What Will The GOP Do When They Lose The House In 2014?

REMEMBER......, "it's not the vote that counts.., it's who counts the vote"

spoken by the left wings revered hero. i'll leave it to you leftie cowards to name him :up:
If the the gop loses all three houses it will just make for a dramatic comeback in 16.

If it falls to filibuster proof, it may well be over for the gop, as we know it.

I'd say the dems finally fracture along the liberal progressive lines, and liberal dems become a new gop unless the libers can mount an offense of some kind with the remains of the gop.

It's basically over now anyway. the dems push amnesty, they get the votes they need to push texas ans Az blue

There will be no more back and forth of the 2 party system, one party will finally destroy the fundamentals of America and our children will be left with little more than a monarchy.
Sounds pretty dire the way you put it. If the Dems win both we'll finally get some sensible legislation done.

I hope that happens.

Repped for your honesty. :thup:
What will the Dems do if the Republicans keep the House and take back the Senate? Which the three current scandals make more likely though no means certain to happen than the Republicans losing the House my best guess is they will cry racism, blame Bush why I don't know that just seems to their first instinct and finally claim the elections were stolen.
I'd be very saddened and disappointed to see that. The CON$ would continue to reek havoc on the economy and shut down government. I think we'd then see a total swing into full-on Democrat takever in 2016 due to the damage the CON$ would have unleashed upon us.

I'd just be keeping track of all the nonsense, shenanigans and corruption the CON$ would have done during their short time.
What will the Dems do if the Republicans keep the House and take back the Senate? Which the three current scandals make more likely though no means certain to happen than the Republicans losing the House.

mcatl only responds to those who slob his nob. this is not as an open debate as you may think.
Your response is something that mac doesn't want to deal with so you'll get the obama shoulder
So nice to see you have such a high opinion of me Mr. Weaver.
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And/or the Senate.

What will be their strategy then?

Obama is wallowing in four major scandals, and you think Republicans are going to lose seats?

Yeah, right. That's about as likely as you supporting a tax cut.
There's only one thing that can be seen as a scandal and that's the IRS thing, and it's really been overblown. The rest are all bogus. Only nutters are committed to them.

Get a grip.
Sooner or later we GOP are going to have to stop looking through the glass darkly and act like adults and campaign wisely.
I'll make a point of watching Megyn Kelly & Michelle Malkin meltdown when that happens :razz:

who is hating women now?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

What hate spuce?

Get a hold of yourself man....SNAP OUT OF IT!!!

There's only one thing that can be seen as a scandal and that's the IRS thing, and it's really been overblown. The rest are all bogus. Only nutters are committed to them.

Get a grip.

WoW !! you really are an Obamaniac !! :up:
this regime in power now has been so filled with sewer scum, liars, traitors and multiple brands of filth !!

why sir, are you so proud of this kind of hate filled sons-of-bitches who want to destroy our rights by damning the Constitution at every turn on the road of freedom ?

if your avatar is a true photo of you.., you appear to be a rather intelligent person, but your written words belie your appearance........, read my avatar please !
There's only one thing that can be seen as a scandal and that's the IRS thing, and it's really been overblown. The rest are all bogus. Only nutters are committed to them.

Get a grip.

has been so filled with sewer scum, liars, traitors and multiple brands of filth!

Excellent description of the far right wing nuts and reactionaries.
If the GOP loses the House, how are they going to impeach Obama?
Gore beat Bush upside the head in the popular vote and lost by SCOTUS.
There's only one thing that can be seen as a scandal and that's the IRS thing, and it's really been overblown. The rest are all bogus. Only nutters are committed to them.

Get a grip.

WoW !! you really are an Obamaniac !! :up:
this regime in power now has been so filled with sewer scum, liars, traitors and multiple brands of filth !!

why sir, are you so proud of this kind of hate filled sons-of-bitches who want to destroy our rights by damning the Constitution at every turn on the road of freedom ?

if your avatar is a true photo of you.., you appear to be a rather intelligent person, but your written words belie your appearance........, read my avatar please !
Sir, you are suffering from a severe case of Obama Derangement Syndrome. Seek the nearest hospital and check yourself in.

if the hits keep on coming from Obama's admin. And the health insurance rate hikes coming Jan 1, 2014 won't play well either.
if the hits keep on coming from Obama's admin. And the health insurance rate hikes coming Jan 1, 2014 won't play well either.

The "hits" are pitty pats and the "hikes" will not change much for anyone.
Gore beat Bush upside the head in the popular vote and lost by SCOTUS.

liberals love to quote scotus when it comes to gun control. I guess they have to live with the decisions of scotus.

We all have to live with SCOTUS, Spoonman, right and left, up and down, you and me: that is the beauty of SCOTUS. We can disagree but they are the deciders.

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