did..............they'd be under the jail and you know it..................

but keep pitching the lies.

What did I lie about, Gomer?
I think you lie as a profession...........it's in your liberal blood.........she is guilty............but will not be tried.................system will not prosecute their own..................

In General...........your just another Lying lib.

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