What Would Change Your Mind/Views/Ideology??

So this is the question I am answering from your OP:

If you voted for Trump, what would make you question or oppose some of the things he does?

Yeah. It's thread after thread of leftists trying desperately to get us to see things their way, that we're wrong and they're right, that they've won even though they lose, lose, lose.

It's kind of tedious, this neverending effort to change us. How about you change you? That would work better and yield a more prosperous, sensible country.

So it's only the left that tries to change people? Nobody on the right ever feels they're right? Isn't that a little naive?
So this is the question I am answering from your OP:

If you voted for Trump, what would make you question or oppose some of the things he does?

Yeah. It's thread after thread of leftists trying desperately to get us to see things their way, that we're wrong and they're right, that they've won even though they lose, lose, lose.

It's kind of tedious, this neverending effort to change us. How about you change you? That would work better and yield a more prosperous, sensible country.

So it's only the left that tries to change people? Nobody on the right ever feels they're right? Isn't that a little naive?
There are hard core on both sides of the equation..............But the left have went off the reservation.......

When their base calls you every name in the book every day..........there is no longer any respect for what they have to say.........and that is where we are.
I can't speak on if they're lying or deluded but I do agree with taking care of our own first. With that said, I'm a second generation italian American who's family came through Ellis island so where I am against "Bad People" or whatever you want to call them, coming across borders, I do think we should speed up the LEGAL process of becoming a citizen. Just my 2 cents. And I think "THE WALL" is kind of a joke. That'll never happen. On a side note, why don't we fix the issues we have here at home. I.E. Chicago for example.

So your neutral query about how minds change is actually the usual propaganda fest to try to change conservatives. Aaaaaarrrrrrgh.

I think they are so frustrated because we on the Right have figured out the concept of Loyalty. To join a team (Trump and each other) and then not desert our allies, not trash our allies, not put ideas above people, not be disloyal.

The left, as with this thread, keeps trying to undermine that loyalty. Can't you think of just ONE LITTLE THING you hate about Trump? Then they try to chip away at that hole and make the damage bigger and bigger, trying to collapse our support of Trump and each other. I think this is incredibly wrong and disrespectful.
Show me where the other side gets something right...[/QUOTE]

The other side? As in the democratic party? I'm not quite understanding your question? You implying I LIKE Hilary? BTW in general,on both sides seems like I've never met someone who even sees faults in the person they voted for. Whether it is Hilary's emails or trumps consistent lying. Just seems like whoever the person voted for, can't see the forest through the trees if that makes sense.[/QUOTE]

He's implying what we already know --- that he lives in a Dichotomy quicksand.
I can't speak on if they're lying or deluded but I do agree with taking care of our own first. With that said, I'm a second generation italian American who's family came through Ellis island so where I am against "Bad People" or whatever you want to call them, coming across borders, I do think we should speed up the LEGAL process of becoming a citizen. Just my 2 cents. And I think "THE WALL" is kind of a joke. That'll never happen. On a side note, why don't we fix the issues we have here at home. I.E. Chicago for example.

So your neutral query about how minds change is actually the usual propaganda fest to try to change conservatives. Aaaaaarrrrrrgh.

I think they are so frustrated because we on the Right have figured out the concept of Loyalty. To join a team (Trump and each other) and then not desert our allies, not trash our allies, not put ideas above people, not be disloyal.

The left, as with this thread, keeps trying to undermine that loyalty. Can't you think of just ONE LITTLE THING you hate about Trump? Then they try to chip away at that hole and make the damage bigger and bigger, trying to collapse our support of Trump and each other. I think this is incredibly wrong and disrespectful.

So you're implying I'm some unloyal leftist? Lol come on now. I have absolutely no issues whatsoever with loyalty. Its unfortunate though that you blindly follow whoever on the basis of loyalty. So with your mindset Trump hasn't done anything wrong in your eyes? And if that's the case that's ABSOLUTELY FINE. To each their own. Don't ever confuse me with propaganda left tho.
I consider myself an independent. There are some right wing views that I agree with as well as some left wing views. But I really am curious,for example, If you voted for Trump, what would make you question or oppose some of the things he does? I'd ask the question about Hillary but obviously she didnt get elected. My point is, seems like so many people on both sides will go down with the sinking ship no matter what. Is this human nature? Brainwashing? People can't admit maybe they voted wrong? Anyways, so much anger and hate and maybe someone that can speak openly and honestly without getting biased and give me and maybe us some insight.
----------------------------------------------- seems to me that if a guy voted for Trump he voted for the things that Trump talked about plus the TRUMP 'American' style . Myself , i voted for TRUMP and can't think of any reason or thing that would make me think that i voted wrong or for the wrong person Deb .
Are you sure you aren’t here researching for the Dems?

Haha research on what?? You must have missed the part where I said Hillary was worse than Trump. Lol
Do you like Trump.........what is your position on these issues........We have been kind enough to answer your questions.

So...........your stance on immigration.
On issues like immigration they have made it clear they want open borders...........many have admitted it now and those always saying they don't are usually lying. They can't be trusted.

Correct. The Democratic Party is an open-borders movement that puts the interests of foreigners about the interests of average Americans. And those that say otherwise are either lying or are completely deluded.

I can't speak on if they're lying or deluded but I do agree with taking care of our own first. With that said, I'm a second generation italian American who's family came through Ellis island so where I am against "Bad People" or whatever you want to call them, coming across borders, I do think we should speed up the LEGAL process of becoming a citizen. Just my 2 cents. And I think "THE WALL" is kind of a joke. That'll never happen. On a side note, why don't we fix the issues we have here at home. I.E. Chicago for example.
Please ellaborate a little more.............

illegals already here...........working illegally..........and border security......more manpower.........more courts........end chain migration........etc...........
I consider myself an independent. There are some right wing views that I agree with as well as some left wing views. But I really am curious,for example, If you voted for Trump, what would make you question or oppose some of the things he does? I'd ask the question about Hillary but obviously she didnt get elected. My point is, seems like so many people on both sides will go down with the sinking ship no matter what. Is this human nature? Brainwashing? People can't admit maybe they voted wrong? Anyways, so much anger and hate and maybe someone that can speak openly and honestly without getting biased and give me and maybe us some insight.

I voted for Trump. When I question what he does, I simply look at a picture of Hillary and sigh in relief.

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