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What will the GOP do with Congress in the next two years?

You may select more than one answer.

  • The same thing they have always done....nothing.

    Votes: 5 50.0%
  • They will pass many bills that will mostly fall to the veto.

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • They will pass bills and compromise with the President.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • They will allow the far right to overreach again and lose in 2016.

    Votes: 3 30.0%
  • They will prove they can run the country and will win the WH in 2016

    Votes: 3 30.0%
  • They will shut down the government again.

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • Who Cares?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
They will have to get past their own party in-fighting to "do" anything.

It's been really easy for them the last few years...doing nothing beyond throwing spitballs at the smart kids. Well, now they're at the front of the classroom. Let's see how the Boehner and Yurtle "lead". (with the Teabaggers still throwing spitballs)

Infighting. because they ALL don't march in lockstep and just rubber stamp anything and everything that is called, infighting. And the ones throwing spitballs is you on the left. take this post for example. BaCK To calling people TEABAGGERS.

spit isn't the right word for you losers, HATEFUL spittle is more like it

Infighting because the Teabaggers didn't go to D.C. to legislate and some people are actually there to serve.

It's no wonder the Boehner drinks too much.
They will have to get past their own party in-fighting to "do" anything.

It's been really easy for them the last few years...doing nothing beyond throwing spitballs at the smart kids. Well, now they're at the front of the classroom. Let's see how the Boehner and Yurtle "lead". (with the Teabaggers still throwing spitballs)
^ that

They are in a "put-up or shut-up" moment right now. If they continue w/ the same eXtremely partisan, assholery for the next two years, like they did for the last 6 yrs :eusa_shhh: , they will become a permanent minority party in '16.

Hmmmm, partisan assholery = Reid refusing to allow senate debate or votes on over 300 bipartisan house passed bills.

people who live in glass houses should not throw stones.
They will have to get past their own party in-fighting to "do" anything.

It's been really easy for them the last few years...doing nothing beyond throwing spitballs at the smart kids. Well, now they're at the front of the classroom. Let's see how the Boehner and Yurtle "lead". (with the Teabaggers still throwing spitballs)

not a gay thread, wytchey. Go away, you are even more ignorant on this topic than on gay issues.

Once the 300 bills that Reid has been sitting on come to votes and get passed, then the burden will be on obozo. He can sign or veto. If he vetoes, the country will see which party is the real party of NO. If he signs, the country will see which ideas work. Obozo can't win. He might as well schedule tee times for every day from now until 2017.

Its over, the great obama socialist progressive experiment has been declared a massive failure, the country is moving on.

Seriously Fishy, use your interwebs to find some lesbian porn and end this obsession. I can discuss other topics just fine...you, obviously can't if I'm discussing them too. Which one of us has the problem I wonder?

The President doesn't have to worry about being re-elected. He can veto and EO to his hearts content, just like Bush did...especially when it will be bills not supported by the American people (like repealing the Affordable Care Act)

65% of americans want ACA repealed, it is a terrible piece of legislation. There are dem authored bills passed by the house to delete parts of it.

They should pass bills to eliminate the bad parts of it (80%) and keep the few good provisions, like insurance companies must take people with pre-existing conditions, and no lifetime maximums. The rest of it is crap and is damaging the medical system in the usa.

Yes, obama can veto and EO for the next two years, and go down in history as the worst president of all time. Although he may have already captured that distinction.
You Dem/libs/commie need to sit down and shut up

You are in the MINORITY now. get used to it

Why? Because that's what you did when President Obama won in two Electoral landslides?

Nope, ya'll threw spitballs from the back of the class. Turnaround is fair play, no?

wow you people are so out of anything else. BUSH won twice to and you claimed he was a lame duck his last two years of his Presidency. But somehow because Obama won twice that make's him our dictator for eight years. well not happening. The people who are REPUBLICAN are now in control so sit back, get your crying towels out because you are going to need them

I'd think the GOP's behavior and effectiveness over the next two years will largely be predicated on whether Boehner & McConnell remain in charge.

If Tea Partiers take over, all bets are off, and the Democrats will be sending them Thank You cards.


What specifically do you think the tea party wants to do? You, and others, denigrate them constantly. Do you have any idea what the tea party stands for?
As long as you have Teddy, the Canadian, pushing for another government shutdown....you have the far right on your doorstep.

poor unhappy, frustrated partisan...

Ask yourself, Rot, why do Republican Waves only occur in off election years? The GOP is doomed and the math shows it. Enjoy your short lived power.

I'd think the GOP's behavior and effectiveness over the next two years will largely be predicated on whether Boehner & McConnell remain in charge.

If Tea Partiers take over, all bets are off, and the Democrats will be sending them Thank You cards.


What specifically do you think the tea party wants to do? You, and others, denigrate them constantly. Do you have any idea what the tea party stands for?

rather than wait for your answer, here are the 15 things the tea party stands for. Tell me which of them you disagree with.

1. Illegal aliens are here illegally.
2. Pro-domestic employment is indispensable.
3. A strong military is essential.
4. Special interests must be eliminated.
5. Gun ownership is sacred.
6. Government must be downsized.
7. The national budget must be balanced.
8. Deficit spending must end.
9. Bailout and stimulus plans are illegal.
10. Reducing personal income taxes is a must.
11. Reducing business income taxes is mandatory.
12. Political offices must be available to average citizens.
13. Intrusive government must be stopped.
14. English as our core language is required.
15. Traditional family values are encouraged.
- See more at: About Us - Tea Party
As long as you have Teddy, the Canadian, pushing for another government shutdown....you have the far right on your doorstep.

poor unhappy, frustrated partisan...

Ask yourself, Rot, why do Republican Waves only occur in off election years? The GOP is doomed and the math shows it. Enjoy your short lived power.

Uhhhh, Reagan and Bush were elected in off election years??????????????? really, must have missed that.

I'd think the GOP's behavior and effectiveness over the next two years will largely be predicated on whether Boehner & McConnell remain in charge.

If Tea Partiers take over, all bets are off, and the Democrats will be sending them Thank You cards.


What specifically do you think the tea party wants to do? You, and others, denigrate them constantly. Do you have any idea what the tea party stands for?

My problem with the Tea Party is that they are the people most likely to be saying:
  • Obama is a communist!
  • Obama is a socialist!
  • Obama is a Marxist!
  • Obama is a Kenyan!
  • Birth certificate! Birth certificate!
  • Benghazi!
  • Get rid of the IRS!
  • Get rid of the EPA!
  • Get rid of the DOE!
  • 47%!
  • Freeloaders!
  • Medicaid bad!
  • Social Security is a ponzi!
  • Unions bad always!
  • Income taxes are too high, regardless of where they are!
And they are the group most likely to be represented by the likes of Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann and Glenn Beck.

It may well be that you're fine with all of the above, and that's great.

Bottom line, personally, I think they are a real problem for the GOP - they make the party look silly, shallow and simplistic, yet they represent most of its energy. A real conundrum.

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We have to remember why the GOP was given control of congress last tuesday. It was to stop obama's version of socialism, not to cave in to him.

The people want border security, sane foreign policy, sane fiscal policy, a workable immigration law, enforcement of laws equally, the will of the people to decide social issues, and a government that gets things done.

Very funny situation here. The 'Conservatives' are claiming that the Obama Administration opened the floodgates to illegal immigration. So, lets look at the numbers. 2001, 7,800,000 illegals in the US, 2008, 11, 600,000. By 2011, ll,500,00. And , at present, about the same number.

As usual, what we see here is an outright lie, told with knowledge it is a lie, by the 'Conservatives'.

Illegal Immigration Population Estimates in the United States 1969-2011 - Illegal Immigration Solutions - ProCon.org

Hopefully, rebuild America...A few things the republicans can do. None of them are slashing as that isn't a plan.
-School choice and the removal of common core
-Infrastructure! tons of bridges need to be rebuilt
-Bring back manufacturing and industry.
-Invest in science outside of global warming/green. Nasa needs a new mission and restructured to work.
-Maybe a new healthcare system that works better?

That sounds like a good direction, but you know there are members on the far right who will not allow several of those to go forward. I am talking about building bridges and science, specifically.

the republicans who now control both houses of congress are not far right, the far right is a tiny minority and is just as bad as the far left.

Your problem is that your president is far left so you must characterize anyone who differs with him as far right.

Do you really think the Mia Love and Tim Scott are far right?

Tim Scott receives a F grade from the NAACP, if that means anything other then thinking even better of him.
At this point in time, the NAACP shouldn't have any more relevance than the NAAWP or the KKK should have. They're professional race hustlers. They NEED an enemy to survive. So if it appears racism is gone, then they have no more need for existence, thus, they need to perpetuate racism to survive. Race hustling is a business and pay check to these assholes.

I'd think the GOP's behavior and effectiveness over the next two years will largely be predicated on whether Boehner & McConnell remain in charge.

If Tea Partiers take over, all bets are off, and the Democrats will be sending them Thank You cards.


What specifically do you think the tea party wants to do? You, and others, denigrate them constantly. Do you have any idea what the tea party stands for?

My problem with the Tea Party is that they are the people most likely to be saying:
  • Obama is a communist!
  • Obama is a socialist!
  • Obama is a Marxist!
  • Obama is a Kenyan!
  • Birth certificate! Birth certificate!
  • Benghazi!
  • Get rid of the IRS!
  • Get rid of the EPA!
  • Get rid of the DOE!
  • Unions bad always!
  • Income taxes are too high, regardless of where they are!
And they are the group most likely to be represented by the likes of Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann and Glenn Beck.

It may well be that you're fine with all of the above, and that's great.

Bottom line, personally, I think they are a real problem for the GOP - they make the party look silly, shallow and simplistic, yet they represent most of its energy. A real conundrum.


THE TEA PARTY didn't say all those things. and so frikken what. They called Bush Hitler and accused him of being AWOL from the military. They accused Reagan of having Alzheimer's and taking advice from a psychics , and so on. and damn right we need to CUT DOWN this FEDERAL government and some of the agencies as they HAVE NOW BECOME fascist and is HURTING US instead of HELPING
Hopefully, rebuild America...A few things the republicans can do. None of them are slashing as that isn't a plan.
-School choice and the removal of common core
-Infrastructure! tons of bridges need to be rebuilt
-Bring back manufacturing and industry.
-Invest in science outside of global warming/green. Nasa needs a new mission and restructured to work.
-Maybe a new healthcare system that works better?
The GOP will oppose any healthcare system that works at all, other than as a revenue source for the wealthy.

You have school choice now. You can go to any school you can afford.

Infrastructure? Who needs that?

Manufacturing and industry? Why, when we can sell tennis shoes that cost $15 in Indonesia for $150 here.

Invest in Science? You mean in those elitists who actually spend decades studying something? What a silly idea.
Hopefully, rebuild America...A few things the republicans can do. None of them are slashing as that isn't a plan.
-School choice and the removal of common core
-Infrastructure! tons of bridges need to be rebuilt
-Bring back manufacturing and industry.
-Invest in science outside of global warming/green. Nasa needs a new mission and restructured to work.
-Maybe a new healthcare system that works better?
The GOP will oppose any healthcare system that works at all, other than as a revenue source for the wealthy.

You have school choice now. You can go to any school you can afford.

Infrastructure? Who needs that?

Manufacturing and industry? Why, when we can sell tennis shoes that cost $15 in Indonesia for $150 here.

Invest in Science? You mean in those elitists who actually spend decades studying something? What a silly idea.

did you miss your meds this morning? ^^^^^^^^^is nothing but partisan bullshit.

I'd think the GOP's behavior and effectiveness over the next two years will largely be predicated on whether Boehner & McConnell remain in charge.

If Tea Partiers take over, all bets are off, and the Democrats will be sending them Thank You cards.


What specifically do you think the tea party wants to do? You, and others, denigrate them constantly. Do you have any idea what the tea party stands for?

My problem with the Tea Party is that they are the people most likely to be saying:
  • Obama is a communist!
  • Obama is a socialist!
  • Obama is a Marxist!
  • Obama is a Kenyan!
  • Birth certificate! Birth certificate!
  • Benghazi!
  • Get rid of the IRS!
  • Get rid of the EPA!
  • Get rid of the DOE!
  • 47%!
  • Freeloaders!
  • Medicaid bad!
  • Social Security is a ponzi!
  • Unions bad always!
  • Income taxes are too high, regardless of where they are!
And they are the group most likely to be represented by the likes of Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann and Glenn Beck.

It may well be that you're fine with all of the above, and that's great.

Bottom line, personally, I think they are a real problem for the GOP - they make the party look silly, shallow and simplistic, yet they represent most of its energy. A real conundrum.


I gave you 15 things the tea party stands for. none of those is on the list
Here is you people/lib/dems/progressives now in the MINORITY bus:

hop on. the rest of us could care less what you want done, demand the Republicans do etc. We've had our FILL of your hateful crap for SIX YEARS

ride off into sunset

I'd think the GOP's behavior and effectiveness over the next two years will largely be predicated on whether Boehner & McConnell remain in charge.

If Tea Partiers take over, all bets are off, and the Democrats will be sending them Thank You cards.


What specifically do you think the tea party wants to do? You, and others, denigrate them constantly. Do you have any idea what the tea party stands for?

My problem with the Tea Party is that they are the people most likely to be saying:
  • Obama is a communist!
  • Obama is a socialist!
  • Obama is a Marxist!
  • Obama is a Kenyan!
  • Birth certificate! Birth certificate!
  • Benghazi!
  • Get rid of the IRS!
  • Get rid of the EPA!
  • Get rid of the DOE!
  • 47%!
  • Freeloaders!
  • Medicaid bad!
  • Social Security is a ponzi!
  • Unions bad always!
  • Income taxes are too high, regardless of where they are!
And they are the group most likely to be represented by the likes of Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann and Glenn Beck.

It may well be that you're fine with all of the above, and that's great.

Bottom line, personally, I think they are a real problem for the GOP - they make the party look silly, shallow and simplistic, yet they represent most of its energy. A real conundrum.


I gave you 15 things the tea party stands for. none of those is on the list

It doesn't matter. Politics is about perception, image. This is stuff that is said in public. Now, it appears that the GOP may finally be realizing that, judging from the 2014 campaign, but the Tea Party clearly has not yet figured it out.

Maybe you'll get what you want, we'll see.


I'd think the GOP's behavior and effectiveness over the next two years will largely be predicated on whether Boehner & McConnell remain in charge.

If Tea Partiers take over, all bets are off, and the Democrats will be sending them Thank You cards.


What specifically do you think the tea party wants to do? You, and others, denigrate them constantly. Do you have any idea what the tea party stands for?

My problem with the Tea Party is that they are the people most likely to be saying:
  • Obama is a communist!
  • obama is not a communist, but he has communist ideas.
  • Birth certificate! Birth certificate!

  • Benghazi!
  • Lying and covering up the neglect to protect four Americans that were tortured and murdered doesn't bother you?

  • Get rid of the IRS!
  • Best idea I've ever heard, in fact I believe the majority of Americans, right and left would like to see this.

  • Get rid of the EPA!
  • The EPA has recently been acting as though it answers to no one and has it's own authority, when nothing could be further from the truth. The EPA answers to congress, and all new rules implemented by the EPA should be approved by congress.

  • Get rid of the DOE!
  • That's stretching it. I've heard no such calls by the Tea Party, or the right for that matter.

  • Unions bad always!
  • Unions are the number one way democrats funnel forced money form workers into their campaigns. Unions might have been a good thing once upon a time. Now they're as corrupt as our government. They serve little more purpose than to bleed businesses dry and help reelect democrats.

  • Income taxes are too high, regardless of where they are.
  • No argument there because they are. We should have a flat tax of 13% for everyone.
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