What would it take to convince people that the Deep State is real?

Do you believe that there is a Deep State

  • Of course not, the very thought is insane

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • Sure, it's quite obvious

    Votes: 3 50.0%
  • Maybe, but I would like to see some evidence

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • What is a Deep State?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Look over there.... Russians!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Presenting evidence to a grand jury who decides, based on their evaluation of said evidence, whether or not to indict is a weird thing to call "without showing any evidence."

You know as well as I do that if Mueller had any real evidence it would in all the MSM headlines

There's a reason only Russians were indicted and not a single Trump operative (for collusion that is) and that's because Mueller knows they will never show up for trial so he will never have to show the evidence

It's really obvious, but somehow the #resistence is determined to stay in denial

It was a serious answer as the Deep State is every bit as real as the illuminati or the nwo

Nah, it's just ridiculing the topic to avoid giving it any serious thought

Have you never noticed that no matter what party is in power or who is president, the policies are always the same... more $$$ for the MIC... more Orwellian spy powers for the 3 letter agencies.... more bombings/coups/regime changes for brown people in oil rich countries... more tax cuts and bailouts for the too big to fail/jail banks...

Did you ever wonder why?


Nope, I never wondered at all because I understand that the President is just that, a president and not a King or a god or an dictator.
Presenting evidence to a grand jury who decides, based on their evaluation of said evidence, whether or not to indict is a weird thing to call "without showing any evidence."

You know as well as I do that if Mueller had any real evidence it would in all the MSM headlines

There's a reason only Russians were indicted and not a single Trump operative (for collusion that is) and that's because Mueller knows they will never show up for trial so he will never have to show the evidence

It's really obvious, but somehow the #resistence is determined to stay in denial

That's all speculative/conjecture, and has no solid foundation in reasoning. Collusion is not a crime, the indictments were for Cyber Crimes. There's a consensus among all intelligence agencies, as well as literally every Gov't official except for Trump (who admits it when he doesn't) who has clearance and has seen the evidence, including the grand jury chosen by the process, that they did in fact commit those crimes or at least the evidence is there to try them for such.

& Your internet conjecture is, "conspiracy" because of..."conjecture!!" and supposedly, "no evidence!!"
Read a good history book about the presidency of Andrew Jackson.

He was a political outsider who was disliked by his own party much like Trump, and had to battle the deep state cabal over the federal banking system during his entire time in office. ..... :cool:
Presenting evidence to a grand jury who decides, based on their evaluation of said evidence, whether or not to indict is a weird thing to call "without showing any evidence."

You know as well as I do that if Mueller had any real evidence it would in all the MSM headlines

There's a reason only Russians were indicted and not a single Trump operative (for collusion that is) and that's because Mueller knows they will never show up for trial so he will never have to show the evidence

It's really obvious, but somehow the #resistence is determined to stay in denial


Lets recap...you think that

1. there is a a secret entity that controls the government from the shadows
2. that because you did not see the evidence on the news, it does not exist.
3. you have no clue how things work in this country.

Why do people from other countries come on to US forums and try and tell us how to run our country

Do you find people from the US on forums in the Netherlands telling you people how to run your country?
I want evidence before I jump on any trains.
Remember Iraq?
Remember our "intelligence" agencies killing american citizens?
Remember how they lie to us every goddamn day?
Remember all the CIA cables that leaked? Remember the one specifically where they are trying to hack smart cars to carry out assassinations at OUR expense? Or how they can hack someone and leave malare that points to someone else? I believe the cables even specifically said "russian federation"
Fuck them all.
Stop defending them. They hate you.
Presenting evidence to a grand jury who decides, based on their evaluation of said evidence, whether or not to indict is a weird thing to call "without showing any evidence."
True and where is the OP proof of "the deep state?"
That's all speculative/conjecture, and has no solid foundation in reasoning. Collusion is not a crime, the indictments were for Cyber Crimes. There's a consensus among all intelligence agencies, as well as literally every Gov't official except for Trump (who admits it when he doesn't) who has clearance and has seen the evidence, including the grand jury chosen by the process, that they did in fact commit those crimes or at least the evidence is there to try them for such.

& Your internet conjecture is, "conspiracy" because of..."conjecture!!" and supposedly, "no evidence!!"

I find that attitude really worrying comrade

You don't need to see the evidence for yourself because if the deep state and it's propaganda outlets (also known as the MSM) say they have evidence that's good enough for you

Didn't you learn anything from the Saddam WMD hoax?


Presenting evidence to a grand jury who decides, based on their evaluation of said evidence, whether or not to indict is a weird thing to call "without showing any evidence."

You know as well as I do that if Mueller had any real evidence it would in all the MSM headlines

There's a reason only Russians were indicted and not a single Trump operative (for collusion that is) and that's because Mueller knows they will never show up for trial so he will never have to show the evidence

It's really obvious, but somehow the #resistence is determined to stay in denial

That's all speculative/conjecture, and has no solid foundation in reasoning. Collusion is not a crime, the indictments were for Cyber Crimes. There's a consensus among all intelligence agencies, as well as literally every Gov't official except for Trump (who admits it when he doesn't) who has clearance and has seen the evidence, including the grand jury chosen by the process, that they did in fact commit those crimes or at least the evidence is there to try them for such.

& Your internet conjecture is, "conspiracy" because of..."conjecture!!" and supposedly, "no evidence!!"
Knocking them out of the park this morning, Smoosh!
Presenting evidence to a grand jury who decides, based on their evaluation of said evidence, whether or not to indict is a weird thing to call "without showing any evidence."
True and where is the OP proof of "the deep state?"
I like to watch the Congressional hearings in full - and when that's done on any consistent basis, to conclude that these oversight committees are united against Trump is the most laughable bullshit literally possible. These idiots in these hearings hate each other, they're quite fun to watch actually. Trump's got fuckboys on oversight committees who complain when the FBI cannot show them things during an open-investigation in the Public hearings all the while admitting the FBI has shown them unredacted versions in the classified hearings. It's fucking great.
They could all wear uniforms.

Presenting evidence to a grand jury who decides, based on their evaluation of said evidence, whether or not to indict is a weird thing to call "without showing any evidence."
True and where is the OP proof of "the deep state?"
The "deep state" roughly translates to .... "intelligence agencies who sometimes make moves beyond reproach(in their opinion.)"

They're left alone on a bipartisan basis when their objectives are demonstrably beneficial to our security, but to believe they're completely rogue of oversight is not demonstrable, especially to the level being alleged in the OP where they've conspired as a whole against a President who they also "let" become President, somehow, against all of their otherwise magical powers.
That's all speculative/conjecture, and has no solid foundation in reasoning. Collusion is not a crime, the indictments were for Cyber Crimes. There's a consensus among all intelligence agencies, as well as literally every Gov't official except for Trump (who admits it when he doesn't) who has clearance and has seen the evidence, including the grand jury chosen by the process, that they did in fact commit those crimes or at least the evidence is there to try them for such.

& Your internet conjecture is, "conspiracy" because of..."conjecture!!" and supposedly, "no evidence!!"

I find that attitude really worrying comrade

You don't need to see the evidence for yourself because if the deep state and it's propaganda outlets (also known as the MSM) say they have evidence that's good enough for you

Didn't you learn anything from the Saddam WMD hoax?



It's a plot!

Presenting evidence to a grand jury who decides, based on their evaluation of said evidence, whether or not to indict is a weird thing to call "without showing any evidence."
True and where is the OP proof of "the deep state?"
The "deep state" roughly translates to .... "intelligence agencies who sometimes make moves beyond reproach(in their opinion.)"

They're left alone on a bipartisan basis when their objectives are demonstrably beneficial to our security, but to believe they're completely rogue of oversight is not demonstrable, especially to the level being alleged in the OP where they've conspired as a whole against a President who they also "let" become President, somehow, against all of their otherwise magical powers.

Lets recap...you think that

1. there is a a secret entity that controls the government from the shadows

Yes, allthough it's no so secret anymore if we're talking about it on the internet
2. that because you did not see the evidence on the news, it does not exist.

No, because after the Iraqi WMD scam I don't believe anything the 'intelligence' agencies say without seeing the evidence myself
3. you have no clue how things work in this country.

I seem to have a better clue than you do, I know who really controls your so called democracy
Why do people from other countries come on to US forums and try and tell us how to run our country

Why do muricans think they can fuck up the entire planet and then act surprised when someone dares to criticize them?
Do you find people from the US on forums in the Netherlands telling you people how to run your country?

No, but that would be pretty useless anyway, our country is ruled by the benevolent EU overlords from Brussels so if you want to file a complaint it should be there


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