What Will We Post About now that Russiagate is dying?

I'd like to know why Hillary Clinton didn't get indicted for her mishandling of classified documents. And I want to know who and why even today people in the DOJ and FBI are stonewalling Congress in that matter. She did everything she possibly could to destroy any evidence, why isn't that considered obstruction of justice?
She lost. What more do you want?

I want justice. Don't care about who lost or who won; we shouldn't have the wealthy or well-connected getting away with the stuff that I think she did. Cuz right now, there's no deterrent for people like her, other people went to prison for less than what she did and that just ain't right.
I agree, but I believe all your concerns WERE looked into and it was found that Clinton didn't do what you think she did. Or that it wasn't prosecutable, anyway. You are most likely not a federal prosecutor, so whatever your opinion about her culpability, it makes no difference. She was investigated. There were no findings that led to her arrest. Probably the Trump investigation will end the same way. It's really hard to prove motivation, what's in a man's mind, which are critical to collusion or obstruction charges. There has been a LOT of bulloney on both sides for political reasons to build up the culpability on both of them. We'll see. Clinton's investigation is long over, though. It was done fairly enough. Trump's is being done fairly as well. The rest is politics talking, not reason.
Grandest myth ever perpetrated upon the people of America
When you lose an election you don’t get the courts to try and carry the water that you candidate could not
Stop being feelings addled imbeciles and let America proceed as it should
The reports of members of the Deep State rolling over on higher ups is getting stronger as the date for declassification of the IG report draws nearer. Of greater importance Obama will be a anchor around the neck of the Ds in an active sense in the mid-terms. This could cause the demise of the Democratic party as a national party and a split in the GOP due to the political vacuum. Whatever will the LWNJs of the board do?

Maybe about the MLK bust that was removed from the Oval office that never happened..

The far left propaganda machine will make all kinds of accusations that will not be true.

I am sure the far left drones will run their debunked religious narratives that never connect to reality!


It'll go something along those lines. Democrats got nothing. Once their 'Trump Collusion' scam ends, they'll be lost.
The reports of members of the Deep State rolling over on higher ups is getting stronger as the date for declassification of the IG report draws nearer. Of greater importance Obama will be a anchor around the neck of the Ds in an active sense in the mid-terms. This could cause the demise of the Democratic party as a national party and a split in the GOP due to the political vacuum. Whatever will the LWNJs of the board do?
Your so-called 'reports' appear to be more #fakenews
I'd like to know why Hillary Clinton didn't get indicted for her mishandling of classified documents. And I want to know who and why even today people in the DOJ and FBI are stonewalling Congress in that matter. She did everything she possibly could to destroy any evidence, why isn't that considered obstruction of justice?
She lost. What more do you want?

I want justice. Don't care about who lost or who won; we shouldn't have the wealthy or well-connected getting away with the stuff that I think she did. Cuz right now, there's no deterrent for people like her, other people went to prison for less than what she did and that just ain't right.

I agree, but I believe all your concerns WERE looked into and it was found that Clinton didn't do what you think she did. Or that it wasn't prosecutable, anyway. You are most likely not a federal prosecutor, so whatever your opinion about her culpability, it makes no difference. She was investigated. There were no findings that led to her arrest. Probably the Trump investigation will end the same way. It's really hard to prove motivation, what's in a man's mind, which are critical to collusion or obstruction charges. There has been a LOT of bulloney on both sides for political reasons to build up the culpability on both of them. We'll see. Clinton's investigation is long over, though. It was done fairly enough. Trump's is being done fairly as well. The rest is politics talking, not reason.

There is an IG report coming out supposedly very soon about the Clinton investigation and whether it was properly done. We'll see what it says, but one thing I am personally convinced of is that Hillary Clinton should not have been using her private and unprotected server for official gov't business which she did. There are quite a large number of recovered emails that show precisely that; she knowingly and deliberately tried to hide at least some of what she was doing from public scrutiny, which is exactly what the FOIA is supposed to prevent. She also sent and received quite a few classified documents on that server, which is expressly forbidden - YOU JUST CAN'T DO THAT. And she knew it, somebody with her level of experience knows damn well how that material is supposed to be handled and she knowingly and deliberately exposed that information to anyone who could and most likely did hack into that server. And then she tried everything she could destroy any evidence of her wrong-doing. To me, that's obstruction of justice.

The law regarding the handling of classified data says you are guilty of breaking the law if you are found to have been "grossly negligent" in handling classified information. Which was what Comey's draft of his speech to us said, but it got changed to "extremely careless". I want to know who made that change and why; to me, "grossly negligent" is the same thing as "extremely careless" anyway, and Comey should have decided to ask the DOJ to indict her for that reason. You just can't do that with classified data, and she got away with it and then got away with what to my mind is obstruction of justice when she destroyed any and all evidence of what she did.

You say it was fairly done. I don't think so. Is it politics to not want anybody to do this shit and get away with it? If the FBI/DOJ were biased and didn't do their jobs the way they should have then we ought to find out who and go after them for it. Cuz if we don't, what's going to happen down the road the next time? Same shit, different election. Do you want honest gov't or not? That's not plitics for me, that's a good enough reason.
Grandest myth ever perpetrated upon the people of America
When you lose an election you don’t get the courts to try and carry the water that you candidate could not
Stop being feelings addled imbeciles and let America proceed as it should
The Trump campaign was up to its eyeballs in Russians, and we know the Russians were doing everything they could to influence the election, AND we know that the Russians were doing things helpful to Trump's campaign against Hillary. So it isn't exactly crazy to look at whether Trump or his associates were in on it. If Trump would quit shitting around and just meet with Mueller, maybe this thing could be wrapped up.
I'd like to know why Hillary Clinton didn't get indicted for her mishandling of classified documents. And I want to know who and why even today people in the DOJ and FBI are stonewalling Congress in that matter. She did everything she possibly could to destroy any evidence, why isn't that considered obstruction of justice?
She lost. What more do you want?

I want justice. Don't care about who lost or who won; we shouldn't have the wealthy or well-connected getting away with the stuff that I think she did. Cuz right now, there's no deterrent for people like her, other people went to prison for less than what she did and that just ain't right.

I agree, but I believe all your concerns WERE looked into and it was found that Clinton didn't do what you think she did. Or that it wasn't prosecutable, anyway. You are most likely not a federal prosecutor, so whatever your opinion about her culpability, it makes no difference. She was investigated. There were no findings that led to her arrest. Probably the Trump investigation will end the same way. It's really hard to prove motivation, what's in a man's mind, which are critical to collusion or obstruction charges. There has been a LOT of bulloney on both sides for political reasons to build up the culpability on both of them. We'll see. Clinton's investigation is long over, though. It was done fairly enough. Trump's is being done fairly as well. The rest is politics talking, not reason.

There is an IG report coming out supposedly very soon about the Clinton investigation and whether it was properly done. We'll see what it says, but one thing I am personally convinced of is that Hillary Clinton should not have been using her private and unprotected server for official gov't business which she did. There are quite a large number of recovered emails that show precisely that; she knowingly and deliberately tried to hide at least some of what she was doing from public scrutiny, which is exactly what the FOIA is supposed to prevent. She also sent and received quite a few classified documents on that server, which is expressly forbidden - YOU JUST CAN'T DO THAT. And she knew it, somebody with her level of experience knows damn well how that material is supposed to be handled and she knowingly and deliberately exposed that information to anyone who could and most likely did hack into that server. And then she tried everything she could destroy any evidence of her wrong-doing. To me, that's obstruction of justice.

The law regarding the handling of classified data says you are guilty of breaking the law if you are found to have been "grossly negligent" in handling classified information. Which was what Comey's draft of his speech to us said, but it got changed to "extremely careless". I want to know who made that change and why; to me, "grossly negligent" is the same thing as "extremely careless" anyway, and Comey should have decided to ask the DOJ to indict her for that reason. You just can't do that with classified data, and she got away with it and then got away with what to my mind is obstruction of justice when she destroyed any and all evidence of what she did.

You say it was fairly done. I don't think so. Is it politics to not want anybody to do this shit and get away with it? If the FBI/DOJ were biased and didn't do their jobs the way they should have then we ought to find out who and go after them for it. Cuz if we don't, what's going to happen down the road the next time? Same shit, different election. Do you want honest gov't or not? That's not plitics for me, that's a good enough reason.
I didn't expect you to actually listen.
The reports of members of the Deep State rolling over on higher ups is getting stronger as the date for declassification of the IG report draws nearer. Of greater importance Obama will be a anchor around the neck of the Ds in an active sense in the mid-terms. This could cause the demise of the Democratic party as a national party and a split in the GOP due to the political vacuum. Whatever will the LWNJs of the board do?
They will turn on The Clintons, despite the fact they knew they were criminals and supported them anyways. LWNJs never take the blame for their reckless actions, so they'll have to find a scapegoat. The Clintons will be that Scape Goat.
I'd like to know why Hillary Clinton didn't get indicted for her mishandling of classified documents. And I want to know who and why even today people in the DOJ and FBI are stonewalling Congress in that matter. She did everything she possibly could to destroy any evidence, why isn't that considered obstruction of justice?
She lost. What more do you want?

I want justice. Don't care about who lost or who won; we shouldn't have the wealthy or well-connected getting away with the stuff that I think she did. Cuz right now, there's no deterrent for people like her, other people went to prison for less than what she did and that just ain't right.

I agree, but I believe all your concerns WERE looked into and it was found that Clinton didn't do what you think she did. Or that it wasn't prosecutable, anyway. You are most likely not a federal prosecutor, so whatever your opinion about her culpability, it makes no difference. She was investigated. There were no findings that led to her arrest. Probably the Trump investigation will end the same way. It's really hard to prove motivation, what's in a man's mind, which are critical to collusion or obstruction charges. There has been a LOT of bulloney on both sides for political reasons to build up the culpability on both of them. We'll see. Clinton's investigation is long over, though. It was done fairly enough. Trump's is being done fairly as well. The rest is politics talking, not reason.

There is an IG report coming out supposedly very soon about the Clinton investigation and whether it was properly done. We'll see what it says, but one thing I am personally convinced of is that Hillary Clinton should not have been using her private and unprotected server for official gov't business which she did. There are quite a large number of recovered emails that show precisely that; she knowingly and deliberately tried to hide at least some of what she was doing from public scrutiny, which is exactly what the FOIA is supposed to prevent. She also sent and received quite a few classified documents on that server, which is expressly forbidden - YOU JUST CAN'T DO THAT. And she knew it, somebody with her level of experience knows damn well how that material is supposed to be handled and she knowingly and deliberately exposed that information to anyone who could and most likely did hack into that server. And then she tried everything she could destroy any evidence of her wrong-doing. To me, that's obstruction of justice.

The law regarding the handling of classified data says you are guilty of breaking the law if you are found to have been "grossly negligent" in handling classified information. Which was what Comey's draft of his speech to us said, but it got changed to "extremely careless". I want to know who made that change and why; to me, "grossly negligent" is the same thing as "extremely careless" anyway, and Comey should have decided to ask the DOJ to indict her for that reason. You just can't do that with classified data, and she got away with it and then got away with what to my mind is obstruction of justice when she destroyed any and all evidence of what she did.

You say it was fairly done. I don't think so. Is it politics to not want anybody to do this shit and get away with it? If the FBI/DOJ were biased and didn't do their jobs the way they should have then we ought to find out who and go after them for it. Cuz if we don't, what's going to happen down the road the next time? Same shit, different election. Do you want honest gov't or not? That's not politics for me, that's a good enough reason.
I didn't expect you to actually listen.

I did read what you said, I just didn't agree with some of it.
Grandest myth ever perpetrated upon the people of America
When you lose an election you don’t get the courts to try and carry the water that you candidate could not
Stop being feelings addled imbeciles and let America proceed as it should
The Trump campaign was up to its eyeballs in Russians, and we know the Russians were doing everything they could to influence the election, AND we know that the Russians were doing things helpful to Trump's campaign against Hillary. So it isn't exactly crazy to look at whether Trump or his associates were in on it. If Trump would quit shitting around and just meet with Mueller, maybe this thing could be wrapped up.

There is ZERO evidence The Russians were trying to help President Trump. In fact, the only evidence I see of interference came with Clinton & Obama soliciting the help of Vladimir Putin to produce the Phony Fusion GPS Dossier Steele and Skirpal authored with the help of Sid Blumenthal, and using John Kerry, and John McCain as couriers to deliver the Poisonous Propaganda to James Comey, McCabe, & Yates.
The reports of members of the Deep State rolling over on higher ups is getting stronger as the date for declassification of the IG report draws nearer. Of greater importance Obama will be a anchor around the neck of the Ds in an active sense in the mid-terms. This could cause the demise of the Democratic party as a national party and a split in the GOP due to the political vacuum. Whatever will the LWNJs of the board do?

And this is AFTER Mueller shredding attorney/client privilege.

Can you imagine what was on Hillary destroyed cell phones and servers that she had to launch them into the Sun to destroy them all?

Hillary text to Podesta: Give this Seth Rich job to Comey. I want reliable people, people who aren't going to be carried away.
The far left has been using the Russia bit to try and explain why they lost.

So far none if it has been true.

They just can not admit they put up a horrible candidate.

What excuse will they use when they loose again in 2020?
Russia gate ain't near its end, though the obstruction of justice issue, may be coming to a close within the next couple of months....
I hope you are right...as the evidence that Democrats - Obama, his administration, Hillary... - have illegally colluded, collaborated with, facilitated, aided and abetted Russian crimes for years...as has been exposed during their Witch Hunt against the President.

They need to be held accountable for their crimes, that include Obstruction, Sedition, Conspiracy, and even Treason.

Russian Collusion: Democrats, Obama, Hillary Clinton | National Review
Funny how all the RWNJs believe that Mueller's investigation into Russia attempts to influence the 2016 election will eventually lead to Trump's impeachment, isn't it.

While they wiggle, wiggle, wiggle to figure out ways to stop the investigation, and propose idiotic things like Trump pardoning himself, they are obviously certain that he is absolutely guilty of something.

Trump himself seems absolutely convinced that this probe will find evidence against him. He's been acting uilty, guilty, guilty!

But Mueller's investigation should have nothing to do with Trump. It's not an investigation of Trump, it's not targeting him.

Trump SHOULD be fully supportive of this investigation. As President he should be extremely concern if the Russians were trying to influence our elections.

Even if he did not collude with Russia, his failure to support this investigation, his failure to order appropriate actions to protect the American elections, his failure to impose the sanctions against Russia that the Senate called for, constitutes a gross dereliction of duty and failure to live up to his Presidential oath of office.

Those are the charges that are the basis for impeachment!

When you consider his destroying American influence around the world by destroying the State Dept. along with his recent action to start a trade war with our closest allies, it sure looks like he's Putin's BITCH!

Name one vote, just ONE, that was changed by the Russians.

No one has any idea if people changed their votes due to the Russians.

But we do know that the Russians tried. We do know that the Russians tried to hack election systems all over the U.S.

We do not know if they succeeded or not.


So don't give me this BULLSHIT about naming one vote that was changed!

You Trumpbots and your orange god are BLOCKING us from finding out how extensive Russian interference in the election was!
The reports of members of the Deep State rolling over on higher ups is getting stronger as the date for declassification of the IG report draws nearer. Of greater importance Obama will be a anchor around the neck of the Ds in an active sense in the mid-terms. This could cause the demise of the Democratic party as a national party and a split in the GOP due to the political vacuum. Whatever will the LWNJs of the board do?
If you think this investigation is dying, you’re a moron
I agree the homecooking for the Clintons is enough that she would already be indicted and probably starting her sentence if Mueller weren't a deep state traitor.
The reports of members of the Deep State rolling over on higher ups is getting stronger as the date for declassification of the IG report draws nearer. Of greater importance Obama will be a anchor around the neck of the Ds in an active sense in the mid-terms. This could cause the demise of the Democratic party as a national party and a split in the GOP due to the political vacuum. Whatever will the LWNJs of the board do?
Your so-called 'reports' appear to be more #fakenews
Get back to OP/ED moron. They put folks there because we don't have a cyber nursing home.
The far left has been using the Russia bit to try and explain why they lost.

So far none if it has been true.

They just can not admit they put up a horrible candidate.

What excuse will they use when they loose again in 2020?

you don't know jack shit what intel mueller has. when all his i's are dotted & his t's crossed, then he'll come fwd with what he has. he won't & no rational thinking person wants him to until he has the intel that will become hardcore evidence. then the shit will hit the fan. best be on the right ( & by that, i mean CORRECT) side of history.
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