What would it take to get you to take the vax?

I'd be willing to take the covid vaccine if I could have access to all the negative information and data that has been suppressed, and compare it to all the positive information that is available. If I still felt like it was a wise choice after seeing all the information that has been kept from me, I'd get the shot.

What would it take to get YOU to take the shot?
There isn't enough money on earth.
I maintain that I'd be willing to take the covid vaccine if I could have access to all the negative information and data that has been suppressed, and compare it to all the positive information that is available. If I still felt like it was a wise choice after seeing all the information that has been kept from me, I'd get the shot.
Long before that happens, herd immunity will be reached and what you do will be irrelevant.
Indeed. I suspect that it was reached a long time ago.
The critical threshold for herd immunity is reached by a population when the average number of new cases that arise from any given infection is exactly one. We are moving in that direction but we're not there yet and I suspect we probably never will be. Once the population is convinced that the virus represents no threat to themselves or their community and infections and deaths are at an acceptable levels, the epidemic will end in the minds of the people as will almost all vaccinations. Thousands of people will continue to die from the virus each year and covid-19 will be just another potentially deadly disease that could be eliminated. To scientists and epidemiologists this is a tragedy because we have the means to totally irradiate the disease. This is not a unique situation. Polio, Hepatitis, Influenza, Measles, and number of diseases could be eliminated if enough people were vaccinated.
Is that why we still have influenza and the common cold? They have never IRRADICATED a virus. They evolve too quickly--SMH.
I'd be willing to take the covid vaccine if I could have access to all the negative information and data that has been suppressed, and compare it to all the positive information that is available. If I still felt like it was a wise choice after seeing all the information that has been kept from me, I'd get the shot.

What would it take to get YOU to take the shot?

Top shelf poon.
I'd be willing to take the covid vaccine if I could have access to all the negative information and data that has been suppressed, and compare it to all the positive information that is available. If I still felt like it was a wise choice after seeing all the information that has been kept from me, I'd get the shot.

What would it take to get YOU to take the shot?
There isn't enough money on earth.
May the virus be with you both
I'd be willing to take the covid vaccine if I could have access to all the negative information and data that has been suppressed, and compare it to all the positive information that is available. If I still felt like it was a wise choice after seeing all the information that has been kept from me, I'd get the shot.

What would it take to get YOU to take the shot?
What information that you're qualified to interpret do you think has been withheld?

Is it safe? Yes. Some nasty reactions but really serious reactions? Few, that's why they're news.
Is it effective? Yes. Against new infections and in reducing the impact of infections new and ongoing.

I'm relatively certain the research data is available from the CDC but, as I'm wholly unqualified to interpret that data, I've made no effort to obtain it but I'm reasonably certain you can request the data. Again, presuming you're qualified to interpret such data in the macro/micro arenas.


Just thought I'd give it a quick lookup.
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What information that you're qualified to interpret do you think has been withheld?

The only thing that would motivate me to get the shot is if my employer made it mandatory to stay employed. Anything short of that......no.
I'd start looking for a new job.
I'd call my attorney.
I thought you guys were "right to work" supporters?
You really think an employer has no right to impose employment requirements on it employees?
No right to do pre-employment drug screening?
No right to require you to wear a uniform at work?
No right to terminate you for refusing to follow safety protocols?

Well, you know what they say.
You might win, you might lose, but the lawyer always gets paid.
I maintain that I'd be willing to take the covid vaccine if I could have access to all the negative information and data that has been suppressed, and compare it to all the positive information that is available. If I still felt like it was a wise choice after seeing all the information that has been kept from me, I'd get the shot.
Long before that happens, herd immunity will be reached and what you do will be irrelevant.
Indeed. I suspect that it was reached a long time ago.
The critical threshold for herd immunity is reached by a population when the average number of new cases that arise from any given infection is exactly one. We are moving in that direction but we're not there yet and I suspect we probably never will be. Once the population is convinced that the virus represents no threat to themselves or their community and infections and deaths are at an acceptable levels, the epidemic will end in the minds of the people as will almost all vaccinations. Thousands of people will continue to die from the virus each year and covid-19 will be just another potentially deadly disease that could be eliminated. To scientists and epidemiologists this is a tragedy because we have the means to totally irradiate the disease. This is not a unique situation. Polio, Hepatitis, Influenza, Measles, and number of diseases could be eliminated if enough people were vaccinated.
Is that why we still have influenza and the common cold? They have never IRRADICATED a virus. They evolve too quickly--SMH.
That is probably true. The Spanish influenza virus, H1N1 virus still exists as well as many other deadly viruses . It was called the Swine Flu in 2009-10. It's estimated that about 151,000 died of it worldwide and it's still with us. The science is there to eliminate these diseases. We simple chose not to do so due to a number of reasons, cultural, religious, economic, and ignorance. Today, epidemics including Covid-19 end when death rates are low enough to become acceptable, leaving the virus to mutate and once again create another epidemic.
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I maintain that I'd be willing to take the covid vaccine if I could have access to all the negative information and data that has been suppressed, and compare it to all the positive information that is available. If I still felt like it was a wise choice after seeing all the information that has been kept from me, I'd get the shot.
Long before that happens, herd immunity will be reached and what you do will be irrelevant.
Indeed. I suspect that it was reached a long time ago.
The critical threshold for herd immunity is reached by a population when the average number of new cases that arise from any given infection is exactly one. We are moving in that direction but we're not there yet and I suspect we probably never will be. Once the population is convinced that the virus represents no threat to themselves or their community and infections and deaths are at an acceptable levels, the epidemic will end in the minds of the people as will almost all vaccinations. Thousands of people will continue to die from the virus each year and covid-19 will be just another potentially deadly disease that could be eliminated. To scientists and epidemiologists this is a tragedy because we have the means to totally irradiate the disease. This is not a unique situation. Polio, Hepatitis, Influenza, Measles, and number of diseases could be eliminated if enough people were vaccinated.
Is that why we still have influenza and the common cold? They have never IRRADICATED a virus. They evolve too quickly--SMH.
That is probably true. The Spanish influenza virus, H1N1 virus still exists as well as many other deadly viruses . It was called the Swine Flu in 2009-10. It's estimated that about 151,000 died of it worldwide and it's still with us. The science is there to eliminate these diseases. We simple chose not to do so due to a number of reasons, cultural, religious, economic, and ignorance. Today, epidemics including Covid-19 end when death rates are low enough to become acceptable, leaving the virus to mutate and once again create another epidemic.
If I understand it right, viruses mutate about every ten minutes.
I maintain that I'd be willing to take the covid vaccine if I could have access to all the negative information and data that has been suppressed, and compare it to all the positive information that is available. If I still felt like it was a wise choice after seeing all the information that has been kept from me, I'd get the shot.
Long before that happens, herd immunity will be reached and what you do will be irrelevant.
Indeed. I suspect that it was reached a long time ago.
The critical threshold for herd immunity is reached by a population when the average number of new cases that arise from any given infection is exactly one. We are moving in that direction but we're not there yet and I suspect we probably never will be. Once the population is convinced that the virus represents no threat to themselves or their community and infections and deaths are at an acceptable levels, the epidemic will end in the minds of the people as will almost all vaccinations. Thousands of people will continue to die from the virus each year and covid-19 will be just another potentially deadly disease that could be eliminated. To scientists and epidemiologists this is a tragedy because we have the means to totally irradiate the disease. This is not a unique situation. Polio, Hepatitis, Influenza, Measles, and number of diseases could be eliminated if enough people were vaccinated.
Is that why we still have influenza and the common cold? They have never IRRADICATED a virus. They evolve too quickly--SMH.
That is probably true. The Spanish influenza virus, H1N1 virus still exists as well as many other deadly viruses . It was called the Swine Flu in 2009-10. It's estimated that about 151,000 died of it worldwide and it's still with us. The science is there to eliminate these diseases. We simple chose not to do so due to a number of reasons, cultural, religious, economic, and ignorance. Today, epidemics including Covid-19 end when death rates are low enough to become acceptable, leaving the virus to mutate and once again create another epidemic.
If I understand it right, viruses mutate about every ten minutes.
If that’s true, why do people take a vaccine for a virus?
I maintain that I'd be willing to take the covid vaccine if I could have access to all the negative information and data that has been suppressed, and compare it to all the positive information that is available. If I still felt like it was a wise choice after seeing all the information that has been kept from me, I'd get the shot.
Long before that happens, herd immunity will be reached and what you do will be irrelevant.
Indeed. I suspect that it was reached a long time ago.
The critical threshold for herd immunity is reached by a population when the average number of new cases that arise from any given infection is exactly one. We are moving in that direction but we're not there yet and I suspect we probably never will be. Once the population is convinced that the virus represents no threat to themselves or their community and infections and deaths are at an acceptable levels, the epidemic will end in the minds of the people as will almost all vaccinations. Thousands of people will continue to die from the virus each year and covid-19 will be just another potentially deadly disease that could be eliminated. To scientists and epidemiologists this is a tragedy because we have the means to totally irradiate the disease. This is not a unique situation. Polio, Hepatitis, Influenza, Measles, and number of diseases could be eliminated if enough people were vaccinated.
Is that why we still have influenza and the common cold? They have never IRRADICATED a virus. They evolve too quickly--SMH.
That is probably true. The Spanish influenza virus, H1N1 virus still exists as well as many other deadly viruses . It was called the Swine Flu in 2009-10. It's estimated that about 151,000 died of it worldwide and it's still with us. The science is there to eliminate these diseases. We simple chose not to do so due to a number of reasons, cultural, religious, economic, and ignorance. Today, epidemics including Covid-19 end when death rates are low enough to become acceptable, leaving the virus to mutate and once again create another epidemic.
If I understand it right, viruses mutate about every ten minutes.
If that’s true, why do people take a vaccine for a virus?
Lol, sounds like a whole lot of repeat business for somebody... got boosters?
I'd be willing to take the covid vaccine if I could have access to all the negative information and data that has been suppressed, and compare it to all the positive information that is available. If I still felt like it was a wise choice after seeing all the information that has been kept from me, I'd get the shot.

What would it take to get YOU to take the shot?
If someone gave me $20 million, I'd take the shot. Hell, might as well make some money if people are that desperate to get me to take it.
The fact that this topic is discussed in the political forum speaks volumes about the issue.
Very true. Politics always plays a major roll in fighting an epidemic. The people demand action and the party in power always creates a plan to deal with the crises. That plan will be one that supporters of the party in power can support. It might center round selling a vaccine to the people, preventive measures, ignoring the crises, or establishing blame, etc. Usually it will be a combination but one thing is for sure, the plan will be opposed by the opposition. For example today the Biden administration focuses on getting people vaccinating and setting goals. As one would expect, republican across the country have varying degrees of support. The 10 least vaccinated states are all states Trump has carried in an election, Mississippi, Alabama, West Virginia, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Texas and today are still strong supporters. They simple can not allow Biden a victory even it hurts their people. Letting people to die for a political agenda is nothing new.
.....another woke who woke up
What's a matter baby .....don't you trust muh science
Still gets in a virtue signal

I to have already stated multiple times that I'd give my vaccine doses to any under privileged oppressed minority ...blm or antifa member ....

The cnn anchor is a complete moron lol I can't belive she even said that

Isreal just released a report that the spike protein is gonna be a long term problem...im shocked ...the spike proteins seem to like to mass in organs ....funny coincidence on how they seem to really like to mass in women's ovaries

What would it take to get you to take the vax?​

A minimum of 2 entire brain cells.
What information that you're qualified to interpret do you think has been withheld?

You get your vaccine information from FB?

I'm thinking we've found your problem.

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