What Will The GOP Do When They Lose The House In 2014?

Only dupes care about these "scandals"...

OP- Broad, sunlit uplands...possible end of the new, bs GOP and the Pub propaganda machine.
And/or the Senate.

What will be their strategy then?

Obama is wallowing in four major scandals, and you think Republicans are going to lose seats?

Yeah, right. That's about as likely as you supporting a tax cut.
There's already a decent chance that Obama only took the Presidency because folks did not see either McCain nor Romney as likely to make a good President.

And when there is a 'questionable' or seemingly somewhat 'radical' President in the White House, the American People tend to put the opposing party in the dominant position in Congress (or a piece of it) to act as a brake or check-and-balance upon such a Presidency.

The Dems are on razor-thin margins with the Senate already.

It seems quite likely that the Republicans will (a) regain the Senate and (b) retain the House, so that the President will be even more of a Lame Duck after the 2014 General Election.

But that's still 18 months in the future and anything can happen.
And/or the Senate.

What will be their strategy then?

Given the state of American politics today (not to mention historically), what on earth would give you the idea that such a thing is likely?
Because a majority are sick to death of disastrous Pubs, ridiculous "scandals", and a party of hate, stupidity, and lies that couldn't care less about the country, hater dupes.
Don't forget. That trainwreck, Obamacare, is coming down the road in 2014.

That POS was passed totally by the Dems.

Wait till the taxpayers get a load of what the POS is going to cost them.

The Dems could be way out of favor once that trainwreck hits.

Personally I don't like one party having all the marbles and I would hate to see that happen because its never good for anyone in the country.
Dems take the House I leave, Repubs hold you leave the board coksucker...you have the balls jake?

Forcing out MB this early (and other TPM reps are leaving also, believe me, before the end of summer) gives the Republican Party a decent chance to hold the House.

However, if the House rejects an immigration reform bill, the GOP will most likely lose House by 40 seats.

Why? Besides you have no character, I believe, to give me confidence in your word.
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Don't forget. That trainwreck, Obamacare, is coming down the road in 2014.

That POS was passed totally by the Dems.

Wait till the taxpayers get a load of what the POS is going to cost them.

The Dems could be way out of favor once that trainwreck hits.

Personally I don't like one party having all the marbles and I would hate to see that happen because its never good for anyone in the country.

Yeah, this could play a part, too. There are a ton of people who currently don't have coverage and don't realize that they'll need to start paying $200 and up a month for coverage. Not to mention all the potential delays and confusion due to the upcoming red tape. Hard to say, but it could definitely be a factor.

What Will The GOP Do When They Lose The House In 2014?

hopefully disappear ... or (maybe) stop hating women the elderly the poor and minorities.

and with Bauchman quitting the House does seem to have come into play.

Actually, her quitting makes her seat safer for the GOP.

The real problem is that right now, the House Seats are Gerrymandered in such way to protect as many GOP seats as possible. So a character like Sanford can get out there and win after resigning in disgrace.
The GOP doesn't even have control of the senate. How could they lose it? They're defending 14 seats while the dems are defending 21. It's very likely that the R's will win the senate. What will the dems do when they lose control of the senate for the first time since 2006? Dems have to flip 18 seats to control the house.

Republicans would have to win 6 of those 7 extra seats

Not likely given the recent ineptitude of TeaTard candidates
The GOP doesn't even have control of the senate. How could they lose it? They're defending 14 seats while the dems are defending 21. It's very likely that the R's will win the senate. What will the dems do when they lose control of the senate for the first time since 2006? Dems have to flip 18 seats to control the house.

Republicans would have to win 6 of those 7 extra seats

Not likely given the recent ineptitude of TeaTard candidates

And that's the real problem.

If it weren't for the TeaTards, the GOP would be in control of the Senate now.
What Will The GOP Do When They Lose The House In 2014?

hopefully disappear ... or (maybe) stop hating women the elderly the poor and minorities.

and with Bauchman quitting the House does seem to have come into play.

Actually, her quitting makes her seat safer for the GOP.

The real problem is that right now, the House Seats are Gerrymandered in such way to protect as many GOP seats as possible. So a character like Sanford can get out there and win after resigning in disgrace.

Not if they get someone crazier than her.

Which is completely likely.
And/or the Senate.

What will be their strategy then?

Sit back and watch this country turn into a Banana Republic.

It's already been turned into a banana republic by Republicans.

Banana Republic Attributes:
-Extreme Wealth and Extreme Poverty.
-Crumbling Infrastructure.
-Very Nationalistic Faction.
-Low Regulations.
-Private Industry Passing Legislation.
-Extremely Religious.
-Huge Military.
-Few Social Services.


You earned it.
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And/or the Senate.

What will be their strategy then?

Sit back and watch this country turn into a Banana Republic.

It's already been turned into a banana republic by Republicans.

Banana Republic Attributes:
-Extreme Wealth and Extreme Poverty.
-Crumbling Infrastructure.
-Very Nationalistic Faction.
-Low Regulations.
-Private Industry Passing Legislation.
-Extremely Religious.
-Huge Military.
-Few Social Services.


You earned it.

The Republicans who haven't been in any real power since 2006 and aren't in any real power now? You're quite the dilusional hack.:cuckoo:

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