What would it take to get you to take the vax?

I'd be willing to take the covid vaccine if I could have access to all the negative information and data that has been suppressed, and compare it to all the positive information that is available. If I still felt like it was a wise choice after seeing all the information that has been kept from me, I'd get the shot.

What would it take to get YOU to take the shot?
I'm just waiting for my yellow star


Evolution is on full display with the Covid vaccine. Smart Americans wisely know to get the vaccine, because it will ensure you protection from Covid.

Stupid brainwashed sheep (that do whatever Trump, Alex Jones, Fox News, etc [sic] tell them to do) won't take the vaccine. SOme [sic] of them (obviously not all) will get covid and die. Therefore eliminating their inferior genetics from the gene pool.

Right now Covid is a great filter and tool to eliminate some of the dumbest retards in America (Trumpers). Some of these less intelligent Americans, who are too stupid to get the vaccine, will die from Covid (if they haven't already died from injecting bleach), removing their inferior genetic material from our gene pool. And only the smartest, strongest, fittest will survive.

More than 99.9% of those who are infected with the #CoronaHoax2020 virus survive.

The irony, here, is you calling those who are clearly your intellectual superiors “brainwashed sheep”, “dumbest retards”, and “less intelligent”[, when it is you who has stupidly allowed lying politicians to deceive you and frighten you and brainwash you into living in fear and submission over an exaggerated flu bug.

You're displaying an extreme form of what is known as the Dunning-Kruger effect, mistaking your own ignorance, gullibility, and stupidity for intellectual superiority.
Evolution is on full display with the Covid vaccine. Smart Americans wisely know to get the vaccine, because it will ensure you protection from Covid.

Stupid brainwashed sheep (that do whatever Trump, Alex Jones, Fox News, etc [sic] tell them to do) won't take the vaccine. SOme [sic] of them (obviously not all) will get covid and die. Therefore eliminating their inferior genetics from the gene pool.

Right now Covid is a great filter and tool to eliminate some of the dumbest retards in America (Trumpers). Some of these less intelligent Americans, who are too stupid to get the vaccine, will die from Covid (if they haven't already died from injecting bleach), removing their inferior genetic material from our gene pool. And only the smartest, strongest, fittest will survive.

More than 99.9% of those who are infected with the #CoronaHoax2020 virus survive.

The irony, here, is you calling those who are clearly your intellectual superiors “brainwashed sheep”, “dumbest retards”, and “less intelligent”[, when it is you who has stupidly allowed lying politicians to deceive you and frighten you and brainwash you into living in fear and submission over an exaggerated flu bug.

You're displaying an extreme form of what is known as the Dunning-Kruger effect, mistaking your own ignorance, gullibility, and stupidity for intellectual superiority.
99.9% ?!?!?!?!


That isn't even remotely true. The fact that you have to use fabricated lies shows how pathetic and stupid you are.
You have proven me correct, you are an inferior person, not suitable to be in the public gene pool.
You are a total sheep, you will believe any stupid fuckin lie you are fed. You people believed Pizza-gate, the most illogically ridiculous fake scandal ever.

We have had almost 600k deaths in the US... Maybe you should redo your fake math.
Did you fail the 5th grade?
When we started giving vaccines in the middle of Dec deaths in the US from Covid-19 were running 2500 to 3,000 a day.
"Alleged" deaths.
"alleged" deaths.

When that is the only response you can come up with it is time to accept reality. Basically you people are a bunch of little faggot bitches crying about the vaccine, crying about election fraud that never happened, crying about how good the economy is right now, crying about masks, crying about covid.

You people are a bunch of pathetic weaklings.
All you do is cry.
You never not crying.
There is always some little bitch shit for you to cry about.
99.9% ?!?!?!?!


That isn't even remotely true. The fact that you have to use fabricated lies shows how pathetic and stupid you are.
You have proven me correct, you are an inferior person, not suitable to be in the public gene pool.
You are a total sheep, you will believe any stupid fuckin lie you are fed. You people believed Pizza-gate, the most illogically ridiculous fake scandal ever.

We have had almost 600k deaths in the US... Maybe you should redo your fake math.
Did you fail the 5th grade?

Well, I guess all I have more to say to you is have fun waiting for me, and millions of others who are far smarter than you, to get the #CoronaHoax2020 virus and die, because we didn't wear your stupid masks and get your stupid fake vaccine, and instead of cowering in our mothers' basements like worthless parasites, we went out, did our jobs, and lived our lives.

It's going to be a long wait.

Evolution is on full display with the Covid vaccine. Smart Americans wisely know to get the vaccine, because it will ensure you protection from Covid.

Stupid brainwashed sheep (that do whatever Trump, Alex Jones, Fox News, etc [sic] tell them to do) won't take the vaccine. SOme [sic] of them (obviously not all) will get covid and die. Therefore eliminating their inferior genetics from the gene pool.

Right now Covid is a great filter and tool to eliminate some of the dumbest retards in America (Trumpers). Some of these less intelligent Americans, who are too stupid to get the vaccine, will die from Covid (if they haven't already died from injecting bleach), removing their inferior genetic material from our gene pool. And only the smartest, strongest, fittest will survive.

More than 99.9% of those who are infected with the #CoronaHoax2020 virus survive.

The irony, here, is you calling those who are clearly your intellectual superiors “brainwashed sheep”, “dumbest retards”, and “less intelligent”[, when it is you who has stupidly allowed lying politicians to deceive you and frighten you and brainwash you into living in fear and submission over an exaggerated flu bug.

You're displaying an extreme form of what is known as the Dunning-Kruger effect, mistaking your own ignorance, gullibility, and stupidity for intellectual superiority.
There have 33.3 million cases in the US and 594,000 deaths. The percent of cases that die are .594 million / 33.3 million or 1.78%, so the percent that survive is 98.22%.

It is not the FLU bug. The influenza viruses are member of the Orthomyxoviridae family of viruses. The virus that causes covid-19 is a member of SARS family of viruses. The commonalty between the two is they are both contagious respiratory viruses but similarity ends there. COVID-19 spreads more easily than flu and causes more serious illnesses in some people. It can also take longer before people show symptoms and people can be contagious for much longer. The average number of deaths from Influenza in the US is about 50,000 a year. Covid-19 deaths in first year are about 10 times that.

I dunno...

A time-machine for starters...

To take me back to mid-December 2020 before I got Dose 1 of 2 of the Pfizer...


Vaccinations, like masks some months ago, are not a political statement... they're an Intelligence Test...

Darwinian selection of the more intelligent vs. the Krazy Kornspiracy Klowns who are truly clue-less...

By all means... feel free NOT to get vaccinated... the country's gettin' kinda crowded anyway... gotta cull the herd somehow.... :abgg2q.jpg:
You’ve got it backwards. You are the one more likely to win the Darwin Award.

Have you bothered to investigate Pfizer’s long history of questionable behavior? Their many sizable fines impose by governments for wrong doing? How about the enormous profits they are making off the vax? How about the many doctors and other experts questioning the effectiveness and potential harm the vax may cause?

Any of this?
I'd be willing to take the covid vaccine if I could have access to all the negative information and data that has been suppressed, and compare it to all the positive information that is available. If I still felt like it was a wise choice after seeing all the information that has been kept from me, I'd get the shot.

What would it take to get YOU to take the shot?
Joe Biden, the CCP, Harris and the DemNazis to all admit they colluded with Russia in 2016 to try to remove President Trump, and the colluded with China to cause the scamdemic and cheat in the 2020 election then step down from their offices and never be allowed to run again.
I'd be willing to take the covid vaccine if I could have access to all the negative information and data that has been suppressed, and compare it to all the positive information that is available. If I still felt like it was a wise choice after seeing all the information that has been kept from me, I'd get the shot.

What would it take to get YOU to take the shot?

Probably a sex change or half my brain cavity sucked out, like a Democrat.
I'd be willing to take the covid vaccine if I could have access to all the negative information and data that has been suppressed, and compare it to all the positive information that is available. If I still felt like it was a wise choice after seeing all the information that has been kept from me, I'd get the shot.

What would it take to get YOU to take the shot?

I was pretty confident in the Trump vaccine. I took it. Even though I did not need it, just to make people around me more comfortable.
I'd be willing to take the covid vaccine if I could have access to all the negative information and data that has been suppressed, and compare it to all the positive information that is available. If I still felt like it was a wise choice after seeing all the information that has been kept from me, I'd get the shot.

What would it take to get YOU to take the shot?

I was pretty confident in the Trump vaccine. I took it. Even though I did not need it, just to make people around me more comfortable.
Call it what you will. As long as you get it so we can end this mess
I'd be willing to take the covid vaccine if I could have access to all the negative information and data that has been suppressed, and compare it to all the positive information that is available. If I still felt like it was a wise choice after seeing all the information that has been kept from me, I'd get the shot.

What would it take to get YOU to take the shot?

I was pretty confident in the Trump vaccine. I took it. Even though I did not need it, just to make people around me more comfortable.
Call it what you will. As long as you get it so we can end this mess

Sure. Got to make sure to gin up some positive economic numbers for Biden.

Lord knows what else he, or she will run on come 2024.
I maintain that I'd be willing to take the covid vaccine if I could have access to all the negative information and data that has been suppressed, and compare it to all the positive information that is available. If I still felt like it was a wise choice after seeing all the information that has been kept from me, I'd get the shot.
I maintain that I'd be willing to take the covid vaccine if I could have access to all the negative information and data that has been suppressed, and compare it to all the positive information that is available. If I still felt like it was a wise choice after seeing all the information that has been kept from me, I'd get the shot.
Long before that happens, herd immunity will be reached and what you do will be irrelevant.
I maintain that I'd be willing to take the covid vaccine if I could have access to all the negative information and data that has been suppressed, and compare it to all the positive information that is available. If I still felt like it was a wise choice after seeing all the information that has been kept from me, I'd get the shot.
Long before that happens, herd immunity will be reached and what you do will be irrelevant.
Indeed. I suspect that it was reached a long time ago.
For anybody who is not sure what suppressed negative information it is that I would require, here is what I am referring to, and it is just the tip of the iceberg:

I maintain that I'd be willing to take the covid vaccine if I could have access to all the negative information and data that has been suppressed, and compare it to all the positive information that is available. If I still felt like it was a wise choice after seeing all the information that has been kept from me, I'd get the shot.
Long before that happens, herd immunity will be reached and what you do will be irrelevant.
Indeed. I suspect that it was reached a long time ago.
The critical threshold for herd immunity is reached by a population when the average number of new cases that arise from any given infection is exactly one. We are moving in that direction but we're not there yet and I suspect we probably never will be. Once the population is convinced that the virus represents no threat to themselves or their community and infections and deaths are at an acceptable levels, the epidemic will end in the minds of the people as will almost all vaccinations. Thousands of people will continue to die from the virus each year and covid-19 will be just another potentially deadly disease that could be eliminated. To scientists and epidemiologists this is a tragedy because we have the means to totally irradiate the disease. This is not a unique situation. Polio, Hepatitis, Influenza, Measles, and number of diseases could be eliminated if enough people were vaccinated.

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