What Will Happen to Hillary Over the Mishandling of Classified Material?

What Will Happen to Hillary Over the Mishandling of Classified Material?

  • She will be charged with a felony

    Votes: 1 2.0%
  • She will be charged with a misdermeanor

    Votes: 1 2.0%
  • Nothing

    Votes: 42 84.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 1 2.0%
  • Unsure

    Votes: 5 10.0%

  • Total voters
what will happen and what should happen are two very different things. Anyone else who did what she did would already be tried and convicted and living in a jail cell.

Why do you Clinton supporters think that she is above the law? why don't the laws of the USA apply to the Clintons?
Why do you think she's the only one being investigated? She's the one running for president, so if she is that careless with classified information, she needs to be stopped ASAP. If other high level officials, like John Kerry, sent her classified information through unsecured channels and didn't even bother to mark it as classified, they should be prosecuted as well.

She is not the only one being investigated. Her aides are also being investigated.

BECAUSE who she is, if someone needs to go to jail over this she and those supporting her are going to try to make sure it isn't her.

AGREED, anyone who violated the laws - ANYONE - needs to be held accountable.

they are desperately scrambling to find a scape goat. Wonder how much they will pay someone to do time for her.
Nothing, with a qualifier. The Dems are going to be desperate to keep a lid on this scandal. The FBI is going to revolt if she isn't charged. So here is my prediction:

Bernie will successfully lobby enough Superdelegates to get Bubba to realize that the jig is up. The Clinton machine will pressure hiLIARy to negotiate a withdrawal in order to avoid the threat of public airing of the FBI findings. She will cancel her campaign for health reasons. Obama and Lynch don't want the FBI findings made public as Obama is guilty due to sending emails to hiLIARy.

Comey will resign, but Obama is willing to sacrifice him in order to spin his legacy.
Nothing, with a qualifier. The Dems are going to be desperate to keep a lid on this scandal. The FBI is going to revolt if she isn't charged. So here is my prediction:

Bernie will successfully lobby enough Superdelegates to get Bubba to realize that the jig is up. The Clinton machine will pressure hiLIARy to negotiate a withdrawal in order to avoid the threat of public airing of the FBI findings. She will cancel her campaign for health reasons. Obama and Lynch don't want the FBI findings made public as Obama is guilty due to sending emails to hiLIARy.

Comey will resign, but Obama is willing to sacrifice him in order to spin his legacy.

It could play out as you suggest. But I seriously doubt that the DNC would allow Bernie to be its nominee under any circumstances. Either way the GOP candidate wins and that is good for the country.
Nothing, with a qualifier. The Dems are going to be desperate to keep a lid on this scandal. The FBI is going to revolt if she isn't charged. So here is my prediction:

Bernie will successfully lobby enough Superdelegates to get Bubba to realize that the jig is up. The Clinton machine will pressure hiLIARy to negotiate a withdrawal in order to avoid the threat of public airing of the FBI findings. She will cancel her campaign for health reasons. Obama and Lynch don't want the FBI findings made public as Obama is guilty due to sending emails to hiLIARy.

Comey will resign, but Obama is willing to sacrifice him in order to spin his legacy.

It could play out as you suggest. But I seriously doubt that the DNC would allow Bernie to be its nominee under any circumstances. Either way the GOP candidate wins and that is good for the country.

That's why Biden is waiting in the wings....
Nothing, with a qualifier. The Dems are going to be desperate to keep a lid on this scandal. The FBI is going to revolt if she isn't charged. So here is my prediction:

Bernie will successfully lobby enough Superdelegates to get Bubba to realize that the jig is up. The Clinton machine will pressure hiLIARy to negotiate a withdrawal in order to avoid the threat of public airing of the FBI findings. She will cancel her campaign for health reasons. Obama and Lynch don't want the FBI findings made public as Obama is guilty due to sending emails to hiLIARy.

Comey will resign, but Obama is willing to sacrifice him in order to spin his legacy.

It could play out as you suggest. But I seriously doubt that the DNC would allow Bernie to be its nominee under any circumstances. Either way the GOP candidate wins and that is good for the country.

That's why Biden is waiting in the wings....
Nothing, with a qualifier. The Dems are going to be desperate to keep a lid on this scandal. The FBI is going to revolt if she isn't charged. So here is my prediction:

Bernie will successfully lobby enough Superdelegates to get Bubba to realize that the jig is up. The Clinton machine will pressure hiLIARy to negotiate a withdrawal in order to avoid the threat of public airing of the FBI findings. She will cancel her campaign for health reasons. Obama and Lynch don't want the FBI findings made public as Obama is guilty due to sending emails to hiLIARy.

Comey will resign, but Obama is willing to sacrifice him in order to spin his legacy.

It could play out as you suggest. But I seriously doubt that the DNC would allow Bernie to be its nominee under any circumstances. Either way the GOP candidate wins and that is good for the country.

That's why Biden is waiting in the wings....

I am quite sure that many in the DNC would prefer plugs. The Clintons are hated in the dem party as much as in the GOP. Obama hates them, but the media loves them and the media is being allowed to run our country.
The sender has more responsibility .

We are talking the high level state department . Everyone knew what was going on with this outside email.

Why is only HILLARY being hassled ?

hillary has always been held to a different standard by partisan haters and hacks.

yet she'll still come thru the other side as the DNC nominee and future POTUS.

the window of alternate fantasy scenarios is quickly closing in, so i have to laugh and just enjoy the daily derangement for what it is.
Nothing, with a qualifier. The Dems are going to be desperate to keep a lid on this scandal. The FBI is going to revolt if she isn't charged. So here is my prediction:

Bernie will successfully lobby enough Superdelegates to get Bubba to realize that the jig is up. The Clinton machine will pressure hiLIARy to negotiate a withdrawal in order to avoid the threat of public airing of the FBI findings. She will cancel her campaign for health reasons. Obama and Lynch don't want the FBI findings made public as Obama is guilty due to sending emails to hiLIARy.

Comey will resign, but Obama is willing to sacrifice him in order to spin his legacy.

It could play out as you suggest. But I seriously doubt that the DNC would allow Bernie to be its nominee under any circumstances. Either way the GOP candidate wins and that is good for the country.

That's why Biden is waiting in the wings....
Nothing, with a qualifier. The Dems are going to be desperate to keep a lid on this scandal. The FBI is going to revolt if she isn't charged. So here is my prediction:

Bernie will successfully lobby enough Superdelegates to get Bubba to realize that the jig is up. The Clinton machine will pressure hiLIARy to negotiate a withdrawal in order to avoid the threat of public airing of the FBI findings. She will cancel her campaign for health reasons. Obama and Lynch don't want the FBI findings made public as Obama is guilty due to sending emails to hiLIARy.

Comey will resign, but Obama is willing to sacrifice him in order to spin his legacy.

It could play out as you suggest. But I seriously doubt that the DNC would allow Bernie to be its nominee under any circumstances. Either way the GOP candidate wins and that is good for the country.

That's why Biden is waiting in the wings....

Some in the media are starting to turn on hiLIARy. Huffpo has recently called for her to suspend her campaign due to the email scandal.

I am quite sure that many in the DNC would prefer plugs. The Clintons are hated in the dem party as much as in the GOP. Obama hates them, but the media loves them and the media is being allowed to run our country.
I am quite sure that many in the DNC would prefer plugs. The Clintons are hated in the dem party as much as in the GOP. Obama hates them, but the media loves them and the media is being allowed to run our country.

hillary has yet to catch a break from the media, but that won't diminish her groundswell of solid support.

everything is falling into place naturally, as it should, and her campaign will be peaking before you know it.

About 40 Senate Democrats have lined up behind Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. Not one has come forward for Mr. Sanders.


All of the female Democratic senators signed a secret letter to Hillary Rodham Clinton early this year encouraging her to run for president in 2016 - a letter that includes the signature of Sen. Elizabeth Warren and other senators who are mentioned as potential candidates, two high-ranking Democratic Senate aides told ABC News.

...meant to be a private show of support from a group of 16 high-profile former colleagues and fans who are now senators, urging Clinton to do what much of the Democratic Party assumes she will, the aides said.

In Secret Letter, Female Senate Dems Rally Behind Clinton
When an elite obviously is exempt from prosecution for equally obvious wrongdoing then there is no reason for ordinary people to pay attention to any law.

And that's how historians will describe The Fall of The Obama Empire. But they'll wrong; despite His narcissism, the empire just is a figment of somebody's imagination. Not His -
He lacks any.
Nothing because she did nothing criminal.

But I do believe this investigation has brought much to light on how ALL OF OUR GOVT handles email.....when you have Kerry as Senator sending a message to Hillary that was later marked Classified, and 45 messages sent to her by one of our seasoned in classified info Diplomats that we later classified, so on and so forth....this diplomat swears up and down, none of those 45 messages later marked classified contained classified information....

The govt is OVER CLASSIFYING INFO that they don't want us to see....

and also, it has come to light that govt workers in the State Department and other departments need a means to communicate away from the office, with each other that is a classified system, instead of this State.gov email system which is an UNCLASSIFIED system...



A female who has overstepped the line between healthy fandom and indecent obsession

Fan: Hakkai from Saiyuki is really cool, he's smart and nice and hey, he's pretty cute.
Fangirl: Lyke OMG!!!11!one! Hakkai iz so lke totly my huzbend!
Fan: You DO realize he is a two dimensional image on your television screen right?
Fangirl: NOOO!! He'z reel and he iz al myne!
Urban Dictionary: fangirl
The sender has more responsibility .

We are talking the high level state department . Everyone knew what was going on with this outside email.

Why is only HILLARY being hassled ?

hillary has always been held to a different standard by partisan haters and hacks.

yet she'll still come thru the other side as the DNC nominee and future POTUS.

the window of alternate fantasy scenarios is quickly closing in, so i have to laugh and just enjoy the daily derangement for what it is.

totally wrong, she has been held to a different standard by you left wing worshipers and clintonites. Lying under oath, dereliction of duty, fraud, rape, corruption, bribery. All crimes committed by the Clintons and you fools still worship them
Do I understand it correctly that she 'hired' or otherwise had someone come in and set up her computer or email account or the server or whatever? Then allowed or instructed her aide to send/receive emails on her behalf? Plus her own sending/receiving?

If so, then it sounds like she's responsible alright. Why would she do that and go that far, if it wasn't for wrongdoing?

Then it brings an even bigger question......how can she do something like that without higher up approval?

If her purpose in having this private server set up to do work that would include sensitive material and information outside the office, she knew what she was doing was wrong to begin with because any information exchanged outside office perimeters is inappropriate and illegal, never mind how it was classified.
The company she hired to administer the server (ie, have total access to all the information stored on it), was not cleared to handle classified information. Basically, everything she put on that server was accessible by uncleared personnel.

But that's not the only problem she has over this......that she hired the admin without clearance?
“She does get more scrutiny” than other candidates — especially male candidates...

This may shock you: Hillary Clinton is fundamentally honest | Jill Abramson

I’m not a favorite in Hillaryland. That makes what I want to say next surprising.

Hillary Clinton is fundamentally honest and trustworthy.

we landed under sniper fire
it was caused by a video
I never e-mailed any classified data
it was just a good investment
Bill is Chelsea's father
I was not fired from the Watergate committee for lying
"What Will Happen to Hillary Over the Mishandling of Classified Material?"

This fails as a loaded question fallacy.
I disagree. It doesn't say anything debatable. I don't think anybody would argue that she did mishandle classified material at this point. I'm like 99.9% certain that that has been verified beyond reasonable doubt (you are certainly welcome to educate me however as I haven't really followed the issue in a while).
A loaded question fallacy is where a lie is contrived and offered in bad faith as a ‘question,’ where any attempt to respond to the ‘question’ is to admit that the lie is ‘true’ – and fails as a fallacy accordingly.

Also known as a ‘when did you stop beating your wife’ fallacy, it’s a dishonest and cowardly ‘debate’ tactic devoid of value or merit – its intent is not to engage in an objective, factual exploration of an issue, but rather to propagate a partisan lie disguised as ‘legitimate debate.’

That you might disagree in no way mitigates the fact that the thread premise indeed fails as a fallacy.
Again, to prove that to be true you should probably provide some sort of evidence that she DID NOT mishandle classified information. That is like like if you asked a convicted rapist who is out on parole, "When did you decide to clean up your act and stop raping women?" that isn't a fallacy...the guy (or gal) has been convicted of rape and jailed as such. It is asking an actual question based off of the known facts of the time.
What Will Happen to Hillary Over the Mishandling of Classified Material?

The exact same, identical, corresponding thing which happened to Colin Powell and Condi Rice for the mishandling of classified material.
In Hillary's case though, unlike those you mentioned, Hillary had the identities, locations, information, etc - ABOVE Top Secret Information that put American lives in the field in jeopardy on an incorrectly configured, illegally handled / classified personal computer system AND she is on record (according to her aides) as having ordered the classification headings stripped from documents and sent via unclassified means for her own convenience. THOSE are HUGE differences.

Yeah, I know, I know....I am waiting for the long-winded version of 'UH-UH!"
None of your assertions have been proven. Not one.

Ipse dixit.

I will wait for the official findings. I know how much you rubes hate facts, but I prefer to have them in hand instead of letting my biases run wild.

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