What Won't They Try To Regulate Next?

I heard yesterday that one state wants to regulate vasectomy's, now if that is not a nanny state, I dont know what one is.
Yes. Whats' the point of living on Long Island if you don't have a boat?

May as well live in Kansas.

And that's part of the reason why I like to get the yard work done early. Once the boat goes in, that's it for the yard work.

lol....I actually dont have a boat right now. I was bidding on one through MarineMax in Lindenhurst.....that was before last summer....and my wife talked me out of it. Was a 2001Sea Ray 340...frersh water cooled...300 hundred hours...was a great deal.
However, back on the market again.....downgrading to a 32 footer....
You south shore or north shore? Where do you fish?

Sea Ray's are nice boats. Nice, but pricey. Mine's a Century 2400WA with a 250 Yamaha four stroke. Bought it new in 2006. It's my third boat in close to 40 years now and hopefully my last.

I'm on the North Shore and fish the Sound (aka The Dead Sea). Fishing used to be great, but when I say "used to be", I'm talking like 30 years ago. I blame the commercial guys with their nets scoooping up everything in sight. In my harbor alone, there are four commercial boats and you know they're not going any further than they have to to catch fish.

C'mon guys, I know you have to make a living and all but save some fish for the rest of us.

Im on the south shore...about 20 minutes from the jones inlet from my marina..... Yeah, the SR'rs are pricey....but they give my wife the comfort for cruising and me the cockpit for fishing...have a nice wide beam....and with the way things are now, I can get a 32 footer within 10 years of age and inside of 300 hours for less than 60K....

Being on the southshore, I am just a few hours from the canyon and I love tuna fishing...and for earlier in the season, the fluke/flounder are everywhere....and blue fishing off the south shore can be a lot of fun too and can last well into October. Go for stripers once in a while...but that is always hit or miss.

But the best? Taking the boat out to the Great South Bay and hitting fire island. Whether I am docked or on the hook...overnnight on Fire Island is the best.
(Mother nature gave you a set of genes, via your DNA, that causes you to preferentially seek out sugar or sources high in sugar, because sugar, via glucose through the Krebs Cycle is the basic source of the energy that your ancestors needed to outrun that charging leopard that had them in mind as its next meal, or to row that makeshift raft that 100 yards across the river, or that makeshift canoe across that 500 or 1000 miles to the next unseen land mass, or to sculpt the stones for the pharaoh's pyramid, or to sculpt the colummns for the parthenon, or to sculpt the stones for the coliseum. Or doing something as innocuous as writing a few words on a piece of parchment for King John of England to sign that later became known as the Magna Carta, or for Martin Luther to nail on the cathedral door, or to create that magnificently bound document that Japanese Foreign Minister Shigomitzu and General Umezu signed on the deck of the USS Missouri labeled the Articles Of Surrender.
I guess it goes along with the theory that "If a little bit is good, a lot is better" Didn't they already try that with alcohol? I wonder how that turned out? Dumb f%#*ing idiots.)

"Regulate sugar?

What don't "they" want to regulate? Call for Sugar to Be Regulated as a Toxin. That is not from The Onion. Well, I suppose if "they" want to regulate CO2, a basic and necessary ingredient of air, then why not sugar?

Oh, so the scientists are not sure? So what? It's the precautionary principle, and we brain-dead masses can not be left alone with their own food. I can regulate my own sugar, thank you very much. And my own body, too. What do the Feminists say: "Government's hands off my body."

You can't make this stuff up."

Regulate sugar? - Maggie's Farm

You are nothing short of a full blown idiot. Do a little research on diabetes. It is epidemic in this country. It kills people. It kills millions of people. It causes liver and pancreas and kidney disease. Type 2 Diabetes is for the most part preventable. Your little story about ancient man is the worst kind of example. Ancient man NEVER saw proccessed sugar. He got his sugar from fruits and grains and in some cases honey and vegitation sap.

Your body was not designed to proccess large quantities of proccessed sugar.

Corporations are not concerned with the public health consequences of selling as much as they can of any given product. Sugar is a prime example. If they did have a conscience and only sold products in a way that also promoted intelligent use of those products there would be but a tiny fraction of the problems that arrise from the over use of these products. They do not have a conscience. Therefore it is wise policy to do for the corporations what they refuse to do for themselves and the public.

Promoting public health is good policy.

the only way they could is if the conusmer buys it.

So if the consumer doesnt care about the consequences of too much sugar intake......

(fill in the blank)
(Mother nature gave you a set of genes, via your DNA, that causes you to preferentially seek out sugar or sources high in sugar, because sugar, via glucose through the Krebs Cycle is the basic source of the energy that your ancestors needed to outrun that charging leopard that had them in mind as its next meal, or to row that makeshift raft that 100 yards across the river, or that makeshift canoe across that 500 or 1000 miles to the next unseen land mass, or to sculpt the stones for the pharaoh's pyramid, or to sculpt the colummns for the parthenon, or to sculpt the stones for the coliseum. Or doing something as innocuous as writing a few words on a piece of parchment for King John of England to sign that later became known as the Magna Carta, or for Martin Luther to nail on the cathedral door, or to create that magnificently bound document that Japanese Foreign Minister Shigomitzu and General Umezu signed on the deck of the USS Missouri labeled the Articles Of Surrender.
I guess it goes along with the theory that "If a little bit is good, a lot is better" Didn't they already try that with alcohol? I wonder how that turned out? Dumb f%#*ing idiots.)

"Regulate sugar?

What don't "they" want to regulate? Call for Sugar to Be Regulated as a Toxin. That is not from The Onion. Well, I suppose if "they" want to regulate CO2, a basic and necessary ingredient of air, then why not sugar?

Oh, so the scientists are not sure? So what? It's the precautionary principle, and we brain-dead masses can not be left alone with their own food. I can regulate my own sugar, thank you very much. And my own body, too. What do the Feminists say: "Government's hands off my body."

You can't make this stuff up."

Regulate sugar? - Maggie's Farm

You are nothing short of a full blown idiot. Do a little research on diabetes. It is epidemic in this country. It kills people. It kills millions of people. It causes liver and pancreas and kidney disease. Type 2 Diabetes is for the most part preventable. Your little story about ancient man is the worst kind of example. Ancient man NEVER saw proccessed sugar. He got his sugar from fruits and grains and in some cases honey and vegitation sap.

Your body was not designed to proccess large quantities of proccessed sugar.

Corporations are not concerned with the public health consequences of selling as much as they can of any given product. Sugar is a prime example. If they did have a conscience and only sold products in a way that also promoted intelligent use of those products there would be but a tiny fraction of the problems that arrise from the over use of these products. They do not have a conscience. Therefore it is wise policy to do for the corporations what they refuse to do for themselves and the public.

Promoting public health is good policy.

the only way they could is if the conusmer buys it.

So if the consumer doesnt care about the consequences of too much sugar intake......

(fill in the blank)

I'm sure you know this, but the liberal mindset will always be gov't knows what's better for the individual than the individual does.

I drink maybe a can or 2 of pop a month, but when i do i want it to be nice and sugary. Not sure why me having that choice is so terrible.

It's funny to hear liberals speak out against prohibition of alcohol or even marijuana, but fully endorse sugar prohibition. I guess that's the hypocrisy you find when you deal with hyperpartisans who just sit around all day waiting for their politicians to provide the next list of talking points.
Therefore it is wise policy to do for the corporations what they refuse to do for themselves and the public.

I have a better idea. How about you exercise a little self control and stop stuffing shit into your mouth?

It just kills me that people demand the government to stop making it easy for them to be idiots. Whether it is forcing SuperPACS out of business because they can't stop themselves from believing political ads, or forcing junk food makers out of business because they can't stop cramming food into their own pieholes.

Grow the fuck up and be responsible for yourself. No one is forcing fat bastards to eat sugar.

I get a kick out of the fat ones on line at Dunkin Donuts that order...

"Medium coffee with one sweet and low and skim milk......and two jelly donuts"

Its like they know it is wrong for their health, so they make themselves feel better by ordering sweet and low and skim milk.
What won't they try to regulate next?

Well, they might hymn and haw about it, but they won't try to legislate lobbyist.

I object to the "they". The people saying it aren't a "they" that can actually regulate anything! Apparently you CAN make this stuff up. We see the fringees do it all the time.
(Mother nature gave you a set of genes, via your DNA, that causes you to preferentially seek out sugar or sources high in sugar, because sugar, via glucose through the Krebs Cycle is the basic source of the energy that your ancestors needed to outrun that charging leopard that had them in mind as its next meal, or to row that makeshift raft that 100 yards across the river, or that makeshift canoe across that 500 or 1000 miles to the next unseen land mass, or to sculpt the stones for the pharaoh's pyramid, or to sculpt the colummns for the parthenon, or to sculpt the stones for the coliseum. Or doing something as innocuous as writing a few words on a piece of parchment for King John of England to sign that later became known as the Magna Carta, or for Martin Luther to nail on the cathedral door, or to create that magnificently bound document that Japanese Foreign Minister Shigomitzu and General Umezu signed on the deck of the USS Missouri labeled the Articles Of Surrender.
I guess it goes along with the theory that "If a little bit is good, a lot is better" Didn't they already try that with alcohol? I wonder how that turned out? Dumb f%#*ing idiots.)

"Regulate sugar?

What don't "they" want to regulate? Call for Sugar to Be Regulated as a Toxin. That is not from The Onion. Well, I suppose if "they" want to regulate CO2, a basic and necessary ingredient of air, then why not sugar?

Oh, so the scientists are not sure? So what? It's the precautionary principle, and we brain-dead masses can not be left alone with their own food. I can regulate my own sugar, thank you very much. And my own body, too. What do the Feminists say: "Government's hands off my body."

You can't make this stuff up."

Regulate sugar? - Maggie's Farm

You are nothing short of a full blown idiot. Do a little research on diabetes. It is epidemic in this country. It kills people. It kills millions of people. It causes liver and pancreas and kidney disease. Type 2 Diabetes is for the most part preventable. Your little story about ancient man is the worst kind of example. Ancient man NEVER saw proccessed sugar. He got his sugar from fruits and grains and in some cases honey and vegitation sap.

Your body was not designed to proccess large quantities of proccessed sugar.

Corporations are not concerned with the public health consequences of selling as much as they can of any given product. Sugar is a prime example. If they did have a conscience and only sold products in a way that also promoted intelligent use of those products there would be but a tiny fraction of the problems that arrise from the over use of these products. They do not have a conscience. Therefore it is wise policy to do for the corporations what they refuse to do for themselves and the public.

Promoting public health is good policy.

the only way they could is if the conusmer buys it.

So if the consumer doesnt care about the consequences of too much sugar intake......

(fill in the blank)

Memo to Jarhead and TWIMC:

I am not a "liberal". I do not speak for liberals. All of my opinions are my own. I attempt to get the best information I can when I present my opinions. I aquired type 2 diabetes and did not see it coming. I wish there had been more factual health information being presented along with the thousands of cans of Coca Cola I consumed over the last 40 years. I am not "fat". I am not lazy. I am not stupid. I am an old school republican and resent what you newbies have done with my party but that is not the topic we are discussing is it? Trying to make this a partisan issue is stupid. Stop being stupid.

Another memo to Jarhead:

We no longer live in a little house on a prarie. We do not buy and consume things in a vaccume. We are bombarded by a tsunami of media advertising promoting mass consumtion. Ever take a few minutes and see what kids are subjected to in the way of tv advertising? This is a serious national health concern. It affects the current and future costs of health care.

Depending totally on the good will and faith of multinational corporations to do well by the communities in which they do business is foolish and expensive. If it is clear that there is harm being done then the public has a right to expect it's government to address the harm.

Do I know what the government should do? I don't have all the answers. I have ideas but the over use of proccessed sugar should be looked into by congress. We cannot afford to ignore it. I am sure that whatever we/the government recommends should involve corporation investment in advertising messages that tell the truth about the risks of over use of proccessed sugar.

Here is an example of what our/your faith in the good will of corporations gets us.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQUNk5meJHs]The Seven Dwarves: I believe that nicotine is not addictive - YouTube[/ame]

As bad as government can be it is all we collectively have to offset the power of multinational corporations to abuse Americans. Corporations are not ALL BAD. We need them. We do not need to be subservient to them. When they do not serve the community well they must be told so in a manner they cannot ignore.
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lol....I actually dont have a boat right now. I was bidding on one through MarineMax in Lindenhurst.....that was before last summer....and my wife talked me out of it. Was a 2001Sea Ray 340...frersh water cooled...300 hundred hours...was a great deal.
However, back on the market again.....downgrading to a 32 footer....
You south shore or north shore? Where do you fish?

Sea Ray's are nice boats. Nice, but pricey. Mine's a Century 2400WA with a 250 Yamaha four stroke. Bought it new in 2006. It's my third boat in close to 40 years now and hopefully my last.

I'm on the North Shore and fish the Sound (aka The Dead Sea). Fishing used to be great, but when I say "used to be", I'm talking like 30 years ago. I blame the commercial guys with their nets scoooping up everything in sight. In my harbor alone, there are four commercial boats and you know they're not going any further than they have to to catch fish.

C'mon guys, I know you have to make a living and all but save some fish for the rest of us.

Im on the south shore...about 20 minutes from the jones inlet from my marina..... Yeah, the SR'rs are pricey....but they give my wife the comfort for cruising and me the cockpit for fishing...have a nice wide beam....and with the way things are now, I can get a 32 footer within 10 years of age and inside of 300 hours for less than 60K....

Being on the southshore, I am just a few hours from the canyon and I love tuna fishing...and for earlier in the season, the fluke/flounder are everywhere....and blue fishing off the south shore can be a lot of fun too and can last well into October. Go for stripers once in a while...but that is always hit or miss.

But the best? Taking the boat out to the Great South Bay and hitting fire island. Whether I am docked or on the hook...overnnight on Fire Island is the best.

South shore eh? Once upon a time I lived in Oceanside.
You are nothing short of a full blown idiot. Do a little research on diabetes. It is epidemic in this country. It kills people. It kills millions of people. It causes liver and pancreas and kidney disease. Type 2 Diabetes is for the most part preventable. Your little story about ancient man is the worst kind of example. Ancient man NEVER saw proccessed sugar. He got his sugar from fruits and grains and in some cases honey and vegitation sap.

Your body was not designed to proccess large quantities of proccessed sugar.

Corporations are not concerned with the public health consequences of selling as much as they can of any given product. Sugar is a prime example. If they did have a conscience and only sold products in a way that also promoted intelligent use of those products there would be but a tiny fraction of the problems that arrise from the over use of these products. They do not have a conscience. Therefore it is wise policy to do for the corporations what they refuse to do for themselves and the public.

Promoting public health is good policy.

the only way they could is if the conusmer buys it.

So if the consumer doesnt care about the consequences of too much sugar intake......

(fill in the blank)

I'm sure you know this, but the liberal mindset will always be gov't knows what's better for the individual than the individual does.

I drink maybe a can or 2 of pop a month, but when i do i want it to be nice and sugary. Not sure why me having that choice is so terrible.

It's funny to hear liberals speak out against prohibition of alcohol or even marijuana, but fully endorse sugar prohibition. I guess that's the hypocrisy you find when you deal with hyperpartisans who just sit around all day waiting for their politicians to provide the next list of talking points.

Are you suggesting that government doesn't know best??

What won't they try to regulate next?

Well, they might hymn and haw about it, but they won't try to legislate lobbyist.


They even passed the lobbyist empowerment act. AKA Dodd/Franks banking reform
Sea Ray's are nice boats. Nice, but pricey. Mine's a Century 2400WA with a 250 Yamaha four stroke. Bought it new in 2006. It's my third boat in close to 40 years now and hopefully my last.

I'm on the North Shore and fish the Sound (aka The Dead Sea). Fishing used to be great, but when I say "used to be", I'm talking like 30 years ago. I blame the commercial guys with their nets scoooping up everything in sight. In my harbor alone, there are four commercial boats and you know they're not going any further than they have to to catch fish.

C'mon guys, I know you have to make a living and all but save some fish for the rest of us.

Im on the south shore...about 20 minutes from the jones inlet from my marina..... Yeah, the SR'rs are pricey....but they give my wife the comfort for cruising and me the cockpit for fishing...have a nice wide beam....and with the way things are now, I can get a 32 footer within 10 years of age and inside of 300 hours for less than 60K....

Being on the southshore, I am just a few hours from the canyon and I love tuna fishing...and for earlier in the season, the fluke/flounder are everywhere....and blue fishing off the south shore can be a lot of fun too and can last well into October. Go for stripers once in a while...but that is always hit or miss.

But the best? Taking the boat out to the Great South Bay and hitting fire island. Whether I am docked or on the hook...overnnight on Fire Island is the best.

South shore eh? Once upon a time I lived in Oceanside.

No way. Thats where I live.
the only way they could is if the conusmer buys it.

So if the consumer doesnt care about the consequences of too much sugar intake......

(fill in the blank)

I'm sure you know this, but the liberal mindset will always be gov't knows what's better for the individual than the individual does.

I drink maybe a can or 2 of pop a month, but when i do i want it to be nice and sugary. Not sure why me having that choice is so terrible.

It's funny to hear liberals speak out against prohibition of alcohol or even marijuana, but fully endorse sugar prohibition. I guess that's the hypocrisy you find when you deal with hyperpartisans who just sit around all day waiting for their politicians to provide the next list of talking points.

Are you suggesting that government doesn't know best??


Are you suggesting that government DOES know best?
Im on the south shore...about 20 minutes from the jones inlet from my marina..... Yeah, the SR'rs are pricey....but they give my wife the comfort for cruising and me the cockpit for fishing...have a nice wide beam....and with the way things are now, I can get a 32 footer within 10 years of age and inside of 300 hours for less than 60K....

Being on the southshore, I am just a few hours from the canyon and I love tuna fishing...and for earlier in the season, the fluke/flounder are everywhere....and blue fishing off the south shore can be a lot of fun too and can last well into October. Go for stripers once in a while...but that is always hit or miss.

But the best? Taking the boat out to the Great South Bay and hitting fire island. Whether I am docked or on the hook...overnnight on Fire Island is the best.

South shore eh? Once upon a time I lived in Oceanside.

No way. Thats where I live.

No shit, I went to Oceanside HS my freshman year. I lived on Oceanside Road, right next to the Dairy barn. I was actually back to visit last month for the first time in 10+ years and ate at Marios Pizza, which was my go to place.
I'm sure you know this, but the liberal mindset will always be gov't knows what's better for the individual than the individual does.

I drink maybe a can or 2 of pop a month, but when i do i want it to be nice and sugary. Not sure why me having that choice is so terrible.

It's funny to hear liberals speak out against prohibition of alcohol or even marijuana, but fully endorse sugar prohibition. I guess that's the hypocrisy you find when you deal with hyperpartisans who just sit around all day waiting for their politicians to provide the next list of talking points.

Are you suggesting that government doesn't know best??


Are you suggesting that government DOES know best?

Of course. Government can do no wrong.
the only way they could is if the conusmer buys it.

So if the consumer doesnt care about the consequences of too much sugar intake......

(fill in the blank)

I'm sure you know this, but the liberal mindset will always be gov't knows what's better for the individual than the individual does.

I drink maybe a can or 2 of pop a month, but when i do i want it to be nice and sugary. Not sure why me having that choice is so terrible.

It's funny to hear liberals speak out against prohibition of alcohol or even marijuana, but fully endorse sugar prohibition. I guess that's the hypocrisy you find when you deal with hyperpartisans who just sit around all day waiting for their politicians to provide the next list of talking points.

Are you suggesting that government doesn't know best??


They know the best way or racking up debt, how to spend money that doesn't exist and blow things up.

I'll give them that.
Yes, Suffolk County. You?

Nassau....what is wrong with this picture....you and I are both retired and sitting inside on the computer on a day like today.

I know. But that's the beauty of retirement; endless time to do absolutely nothing and not feel guilty about it.

But I'm in recovery mode today. I spent most of yesterday in the yard with the rake and the shovel and the weed wacker and the blower and the chain saw and schleping mountains of crap into the woods.

So today I'm just going to fuck off and procrastinate.

:lol::lol: for a minute there I thought you said procreate! bad idear! dear!
I'm sure you know this, but the liberal mindset will always be gov't knows what's better for the individual than the individual does.

I drink maybe a can or 2 of pop a month, but when i do i want it to be nice and sugary. Not sure why me having that choice is so terrible.

It's funny to hear liberals speak out against prohibition of alcohol or even marijuana, but fully endorse sugar prohibition. I guess that's the hypocrisy you find when you deal with hyperpartisans who just sit around all day waiting for their politicians to provide the next list of talking points.

Are you suggesting that government doesn't know best??


They know the best way or racking up debt, how to spend money that doesn't exist and blow things up.

I'll give them that.

See, now we're getting somewhere.
South shore eh? Once upon a time I lived in Oceanside.

No way. Thats where I live.

No shit, I went to Oceanside HS my freshman year. I lived on Oceanside Road, right next to the Dairy barn. I was actually back to visit last month for the first time in 10+ years and ate at Marios Pizza, which was my go to place.

Wow. My wife and both of my boys graduated OHS...I have lived here in the Ocean Lea area for over 25 years...(the other side of long berach road from you).....if you lived near the dairy barn, then you were right across the street form Merle Avenue School....Heck...I know people right on that block next to dairy barn.

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