What Will We Post About now that Russiagate is dying?

I think the "blue wave" becoming a urine trickle and flipping California into a full pants shitting event for Democrats.
The reports of members of the Deep State rolling over on higher ups is getting stronger as the date for declassification of the IG report draws nearer. Of greater importance Obama will be a anchor around the neck of the Ds in an active sense in the mid-terms. This could cause the demise of the Democratic party as a national party and a split in the GOP due to the political vacuum. Whatever will the LWNJs of the board do?

Just because the Mueller team doesn’t leak like the White House, doesn’t mean the investigation is done by any imagination.
If Trumpsters recall, the investigation has been quiet before and then out of the blue, someone is indicted.
I wouldn’t make any rash judgement either way, until the investigation is officially completed.
Hope dies last. And so it goes.
The reports of members of the Deep State rolling over on higher ups is getting stronger as the date for declassification of the IG report draws nearer. Of greater importance Obama will be a anchor around the neck of the Ds in an active sense in the mid-terms. This could cause the demise of the Democratic party as a national party and a split in the GOP due to the political vacuum. Whatever will the LWNJs of the board do?

Just because the Mueller team doesn’t leak like the White House, doesn’t mean the investigation is done by any imagination.
If Trumpsters recall, the investigation has been quiet before and then out of the blue, someone is indicted.
I wouldn’t make any rash judgement either way, until the investigation is officially completed.
Hope dies last. And so it goes.

But what will we do without the Ds to kick around?

Your total ignorance of reality and recent history is astounding.
I don’t think Cohen, Stone and other Trump surrogates that are on the docket have been interviewed yet.
You are certainly counting your chickens, before they have been hatched.
Now carry on with your foolish fantasy.
Cohen has nothing to do with Trump..
15 year old tax charges? Good luck with that!
Given how wealthy Ds get when they get in office that's going to be a mess if the Rs get in office but it will get CA out of debt and increase the percentage of funding for first responders.
The reports of members of the Deep State rolling over on higher ups is getting stronger as the date for declassification of the IG report draws nearer. Of greater importance Obama will be a anchor around the neck of the Ds in an active sense in the mid-terms. This could cause the demise of the Democratic party as a national party and a split in the GOP due to the political vacuum. Whatever will the LWNJs of the board do?

Just because the Mueller team doesn’t leak like the White House, doesn’t mean the investigation is done by any imagination.
If Trumpsters recall, the investigation has been quiet before and then out of the blue, someone is indicted.
I wouldn’t make any rash judgement either way, until the investigation is officially completed.
Hope dies last. And so it goes.
The reports of members of the Deep State rolling over on higher ups is getting stronger as the date for declassification of the IG report draws nearer. Of greater importance Obama will be a anchor around the neck of the Ds in an active sense in the mid-terms. This could cause the demise of the Democratic party as a national party and a split in the GOP due to the political vacuum. Whatever will the LWNJs of the board do?

Just because the Mueller team doesn’t leak like the White House, doesn’t mean the investigation is done by any imagination.
If Trumpsters recall, the investigation has been quiet before and then out of the blue, someone is indicted.
I wouldn’t make any rash judgement either way, until the investigation is officially completed.
Hope dies last. And so it goes.

But what will we do without the Ds to kick around?

Your total ignorance of reality and recent history is astounding.
I don’t think Cohen, Stone and other Trump surrogates that are on the docket have been interviewed yet.
You are certainly counting your chickens, before they have been hatched.
Now carry on with your foolish fantasy.
Cohen has nothing to do with Trump..
15 year old tax charges? Good luck with that!
Nothing to do with Trump... Listen how Cohen protects Trump.
The reports of members of the Deep State rolling over on higher ups is getting stronger as the date for declassification of the IG report draws nearer. Of greater importance Obama will be a anchor around the neck of the Ds in an active sense in the mid-terms. This could cause the demise of the Democratic party as a national party and a split in the GOP due to the political vacuum. Whatever will the LWNJs of the board do?
Posters have been dusting off the Obama stuff this week. There is no shortage of insults to batter our leaders with.
What Will We Post About now that Russiagate is dying?

lets post about MAGA

Given how wealthy Ds get when they get in office that's going to be a mess if the Rs get in office but it will get CA out of debt and increase the percentage of funding for first responders.
I myself don't see how the failure can be avoided. There are NO laws on the books how the feds save a state. The ONLY policy is on reversion where the states becomes a territory. And that don't help them. It's just something that's got to happen. Illinois is right behind them.

Huge voting blocks in the cities have driven the states to be bankrupt. The DNC's TRUE future is political warring between cities and states. You see that in California now.
I'd like to know why Hillary Clinton didn't get indicted for her mishandling of classified documents. And I want to know who and why even today people in the DOJ and FBI are stonewalling Congress in that matter. She did everything she possibly could to destroy any evidence, why isn't that considered obstruction of justice?
The reports of members of the Deep State rolling over on higher ups is getting stronger as the date for declassification of the IG report draws nearer. Of greater importance Obama will be a anchor around the neck of the Ds in an active sense in the mid-terms. This could cause the demise of the Democratic party as a national party and a split in the GOP due to the political vacuum. Whatever will the LWNJs of the board do?
The anchor is the deficit. Over 800 billion in 2018 & a trillion by 2020.
The lack of action by Republicans to stop Trump.
The idea that Republicans approved Pruitt & DeVos among others.
Trump's failure with NK
Trump's failure in TPP
Trump's failure with Iran
Trump's failure with negoitiati8mng anything.
Trump's trade war costing US jobs.

You dickbags think that just because you Trumpettes think Trump is an orange God does not mean sane, real Americans do.
Funny how all the RWNJs believe that Mueller's investigation into Russia attempts to influence the 2016 election will eventually lead to Trump's impeachment, isn't it.

While they wiggle, wiggle, wiggle to figure out ways to stop the investigation, and propose idiotic things like Trump pardoning himself, they are obviously certain that he is absolutely guilty of something.

Trump himself seems absolutely convinced that this probe will find evidence against him. He's been acting uilty, guilty, guilty!

But Mueller's investigation should have nothing to do with Trump. It's not an investigation of Trump, it's not targeting him.

Trump SHOULD be fully supportive of this investigation. As President he should be extremely concern if the Russians were trying to influence our elections.

Even if he did not collude with Russia, his failure to support this investigation, his failure to order appropriate actions to protect the American elections, his failure to impose the sanctions against Russia that the Senate called for, constitutes a gross dereliction of duty and failure to live up to his Presidential oath of office.

Those are the charges that are the basis for impeachment!

When you consider his destroying American influence around the world by destroying the State Dept. along with his recent action to start a trade war with our closest allies, it sure looks like he's Putin's BITCH!
The reports of members of the Deep State rolling over on higher ups is getting stronger as the date for declassification of the IG report draws nearer. Of greater importance Obama will be a anchor around the neck of the Ds in an active sense in the mid-terms. This could cause the demise of the Democratic party as a national party and a split in the GOP due to the political vacuum. Whatever will the LWNJs of the board do?
The anchor is the deficit. Over 800 billion in 2018 & a trillion by 2020.
The lack of action by Republicans to stop Trump.
The idea that Republicans approved Pruitt & DeVos among others.
Trump's failure with NK
Trump's failure in TPP
Trump's failure with Iran
Trump's failure with negoitiati8mng anything.
Trump's trade war costing US jobs.

You dickbags think that just because you Trumpettes think Trump is an orange God does not mean sane, real Americans do.
NK is not a failure. Show where it is idiot.
Fuck Iran and the TPP.
Real Dave has proven to be one thing....
Funny how all the RWNJs believe that Mueller's investigation into Russia attempts to influence the 2016 election will eventually lead to Trump's impeachment, isn't it.

While they wiggle, wiggle, wiggle to figure out ways to stop the investigation, and propose idiotic things like Trump pardoning himself, they are obviously certain that he is absolutely guilty of something.

Trump himself seems absolutely convinced that this probe will find evidence against him. He's been acting uilty, guilty, guilty!

But Mueller's investigation should have nothing to do with Trump. It's not an investigation of Trump, it's not targeting him.

Trump SHOULD be fully supportive of this investigation. As President he should be extremely concern if the Russians were trying to influence our elections.

Even if he did not collude with Russia, his failure to support this investigation, his failure to order appropriate actions to protect the American elections, his failure to impose the sanctions against Russia that the Senate called for, constitutes a gross dereliction of duty and failure to live up to his Presidential oath of office.

Those are the charges that are the basis for impeachment!

When you consider his destroying American influence around the world by destroying the State Dept. along with his recent action to start a trade war with our closest allies, it sure looks like he's Putin's BITCH!

Name one vote, just ONE, that was changed by the Russians.
I'd like to know why Hillary Clinton didn't get indicted for her mishandling of classified documents. And I want to know who and why even today people in the DOJ and FBI are stonewalling Congress in that matter. She did everything she possibly could to destroy any evidence, why isn't that considered obstruction of justice?
She lost. What more do you want?
I'd like to know why Hillary Clinton didn't get indicted for her mishandling of classified documents. And I want to know who and why even today people in the DOJ and FBI are stonewalling Congress in that matter. She did everything she possibly could to destroy any evidence, why isn't that considered obstruction of justice?
She lost. What more do you want?

For her to slither away in silence?
Record low unemployment is losing jobs real Dave needs a 12 step program and probably a Davis Act commitment.
I'd like to know why Hillary Clinton didn't get indicted for her mishandling of classified documents. And I want to know who and why even today people in the DOJ and FBI are stonewalling Congress in that matter. She did everything she possibly could to destroy any evidence, why isn't that considered obstruction of justice?
She lost. What more do you want?

I want justice. Don't care about who lost or who won; we shouldn't have the wealthy or well-connected getting away with the stuff that I think she did. Cuz right now, there's no deterrent for people like her, other people went to prison for less than what she did and that just ain't right.
I'd like to know why Hillary Clinton didn't get indicted for her mishandling of classified documents. And I want to know who and why even today people in the DOJ and FBI are stonewalling Congress in that matter. She did everything she possibly could to destroy any evidence, why isn't that considered obstruction of justice?
She lost. What more do you want?

For her to slither away in silence?
I agree; I know there are people who still really like her, but I have never been one and I'm embarrassed for her at this point. She lost to Donald J. Trump, for God's Sake. If I were her I wouldn't have stuck my head out my front door YET. Walking in the woods, quietly running her Foundation, spending lots of time with her grandbaby. THAT's where she should be at this point. She's nearly 70, isn't she?
I'd like to know why Hillary Clinton didn't get indicted for her mishandling of classified documents. And I want to know who and why even today people in the DOJ and FBI are stonewalling Congress in that matter. She did everything she possibly could to destroy any evidence, why isn't that considered obstruction of justice?
She lost. What more do you want?

For her to slither away in silence?
I agree; I know there are people who still really like her, but I have never been one and I'm embarrassed for her at this point. She lost to Donald J. Trump, for God's Sake. If I were her I wouldn't have stuck my head out my front door YET. Walking in the woods, quietly running her Foundation, spending lots of time with her grandbaby. THAT's where she should be at this point. She's nearly 70, isn't she?
You are expecting a woman to do something positive who has NEVER done anything positive in her life?

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