What will Trump do the next 74 days?

Something tells me it will be unique, unfortuately.

Trump Administration Removes Official Who Oversees National Climate Assessment
The White House is reportedly expected to replace Michael Kuperberg with climate-change skeptic David Legates.

Why would he do this with only 73 days left? What will this Legates do in 73 days?

Legates has falsely claimed, among other things, that increased levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are good for the planet and dismissed his critics in the scientific community as “a bunch of thugs.”

This appear to mark the latest efforts by the White House to kneecap U.S. progress on climate science, which have included reversing Obama-era clean energy policies.

The Trump administration tried to bury the Fourth National Climate Assessment by releasing it the day after Thanksgiving in 2018.
That report concluded that global temperatures are “rising more rapidly than anything modern civilization has experienced” and that “this warming trend can only be explained by human activities, especially emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.”
But Trump and his allies dismissed the report’s findings.
“I don’t believe it,” Trump said at the time.

This is amazing.

It's a really bad time. The lunatics really have taken over the asylum.
This exposes the problem we have with the sitting president being a lame duck but pulling bullshit for the last 75 days of his presidency. Pardoning people, executive orders, etc. Trump will do much damage before he leaves and this thread is going to expose all that he does. I promise it will be daily new things that Trump has done that's bad/wrong/shady.
And he has a large portion of the country who will support him.

These people would rather see the country fall apart than see it change in a way they don't like.

Mac slams Trump supporters, humps a leftist's leg.

You really are the board spammer. Content, non existent and you write the same post over and over.

Just makes you feel warm being on a team, huh?

Just let us know if you find enough voter fraud to overturn the election.
Something tells me it will be unique, unfortuately.
When do you think would be the best time for the recently corrupted Supreme Court to throw out the will of the people and give trump the presidency? Now, during Xmas break or early next year? I think they’d get away with it. what would us anti trump voters do? Me personally, nothing. I’d bitch, a lot
Something tells me it will be unique, unfortuately.
When do you think would be the best time for the recently corrupted Supreme Court to throw out the will of the people and give trump the presidency? Now, during Xmas break or early next year? I think they’d get away with it. what would us anti trump voters do? Me personally, nothing. I’d bitch, a lot
Me personally, nothing. I’d bitch, a lot
because thats the kinda person you are bobo....hold everyones coats while they go out and do something about it,and you just sit back smoke some pot and bitch about it.....
Issue all sorts of executive orders rolling back additional Obama regulations, implement new regulations without proper notice and comment, kneecap and handcuff various agencies, use the levers of power to grease the wheels for his personal financial interests post-presidency? Give pardons like you’ve never seen before? One of Trump’s possible pardons, of course, could be for himself, to remove the threat of federal prosecution for potential crimes he may have committed, both before taking office and during these past four years. It’s unclear whether he is actually permitted to self-pardon, but Trump has shown he is willing to break guidelines and laws when useful for him.

or will he just play golf?
Golf. And whine. Then whine some more. Then golf.
Something tells me it will be unique, unfortuately.
When do you think would be the best time for the recently corrupted Supreme Court to throw out the will of the people and give trump the presidency? Now, during Xmas break or early next year? I think they’d get away with it. what would us anti trump voters do? Me personally, nothing. I’d bitch, a lot
Me personally, nothing. I’d bitch, a lot
because thats the kinda person you are bobo....hold everyones coats while they go out and do something about it,and you just sit back smoke some pot and bitch about it.....
Amen brother. Too much to lose. When the race war begins I’ll be behind gated communities with my republican (rich) friends. You’ll be stuck with the rabble
Something tells me it will be unique, unfortuately.

Trump Administration Removes Official Who Oversees National Climate Assessment
The White House is reportedly expected to replace Michael Kuperberg with climate-change skeptic David Legates.

Why would he do this with only 73 days left? What will this Legates do in 73 days?

Legates has falsely claimed, among other things, that increased levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are good for the planet and dismissed his critics in the scientific community as “a bunch of thugs.”

This appear to mark the latest efforts by the White House to kneecap U.S. progress on climate science, which have included reversing Obama-era clean energy policies.

The Trump administration tried to bury the Fourth National Climate Assessment by releasing it the day after Thanksgiving in 2018.
That report concluded that global temperatures are “rising more rapidly than anything modern civilization has experienced” and that “this warming trend can only be explained by human activities, especially emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.”
But Trump and his allies dismissed the report’s findings.
“I don’t believe it,” Trump said at the time.

Oh my God. We may die from global warming before COVID.

You guys are an entirely different level of stupid than an average moron.
You don’t believe global warming is real or you don’t believe it’ll negatively affect humans? Which are you dumb or lying?

I don't believe it is caused by humans and I don't believe we can fix it and I don't believe we are going to die from it in the near future. Unlike many hack scientists, I don't get funding from leftists to reach certain convenient conclusions.
You’re not a scientist. You’re a conspiracy theorist who swallows what the corporate republican lobbyists have told you. That’s it. The rest of the world and half of America knows you’re fos

You have swallowed what Al Gore told you. You don't seem to understand how funding works in the scientific community. Even if we were to buy into the man made global warming nonsense that scientists have been all over the map on for decades, this is NOT even close to being the most important issue of our time. It should be far down the list of priorities. There is a lot of money to be had in the green market, which is what continues to push this false narrative. I am not a Democrat, therefore I am not a lemming.
Something tells me it will be unique, unfortuately.
When do you think would be the best time for the recently corrupted Supreme Court to throw out the will of the people and give trump the presidency? Now, during Xmas break or early next year? I think they’d get away with it. what would us anti trump voters do? Me personally, nothing. I’d bitch, a lot
Me personally, nothing. I’d bitch, a lot
because thats the kinda person you are bobo....hold everyones coats while they go out and do something about it,and you just sit back smoke some pot and bitch about it.....
Amen brother. Too much to lose. When the race war begins I’ll be behind gated communities with my republican (rich) friends. You’ll be stuck with the rabble

Still don't see why you consider yourself "rich". This is the problem with the country. "Rich" is a relative term. Making almost 100k/yr is hardly "rich" in my book.
Something tells me it will be unique, unfortuately.

Trump Administration Removes Official Who Oversees National Climate Assessment
The White House is reportedly expected to replace Michael Kuperberg with climate-change skeptic David Legates.

Why would he do this with only 73 days left? What will this Legates do in 73 days?

Legates has falsely claimed, among other things, that increased levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are good for the planet and dismissed his critics in the scientific community as “a bunch of thugs.”

This appear to mark the latest efforts by the White House to kneecap U.S. progress on climate science, which have included reversing Obama-era clean energy policies.

The Trump administration tried to bury the Fourth National Climate Assessment by releasing it the day after Thanksgiving in 2018.
That report concluded that global temperatures are “rising more rapidly than anything modern civilization has experienced” and that “this warming trend can only be explained by human activities, especially emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.”
But Trump and his allies dismissed the report’s findings.
“I don’t believe it,” Trump said at the time.

This is amazing.

It's a really bad time. The lunatics really have taken over the asylum.
This exposes the problem we have with the sitting president being a lame duck but pulling bullshit for the last 75 days of his presidency. Pardoning people, executive orders, etc. Trump will do much damage before he leaves and this thread is going to expose all that he does. I promise it will be daily new things that Trump has done that's bad/wrong/shady.
And he has a large portion of the country who will support him.

These people would rather see the country fall apart than see it change in a way they don't like.

Mac slams Trump supporters, humps a leftist's leg.

You really are the board spammer. Content, non existent and you write the same post over and over.

Just makes you feel warm being on a team, huh?

Just let us know if you find enough voter fraud to overturn the election.

We don't need to. We just need enough to prove that it was happening. If an investigation starts, Democrats are screwed and they know it.
The next 74 days:

I wonder what Mark Esper didn't do for Trump that made Trump fire him? Secretary of Defense? Do we know?
Back in June Esper came out opposing the use of Federal Troops for domestic counterinsurgency purposes after Trump said he wanted to use them in Portland and other places. Esper said the situation did not warrant such use and troops could only be used in the most extreme circumstances.

Esper also continued working with the Republican-led Congressional armed forces committee that called for ending the wearing of Confederate badges and signs on uniforms and naming bases after Confederate generals.

Trump fires Defense Secretary Mark Esper

More worrisome perhaps is that talk is now re-emerging that Trump will also shortly fire his FBI and CIA directors for not expressing enough political support for him. This is an old issue as well, but why Trump might act now to take such actions is an interesting question:

“Questions are also swirling as to whether FBI Director Christopher Wray and CIA Director Gina Haspel will be ousted as well, as the president and his allies grow increasingly frustrated that the two top intelligence officials won’t wade into political matters.... The president has long made clear he values loyalty over everything else. He's pressured intelligence officials to become involved in investigations or make statements that would benefit him.”

Talk grows of Trump firings at Pentagon, CIA

So you plan to keep the hysteria meter at 10 through January 20, huh?

I have to admit, you people kept the hysterical tantrum going for the full four years. I thought you'd be tired by now
Not to mention they whined ten times more often in four short years over their butthurt on Trump being elected than Trump supporters did an entire 8 years when Obama was president. Im not even a trump supporter.I wanted gary johnson in office in 2016. I also wanted ron paul to get elected when those two globalist traiters Obama and Romney ran. I was cheer on the independent. Paul was a RINO.

,I did not vote for either one of those asswipes. when I did not get my wish and see Paul get the republican nomination,I accepted it and moved on. something the trump hater could never do for four years,just kept whining and whining he entire time instead of moving on. pathetic is an understatement. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Libertarians are just retarded republicans. I was up north with a libertarian this weekend. He was a huge trump supporter. Don’t pretend to not lean right dummy

Since you're stupid and all, we do lean right fiscally, no shit.

But we are liberal on social issues and military.

We want less government in our wallets.

We want less government in our bedrooms and in our bodies.

We want less government interfering in foreign affairs dictating policy with the military.

Can even someone as dumb as you pick up a pattern there?

Don't confuse liberal with left. They have nothing to do with each other. I'm a liberal, you're a leftist. I support free speech, free choice, doing whatever you want as long as you don't infringe on the same right in others.

You're an authoritarian leftist.

If I get my way, you are still free to make your own choices. If you get your way, my choices are ended.

Liberal and leftist have nothing to do with each other
Your choice to not be able to afford college or healthcare or to ever retire

Um ... what? That doesn't even make sense, government lackey. Maybe you should have saved instead of spending all your money your whole life on vacations and other crap and now you need government to pay your bills for you.

You think government flooding schools with money makes them CHEAPER?

You think government regulations over healthcare makes it CHEAPER?

You think you can't save for your own retirement?

Unbelievable, your balls are just in a jar on Nancy's mantle
Um, I do save, a lot. But I also make more than most people and have less bills than most. I don't know how the rest of you are doing it.

I wish Eastern, Western, Central and Northern Michigan University were all affordable colleges because of government support. That would keep the other colleges from charging too much. Michigan State, UofM, and all the other colleges can charge whatever they want. And the Eastern Western Northern Michigan's will also accept more students from low income areas.

You see, government can do great things that will never happen if libertarians are in charge.

I like some of what you guys say, but not enough to call myself a libertarian.

The rest of us? Yeah, brainiac. I don't want government handouts because I don't save anything. You want government handouts because you do. Democrats are just the lamest liars. You live paycheck to paycheck, be honest for once.

And you're an authoritarian leftist, you have nothing in common with libertarians. We believe in choice and diversity and freedom of speech.

And you still don't grasp this. Obviously you know nothing about money or business. Government drives UP the cost of colleges. Think about it, they flood it with free money. So schools don't focus on degrees where the students get good paying jobs. How many people do you know who majored in worthless degrees like psychology and English?

If government STOPPED flooding schools with all that cash, then schools and students would both become far more cost conscious and think about how they are going to pay for it.

Now they suddenly realize after they leave with a worthless degree and $100K in debt, it actually wasn't free.

I don’t need handouts anymore. But you and I grew up with these programs and safety nets and social programs and I appreciate what those programs do for poor and middle class people.

But just because I no longer need doesn’t make me change into a greedy republican or ignorant libertarian.

I make almost $100k and have no debt, no kids. I’m rich. My brother makes over $500k. I’m white, straight, like guns, educated, man. If I was greedy Or racist I would be a republican.

I have great healthcare provided by my employer. What if I lose my job?

I want government to force healthcare companies to cover pre existing conditions.

Even my rich brother wants more affordable healthcare for everyone. He’s not greedy either.

Then why do you need government to do it for you? Why don't you take a crowbar to your own wallet and help people out yourself?

Charity is not an act that can be performed with other people's money.

And when government does it, they do it so badly. They drive UP the cost of medical care and health care. You pay yourself on the back when you actually didn't do anything and what you did actually fucked the people you claimed to want to help ... with other people's money ...
Yea yea we’ve heard this right wing argument over and over. Yes, you are forced to pay into a government program that everyone benefits from. Like public schools. I can’t fund this on my own. Together we can accomplish the goal. We are all in this together

We all benefit from government schools? That's hilarious. They are the worst performing schools in the west and the most costly in the world. They are terrible. There is nothing more anti-education than supporting government schools
You mean they are worse than socialist Canada’s schools?

Irrelevant question. You have no logical ability at all. I'm not trying to deal with Canadian schools. Though dragonlady is no testament to Canadian government schools being worth a crap.

I was talking about US government schools. They are as we all know the worst in the west and most expensive in the world. Canadian government schools are irrelevant to that.

Why are our government schools such a failure? That's the question to address
What other "western" schools are you referring to then? Private schools?

You thought the West was just the US and Canada? Wow. Here you go, government educated failure
I’m trying to figure out what sch in the West are better than ours. Seeing as how you will probably be praising a socialist country I’m asking who? Can you answer?

My Gawd, government schools have so failed you. Don't you want better for your kids than the shitty education you got?

Whether schools in the west are socialist or not doesn't affect the point that WE have the worst schools in the West and the most expensive in the world. We're getting shit returns for our money. Our government schools suck. Case in point, their star graduate, you.

You keep proving you know nothing about business since you don't grasp ROI
Something tells me it will be unique, unfortuately.

Trump Administration Removes Official Who Oversees National Climate Assessment
The White House is reportedly expected to replace Michael Kuperberg with climate-change skeptic David Legates.

Why would he do this with only 73 days left? What will this Legates do in 73 days?

Legates has falsely claimed, among other things, that increased levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are good for the planet and dismissed his critics in the scientific community as “a bunch of thugs.”

This appear to mark the latest efforts by the White House to kneecap U.S. progress on climate science, which have included reversing Obama-era clean energy policies.

The Trump administration tried to bury the Fourth National Climate Assessment by releasing it the day after Thanksgiving in 2018.
That report concluded that global temperatures are “rising more rapidly than anything modern civilization has experienced” and that “this warming trend can only be explained by human activities, especially emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.”
But Trump and his allies dismissed the report’s findings.
“I don’t believe it,” Trump said at the time.

This is amazing.

It's a really bad time. The lunatics really have taken over the asylum.
This exposes the problem we have with the sitting president being a lame duck but pulling bullshit for the last 75 days of his presidency. Pardoning people, executive orders, etc. Trump will do much damage before he leaves and this thread is going to expose all that he does. I promise it will be daily new things that Trump has done that's bad/wrong/shady.
And he has a large portion of the country who will support him.

These people would rather see the country fall apart than see it change in a way they don't like.

Mac slams Trump supporters, humps a leftist's leg.

You really are the board spammer. Content, non existent and you write the same post over and over.

Just makes you feel warm being on a team, huh?

Just let us know if you find enough voter fraud to overturn the election.

That has nothing to do with what I said. Again, government schools, do better for your children than what happened to you
Something tells me it will be unique, unfortuately.
When do you think would be the best time for the recently corrupted Supreme Court to throw out the will of the people and give trump the presidency? Now, during Xmas break or early next year? I think they’d get away with it. what would us anti trump voters do? Me personally, nothing. I’d bitch, a lot
Me personally, nothing. I’d bitch, a lot
because thats the kinda person you are bobo....hold everyones coats while they go out and do something about it,and you just sit back smoke some pot and bitch about it.....
Amen brother. Too much to lose. When the race war begins I’ll be behind gated communities with my republican (rich) friends. You’ll be stuck with the rabble
see there you go again....say shit you cant back up.....i live in a gated community now with lots of gun owners.....you will have to hope you can get behind one....enjoy the rabble bobo.....maybe you can offer them some pot to buy your way in....lol...
I forgot to include will he fire a lot of people? Anyone who ever looked at him crosseyed?
Trump fires Secretary of Defense Mark Esper

Whats up with the scrawny deer?
It’s actually a really big 6. Biggest deer I ever shot.

My sister had an amazing deer killing dog.

I don't know exactly how old her dog was when it killed its first deer, a couple years old? But it was mating season and a buck with a huge rack rather than racing away turned and lowered it's antlers. My sister was terrified. Her dog ripped out it's jugular and blood sprayed all over both off them and the deer went down in a heap.

Her dog killed by her estimation at least a hundred deer through its life, all by itself. My sister had to be careful on walks because her dog would chase deer right at her, which is how dogs hunt in packs. Her dog though was the sweetest dog to people. She was suspicious a bit for people she didn't know, but so gentle and kind when she knew you. And she never attacked any pets, she knew what was and wasn't allowed as prey. It was all just natural to her. She passed away roughly a decade ago. What a great dog she was.

LOL, my sister is also a vegetarian

My white Boxer Jack Dempsey,rest his soul,was a prolific deer hunter himself.
Although he cost me quite a bit of money in goats. He'd cross the river,take down a goat and drag it back across the river and drop it on the porch.
I'd find him on the porch looking so proud of his kill.
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