What would America be like if the anti-Abortion types win?

Anyone got a rational discussion to the OP?
I’m as fair and balanced as you’ll get especially on scotch. It’s like a truth serum.

What would America be like for the women who can’t get abortions? It would be worse. They would have the kids at the wrong time and it would make them poor instead of middle class.

But they’d have the same number of kids.

Two ways both result in two humans being born.

Woman 1 gets abortion young but has 2 kids later when she’s ready.

Or poor woman is forced to have kid at wrong time, can’t afford it so she gets her tubes tied.
Anyone got a rational discussion to the OP?

I’m all for Blacks and Wetbacks having as many abortions as possible...in fact, I hope they push their already rediculous numbers way off the charts. I think we should rally in the ghettos and barrios to encourage more abortion. Let’s do this Joe!
This is what anti abortion idiots don’t understand. It’s future liberals being aborted.

You don’t care if Muslim, Mexican or blacks get aborted right?
Anyone got a rational discussion to the OP?

I’m all for Blacks and Wetbacks having as many abortions as possible...in fact, I hope they push their already rediculous numbers way off the charts. I think we should rally in the ghettos and barrios to encourage more abortion. Let’s do this Joe!
This is what anti abortion idiots don’t understand. It’s future liberals being aborted.

You don’t care if Muslim, Mexican or blacks get aborted right?

I kind of care.

Can't really explain why.

It's not like leftardz give a fuck about conservatives kids.
Don’t we have laws which protect the eggs of Bald Eagles...how draconian huh?

funny thing about that... if bald eagles were as numerous as unwanted fetuses, we probably wouldn't need to protect them. We'd be fighting them for dominance of the planet...

Next silly argument.
So you don't think human beings in and of themselves have value...

That's what Hitler and Democrat Slave Owners thought.
I asked this....and you slithered away from it.

Is there any argument for the "right" of a woman to authorize the killing of her unborn baby that would not apply to her authorizing the similar slaughter of a year old that she was breastfeeding?

'cause....if there isn't, and one is murder, so, then, is the other.

That's called logic.

again, do you suffer from some OCD where you are compelled to do this?

There is an argument. Fetuses aren't viable... therefore there's no real issue with terminating them.


What right has she to kill a separate and unique human being?????

The right that it's HER BODY and HER DECISION.

Look, the problem is, the science has already moved beyond the argument, we have abortion pills now...

What right do you have to tell her she has to give birth to a child she doesn't want?

You see, this is the question I keep asking you nutters, how are you going to enforce a law that 70% of the population thinks is stupid and will actively oppose?
I asked this....and you slithered away from it.

Is there any argument for the "right" of a woman to authorize the killing of her unborn baby that would not apply to her authorizing the similar slaughter of a year old that she was breastfeeding?

'cause....if there isn't, and one is murder, so, then, is the other.

That's called logic.

again, do you suffer from some OCD where you are compelled to do this?

There is an argument. Fetuses aren't viable... therefore there's no real issue with terminating them.


What right has she to kill a separate and unique human being?????

The right that it's HER BODY and HER DECISION.

Look, the problem is, the science has already moved beyond the argument, we have abortion pills now...

What right do you have to tell her she has to give birth to a child she doesn't want?

You see, this is the question I keep asking you nutters, how are you going to enforce a law that 70% of the population thinks is stupid and will actively oppose?

If the crazy person you're replying to actually thinks a zygote, embryo or fetus is the same thing as a 1 year old child then let that fetus be the same as a 1 year old child.

That 1 year old child is out of it's mother's body, can breathe and eat on it's own. All of it's organs are in place and finishing developing.

So take that zygote, embryo or fetus from the woman's body and let it behave like that 1 year old child. Let it breathe and eat all on it's own. If it's the same as a 1 year old child then there will be no problem.

There will be a problem because that zygote, embryo and fetus don't have the organs to be able to function like all living human beings can.

It's a clump of cells. It has no heart, lungs, brain or nervous system. No liver or kidneys or digestive system. It has no hands or feet or any way to eat or breathe.

So anyone who tries to lie and equates a zygote, embryo or fetus to a 1 year old child is comparing applies to oranges and lying through their teeth.

They are completely different things.
If the crazy person you're replying to actually thinks a zygote, embryo or fetus is the same thing as a 1 year old child then let that fetus be the same as a 1 year old child.

That 1 year old child is out of it's mother's body, can breathe and eat on it's own. All of it's organs are in place and finishing developing.

So take that zygote, embryo or fetus from the woman's body and let it behave like that 1 year old child. Let it breathe and eat all on it's own. If it's the same as a 1 year old child then there will be no problem.

There will be a problem because that zygote, embryo and fetus don't have the organs to be able to function like all living human beings can.

It's a clump of cells. It has no heart, lungs, brain or nervous system. No liver or kidneys or digestive system. It has no hands or feet or any way to eat or breathe.

So anyone who tries to lie and equates a zygote, embryo or fetus to a 1 year old child is comparing applies [sic] to oranges and lying through their teeth.

They are completely different things.

Put that one-year-old out into the world, to fend for himself, and what will happen to him? He'll die. At that point in his life, he's still not fully viable; he needs adults to care for him.

Nobody is saying that a zygote, embryo, or fetus is the same as a 1-year-old, any more than anyone is saying that a 1-year-old is the same as a 5-year-old, or that a 5-year-old is the same as an 18-year-old, or that an 18-year-old is the same as a 50-year-old.

But at any age, at any stage of development, it is a human being.
What a load of bullshit. If the pro life people win, each state will make its own abortion laws, just as they did before the Roe v. Wade mutilation of our Constitution. Some states will allow abortions and some states won't, so if a woman who lived in a state that didn't allow abortions wanted one, she would have to take a bus to a state that did allow them, and if she didn't have the bus fare, pro abortion fanatics like yourself would be happy to buy her a bus ticket.

But here's the problem with that...

Poor women in red states wouldn't be able to get abortions, but wealthy women in red states could take a trip.

Does this seem fair to you? It would seem that if anyone should be compelled to have a baby, it should be the affluent person, who has the resources to take care of it.
That's not the case. Poor women in states that do not allow abortion can take a bus to a state that allows them. Even poor people can take sick days.

Poor women don't have the money to take off work, leave the state, leave their children in the care of others, and jump through all of the legal hoops, unnecessary tests, and degradation that the state will put her through because she can't afford to have a baby.

I love it how men think that doing all of this is just so easy for people of limited resources.
So stop giving money to Planned Parenthood and give it to moms. You’re desire to murder children is sick.

Your kind stopped giving money to moms. Years ago. You don’t provide anything to young mothers. You expect poor family to give birth to children they can’t afford and that you only care about before they’re born.

But they keep the nation going. All of those worthless degrees and inferior work the progressive socialists do compared to the past is so telling.

I look at conservatives as being a drag on the country. Compare the wealth of the Blue States to the poverty of the red states.

What a load of bullshit. If the pro life people win, each state will make its own abortion laws, just as they did before the Roe v. Wade mutilation of our Constitution. Some states will allow abortions and some states won't, so if a woman who lived in a state that didn't allow abortions wanted one, she would have to take a bus to a state that did allow them, and if she didn't have the bus fare, pro abortion fanatics like yourself would be happy to buy her a bus ticket.

But here's the problem with that...

Poor women in red states wouldn't be able to get abortions, but wealthy women in red states could take a trip.

Does this seem fair to you? It would seem that if anyone should be compelled to have a baby, it should be the affluent person, who has the resources to take care of it.
That's not the case. Poor women in states that do not allow abortion can take a bus to a state that allows them. Even poor people can take sick days.

Poor women don't have the money to take off work, leave the state, leave their children in the care of others, and jump through all of the legal hoops, unnecessary tests, and degradation that the state will put her through because she can't afford to have a baby.

I love it how men think that doing all of this is just so easy for people of limited resources.
So stop giving money to Planned Parenthood and give it to moms. You’re desire to murder children is sick.

Your kind stopped giving money to moms. Years ago. You don’t provide anything to young mothers. You expect poor family to give birth to children they can’t afford and that you only care about before they’re born.


Answer honestly.

How much would we have to provide to young mothers for you to agree to a ban on abortion.

Give us a fair price.

Of course, we both know that no amount would ever be enough for you to defend the rights of children in the womb.

So much for your fucking red herring.
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I asked this....and you slithered away from it.

Is there any argument for the "right" of a woman to authorize the killing of her unborn baby that would not apply to her authorizing the similar slaughter of a year old that she was breastfeeding?

'cause....if there isn't, and one is murder, so, then, is the other.

That's called logic.

again, do you suffer from some OCD where you are compelled to do this?

There is an argument. Fetuses aren't viable... therefore there's no real issue with terminating them.


What right has she to kill a separate and unique human being?????

The right that it's HER BODY and HER DECISION.

Look, the problem is, the science has already moved beyond the argument, we have abortion pills now...

What right do you have to tell her she has to give birth to a child she doesn't want?

You see, this is the question I keep asking you nutters, how are you going to enforce a law that 70% of the population thinks is stupid and will actively oppose?

If the crazy person you're replying to actually thinks a zygote, embryo or fetus is the same thing as a 1 year old child then let that fetus be the same as a 1 year old child.

That 1 year old child is out of it's mother's body, can breathe and eat on it's own. All of it's organs are in place and finishing developing.

So take that zygote, embryo or fetus from the woman's body and let it behave like that 1 year old child. Let it breathe and eat all on it's own. If it's the same as a 1 year old child then there will be no problem.

There will be a problem because that zygote, embryo and fetus don't have the organs to be able to function like all living human beings can.

It's a clump of cells. It has no heart, lungs, brain or nervous system. No liver or kidneys or digestive system. It has no hands or feet or any way to eat or breathe.

So anyone who tries to lie and equates a zygote, embryo or fetus to a 1 year old child is comparing applies to oranges and lying through their teeth.

They are completely different things.

Get back to us when your denials are strong enough to overturn any of the nation's fetal HOMICIDE laws.

Unless and until you do. We are going to continue to build upon them and eventually use them to overturn Roe.
Again...thanks for being a total fucking Loon...much appreciated.
“The egg of an Eagle has more value than a human fetus.”

Considering we take the property of grown ass adults every day to protect endangered species, it's not just fetuses.

Except—according to you—when it's a middle-aged, wealthy, famous, movie producer, drugging, raping, and sodomizing a thirteen-year-old girl. You've come out and explicitly described Roman Polanski's actions as a “non-crime”.

Um, yeah, engaging in consensual sex because you and your golddigger mother are trying to shake down a rich person isn't a crime. The girl consented, and not for the first time. For this non-crime, he spent 43 days in jail, which is more than 97% of actual rapists ever see.

Roman Polanski did nothing worse than what Joseph Smith and Brigham Young did to their multiple child brides, and there probably wasn't much consent involved there. .

It ought to be obvious to any sane person, based not just on his position regarding abortion, but on his expressed positions on other issues, in other threads, that JoeB131 is a rather extreme example of a soulless sociopath and a pathological liar.

again, says the guy who belongs to a cult started by a child molester... that treats women as second class citizens, oppresses gays and considers dark skin a curse from God.
Get back to us when your denials are strong enough to overturn any of the nation's fetal HOMICIDE laws.

Unless and until you do. We are going to continue to build upon them and eventually use them to overturn Roe.

New York has already gotten rid of this silly law.... we can only hope the other states follow suit.
Answer honestly.

How much would we have to provide to young mothers for you to agree to a ban on abortion.

Give us a fair price

Under no circumstances would I agree to a ban on abortion, because of the reasons I've stated in the OP that you guys keep ignoring. If a woman doesn't want to be pregnant,she will find a way to not be pregnant. we've already seen that in the Philippines, where they have the crazy laws you guys want, and women have more abortions than Americans do.
Get back to us when your denials are strong enough to overturn any of the nation's fetal HOMICIDE laws.

Unless and until you do. We are going to continue to build upon them and eventually use them to overturn Roe.

New York has already gotten rid of this silly law.... we can only hope the other states follow suit.

We shall see how that move plays out in their next elections. Won't we.
Put that one-year-old out into the world, to fend for himself, and what will happen to him? He'll die. At that point in his life, he's still not fully viable; he needs adults to care for him.

Nobody is saying that a zygote, embryo, or fetus is the same as a 1-year-old, any more than anyone is saying that a 1-year-old is the same as a 5-year-old, or that a 5-year-old is the same as an 18-year-old, or that an 18-year-old is the same as a 50-year-old.

But at any age, at any stage of development, it is a human being.

Okay, let's treat this argument seriously.

If I come across a one year old in a stroller, nobody is going to make me take care of it. I do have a moral obligation to say, "Hey, is this someones' baby?" and report it to the authorities if I find a baby on my doorstep.

What doesn't happen is the authorities come along and say, "you found it, you're stuck with it." Nobody makes me take care of it for the next few years until it is big enough to fend for itself.

What you religious nutters want to do is tell a woman that when she has a zygote inside of her, even one that was put there by an actual rapist, is that she has to carry it to term, deal with all the health issues related to pregnancy, incur all the medical expenses involved in bringing a fetus to term, and suffer all the career consequences of having a pregnancy. (Having to quit your job, not finishing college, etc.)
We shall see how that move plays out in their next elections. Won't we.

You mean when you guys get run out of office? Um, yeah.

You guys haven't won an honest election since George H. Bush lied about Willie Horton in 1988. When Trump's recession comes, people are going to vote you out no matter how many pictures of medical waste you slap in their faces.
So you don't think human beings in and of themselves have value...

That's what Hitler and Democrat Slave Owners thought.

Again, I'd be more impressed if you guys weren't constantly cutting food stamps, WIC and Head Start to give tax cuts to billionaires. It seems you all value Dressage Horses more than people.

Which is why Mrs. Soptic is dead and Rafalca is alive.

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