What would it take to convince people that the Deep State is real?

Do you believe that there is a Deep State

  • Of course not, the very thought is insane

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • Sure, it's quite obvious

    Votes: 3 50.0%
  • Maybe, but I would like to see some evidence

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • What is a Deep State?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Look over there.... Russians!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Member of the Politburo
Oct 12, 2013
51°55′N 4°30′E
No matter what you think of Trump, it's quite clear that there is a certain group of (former) government officials who are trying to sabotage his foreign policy... and that means being friendly with Russia of course..

I'm not an american but as I understand it, it's the president who's supposed to be in charge of foreign policy and not unelected CIA/FBI/NSA hacks

So, when you have Mueller indicting a bunch of Russian spies (without showing any evidence) just before Trump is about to meet with Putin that's not a coincidence, it's a clear attempt at sabotaging foreign policy... isn't that the definition of treason?

But no matter how obvious the tactics are, in all these threads the so called #resistance keeps denying there is something as a deep state so I just thought to ask what it will take to convince them...

What you call 'Deep State' is status quo. Bureaucratic interference with the Chief Executive didn't start with President Trump...

... it started with President Washington.
maybe not use such a dramatic name.

shoulda stuck with illuminati or the nwo

I was actually hoping for some serious answers...

I could also say that Mueller should have stuck with the title of grand inquisitor, nobody is fooled by this 'special counsel' crap

But that's not very helpful for a discussion...

maybe not use such a dramatic name.

shoulda stuck with illuminati or the nwo

I was actually hoping for some serious answers...

I could also say that Mueller should have stuck with the title of grand inquisitor, nobody is fooled by this 'special counsel' crap

But that's not very helpful for a discussion...

You can want serious posts all you want.

you've been her long enough to know better.

What you call 'Deep State' is status quo. Bureaucratic interference with the Chief Executive didn't start with President Trump...

... it started with President Washington.

You can call it whatever you like but it's a bunch of unelected people determining official policy and that's not what a democracy is supposed to be about

Normally that's not a problem because most presidents are part of the deep state themselves (daddy Bu$h, Cheney) or just loyal puppets (Clinton, Obama) but Trump is a special case... as was JFK...

And no, I'm really not saying Trump is like JFK, it's just that the orange ego can't be controlled by the deep state

But you're right, the deep state really didn't start with Trump, I'd say that the holy founding fathers are the original deep state

maybe not use such a dramatic name.

shoulda stuck with illuminati or the nwo

I was actually hoping for some serious answers...

I could also say that Mueller should have stuck with the title of grand inquisitor, nobody is fooled by this 'special counsel' crap

But that's not very helpful for a discussion...


It was a serious answer as the Deep State is every bit as real as the illuminati or the nwo
What you call 'Deep State' is status quo. Bureaucratic interference with the Chief Executive didn't start with President Trump...

... it started with President Washington.

It often seems that half the people on this forum never paid attention to politics at all until the election of Trump
What you call 'Deep State' is status quo. Bureaucratic interference with the Chief Executive didn't start with President Trump...

... it started with President Washington.

It often seems that half the people on this forum never paid attention to politics at all until the election of Trump

That can be said of people on both sides of the aisle.
It often seems that half the people on this forum never paid attention to politics at all until the election of Trump
I first began paying attention to politics when Pres. Nixon sent me a draft notice. ... :cool:

I will admit I did not really start paying attention till the days of Reagan, then again I was in high school till 1/2 through his first term so all I cared about then was beer and girls with some running mixed in
Presenting evidence to a grand jury who decides, based on their evaluation of said evidence, whether or not to indict is a weird thing to call "without showing any evidence."
It was a serious answer as the Deep State is every bit as real as the illuminati or the nwo

Nah, it's just ridiculing the topic to avoid giving it any serious thought

Have you never noticed that no matter what party is in power or who is president, the policies are always the same... more $$$ for the MIC... more Orwellian spy powers for the 3 letter agencies.... more bombings/coups/regime changes for brown people in oil rich countries... more tax cuts and bailouts for the too big to fail/jail banks...

Did you ever wonder why?

The first vote I ever cast was for Gerald Ford.

You're welcome.

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