What would it take to convince people that the Deep State is real?

Do you believe that there is a Deep State

  • Of course not, the very thought is insane

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • Sure, it's quite obvious

    Votes: 3 50.0%
  • Maybe, but I would like to see some evidence

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • What is a Deep State?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Look over there.... Russians!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Why do muricans think they can fuck up the entire planet

You're welcome!

No, because after the Iraqi WMD scam I don't believe anything the 'intelligence' agencies say without seeing the evidence myself
It was not the Intelligence agencies that lied about Iraq, they tried to tell the truth.... Valerie Plame ring a bell? The CIA said there was no evidence of yellowcake being bought from Niger... then Cheney went after her....

It was DICK CHENEY'S group of his own Intel people that he brought on that claimed such.... NOT OUR INTEL AGENCIES.
Including our first President, George Washington? He was Deep State/ Freemasons too?
George Washington and almost every signer of the Declaration of Independence were members of the Freemasons. .... :cool:

yeah----so? Way back----like when I was a kid-----
FREEMASONS----was a kinda "men's club" for
Wasps. The fathers of my (non-Jewish) playmates
were "MASONS" All either WASPS or almost
WASPS-------(I am not sure if the mason people knew that one was an EASTERN ORTHO SERB) They really did not do anything-----but throw picnics.
A college roommate of mine became a SOMETHING OF THE EASTERN STAR (??) It is the women's division. She had to pass a test -----in order to GRADUATE from being a "rainbow girl"----to a grown-up eastern star (not kidding) She gave me
her study materials and I helped her memorize the silly stuff--------another adult eastern star found out what we
had done and she was SCANDALIZED----THE SECRETS WERE OUT!!!!!
True and where is the OP proof of "the deep state?"

I already gave you the example of Mueller indicting a bunch of Russian spies in order to sabotage Trump's meeting with Putin

But maybe the most obvious example is Comey giving Hillary a 'get out of jail free' card

First it was "grossly negligent" and then suddenly just "extremely careless"

Lynch having an 'accidental' meeting with Bill on the tarmac?

And the FBI didn't even need to examine that server to find out the Russians did it...

The Deep State is real

It is how the Great Obama runs Trumps Government
It was not the Intelligence agencies that lied about Iraq, they tried to tell the truth.... Valerie Plame ring a bell? The CIA said there was no evidence of yellowcake being bought from Niger... then Cheney went after her....

It was DICK CHENEY'S group of his own Intel people that he brought on that claimed such.... NOT OUR INTEL AGENCIES.

I remember George Tenet, the slam dunk and him getting a medal for his efforts

It's not the rank and file of the 'intelligence' agencies that are part of the deep state swamp, it's the leadership and that's all it takes

Oh, and Darth Cheney is the ultimate deep state creep

It was not the Intelligence agencies that lied about Iraq, they tried to tell the truth.... Valerie Plame ring a bell? The CIA said there was no evidence of yellowcake being bought from Niger... then Cheney went after her....

It was DICK CHENEY'S group of his own Intel people that he brought on that claimed such.... NOT OUR INTEL AGENCIES.

I remember George Tenet, the slam dunk and him getting a medal for his efforts

It's not the rank and file of the 'intelligence' agencies that are part of the deep state swamp, it's the leadership and that's all it takes

Oh, and Darth Cheney is the ultimate deep state creep

The Trump appointed leadership? Okay...
The Trump appointed leadership? Okay...

Did I already mention that Trump is an orange moron?

But Trump doesn't really care about the deep state or about a real political agenda, all he wants is to play pretzeldent, show he's better than the illegal Kenyan and have people adore him. Any real ideology and the will to execute it went away with Bannon...

No matter what you think of Trump, it's quite clear that there is a certain group of (former) government officials who are trying to sabotage his foreign policy... and that means being friendly with Russia of course..

I'm not an american but as I understand it, it's the president who's supposed to be in charge of foreign policy and not unelected CIA/FBI/NSA hacks

So, when you have Mueller indicting a bunch of Russian spies (without showing any evidence) just before Trump is about to meet with Putin that's not a coincidence, it's a clear attempt at sabotaging foreign policy... isn't that the definition of treason?

But no matter how obvious the tactics are, in all these threads the so called #resistance keeps denying there is something as a deep state so I just thought to ask what it will take to convince them...


What could convince me? Maybe the IRS targeting conservatives, or maybe the FBI with agents who involve themselves politically as they try and take down a politician they have said that they hate prior to the investigation.

Or maybe the FBI showing preference to one political candidate to another by forcing one politician to be truthful while the other is allowed to lie their arse off. Then when they are fired from the FBI the former director tells voters to all vote "D".

But what are the chances of that happening?

But what are the chances of that happening?

You never know, this is the orange Twilight Zone, anything is possible

"This Republican Congress has proven incapable of fulfilling the Founders' design that 'Ambition must ... counteract ambition.' All who believe in this country's values must vote for Democrats this fall. Policy differences don't matter right now. History has its eyes on us," Comey wrote.

On the other hand, maybe Comey is just excercizing his free speech and any suggestion that he might have been a bit biased during the selections is insane

For those that doubt the Deep State exists...

It really didn't start with Trump, this is a nice list of their crimes

“Democratic Institutions?” – 10 Lessons from history that will destroy your trust in the CIA

In the past, when Trump has criticised the FBI, CIA or NSA he has been accused of “undermining faith in our institutions”. He’s been blamed for a collapse of trust in the government. But was this trust ever earned?

At every corner, we are urged to simply believe what we are told. Whether it is about believing Porton Down and MI6 about “novichok”, or believing the White Helmets about Sarin, or believing the FBI about “collusion”, we are presented with no facts, just assertions from authority. Those who question those assertions are deemed “bots” at best or “traitors” at worst.

Well here, fellow traitors, are the Top Ten reasons to question anything and everything the CIA – or any intelligence agency – has ever told you.


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