What would America be like if the anti-Abortion types win?

1. Abortion laws are not hard to enforce.

Actually, they are next to impossible to enforce. Probably harder than the prostitution laws, now that we have drugs like the morning after pill.

2. Rape laws are much harder to enforce than abortion laws. We should still do our best.

We should, because rape is a bad thing, everyone agrees. Everyone does not agree that abortion is, no matter how many times you scream "Jesus" at them.

3. Human Rights should be protected even if it's difficult

Which would be great if everyone agreed fetuses were people. Not everyone does.

4. My spelling, typing, and spellcheck aren't perfect, but an adult would have no problem. Let me know what you can't figure out and I'll help you.

If you are going to waste my valuable time with stupid arguments, don't give me an opening to mock you.
1. No they aren't hard to enforce. If they were, abortionists would be so worried. Lots of pills are illegal, and most abortions are done by either vacuuming the child up pieces by piece, by burning the child to death with a salt solution, or by using tongs to rip the child out limb by limb, and then the torso and the head.

2. You're really suggesting is that rape should be legal if it's popular enough? That's sick.

3. It's a 100% clinically proven medical certainty that unborn human children are human.

Hitler and Democrat Slave Owners picked and chose which humans to give rights to, just like you. It was popular, but still wrong.

4. Look in the mirror and tell yourself you mocked others. See if you're convinced.
Fucking hilarious...I love it when you proponents of baby killing can act like those who oppose are crazy....that’s backwards LibTardian belief at its finest right there.
Opposing baby killing = crazy
Supporting baby killing = not crazy

1) Fetuses aren't babies.
2) If you got a Fetus protection law, it would be completely unenforceable without turning America into a draconian police state.

You are one disgusting retarded leftist douchebag shill, have you been told that lately?
Fucking hilarious...I love it when you proponents of baby killing can act like those who oppose are crazy....that’s backwards LibTardian belief at its finest right there.
Opposing baby killing = crazy
Supporting baby killing = not crazy

1) Fetuses aren't babies.
2) If you got a Fetus protection law, it would be completely unenforceable without turning America into a draconian police state.
Nice job of dehumanizing human life.

An infant isn't an adult either... Snotty noses and dirty diapers.. you should take a poll and see if it's ok to rip them to shreds and put them in a dumpster.
Don’t we have laws which protect the eggs of Bald Eagles...how draconian huh?

funny thing about that... if bald eagles were as numerous as unwanted fetuses, we probably wouldn't need to protect them. We'd be fighting them for dominance of the planet...

Next silly argument.

Perhaps you should see the endless sex derived product and intimacy commercials every night. You are spouting clean as the driven snowflake while promoting a Caligula existence and thinking even with rap that there is not more of an affect on rape because of it. On top of this you accuse people of rape because of protected group status. The college rape allegations are a clean green gas.

Wow.... that made politicalspice look coherent by comparison.

One out of four women in college will be sexually assaulted... this is really a problem.
1. No they aren't hard to enforce. If they were, abortionists would be so worried. Lots of pills are illegal, and most abortions are done by either vacuuming the child up pieces by piece, by burning the child to death with a salt solution, or by using tongs to rip the child out limb by limb, and then the torso and the head.

Abortion providers are worried because if you make it hard to get a legal abortion, the illegal abortions will be a lot more dangerous. Not that you guys care about that.

2. You're really suggesting is that rape should be legal if it's popular enough? That's sick.

Not at all. I am pointing out that when 99.9% of people think something should be illegal, but still only 3% of the guys who do that crime end up in prison, how are you going to enforce a law that at least 70% of people think should be legal under some circumstances.

3. It's a 100% clinically proven medical certainty that unborn human children are human.

But not viable, that's the point.

Hitler and Democrat Slave Owners picked and chose which humans to give rights to, just like you. It was popular, but still wrong.

Nazis and slave owners revoked rights... fetuses never had them.

Even when abortion was "illegal", nobody was prosecuted for murder for having one.

4. Look in the mirror and tell yourself you mocked others. See if you're convinced.

The problem with mocking wingnuts is they lack awareness of their own stupidity and don't realize they are being mocked.

Nice job of dehumanizing human life.

An infant isn't an adult either... Snotty noses and dirty diapers.. you should take a poll and see if it's ok to rip them to shreds and put them in a dumpster.

No need. Most people would consider that bad.

Fetuses aren't babies... not in the eye of the law, medical science or even the Bible for that matter.
Don’t we have laws which protect the eggs of Bald Eagles...how draconian huh?

funny thing about that... if bald eagles were as numerous as unwanted fetuses, we probably wouldn't need to protect them. We'd be fighting them for dominance of the planet...

Next silly argument.

Haha...Joe you are awesome at making good sane people feel good and sane.
You honestly believe it’s silly for people to think it’s silly for people to support killing baby humans while being against destroying Eagle eggs.
Thanks Joe.
Don’t we have laws which protect the eggs of Bald Eagles...how draconian huh?

funny thing about that... if bald eagles were as numerous as unwanted fetuses, we probably wouldn't need to protect them. We'd be fighting them for dominance of the planet...

Next silly argument.

Perhaps you should see the endless sex derived product and intimacy commercials every night. You are spouting clean as the driven snowflake while promoting a Caligula existence and thinking even with rap that there is not more of an affect on rape because of it. On top of this you accuse people of rape because of protected group status. The college rape allegations are a clean green gas.

Wow.... that made politicalspice look coherent by comparison.

One out of four women in college will be sexually assaulted... this is really a problem.
Colleges are over 60% female now. With at least several per cent male gays and lesbians. And most of the rest of the males progressive socialists. So when you add it up there a few per cent of non progressive/conservative males in most of these commie colleges. So these males are mostly all raping these women by their percentages in college. 25%of the women with a very few percentage of men not progressive socialists is a lot of damn ph ukn. We know the gays and blacks and all other minority males are not doing a damn thing. Those guys must be running around in gangs.
Haha...Joe you are awesome at making good sane people feel good and sane.
You honestly believe it’s silly for people to think it’s silly for people to support killing baby humans while being against destroying Eagle eggs.
Thanks Joe.

Homo Sapiens isn't in danger of becoming extinct unless he overpopulates the planet.

Haliaeetus leucocephalus was nearly driven into extinction.

I know science is one of those concepts you wingnuts struggle with.
Colleges are over 60% female now. With at least several per cent male gays and lesbians. And most of the rest of the males progressive socialists. So when you add it up there a few per cent of non progressive/conservative males in most of these commie colleges.

Well, that's last part is true. Conservatives don't get into college because most of them are dumber than doorstops.

But college rape, still really a big problem.

You are one disgusting retarded leftist douchebag shill, have you been told that lately?

Someday, you'll rub two brain cells together and add something to a discussion.

Today isn't that day. Tomorrow isn't looking promising.

The manner in which you view human life is disgusting. Especially the most innocent ones.

IMO, you're not worth powder and lead to kill you.
Colleges are over 60% female now. With at least several per cent male gays and lesbians. And most of the rest of the males progressive socialists. So when you add it up there a few per cent of non progressive/conservative males in most of these commie colleges.

Well, that's last part is true. Conservatives don't get into college because most of them are dumber than doorstops.

But college rape, still really a big problem.

But they keep the nation going. All of those worthless degrees and inferior work the progressive socialists do compared to the past is so telling.
Haha...Joe you are awesome at making good sane people feel good and sane.
You honestly believe it’s silly for people to think it’s silly for people to support killing baby humans while being against destroying Eagle eggs.
Thanks Joe.

Homo Sapiens isn't in danger of becoming extinct unless he overpopulates the planet.

Haliaeetus leucocephalus was nearly driven into extinction.

I know science is one of those concepts you wingnuts struggle with.

Again...thanks for being a total fucking Loon...much appreciated.
“The egg of an Eagle has more value than a human fetus.”
How many years in prison should a woman get for terminating her rapist's fetus?

The penalty for killing an innocent child in cold blood should be death, for all who willingly have a part in it.

I'm opposed to the use of taxpayer resources to keep child-murdering pieces of shit alive, once their guilt is sufficiently proven through due process of law. If the victim was conceived through rape, then this applies to the rapist as well; his own child's blood is on his hands as much as on the hands of anyone else who had part in killing that child.
F•••ing hilarious...I love it when you proponents of baby killing can act like those who oppose are crazy....that’s backwards LibTardian belief at its finest right there.
Opposing baby killing = crazy
Supporting baby killing = not crazy

It ought to be obvious to any sane person, based not just on his position regarding abortion, but on his expressed positions on other issues, in other threads, that JoeB131 is a rather extreme example of a soulless sociopath and a pathological liar.
F•••ing hilarious...I love it when you proponents of baby killing can act like those who oppose are crazy....that’s backwards LibTardian belief at its finest right there.
Opposing baby killing = crazy
Supporting baby killing = not crazy

It ought to be obvious to any sane person, based not just on his position regarding abortion, but on his expressed positions on other issues, in other threads, that JoeB131 is a rather extreme example of a soulless sociopath and a pathological liar.

I wholeheartedly agree.

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