What would be Hamas' best outcome from "the war?"


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2013
Dog House in back yard

My opinion is that the homicidal group would be best served by an IDF occupation. Which Bibi has offered, and Gantz just quit because that's not a plan he wants part of. Go Slow Joe may actually be contemplating a US military presence .... and Hamas might welcome those targets as well. I pray wiser counsel will prevail on that, lol. Because no matter who "the new Sheriff in town is," Hamas will kill them, and hide behind their willing human shields.
Our best option is to walk away from this crap because we have more airliners that can be hijacked and flown into our skyscrapers. It wasn`t a coincidence that we were the target on 9-11.

My opinion is that the homicidal group would be best served by an IDF occupation. Which Bibi has offered, and Gantz just quit because that's not a plan he wants part of. Go Slow Joe may actually be contemplating a US military presence .... and Hamas might welcome those targets as well. I pray wiser counsel will prevail on that, lol. Because no matter who "the new Sheriff in town is," Hamas will kill them, and hide behind their willing human shields.
For all the pie in the sky nonsense coming out of the Biden administration and some other governments, the fact remains that either Hamas will control Gaza or Israel will, and this war is the result of Hamas controlling Gaza and the West Bank can be considered what Israeli control would be like, so clearly Israeli control is preferable despite the fact no one, including the Israelis, wants to see it.
For all the pie in the sky nonsense coming out of the Biden administration and some other governments, the fact remains that either Hamas will control Gaza or Israel will, and this war is the result of Hamas controlling Gaza and the West Bank can be considered what Israeli control would be like, so clearly Israeli control is preferable despite the fact no one, including the Israelis, wants to see it.
But what does Hamas want?

Early on in this recent episode of the nearing 80 year conflict (and here I used to think the Hundred Years War with its famines and epidemics was absurd) I STUPIDLY asked the question wtf is Hamas thinking, don't they knew what the Jews are going to do to Gaza now?

If anything Hamas is hoping Bibi opens up gas chambers and ovens.

My opinion is that the homicidal group would be best served by an IDF occupation. Which Bibi has offered, and Gantz just quit because that's not a plan he wants part of. Go Slow Joe may actually be contemplating a US military presence .... and Hamas might welcome those targets as well. I pray wiser counsel will prevail on that, lol. Because no matter who "the new Sheriff in town is," Hamas will kill them, and hide behind their willing human shields.
At a minimum the IDF has to occupy the border with egypt
But what does Hamas want?

Early on in this recent episode of the nearing 80 year conflict (and here I used to think the Hundred Years War with its famines and epidemics was absurd) I STUPIDLY asked the question wtf is Hamas thinking, don't they knew what the Jews are going to do to Gaza now?

If anything Hamas is hoping Bibi opens up gas chambers and ovens.
What Hamas wants is the destruction of Israel, and in this it has the support of the overwhelming majority of Palestinians, the relevant UN agencies, the various ngo's that determine EU foreign policy, the Arab/Muslim public, if not all the Arab/Muslim governments, the so called pro Palestinian protesters around the world, and a growing number of Democrats in the US.

The more important question is what will Hamas be able to do?

If Israel is forced to withdraw, in three to five years, Hamas will have sufficiently rearmed and rebuilt its fortifications to start another major war which will again destroy much of Gaza, and so on. If, on the other hand, Israel is able to squash Hamas and remain in control of Gaza, there will be no more major wars and no more massive destruction of property, but a low lever guerilla war will go on as long as the Palestinians continue to enjoy the support of the UN leadership and agencies and liberal/socialist organizations around the world.

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