What would America be like if the anti-Abortion types win?

Oh shit I think a fetus is a person

synonyms: human being, individual, man/woman, human, being, living soul, soul, mortal, creature, fellow;

It is a living soul. It is mortal. It is a creature.

You had to look it up?
Would you trust your child with a random woman on welfare?

If the answer is no, why do you trust every woman to do the right thing and raise the kid right?
All their screaming about "infanticide" aside, do you ever wonder what our country would look like if the Anti-Choice fanatics got their way.

Well, thanks to the modern miracles of actually understanding there is a rest of the world out there, we have a real life example.

The Philippines, former American Colony, has exactly the kind of anti-choice laws you guys want.

How's that working out.. Well, let's review.

Unintended Pregnancy and Unsafe Abortion in the Philippines

• The Philippines abortion law is among the strictest in the world. Abortion is illegal under all circumstances and there are no explicit exceptions. Nonetheless, because of high levels of unintended pregnancy, abortion is common in the country. Projections that were based on the national abortion rate in 2000 (the most recent available) and that took into account population increase estimated that 560,000 abortions occurred in 2008 and 610,000 abortions took place in 2012.[2,8,9]

• About 1,000 Filipino women die each year from abortion complications, which contributes to the nation’s high maternal mortality rate. Projections that were based on data from 2000 indicate that 100,000 women were hospitalized for abortion complications in 2012; countless others suffered complications that went untreated.[4,9]

• The stigma surrounding abortion makes it difficult for women to seek postabortion care. Some women report feeling shamed and intimidated by health care workers and in some cases, women are not given pain relievers or anesthetics or are denied treatment all together. Others report being threatened that they would be turned over to the police.[5,8]

You mean besides skyrocketing welfare rolls for unwanted children, which have to be subsidized by taxpayers?

A few years ago, all but 3 out of 41 clinics were shut down in Texas by Rick Perry's sister, who was the evil bitch behind the new laws affecting these clinics.

Now look what's happening:

Baby boom at Texas hospital: 48 babies born in 41 hours

You think all these babies were PLANNED? No pun intended.
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Oh shit I think a fetus is a person

synonyms: human being, individual, man/woman, human, being, living soul, soul, mortal, creature, fellow;

It is a living soul. It is mortal. It is a creature.

You had to look it up?
Would you trust your child with a random woman on welfare?

If the answer is no, why do you trust every woman to do the right thing and raise the kid right?

The Constitution says ALL persons are entitled to the equal protections of our laws.

Seemingly, that would include children.

Show me where it says "but only if their parents can be trusted."
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Since people have become so cavalier and de-sensitized to ending life on the front end, don't be surprised when the Gen Xers that are deciding what type of care you are allowed to have (regardless of how much fiat currency you feel you have contributed thus entitled) when you take more than what you are giving and become an "inconvenience" and a major drain on the healthcare system. I have a feeling that you will be very indignant and insist you are "owed"...then you will get the "pillow over the face" treatment some night after you have been sedated and drooling on your pillow. It would definitely be justice served and fate you deserve.

Okay, Crazy Dale... I'm sure you worry that's how the Lizard People Trilateralists from the Vatican are going to get you...
Lame, Joe Blowhard.....even for you.
Unborn babies are small helpless humans. Why do you want to murder them? Are you paid by the abortion industry?

I don't want to murder them or help them.

I recognize a reality. The reality is- women are going to have abortions no matter what the law is. so they should be safe and legal.
The Constitution says ALL persons are entitled to the equal protections of our laws.

Seemingly, that would include children.

Show me where it says "but only if their parents can be trusted."

Well, the constitution doesn't really say that, as it had set asides for Native Americans and only counted slaves as 3/5th of a person.

and you know, allowed for slavery to be a thing.

But funny thing, that would be people who were born in the US, not conceived in the US.
Since people have become so cavalier and de-sensitized to ending life on the front end, don't be surprised when the Gen Xers that are deciding what type of care you are allowed to have (regardless of how much fiat currency you feel you have contributed thus entitled) when you take more than what you are giving and become an "inconvenience" and a major drain on the healthcare system. I have a feeling that you will be very indignant and insist you are "owed"...then you will get the "pillow over the face" treatment some night after you have been sedated and drooling on your pillow. It would definitely be justice served and fate you deserve.

Okay, Crazy Dale... I'm sure you worry that's how the Lizard People Trilateralists from the Vatican are going to get you...
Just denying medical care will cure the aging overpopulation problem. As Obama said....the pain pill!
The article I linked to cites numerous medical studies. If you weren't a subliterate ideologue you would know this.

The study you cited was a crazy nutter website that likes to claim overpopulation isn't a problem.

HINT- It's a problem.


Actually prolife laws reduce abortions.

Since you are a closed-minded buffoon I'm sure you will ignore the facts.

You seem to feel that women have an uncontrollable desire to kill their children. Why do you suffer from this delusion? Maybe if you avoided corporate media propaganda you could start thinking clearly.

No, they really don't. They just reduce the number of REPORTED abortions.

Here's the thing. Look at the birth numbers for 1972, 1973 and 1974. Those numbers did not go down when Roe passed. They actually started going up in 1975.

Actually, I was brought up Catholic in the 1970's... So I got the full dose of the kind of fetus porn crap your sort puts up every day. And even though I became and Atheist in the 1980's when I realized there was no invisible pixie in the sky, I still had a hard time ridding myself of the anti-Abortion bullshit.

Then I realized something. Republicans really, really don't want to ban abortion. Did you ever wonder why - when the GOP is in charge - the rich always get their tax cuts and abortion never gets banned?


I know you are desperate to kill off these helpless unborn babies, but try to be reasonable.

Why do you support the mass murder of young women?

I don't. But I recognize the reality that in a society where they don't have the infrastructure to take care of old people, they require sons to take care of you in your dotage.
All their screaming about "infanticide" aside, do you ever wonder what our country would look like if the Anti-Choice fanatics got their way.

Well, thanks to the modern miracles of actually understanding there is a rest of the world out there, we have a real life example.

The Philippines, former American Colony, has exactly the kind of anti-choice laws you guys want.

How's that working out.. Well, let's review.

Unintended Pregnancy and Unsafe Abortion in the Philippines

• The Philippines abortion law is among the strictest in the world. Abortion is illegal under all circumstances and there are no explicit exceptions. Nonetheless, because of high levels of unintended pregnancy, abortion is common in the country. Projections that were based on the national abortion rate in 2000 (the most recent available) and that took into account population increase estimated that 560,000 abortions occurred in 2008 and 610,000 abortions took place in 2012.[2,8,9]

• About 1,000 Filipino women die each year from abortion complications, which contributes to the nation’s high maternal mortality rate. Projections that were based on data from 2000 indicate that 100,000 women were hospitalized for abortion complications in 2012; countless others suffered complications that went untreated.[4,9]

• The stigma surrounding abortion makes it difficult for women to seek postabortion care. Some women report feeling shamed and intimidated by health care workers and in some cases, women are not given pain relievers or anesthetics or are denied treatment all together. Others report being threatened that they would be turned over to the police.[5,8]

1. I do not care if a woman has an abortion or not but late term abortions should be illegal unless there is a risk to the mother or child that could cause the death of one or the other or both.

2. Abortion should be a State to State issue and not Federal.

If California want it so be it but states like Utah with a big Mormon base should be allow to say yes or no.
1. I do not care if a woman has an abortion or not but late term abortions should be illegal unless there is a risk to the mother or child that could cause the death of one or the other or both.

Nobody has a late term abortion for anything other than a solid medical reason. That reason though, is usually a deformed fetus. Honestly, making a woman give birth to a baby only to watch it suffer would strike me as being far more cruel than a late term abortion.

2. Abortion should be a State to State issue and not Federal.

If California want it so be it but states like Utah with a big Mormon base should be allow to say yes or no.

That's kind of messed up, and it just turns abortion into another privilege for the wealthy.

So you have a poor Mormon Girl in Utah and a rich Mormon Girl in Utah. Which one of them do you think is going to be able to fly to California to "Take care of that problem on Tuesday"
1. I do not care if a woman has an abortion or not but late term abortions should be illegal unless there is a risk to the mother or child that could cause the death of one or the other or both.

Nobody has a late term abortion for anything other than a solid medical reason. That reason though, is usually a deformed fetus. Honestly, making a woman give birth to a baby only to watch it suffer would strike me as being far more cruel than a late term abortion.

2. Abortion should be a State to State issue and not Federal.

If California want it so be it but states like Utah with a big Mormon base should be allow to say yes or no.

That's kind of messed up, and it just turns abortion into another privilege for the wealthy.

So you have a poor Mormon Girl in Utah and a rich Mormon Girl in Utah. Which one of them do you think is going to be able to fly to California to "Take care of that problem on Tuesday"

Well in today time Women have many options from many different types of birth control to not having sex.

Now before you spew about how I am even against that, well I am not and in fact advocate women be taught from the moment they start their period to use birth control so prevent unwanted pregnancy.

Also Joe you support a woman right to abort a child no matter from day one until it born, so do not deny this, so let remember that.

You believe a State has the right to allow abortion at any time but it should not be allow to limit or deny it.

Me, well I am saying simply if California want to allow it and the people of the State support it who am I to say no?


If Utah does not want it and it State population says it does not want it who am I to say no to them?

It is freedom of choice.

Also the rich Mormon Girl like the poor Mormon Girl would most likely give birth because of their religion just like Muslims and Jews.

Abortion is in fact for more the poor society than the rich...

Just reality there.

So for me the solution is sex education, birth control but alas you will tell me how I am even against that while never understanding I am socially liberal and fiscal conservative...
All their screaming about "infanticide" aside, do you ever wonder what our country would look like if the Anti-Choice fanatics got their way.

Well, thanks to the modern miracles of actually understanding there is a rest of the world out there, we have a real life example.

The Philippines, former American Colony, has exactly the kind of anti-choice laws you guys want.

How's that working out.. Well, let's review.

Unintended Pregnancy and Unsafe Abortion in the Philippines

• The Philippines abortion law is among the strictest in the world. Abortion is illegal under all circumstances and there are no explicit exceptions. Nonetheless, because of high levels of unintended pregnancy, abortion is common in the country. Projections that were based on the national abortion rate in 2000 (the most recent available) and that took into account population increase estimated that 560,000 abortions occurred in 2008 and 610,000 abortions took place in 2012.[2,8,9]

• About 1,000 Filipino women die each year from abortion complications, which contributes to the nation’s high maternal mortality rate. Projections that were based on data from 2000 indicate that 100,000 women were hospitalized for abortion complications in 2012; countless others suffered complications that went untreated.[4,9]

• The stigma surrounding abortion makes it difficult for women to seek postabortion care. Some women report feeling shamed and intimidated by health care workers and in some cases, women are not given pain relievers or anesthetics or are denied treatment all together. Others report being threatened that they would be turned over to the police.[5,8]
Well in today time Women have many options from many different types of birth control to not having sex.

Yes, they do. And sometimes they forget to use birth control. Sometimes birth control fails. Sometimes they deliberately stop taking it to trick their boyfriends into marriage and then abort when he doesn't go for it.

I knew a girl who did that, and then had an abortion because she didn't want her strict, religious Asian parents to know she wasn't still a virgin at 22. No, really.

Also Joe you support a woman right to abort a child no matter from day one until it born, so do not deny this, so let remember that.


You believe a State has the right to allow abortion at any time but it should not be allow to limit or deny it.

No, the state shouldn't have more "rights" than a person.

So for me the solution is sex education, birth control but alas you will tell me how I am even against that while never understanding I am socially liberal and fiscal conservative...

this really isn't a discussion about you. The thing is, a lot of the people who think Roe was wrongly decided think that Griswald was wrongly decided.

Also the rich Mormon Girl like the poor Mormon Girl would most likely give birth because of their religion just like Muslims and Jews.

Actually, the religious are more likely to seek an abortion because of the condemnation of their family and because they think an abortion is only one sin, while taking birth control is a sin every day you do it.
Well in today time Women have many options from many different types of birth control to not having sex.

Yes, they do. And sometimes they forget to use birth control. Sometimes birth control fails. Sometimes they deliberately stop taking it to trick their boyfriends into marriage and then abort when he doesn't go for it.

I knew a girl who did that, and then had an abortion because she didn't want her strict, religious Asian parents to know she wasn't still a virgin at 22. No, really.

Also Joe you support a woman right to abort a child no matter from day one until it born, so do not deny this, so let remember that.


You believe a State has the right to allow abortion at any time but it should not be allow to limit or deny it.

No, the state shouldn't have more "rights" than a person.

So for me the solution is sex education, birth control but alas you will tell me how I am even against that while never understanding I am socially liberal and fiscal conservative...

this really isn't a discussion about you. The thing is, a lot of the people who think Roe was wrongly decided think that Griswald was wrongly decided.

Also the rich Mormon Girl like the poor Mormon Girl would most likely give birth because of their religion just like Muslims and Jews.

Actually, the religious are more likely to seek an abortion because of the condemnation of their family and because they think an abortion is only one sin, while taking birth control is a sin every day you do it.

So you think a child on it day of birth should be aborted if the mother wishes?

Then why not after the birth and let allow them to abort their child whenever they want?

Also you just admitted women use their bodies to get a man to marry them and when it fails they will abort the unwanted kid, so wouldn't you say that person should not be allow to breed at all?

Also if you notice how many minorities use abortion clinics it make me wonder why you deny the reality that abortion is to control the poor and minority communities.

Oh, a woman does not forget her birth control and that is just a lie they use to entrap idiots that do not use protection.

If men did not think with their dicks abortions would be far less...
So you think a child on it day of birth should be aborted if the mother wishes?

I would say that if her doctor and she thought this was prudent, it's not my place to say. Not that this ever happens outside the fever dreams of anti-choice nuts.

Also you just admitted women use their bodies to get a man to marry them and when it fails they will abort the unwanted kid, so wouldn't you say that person should not be allow to breed at all?

There are a lot of people i think shouldn't be allowed to breed, like most of the inhabitants of red states, but again, not my place to say.

Also if you notice how many minorities use abortion clinics it make me wonder why you deny the reality that abortion is to control the poor and minority communities.

No, not really. It just tells me that white women have easier access to other forms of contraception.

Oh, a woman does not forget her birth control and that is just a lie they use to entrap idiots that do not use protection.

If men did not think with their dicks abortions would be far less...

Awesome, now all we have to do is undo a half-billion years of evolution and eliminate the mating drive!

Here's the real issue. Through most of history, contraception wasn't an issue. You had a 50% infant mortality rate, and you had people like Wolfgang Mozart and his wife who would have six kids and only 2 would live to be adults. 10% of women would die in childbirth or pregnancy related complications.

so now we've solved many of those problems, we've got a new one. We can't really afford to support all the kids we could potentially have. Therefore, contraception and abortion.
Unborn babies are small helpless humans. Why do you want to murder them? Are you paid by the abortion industry?

I don't want to murder them or help them.

I recognize a reality. The reality is- women are going to have abortions no matter what the law is. so they should be safe and legal.

All sorts of violent and destructive criminal acts take place, in spite of them being illegal. In no circumstance is this a justification for legalizing such crimes, in order to allow the criminal to pursue them in greater safety.

Abortion can never be safe, because it always results in the death of an innocent human being. To care about the safety of a murderer, and not his victim, is sociopathic.
Unborn babies are small helpless humans. Why do you want to murder them? Are you paid by the abortion industry?

I don't want to murder them or help them.

I recognize a reality. The reality is- women are going to have abortions no matter what the law is. so they should be safe and legal.
This is just your delusion. You feel women have an uncontrollable urge to kill their children. In reality many women are lied or pressured into getting an abortion.

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Your misogynistic delusion serves the abortion industry. The industry doesn't want to be blamed. They want women to be blamed.
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