What would it take to get you to take the vax?

Nope, I'd be willing to take the covid vaccine if I could have access to all the negative information and data that has been suppressed, and compare it to all the positive information
We know the positive info.

The Moderna and Pfizer vaccines are 90+% effective at stopping COVID completely, and if you do get it, it will be very mild.

Nobody has died from getting a COVID vaccine. 600,000 in the USA have died from COVID, and that's a lowball estimate. Many of the survivors have permanent complications

Seems like a no-brainer.
Nope, I'd be willing to take the covid vaccine if I could have access to all the negative information and data that has been suppressed, and compare it to all the positive information
We know the positive info.

The Moderna and Pfizer vaccines are 90+% effective at stopping COVID completely, and if you do get it, it will be very mild.

Nobody has died from getting a COVID vaccine. 600,000 in the USA have died from COVID, and that's a lowball estimate. Many of the survivors have permanent complications

Seems like a no-brainer.

Over 6000 have died from complications from the shots reported on VAERS. 16,000 in europe have died due to complications from the shots. Keep that head in the sand.
What information that you're qualified to interpret do you think has been withheld?

You get your vaccine information from FB?

I'm thinking we've found your problem.
Looks like you were looking for some way to derail the thread, so you gave the wheel of evasion a spin and it landed on FB. It could have landed on crypto currency, stocks, or science, but it landed on FB.

Over 6000 have died from complications from the shots reported on VAERS.
An outright falsehood. Why did you think you wouldn't get called out on it?

Oh, you mean you actually fell for that big lie, and that you actually believe it? Wow. That's some serious gullibility.

Latest VAERS Data Show: 5,165 Deaths Reported Following COVID Vaccines​

Keep burrowing. You'll be down to the core soon.

Worldwide Genocide Continues: 13,867 DEAD and 1,354,336 Injuries in European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 Shots​

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Nope, I'd be willing to take the covid vaccine if I could have access to all the negative information and data that has been suppressed, and compare it to all the positive information
We know the positive info.

The Moderna and Pfizer vaccines are 90+% effective at stopping COVID completely, and if you do get it, it will be very mild.

Nobody has died from getting a COVID vaccine. 600,000 in the USA have died from COVID, and that's a lowball estimate. Many of the survivors have permanent complications

Seems like a no-brainer.
It appears that you only consume media that aligns with your political bias. Sheltering yourself from other media doesn't mean other news is not happening. Have a look at what is happening outside your box:

What information that you're qualified to interpret do you think has been withheld?

You get your vaccine information from FB?

I'm thinking we've found your problem.
Looks like you were looking for some way to derail the thread, so you gave the wheel of evasion a spin and it landed on FB. It could have landed on crypto currency, stocks, or science, but it landed on FB.
No, you didn't.
That may be your excuse for your idiotic response
You claimed that information was being censored and
When challenged to provide examples of such "censorship"
Your ONLY response was to some nutjob publication whining about lies being shutdown on FB.
To which my natural response was
"You go to FB for COVID information?"

You didn't even know the article was about FB
You didn't bother to read your own link.

I maintain that I'd be willing to take the covid vaccine if I could have access to all the negative information and data that has been suppressed, and compare it to all the positive information that is available. If I still felt like it was a wise choice after seeing all the information that has been kept from me, I'd get the shot.
Long before that happens, herd immunity will be reached and what you do will be irrelevant.
Indeed. I suspect that it was reached a long time ago.
The critical threshold for herd immunity is reached by a population when the average number of new cases that arise from any given infection is exactly one. We are moving in that direction but we're not there yet and I suspect we probably never will be. Once the population is convinced that the virus represents no threat to themselves or their community and infections and deaths are at an acceptable levels, the epidemic will end in the minds of the people as will almost all vaccinations. Thousands of people will continue to die from the virus each year and covid-19 will be just another potentially deadly disease that could be eliminated. To scientists and epidemiologists this is a tragedy because we have the means to totally irradiate the disease. This is not a unique situation. Polio, Hepatitis, Influenza, Measles, and number of diseases could be eliminated if enough people were vaccinated.
Is that why we still have influenza and the common cold? They have never IRRADICATED a virus. They evolve too quickly--SMH.
That is probably true. The Spanish influenza virus, H1N1 virus still exists as well as many other deadly viruses . It was called the Swine Flu in 2009-10. It's estimated that about 151,000 died of it worldwide and it's still with us. The science is there to eliminate these diseases. We simple chose not to do so due to a number of reasons, cultural, religious, economic, and ignorance. Today, epidemics including Covid-19 end when death rates are low enough to become acceptable, leaving the virus to mutate and once again create another epidemic.
If I understand it right, viruses mutate about every ten minutes.
Considering the amount of virus, I believe the rate it mutates is far greater than every 10 mins. However, I don't believe there has been any published scientific research stating the rate that SARS-CoV-2 mutates. Since very few mutations effect the transmissibility of the virus, the actual rate is not very important. What is important are mutations that effect the spike protein on SARS-CoV-2, which binds to receptors on human cells. Some of these mutations increase transmission and others decrease it.

For the virus to spread, the receptor cells must exist in persons who do not have immunity. As long as a high percent of the population has immunity to the mutated virus, it will not be able to transmit in sufficient numbers and it will die out. The greater the number of people vaccinated, the less opportunity there is for the virus to mutate and to spread.
The science is there to eliminate these diseases
Bullshit. You sound like a democrat--the SCIENCE. They wouldn't know anything about the scientific method if it bit them in the ass. You contradict yourself as often as Fauci and Biden do.
As I said politics are a big part of controlling an epidemic. Scientists produce the vaccine but getting it into the people's arms depends on politics, culture, religion, economics, and the educational level of the public. This is why we never entirely eliminated Polio, Measles, Hepatitis, most of the FLU viruses, and dozens of other diseases that can be prevented by vaccinations. I think Covid-19 will be with us for a long, long time.

In 2020, Covid-19 was the 4th largest cause of death in the US. When it get's down to about number 20 which will probably happen this year or early next year, the epidemic will be over in the US and vaccination drives will cease although thousands of people will still be dying due to it. This is the way most epidemics end, the death rate reaches acceptable level.

In regard to politics, the 12 states that have exceeded 70% in vacations are blue states and the 10 states with the lowest percent vaccinated are all red states. If Trump had been reelected, I wonder how much of difference it would have made in these statistics. I believe Trump would have pushed the vaccines just as much as Biden has done if not more. After all he certainly took pride in the fact that the vaccines were delivered in record time. Would democrats across the country have reject the vaccine because Trump was pushing it?
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The end of the world.

It would take nothing.

I will not take the poison jab not now not never.

So what are you going to do, huh?
There is nothing that can be done in a free society. If a person refuses to take a vaccination that is their right. It is assumed that there will be millions of people that refuse the vaccination. It will cost lives and lengthen the epidemic. In fact it will insure that the virus will not be irradiated. The major reason people refuse to be inoculated are religious reasons, personal beliefs or philosophical reasons, safety concerns, or a desire for more information from healthcare providers. Nothing can be done about first two. However, government can provide information and address safety concerns. In most countries, there are a lot of people who simply do not trust government preferring to believe the vaccinations will make them sterile, contains tracking agents, or nanites that will enslave them to the state, etc...
However, government can provide information and address safety concerns. In most countries, there are a lot of people who simply do not trust government preferring to believe the vaccinations will make them sterile, contains tracking agents, or nanites that will enslave them to the state, etc...
See my opening post, and see this USMB link below:
I'd be willing to take the covid vaccine if I could have access to all the negative information and data that has been suppressed, and compare it to all the positive information that is available. If I still felt like it was a wise choice after seeing all the information that has been kept from me, I'd get the shot.

What would it take to get YOU to take the shot?
No interest in the drug. I generally avoid ALL DRUGS including prescriptions.
When it's my time it's my time. Not playing the big pharma game.
I maintain that I'd be willing to take the covid vaccine if I could have access to all the negative information and data that has been suppressed, and compare it to all the positive information that is available. If I still felt like it was a wise choice after seeing all the information that has been kept from me, I'd get the shot.
Long before that happens, herd immunity will be reached and what you do will be irrelevant.
Indeed. I suspect that it was reached a long time ago.
The critical threshold for herd immunity is reached by a population when the average number of new cases that arise from any given infection is exactly one. We are moving in that direction but we're not there yet and I suspect we probably never will be. Once the population is convinced that the virus represents no threat to themselves or their community and infections and deaths are at an acceptable levels, the epidemic will end in the minds of the people as will almost all vaccinations. Thousands of people will continue to die from the virus each year and covid-19 will be just another potentially deadly disease that could be eliminated. To scientists and epidemiologists this is a tragedy because we have the means to totally irradiate the disease. This is not a unique situation. Polio, Hepatitis, Influenza, Measles, and number of diseases could be eliminated if enough people were vaccinated.
Is that why we still have influenza and the common cold? They have never IRRADICATED a virus. They evolve too quickly--SMH.
That is probably true. The Spanish influenza virus, H1N1 virus still exists as well as many other deadly viruses . It was called the Swine Flu in 2009-10. It's estimated that about 151,000 died of it worldwide and it's still with us. The science is there to eliminate these diseases. We simple chose not to do so due to a number of reasons, cultural, religious, economic, and ignorance. Today, epidemics including Covid-19 end when death rates are low enough to become acceptable, leaving the virus to mutate and once again create another epidemic.
If I understand it right, viruses mutate about every ten minutes.
Considering the amount of virus, I believe the rate it mutates is far greater than every 10 mins. However, I don't believe there has been any published scientific research stating the rate that SARS-CoV-2 mutates. Since very few mutations effect the transmissibility of the virus, the actual rate is not very important. What is important are mutations that effect the spike protein on SARS-CoV-2, which binds to receptors on human cells. Some of these mutations increase transmission and others decrease it.

For the virus to spread, the receptor cells must exist in persons who do not have immunity. As long as a high percent of the population has immunity to the mutated virus, it will not be able to transmit in sufficient numbers and it will die out. The greater the number of people vaccinated, the less opportunity there is for the virus to mutate and to spread.
Meanwhile, the fake RNA that was used to trick the body into creating the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, has your immune system producing antibodies in response. Forever. No way to stop it. Long after any mutations occur. Then we start getting MORE fake RNA vaccines for what ever shit Fauci pays China to harm us with. Meanwhile, our immune systems are still churning out spike protein and antibodies for SARS-COV-2...
Nope, I'd be willing to take the covid vaccine if I could have access to all the negative information and data that has been suppressed, and compare it to all the positive information
We know the positive info.

The Moderna and Pfizer vaccines are 90+% effective at stopping COVID completely, and if you do get it, it will be very mild.

Nobody has died from getting a COVID vaccine. 600,000 in the USA have died from COVID, and that's a lowball estimate. Many of the survivors have permanent complications

Seems like a no-brainer.

Over 6000 have died from complications from the shots reported on VAERS. 16,000 in europe have died due to complications from the shots. Keep that head in the sand.
That’s not accurate VAERS data only shows deaths after vaccination regardless of cause, so if a person with cancer was vaccinated and then died of cancer that death would be counted in the VAERS data, that caveat is published on the VAERS website.
Nope, I'd be willing to take the covid vaccine if I could have access to all the negative information and data that has been suppressed, and compare it to all the positive information
We know the positive info.

The Moderna and Pfizer vaccines are 90+% effective at stopping COVID completely, and if you do get it, it will be very mild.

Nobody has died from getting a COVID vaccine. 600,000 in the USA have died from COVID, and that's a lowball estimate. Many of the survivors have permanent complications

Seems like a no-brainer.

Over 6000 have died from complications from the shots reported on VAERS. 16,000 in europe have died due to complications from the shots. Keep that head in the sand.
That’s not accurate VAERS data only shows deaths after vaccination regardless of cause, so if a person with cancer was vaccinated and then died of cancer that death would be counted in the VAERS data, that caveat is published on the VAERS website.

That's a very low percentage, however, and that's the way it should be reported. Covid deaths are reported as covid even though large percentages have co-morbidities. That's not how it should be reported. Interesting, huh, how a covid death is reported as covid and now many who are dying from the vaccine are reported as covid deaths.

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