what will happen, when Muslims gain the majority in Christian countries?

It's going to happen in some EU countries when Turkey joins the EU. It was officially recognised as a candidate for full in 1999 but no progress has been made so far. Turkey's accession negotiations have effectively come to a standstill after France objected to the accession of a Muslim country.

And ironically France is now being ripped to pieces by the very immigrants they privately wanted to control .

Largely due to silly French Frog people putting a WEF poster boy in charge and being beseiged by north african hordes .
this qwuestion is not utopic.

you can see it in Europe

churches close

new Mosques open

etc ….
We will tell them what we tell Christian’s. This is not a Christian nation.

1.1% of our population. Islam will not catch on here.

We are secular.

even Muslims children grow up and become agnostics and atheists in America.
We will tell them what we tell Christian’s. This is not a Christian nation.

1.1% of our population. Islam will not catch on here.

We are secular.

even Muslims children grow up and become agnostics and atheists in America.

and whst about Europe?
We will tell them what we tell Christian’s. This is not a Christian nation.

1.1% of our population. Islam will not catch on here.

We are secular.

even Muslims children grow up and become agnostics and atheists in America.
Funny how the agnostics and atheists are joining forces all across the world to destroy Israel and the West.

Funny that.

Islam is more of a political movement than religion.

Thy simply are not spiritual people in the least.

It is all about politics and war and forcing Sharia law everywhere.

You cannot divorce Islam from politics as this is what the religion is based upon.

As such, they are your brothers.

Living under Islam is akin to having a Spanish Inquisition ever day of the year.
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Funny how the agnostics and atheists are joining forces all across the world to destroy Israel and the West.

Funny that.

Islam is more of a political movement than religion.

Thy simply are not spiritual people in the least.

It is all about politics and warp and forcing Sharia law everywhere.

You cannot divorce Islam from politics as this is what the religion is based upon.

As such, they are your brothers.

Living under Islam is akin to having a Spanish Inquisition ever day of the year.
They will be if they become the majority.
Nah. None of us are nearly as religious as our grandparents. Maybe bible thumpers keep passing that on to the next generation, in the bible belt, but most of us assimilate and we don't go to church like our grandparents did.

No one in America has time to pray 7 times a day. LOL.

Remember, 1.1% is what they are in America. Not to worry. The only reason they believe that Muslim nonsense is because they were born in that part of the world or born to two people who believe that shit. Sound familiar? Are you as religious as your grandparents? Do you take the bible literally like they did? Neither will Muslims born in America in the 2000's.

It's very hard for a Greek or Muslim to find another Greek or Muslim. As soon as the Muslim falls in love with a white American girl, forget about that ALLAH bullshit.
Nah. None of us are nearly as religious as our grandparents. Maybe bible thumpers keep passing that on to the next generation, in the bible belt, but most of us assimilate and we don't go to church like our grandparents did.

No one in America has time to pray 7 times a day. LOL.

Remember, 1.1% is what they are in America. Not to worry. The only reason they believe that Muslim nonsense is because they were born in that part of the world or born to two people who believe that shit. Sound familiar? Are you as religious as your grandparents? Do you take the bible literally like they did? Neither will Muslims born in America in the 2000's.

It's very hard for a Greek or Muslim to find another Greek or Muslim. As soon as the Muslim falls in love with a white American girl, forget about that ALLAH bullshit.
^^ it’s hard to believe anyone can be this stupid.

Yea I’m sure America will be a lovely place under a majorly Muslim population. “iTs gOiNg tO bE diFeReNt tHiS TiMe!!”
this qwuestion is not utopic.

you can see it in Europe

churches close

new Mosques open

etc ….

Like everywhere in former non-Muslim countries since the last 1,400 years: either be converted to Islam or be killed, no exception
Then heads will roll, like everywhere else the Muzzies are in charge.

Choppy choppy.
The West have done more to support head hacking Wahabi lunatics than anyone, as long as they chop the right heads off.
The West have done more to support head hacking Wahabi lunatics than anyone, as long as they chop the right heads off.

The UK has more knife and sword attacks than we do. Sure we have more guns, but bleeding out from being gutted is a far worse way to go than being shot.

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