What will Obama's reaction be if a black man walks into a church and murders nine white people?


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
What will Obama's reaction be if a black man walks into a church and murders nine white people?

With all this hate being stirred up, it's going to happen sooner rather than later.
What will Obama's reaction be if a black man walks into a church and murders nine white people?

With all this hate being stirred up, it's going to happen sooner rather than later.

I don't think that compares to a Black man walking into the White House
passing mandates like ACA that establish a national belief in health care as right through govt on the public.

While 9 people on the Supreme Court (who can't distinguish political beliefs inherent in
gay marriage, health care mandates, and the death penalty) effectively kill any sense of Constitutional check and balance on govt.

It's kind of hard to beat that. Once you can stomach this level of political oppression,
pretend it's okay, and act like this is how govt is supposed to work,
what difference does it make if a man, black or white, kills 9 people in a church.

Your own govt is showing no respect for law, or consent of others.
So it opens the door to anyone doing anything and claiming they had that right, despite the objections of others.

The consent of others doesn't count next to one's own political agenda to make a public statement.

When Obama, Congress and the Supreme Court are too busy making political statements,
that they forget about the equal right of beliefs, consent and dissent of people affected by these laws,
how are you supposed to enforce law and order for others?

If our own FEDERAL govt and leaders aren't respecting the spirit of the laws based on consent of the governed?
What authority does anyone have to enforce laws they are breaking themselves? Who is going to respect that?
Blacks already kill twice as many whites every year...And considering for population that is about 10 times per capita.

Obama doesn't say shit.

And each year has several thousand black on white rapes and usually ZERO (!!!) white on black rapes. But the news media censors these facts.
Let's get all pissed off and worked up over a hypothetical.
Blacks already kill twice as many whites every year...And considering for population that is about 10 times per capita.

Obama doesn't say shit.

And each year has several thousand black on white rapes and usually ZERO (!!!) white on black rapes. But the news media censors these facts.

ShootSpeeders Do you really expect the media to report the race of the victims
when they withhold names and anything else that could identify the victims?

Honestly what I'd really like to know, if you are going to hold a group collectively responsible for rape,
why not MEN. Aren't more crimes MEN attacking others, and most rapes MEN assaulting women.

Is race just a ploy to point the finger at each other while nobody is doing enough to stop rape?

What if all citizens had to sign agreements upon turning 18,
where in order to invoke privileges of citizenship, each person
has to agree to financial and legal responsibility, including restitution,
for any PREMEDITATED crimes they are convicted of; namely rape
which is never an accident (you don't accidentally rape someone out of passion)
or premeditated robberies and assaults with a weapon that were clearly planned.

So the PREVENTABLE crimes that were planned in advance
and involve DELIBERATE abuse of firearms or weapons to commit a crime against persons or property,
or involve rape; could these be signed in advance NOT to commit those but to get help if someone
is criminally sick with such an urge, and/or to pay the full cost of restitution to victims and society, including all costs of prosecution, defense, incarceration and any other medical or legal costs associated with the crime.

What if everyone agreed to sign such terms of citizenship, or else use this process to SCREEN out people who are criminally ill and either unable or refuse to comply so these people get help in advance to address any addictions, mental or criminal illness or social disorders preventing legal competence and lawful compliance.

Isn't that approach better for SCREENING out who are the criminally sick and dangerous?
And it would not rely on profiling by race? People would assess their own situations in order to
sign for legal and financial responsibility. if they couldn't afford the risk, someone else could co-sign for them.

And if nobody wants to co-sign for legal responsibility, what does that tell you?

Why do we wait until AFTER rapes, murders, crimes and incarceration occurs
in order to evaluate people's mental and social health? (And then argue over statistics and race?)

Don't you think there is a better way to catch problems in advance?
he won't care. Neither will the media, or his base of hater of white people

they can't BE USED to spread their HATE
he won't care. Neither will the media, or his base of hater of white people

they can't BE USED to spread their HATE

Dear Stephanie
Just make sure your posts focus on solutions to the core conflicts,
and aren't just used or seen as excuses for spreading hate or ill will either!
You may not MEAN to come across that way,
but neither do some of these people who think they are defending the oppressed
and do not see how they might be spreading hate, ill will and division. Not all of them see or intend that.
Let's get all pissed off and worked up over a hypothetical.

Well mdk can you offer a REAL scenario, or a REAL proposed solution, and get the attention focused on that? would that be more productive, in addressing and solving conflicts in approach and perception of the issues here?

Though I admire what you are trying to do here and agree with your sentiments it seems like folly. Why would I waste my time in this thread doing so when the OP and the vast majority of the participates are not interested in a productive solution? Real or hypothetical.
Obama has had many opportunities to try and unite the country on this issue and he has failed miserably. I don't believe he is mature or strong enough to even attempt to lead the country on this issue. He's a child.
What will Obama's reaction be if a black man walks into a church and murders nine white people?

A good start?

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