What will Trump do the next 74 days?

I wonder what Mark Esper didn't do for Trump that made Trump fire him? Secretary of Defense? Do we know?
Back in June Esper came out opposing the use of Federal Troops for domestic counterinsurgency purposes after Trump said he wanted to use them in Portland and other places. Esper said the situation did not warrant such use and troops could only be used in the most extreme circumstances.

Esper also continued working with the Republican-led Congressional armed forces committee that called for ending the wearing of Confederate badges and signs on uniforms and naming bases after Confederate generals.

Trump fires Defense Secretary Mark Esper

More worrisome perhaps is that talk is now re-emerging that Trump will also shortly fire his FBI and CIA directors for not expressing enough political support for him. This is an old issue as well, but why Trump might act now to take such actions is an interesting question:

“Questions are also swirling as to whether FBI Director Christopher Wray and CIA Director Gina Haspel will be ousted as well, as the president and his allies grow increasingly frustrated that the two top intelligence officials won’t wade into political matters.... The president has long made clear he values loyalty over everything else. He's pressured intelligence officials to become involved in investigations or make statements that would benefit him.”

Talk grows of Trump firings at Pentagon, CIA

So you plan to keep the hysteria meter at 10 through January 20, huh?

I have to admit, you people kept the hysterical tantrum going for the full four years. I thought you'd be tired by now
You think we’re going to turn our backs or a blind eye to trumps actions the next 74 days?

Do you think we’re going to forget what you allowed trump to do and say? I would love it if every now and then biden would come out and say something stupid like trump and see if you righties would forgive him the way you did trump. Like if biden said take your guns first and due process later. Would you be so forgiving if biden said that?

No, I didn't think at this point you'd tire of your tantrum. I meant at the beginning I didn't think you could keep up that hysteria for four full years. At this point it's like 2 1/2 months, of course I thought you could finish the job
President Trump will just fade out.

He will leave the White House before January 20.

Of course, he will not follow the tradition of riding with the incoming President from the White House to the Capitol.

He will skip the Inauguration because he knows that the Secret Service could not assure him of his safety. Some Dems in the massive crowd would be less than charitable if he were to show his face. I assume that Mr. and Mrs. Obama will be on the Capitol steps, a move that will elicit noise-deafening cheers. And, of course, when the Vice President-elect takes her oath, the millions of people in the crowd will go bananas with happiness & pride.

Meanwhile, former President Trump will be playing golf in Florida and planning on returning to business.
I forgot to include will he fire a lot of people? Anyone who ever looked at him crosseyed?
Trump fires Secretary of Defense Mark Esper

What diff would it make? If Biden seizes power in January, he would fire him anyhow.

I am sure there will be a lot of firings, people quitting everyday, pardons being made, etc. A lot of people will be resigning as they find new gigs.
I forgot to include will he fire a lot of people? Anyone who ever looked at him crosseyed?
Trump fires Secretary of Defense Mark Esper

What diff would it make? If Biden seizes power in January, he would fire him anyhow.

I am sure there will be a lot of firings, people quitting everyday, pardons being made, etc. A lot of people will be resigning as they find new gigs.

It's just Democrat butt hurt. Melting down over something that's up to Trump and doesn't affect them. Trump was elected for four years. They never did process that. I guess it's hard to think things through when you're having a tantrum
:) :)
President Trump will just fade out.

He will leave the White House before January 20.

Of course, he will not follow the tradition of riding with the incoming President from the White House to the Capitol.

He will skip the Inauguration because he knows that the Secret Service could not assure him of his safety. Some Dems in the massive crowd would be less than charitable if he were to show his face. I assume that Mr. and Mrs. Obama will be on the Capitol steps, a move that will elicit noise-deafening cheers. And, of course, when the Vice President-elect takes her oath, the millions of people in the crowd will go bananas with happiness & pride.

Meanwhile, former President Trump will be playing golf in Florida and planning on returning to business.
If he sets foot in NY or Scotland he may die in chains.
I heard he gonna round up all shit stains like you and execute them.
I wonder what Mark Esper didn't do for Trump that made Trump fire him? Secretary of Defense? Do we know?
Remember the protests/riots in DC? How Trump wanted to invoke the Insurrection Act and call in the military? Esper publicly disagreed, saying DC had not met that threshold. CNN predicts Wray is next.

Wray will of course be fired. He just hasn't lived up to the Rump "loyalty standard".
And he'll fire Fauci just for fun.
Neither matter. Wray will be rehired and Fauci is now in charge of President Biden's COVID Task Force.
Thanks God
:) :)
President Trump will just fade out.

He will leave the White House before January 20.

Of course, he will not follow the tradition of riding with the incoming President from the White House to the Capitol.

He will skip the Inauguration because he knows that the Secret Service could not assure him of his safety. Some Dems in the massive crowd would be less than charitable if he were to show his face. I assume that Mr. and Mrs. Obama will be on the Capitol steps, a move that will elicit noise-deafening cheers. And, of course, when the Vice President-elect takes her oath, the millions of people in the crowd will go bananas with happiness & pride.

Meanwhile, former President Trump will be playing golf in Florida and planning on returning to business.
If he sets foot in NY or Scotland he may die in chains.

Because ...
I heard he gonna round up all shit stains like you and execute them.
I wonder what Mark Esper didn't do for Trump that made Trump fire him? Secretary of Defense? Do we know?
Remember the protests/riots in DC? How Trump wanted to invoke the Insurrection Act and call in the military? Esper publicly disagreed, saying DC had not met that threshold. CNN predicts Wray is next.

Wray will of course be fired. He just hasn't lived up to the Rump "loyalty standard".
And he'll fire Fauci just for fun.
Neither matter. Wray will be rehired and Fauci is now in charge of President Biden's COVID Task Force.
Thanks God

So now you're butt hurt over Wray? Why? So you want him? He's yours. We'll trade him to you for a taco salad
I heard he gonna round up all shit stains like you and execute them.

Booboo just peed his panties
nope bobo will just tell you one of his stories about how tough he is.....
Or rich
either way its all stories.....
True or false.

Forthe record, it’d be pretty lame if I’ve made up all the shit I brag about.

This weekend I went up north to my brothers 65 acres. His son and two college buddies came with us. Such a good time. He’s building a barn. The barn alone costs $50,000. You should see this place. He got the property for $100k. The house mus be a half million dollar home. America has always been great for me. I just appreciate a capable government that represents us all not just the rich. And a racist government that gets the crazies to show up and vote and you vote with them? What’s wrong with you? Us liberals and the rest of the world want to know.

I know. It’s cause your3 dumb
You think Biden represents everyone!
You’re way too funny!
No he represents half of America and the entire rest of the globe. Maybe not Russia and Poland. But everyone else danced in the streets like a dictator had just been taken out.
Super spreaders.
Kamela Harris has friends?
Just remember what a hypocrite you’re being. Yes, I can imagine she has friends.

But what about mike pence. Can you imagine him having a friend? I truly can not. But you like that guy right? So don’t talk shit about Kamala when you had closet gay pence as your vp for 2 years.

His career is over huh?
No he represents half of America and the entire rest of the globe. Maybe not Russia and Poland. But everyone else danced in the streets like a dictator had just been taken out.

That ^ is EXACTLY what it looked like. Not just here but all over the world.
Hope Donald watched, but Fox, OAN and Newsmax were unlikely to have covered that! :cool:
President Trump will just fade out.

He will leave the White House before January 20.

Of course, he will not follow the tradition of riding with the incoming President from the White House to the Capitol.

He will skip the Inauguration because he knows that the Secret Service could not assure him of his safety. Some Dems in the massive crowd would be less than charitable if he were to show his face. I assume that Mr. and Mrs. Obama will be on the Capitol steps, a move that will elicit noise-deafening cheers. And, of course, when the Vice President-elect takes her oath, the millions of people in the crowd will go bananas with happiness & pride.

Meanwhile, former President Trump will be playing golf in Florida and planning on returning to business.

Trump's brand is fucked. Whether or not he's not indicted and imprisoned, his business will go belly up and bankrupt.
President Trump will just fade out.

He will leave the White House before January 20.

Of course, he will not follow the tradition of riding with the incoming President from the White House to the Capitol.

He will skip the Inauguration because he knows that the Secret Service could not assure him of his safety. Some Dems in the massive crowd would be less than charitable if he were to show his face. I assume that Mr. and Mrs. Obama will be on the Capitol steps, a move that will elicit noise-deafening cheers. And, of course, when the Vice President-elect takes her oath, the millions of people in the crowd will go bananas with happiness & pride.

Meanwhile, former President Trump will be playing golf in Florida and planning on returning to business.

Trump's brand is fucked. Whether or not he's not indicted and imprisoned, his business will go belly up and bankrupt.

You idiots just get more and more silly
President Trump will just fade out.

He will leave the White House before January 20.

Of course, he will not follow the tradition of riding with the incoming President from the White House to the Capitol.

He will skip the Inauguration because he knows that the Secret Service could not assure him of his safety. Some Dems in the massive crowd would be less than charitable if he were to show his face. I assume that Mr. and Mrs. Obama will be on the Capitol steps, a move that will elicit noise-deafening cheers. And, of course, when the Vice President-elect takes her oath, the millions of people in the crowd will go bananas with happiness & pride.

Meanwhile, former President Trump will be playing golf in Florida and planning on returning to business.

Trump's brand is fucked. Whether or not he's not indicted and imprisoned, his business will go belly up and bankrupt.
I don't think his brand is fucked. He may partner with newsmax. I'm not sure he has much of a future in borrowing dirty money from Russia to build stuff though. It's not like he's the only casino conduit for laundering money. It doesn't need dollars. Euros work too.

He's probably done as a candidate for office.
President Trump will just fade out.

He will leave the White House before January 20.

Of course, he will not follow the tradition of riding with the incoming President from the White House to the Capitol.

He will skip the Inauguration because he knows that the Secret Service could not assure him of his safety. Some Dems in the massive crowd would be less than charitable if he were to show his face. I assume that Mr. and Mrs. Obama will be on the Capitol steps, a move that will elicit noise-deafening cheers. And, of course, when the Vice President-elect takes her oath, the millions of people in the crowd will go bananas with happiness & pride.

Meanwhile, former President Trump will be playing golf in Florida and planning on returning to business.

Trump's brand is fucked. Whether or not he's not indicted and imprisoned, his business will go belly up and bankrupt.
I don't think his brand is fucked. He may partner with newsmax. I'm not sure he has much of a future in borrowing dirty money from Russia to build stuff though. It's not like he's the only casino conduit for laundering money. It doesn't need dollars. Euros work too.

He's probably done as a candidate for office.

Funny how the winners are the ones still with massive butthurt. Democrats won, you're the victor. You can pull it out now

President Trump will just fade out.

He will leave the White House before January 20.

Of course, he will not follow the tradition of riding with the incoming President from the White House to the Capitol.

He will skip the Inauguration because he knows that the Secret Service could not assure him of his safety. Some Dems in the massive crowd would be less than charitable if he were to show his face. I assume that Mr. and Mrs. Obama will be on the Capitol steps, a move that will elicit noise-deafening cheers. And, of course, when the Vice President-elect takes her oath, the millions of people in the crowd will go bananas with happiness & pride.

Meanwhile, former President Trump will be playing golf in Florida and planning on returning to business.
I think you are perhaps right about Trump eventually fading out. I hope so. But I think it would be better (for his own future as well) if he had the courage and strength of character to do something symbolic like “riding with the incoming President from the White House to the Capitol.”

An interesting question about Pence. He strikes me as the kind of man and shrewd politician who could step up and urge civility in a transition. Maybe I’m just dreaming. Of course everything depends on the next month or so and if future ballot lawsuits, “investigations” and challenges prove as empty as the past ones. If they do prove a bust as I expect, a civil transfer of power will be absolutely called for, and much better for the country as a whole.
Issue all sorts of executive orders rolling back additional Obama regulations, implement new regulations without proper notice and comment, kneecap and handcuff various agencies, use the levers of power to grease the wheels for his personal financial interests post-presidency? Give pardons like you’ve never seen before? One of Trump’s possible pardons, of course, could be for himself, to remove the threat of federal prosecution for potential crimes he may have committed, both before taking office and during these past four years. It’s unclear whether he is actually permitted to self-pardon, but Trump has shown he is willing to break guidelines and laws when useful for him.

or will he just play golf?
He will be like Obama. The Repub Senate should get as many Judges through as they can also. Of course the race has been stolen at this point. Who knows, maybe we can get a few cities vaporized. We certainly will not tell anyone if somebody has a WMD.

1. Declassify ALL - EVERY government / government agency document on the illegal Obama administration's attempt to affect the 2016 election and failed coup attempt against him as President


2. Declassify ALL - EVERY government / government agency document on Hunter Biden and the entire Biden scandal

....BOTH the name of 'Transparency' & Trust in the government and new Biden administration' (You're welcome, Joe!' A parting gift from the outgoing President :p )

3. Issue an Executive Order that shuts down the FISA Court until Congress & the DOJ can come up with a REAL process for keeping Americans citizens' Rights protected & the Courts to NEVER be used to illegally be used to spy on any American or be used in such a treasonous way again
-- 'Illegal Executive Order'? Let Congress - especially the Democrats who attempted non-stop coups against this president and the agencies who perpetrated FISA Court Abuses - sue / file challenges to wipe the EO out. Hopefully in such a case the USSC will demand to know how the crimes could have been perpetrated for DECADES, perhaps they would allow the FISA Court to remain shut down until a REAL method of ensuring this never happens is found...and not a BS plan put forth by the now leader of the agency that has committed FISA Court abuses for DECADES!

4. FIRE current and proven criminal Director of the FBI and appoint someone from OUTSIDE the Agency, someone who has not grown up in that treasonous pit whose loyalty is to protect the agency above all other loyalties.

5. Fire every FBI agent and other agency member Former FBI agent-now confessed criminal Clinesmith names / has named as having anything to do with the failed Obama coup attempt.

6. Declassify every word of Clinesmith's testimony, confession, and list of names of the people he hast testified were involved.

7. Declassify /release the name of every politician, aid, govt official who is associated with Pfizer and who has bough large amounts of Pfizer stocks within the last few months, those who have engaged in Insider Trading before today's announcement was made that Pfizer is the company that had developed the vaccine for COVID-19.

8. Create a new government agency manned by Independent, non-party affiliated/non-partisan Americans that will from now on oversee all elections, who will appoint all top State Election co-Supervisors and Poll monitors who will be required by law to be joined at the hips of their counterparts and that any attempt to prevent them from doing their jobs will result in Federal Marshalls IMMEDIATELY coming in, firing the State-appointed Supervisors / workers & the positions to be immediately filled.
- This would require State election officials to comply with federal oversight and to have back-up state-appointed officials if their primary violates federal oversight during an election

9. Issue an Executive Order prohibiting the partisan packing of Courts, that any case of an attempt to increase the number of USSC Judges must result in the USSC hearing arguments for the Constitutionality of doing so and the reason for wanting to do so. If found to be purely political it should be prohibited. It should state that any and all cases to be argued for enlarging the USSC should be aired / televised publicly for every citizen to hear the case.

....that's good for starters...

I think you are perhaps right about Trump eventually fading out. I hope so.

I hope the accomplishments of the most successful President in DECADES, in some cases most successful EVER, do not 'fade' and /or are replaced by Obama's 'stooge', reinstating Obama's failed policies, or by the Leftist Extremists who have hijacked / assimilated the Democratic party.
President Trump will just fade out.

He will leave the White House before January 20.

Of course, he will not follow the tradition of riding with the incoming President from the White House to the Capitol.

He will skip the Inauguration because he knows that the Secret Service could not assure him of his safety. Some Dems in the massive crowd would be less than charitable if he were to show his face. I assume that Mr. and Mrs. Obama will be on the Capitol steps, a move that will elicit noise-deafening cheers. And, of course, when the Vice President-elect takes her oath, the millions of people in the crowd will go bananas with happiness & pride.

Meanwhile, former President Trump will be playing golf in Florida and planning on returning to business.
Good. I hope he behaves badly. Then he will be blacklisted by Hollywood and Washington.
I heard he gonna round up all shit stains like you and execute them.

Booboo just peed his panties
nope bobo will just tell you one of his stories about how tough he is.....
Or rich
either way its all stories.....
True or false.

Forthe record, it’d be pretty lame if I’ve made up all the shit I brag about.

This weekend I went up north to my brothers 65 acres. His son and two college buddies came with us. Such a good time. He’s building a barn. The barn alone costs $50,000. You should see this place. He got the property for $100k. The house mus be a half million dollar home. America has always been great for me. I just appreciate a capable government that represents us all not just the rich. And a racist government that gets the crazies to show up and vote and you vote with them? What’s wrong with you? Us liberals and the rest of the world want to know.

I know. It’s cause your3 dumb
You think Biden represents everyone!
You’re way too funny!
its bobo.....the story teller....

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