What will the leftwing douche bags blame it on when the Jihadists get their hands on a nuke?

They'll blame it on us, the Right will get the blame, you know they'll say:

"If those horrible racist, bigoted Right-Winger's had not said such awful things about the lovely Muslims and the Religion of Peace, well, then those lovely Muslims wouldn't have had their feelings hurt so bad that they felt they needed to get hold of a nuclear weapon"

Or something of this nature, it'll be OUR fault for just being so awful or something :rolleyes-41:

They've already started down that road with the latest shooting. It's always that our country or those who offend Islam are to blame for virtually any violence committed by Muslims. It's not their fault, you know, since they are only following their beliefs and that means killing those who insult them.

Instead of keeping the perpetually offended people away from us, they are importing them faster than ever.

The latest shooting must be a tad harder to spin since it was gays targeted by the radical Muslim. Of course, it must be the gun's fault. Or Bush's fault.

Yea, they are so upset about what happened years ago that they suddenly decided to kill some gay people to get even.

Couldn't be because Imams are constantly telling the Muslims that homosexuals are committing a crime punishable by death. No, can't be that. Must be guns or wars in the Middle East.
Bush and the GOP let North Korea have nukes. That didn't seem to bother them.
You know it's inevitable, folks. It's only a matter of time until these savages get their hands on a nuke or some other weapon of mass destruction and kill tens of thousands of Americans. What are the leftwing Hillary supporters going to blame the mass deaths on then, lack of gun control?

They are furiously trying to deflect from the issue by blaming this incident on the 2nd amendment. Don't let them get away with it. This is about terrorism and the Dims utter incompetence at dealing with it.
Well, you’re to blame for your thread premise failing as a loaded question fallacy.
You know it's inevitable, folks. It's only a matter of time until these savages get their hands on a nuke or some other weapon of mass destruction and kill tens of thousands of Americans. What are the leftwing Hillary supporters going to blame the mass deaths on then, lack of gun control?

They are furiously trying to deflect from the issue by blaming this incident on the 2nd amendment. Don't let them get away with it. This is about terrorism and the Dims utter incompetence at dealing with it.
Well, you’re to blame for your thread premise failing as a loaded question fallacy.

It's not a loaded question. It's not even a question. Once again, you demonstrate you don't know a logical fallacy from a hole in the ground.
You know it's inevitable, folks. It's only a matter of time until these savages get their hands on a nuke or some other weapon of mass destruction and kill tens of thousands of Americans. What are the leftwing Hillary supporters going to blame the mass deaths on then, lack of gun control?

They are furiously trying to deflect from the issue by blaming this incident on the 2nd amendment. Don't let them get away with it. This is about terrorism and the Dims utter incompetence at dealing with it.
Why don't you allow any gun control measures that would help prevent domestic terrorists from obtaining weapons?
Because they will also prevent me from getting weapons, and that's a power I don't want the government to have. I fear government more than I fear terrorists.
It’s interesting and telling to watch you and other rightwing bigots go into full-blown hate mode – and not the least bit surprising.
They'll blame it on us, the Right will get the blame, you know they'll say:

"If those horrible racist, bigoted Right-Winger's had not said such awful things about the lovely Muslims and the Religion of Peace, well, then those lovely Muslims wouldn't have had their feelings hurt so bad that they felt they needed to get hold of a nuclear weapon"

Or something of this nature, it'll be OUR fault for just being so awful or something :rolleyes-41:

They've already started down that road with the latest shooting. It's always that our country or those who offend Islam are to blame for virtually any violence committed by Muslims. It's not their fault, you know, since they are only following their beliefs and that means killing those who insult them.

Instead of keeping the perpetually offended people away from us, they are importing them faster than ever.

The latest shooting must be a tad harder to spin since it was gays targeted by the radical Muslim. Of course, it must be the gun's fault. Or Bush's fault.

Yea, they are so upset about what happened years ago that they suddenly decided to kill some gay people to get even.

Couldn't be because Imams are constantly telling the Muslims that homosexuals are committing a crime punishable by death. No, can't be that. Must be guns or wars in the Middle East.
What’s also interesting and telling is how you and other rightwing bigots are blind to your ignorance and hate.

You’re completely oblivious to how repugnant and disgusting you are.
You know it's inevitable, folks. It's only a matter of time until these savages get their hands on a nuke or some other weapon of mass destruction and kill tens of thousands of Americans. What are the leftwing Hillary supporters going to blame the mass deaths on then, lack of gun control?

They are furiously trying to deflect from the issue by blaming this incident on the 2nd amendment. Don't let them get away with it. This is about terrorism and the Dims utter incompetence at dealing with it.
Why don't you allow any gun control measures that would help prevent domestic terrorists from obtaining weapons?
Because they will also prevent me from getting weapons, and that's a power I don't want the government to have. I fear government more than I fear terrorists.
It’s interesting and telling to watch you and other rightwing bigots go into full-blown hate mode – and not the least bit surprising.

"Hate mode?" Is that like telling the truth about leftwing douche bags?
You know it's inevitable, folks. It's only a matter of time until these savages get their hands on a nuke or some other weapon of mass destruction and kill tens of thousands of Americans. What are the leftwing Hillary supporters going to blame the mass deaths on then, lack of gun control?

They are furiously trying to deflect from the issue by blaming this incident on the 2nd amendment. Don't let them get away with it. This is about terrorism and the Dims utter incompetence at dealing with it.

For the record It think it is hight time that they outlaw nukes so that they won't use any.
You know it's inevitable, folks. It's only a matter of time until these savages get their hands on a nuke or some other weapon of mass destruction and kill tens of thousands of Americans. What are the leftwing Hillary supporters going to blame the mass deaths on then, lack of gun control?

They are furiously trying to deflect from the issue by blaming this incident on the 2nd amendment. Don't let them get away with it. This is about terrorism and the Dims utter incompetence at dealing with it.
Why don't you allow any gun control measures that would help prevent domestic terrorists from obtaining weapons?
Because they will also prevent me from getting weapons, and that's a power I don't want the government to have. I fear government more than I fear terrorists.
It’s interesting and telling to watch you and other rightwing bigots go into full-blown hate mode – and not the least bit surprising.

This is like Christmas for some of them.
Why don't you allow any gun control measures that would help prevent domestic terrorists from obtaining weapons?

The guy worked as an armed security guard and somehow passed a background check. They are still trying to determine whether his firearm used as work was used in the attack. Orlando shooter underwent company screening in 2013 with 'no findings' - employer

Of course, the San Bernardino killers had someone else purchase weapons for them. Criminals are like that. Laws don't mean shit to them.
You know it's inevitable, folks. It's only a matter of time until these savages get their hands on a nuke or some other weapon of mass destruction and kill tens of thousands of Americans. What are the leftwing Hillary supporters going to blame the mass deaths on then, lack of gun control?

They are furiously trying to deflect from the issue by blaming this incident on the 2nd amendment. Don't let them get away with it. This is about terrorism and the Dims utter incompetence at dealing with it.

The radical islamic terrorist....
For the record It think it is hight time that they outlaw nukes so that they won't use any.

Yes, and make sure we outlaw terrorist attacks, too. Gosh, we could put up signs like they do at schools and inform those criminals and terrorists that it's not allowed. If we all put up signs banning weapons, rapists, killers and burglars from our property then we should all be safe.

Tim McVeigh managed to kill all those people because buying fertilizer is legal. Shouldn't people be required to pass a background check or prove they are a farmer?

While 50 gay people were killed with a gun this morning by a Muslim following sharia law, how many have been pushed off roof tops in Muslim countries? Might have a problem outlawing or restricting roof tops here. Don't know how that will be addressed. Just never ends.

Every time there is violence, the left whines that we shouldn't be allowed to have guns. And people go out and buy guns because they don't want to become victims of the dangerous criminals.

If they made more laws that meant tougher sentences for criminals, people could get behind that. But they want to make more laws that make it tougher for the innocent people to get guns.
No question on where the guy got this idea. He thinks he was just being a good Muslim.

They'll blame it on white, right-wing Christians
You know it's inevitable, folks. It's only a matter of time until these savages get their hands on a nuke or some other weapon of mass destruction and kill tens of thousands of Americans. What are the leftwing Hillary supporters going to blame the mass deaths on then, lack of gun control?

They are furiously trying to deflect from the issue by blaming this incident on the 2nd amendment. Don't let them get away with it. This is about terrorism and the Dims utter incompetence at dealing with it.

I am going to blame you, all ISRAEL firsters, all US presidents beginning with Truman ending with Obama.


You know it's inevitable, folks. It's only a matter of time until these savages get their hands on a nuke or some other weapon of mass destruction and kill tens of thousands of Americans. What are the leftwing Hillary supporters going to blame the mass deaths on then, lack of gun control?

They are furiously trying to deflect from the issue by blaming this incident on the 2nd amendment. Don't let them get away with it. This is about terrorism and the Dims utter incompetence at dealing with it.

blame has a structure, blame has a process. it's a step by step removal from the point of impact, and it's faulty logic the whole way through. the obvious and most reasonable persons to blame are the terrorists, the killer who pulled the trigger. that's the one to punish. but no, can't do that, can't get to that guy. so the next best thing is the emotional appeal, what element of society lacks the heart and soul, and that's where the gun control debate comes from. if only those cruel right-wing racists and bigots would think about the children who died, surely they would surrender their guns and this tragedy would never have happened again in the future past. but, no, can't do that, can't get to the gun owners. so the next best thing is the appeal to authority, what thing has the power to control those people, and that's where the religion debate comes from. but, no, can't do that, can't take anyone's holy books away from them, so get into the thick of it with arguments about their theology and interpretations, try to change or rearrange their philosophies. so when you find yourself tossing insults back and forth with someone about the theory of evolution vs. the book of genesis, now you know why... eventually, the only option that remains is to accept the fact that people are fucked up and you can't change them, they're not really yours to change, and after it's all said and done the ones to blame are still the terrorists, the killers who pulled the triggers.
You know it's inevitable, folks. It's only a matter of time until these savages get their hands on a nuke or some other weapon of mass destruction and kill tens of thousands of Americans. What are the leftwing Hillary supporters going to blame the mass deaths on then, lack of gun control?

They are furiously trying to deflect from the issue by blaming this incident on the 2nd amendment. Don't let them get away with it. This is about terrorism and the Dims utter incompetence at dealing with it.

For the record It think it is hight time that they outlaw nukes so that they won't use any.
Obama would like to outlaw American nukes.

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