What will Trump do the next 74 days?

I forgot to include will he fire a lot of people? Anyone who ever looked at him crosseyed?
Trump fires Secretary of Defense Mark Esper
He resigned, but Trump can't have that. So of course he tweets that he was fired.

What a loser.
Lol, like you varmints have a clue...

I have to ask. Why all the pics of transmissions and transmission parts?
Why not? I worked on the pos for almost 40 years.

I was just curious, me being a gear head and all.
Something tells me it will be unique, unfortuately.
Military Wary That Trump’s Shakeup Could Upend Its Apolitical Nature
The president fired Defense Secretary Mark Esper and installed three staunch loyalists to senior Pentagon policy positions.

“We are unique among militaries,” said Gen. Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. “We do not take an oath to a king or a queen, a tyrant or a dictator. We do not take an oath to an individual.”
Milley was speaking Wednesday at the dedication of an Army museum in a week that saw President Donald Trump fire Defense Secretary Mark Esper and install three staunch loyalists to senior Pentagon policy positions. The abrupt changes have raised fears about what Trump may try to do in his final two months of office — and whether the military’s long held apolitical nature could be upended.

Something tells me it will be unique, unfortuately.
Military Wary That Trump’s Shakeup Could Upend Its Apolitical Nature
The president fired Defense Secretary Mark Esper and installed three staunch loyalists to senior Pentagon policy positions.

“We are unique among militaries,” said Gen. Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. “We do not take an oath to a king or a queen, a tyrant or a dictator. We do not take an oath to an individual.”
Milley was speaking Wednesday at the dedication of an Army museum in a week that saw President Donald Trump fire Defense Secretary Mark Esper and install three staunch loyalists to senior Pentagon policy positions. The abrupt changes have raised fears about what Trump may try to do in his final two months of office — and whether the military’s long held apolitical nature could be upended.

We just need to hang on until early January.

But I sure would like to know why this is happening.
He's been making changes to the personnel who maintain the nuclear stockpile, ahead of the nuclear treaty expiring.

Not suspicious?

Oh dear, this is alarming. :omg:
I heard he gonna round up all shit stains like you and execute them.

Booboo just peed his panties
nope bobo will just tell you one of his stories about how tough he is.....
Or rich
either way its all stories.....
True or false.

Forthe record, it’d be pretty lame if I’ve made up all the shit I brag about.

This weekend I went up north to my brothers 65 acres. His son and two college buddies came with us. Such a good time. He’s building a barn. The barn alone costs $50,000. You should see this place. He got the property for $100k. The house mus be a half million dollar home. America has always been great for me. I just appreciate a capable government that represents us all not just the rich. And a racist government that gets the crazies to show up and vote and you vote with them? What’s wrong with you? Us liberals and the rest of the world want to know.

I know. It’s cause your3 dumb
You think Biden represents everyone!
You’re way too funny!
No he represents half of America and the entire rest of the globe. Maybe not Russia and Poland. But everyone else danced in the streets like a dictator had just been taken out.
Super spreaders.
Kamela Harris has friends?
Lots of them Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., is celebrating Kamala Harris, one of its members, for her historic election as the next vice president of the United States.

And funny who would have thunk Pence was in a fraternity. Must have been a real wild frat. LOL

While at Hanover, Pence joined the Phi Gamma Delta fraternity, where he became the chapter president.

I'll bet Mike Pence was exactly like Bluto in Animal House! :D

The next 74 days:


Someone fetch the man-baby his binky eh?

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Something tells me it will be unique, unfortuately.

Trump Administration Removes Official Who Oversees National Climate Assessment
The White House is reportedly expected to replace Michael Kuperberg with climate-change skeptic David Legates.

Why would he do this with only 73 days left? What will this Legates do in 73 days?

Legates has falsely claimed, among other things, that increased levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are good for the planet and dismissed his critics in the scientific community as “a bunch of thugs.”

This appear to mark the latest efforts by the White House to kneecap U.S. progress on climate science, which have included reversing Obama-era clean energy policies.

The Trump administration tried to bury the Fourth National Climate Assessment by releasing it the day after Thanksgiving in 2018.
That report concluded that global temperatures are “rising more rapidly than anything modern civilization has experienced” and that “this warming trend can only be explained by human activities, especially emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.”
But Trump and his allies dismissed the report’s findings.
“I don’t believe it,” Trump said at the time.

Oh my God. We may die from global warming before COVID.

You guys are an entirely different level of stupid than an average moron.
You don’t believe global warming is real or you don’t believe it’ll negatively affect humans? Which are you dumb or lying?
Did you ever reply? Because I need to know what stage of denial you’re in.

just like tobacco and lead poisoning the corporations deny as long as they can. It’s a hoax they say.

Then later when they can no longer deny global warming exists they’ll distract from what the scientists say we should do and they offer up their own solutions.

Never explaining Why or apologizing for why for so long they flat out denied it even existed. The scientists not the corporations being forced to go green were the ones lying.

I can see why a rich powerful republican would push this lie but why you?

Ill tell you why. Most likely because either you are anti abortion, racist or pro guns.

In other words you toe the line on every issue. You’re loyal to a fault.

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