What Would Jesus Fly?

Pilot Rips Claim by Creflo Dollar Ministries That It Needs 65 Million Luxury Airplane to Carry 100 000 Pounds of Food

Pilot Rips Claim by Creflo Dollar Ministries That It Needs $65 Million Luxury Airplane to Carry '100,000 Pounds of Food'

March 14, 2015|10:35 am

Televangelist Creflo Dollar (l) and the luxury jet (r) he is asking the public to purchase for his ministry.

A veteran pilot from Rock Hill, South Carolina, said rubbish to claims by Creflo Dollar Ministries on Friday that the effort to purchase a new $65 million luxury Gulfstream G650 airplane is needed by the ministry to transport "100,000 pounds of food," and staff members across the world to spread the love of Jesus.

The organization headed by popular televangelist Creflo Dollar, who is also founder of World Changers Church International, came under fire this week after The Christian Post first reported on their online campaign asking 200,000 people to donate $300 or more each to facilitate the purchase of the luxury airplane once described as the "holy grail of private jets" in a Bloomberg report.

Creflo Dollar Now Flying 'Commercial,' Says Ministry; but He Still Needs That M Luxury Plane to Carry Food and People

Televangelist Creflo Dollar Needs 200,000 People to Donate 0 Each So He Can Buy M Ministry Plane
"You're missing the point. The plane is not so Creflo Dollar can get on by himself and fly. They take a ministry team of 10 to 15 people with them. They take thousands of pounds of food and provisions with them when they go around the world. If he's coming to the New York church, he'll hop on a Delta flight; if he's taking 12 people plus 100,000 pounds of food, it's not that simple," Engelmayer explained.

David Graham, Global Express aircraft captain with Advanced Air Management, which "specializes in the management of long-range business jets owned by individuals and entities desiring the opportunity to offset the cost of ownership through private charter," decried the explanation by Dollar's media representative as nonsense in an email message to CP late Friday.

"The G650 MAX RAMP WEIGHT is 99,600# then add 4,000# for the G650ER. IT CANNOT CARRY 12 PEOPLE AND 1000,000 # OF FOODAND SUPPLIES LIKE THE COMMENTER SAYS!!!! CREFLO IS A CROOK AND SCAMMIN (sic) HIS CHURCH IN THE NAME OF THE LORD!!!" wrote an incensed Graham.

On his LinkedIn profile he explains: "I have an extensive knowledge of the Corporate Aviation Industry. My experience ranges from Chief Pilot to Line Captain with Worldwide Operations. Part 91 and Part 135."

Gulfstream, the manufacturer of the G650, also highlights on its website that the aircraft "flies at more than 92 percent of the speed of sound," holds about 18 seated passengers and can take off with a maximum weight of 99,600 pounds.

The company also lists a pre-owned G650 with a flight record of 1,616 hours and 625 landings since it entered service in last December for $67,950,000.

As of Friday afternoon, the link to the $65 million campaign was no longer functional and appeared with a message stating that the link "could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable."

Engelmayer could not confirm if Dollar had abandoned his appeal for $65 million or the mission to get a new jet, but said his client was currently traveling via "commercial" flights.

"Whatever he has to [use to travel], you know, commercial transportation," he said almost grudgingly.

Contact: [email protected]; follow me on Twitter @leoblair
Yep , i agree, the "preacher" is a hustler . I was on the design team for the 650 back in 2007 til first flight in savanna ga where it is engineered and manufactured
no way can he carry that much on that bird
science isn't a belief, christers have hard time with that concept
Science isn't always correct. It is subject to interpretation of the corporations that pay for and put it out. I.E. It was once thought asbestos and Thalidomide were safe. Atheists have a hard time with that concept.

The lets put the Bibles up for peer review and hold it to the same standards as science.

but which one of the hundreds of the "true" versions shall we use?
I'd like to point out that even the America Atheists Organization has a place for donations on their web site.

Donate American Atheists

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It's an organization, not a church. I don't even know why you'd find this similar to tithing.

American Atheists, Inc. is a nonprofit, nonpolitical, educational organization dedicated to the complete and absolute separation of state and church, accepting the explanation of Thomas Jefferson that the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States was meant to create a "wall of separation" between state and church.

American Atheists, Inc., is organized

      • to stimulate and promote freedom of thought and inquiry concerning religious beliefs, creeds, dogmas, tenets, rituals, and practices;
      • to collect and disseminate information, data, and literature on all religions and promote a more thorough understanding of them, their origins, and their histories;
      • to advocate, labor for, and promote in all lawful ways the complete and absolute separation of state and church;
      • to advocate, labor for, and promote in all lawful ways the establishment and maintenance of a thoroughly secular system of education available to all;
      • to encourage the development and public acceptance of a humane ethical system stressing the mutual sympathy, understanding, and interdependence of all people and the corresponding responsibility of each individual in relation to society;
      • to develop and propagate a social philosophy in which humankind is central and must itself be the source of strength, progress, and ideals for the well-being and happiness of humanity;
      • to promote the study of the arts and sciences and of all problems affecting the maintenance, perpetuation, and enrichment of human (and other) life;
      • to engage in such social, educational, legal, and cultural activity as will be useful and beneficial to the members of American Atheists and to society as a whole.
Actually it's no different than a religion because a religion is a belief system and so is Atheism American Atheism, being just one of their many churches.
Why do people give up their hard earned money to these con men?

Pastor Asks 200,000 Of His Loyal Followers To Give Him $65 Million To Buy New Private Jet

Pastor Creflo Dollar (yes, that’s actually his name) may already own a mansion in Atlanta, a multi-million dollar apartment in New York City and travel in style, but apparently what he could really use is an upgraded private jet. The one he has is old and totally lame. The price tag? Just $65 million.

If that sounds like a lot, Pastor Dollar calculated it out and decided that if just 200,000 people were to hand over $300 a piece to him, the plane would be financed with no problem.


Full story @ Addicting Info Pastor Asks 200 000 Of His Loyal Followers To Give Him 65 Million To Buy New Private Jet


Just like other cults...
science isn't a belief, christers have hard time with that concept
Science isn't always correct. It is subject to interpretation of the corporations that pay for and put it out. I.E. It was once thought asbestos and Thalidomide were safe. Atheists have a hard time with that concept.

The lets put the Bibles up for peer review and hold it to the same standards as science.

Well lets start with Evolution because it's the easiest. Evolution has a bunch of bones that are similar to human, but not human, therefore a separate species, which does not prove we evolved. It has no more merit than Creationism or Ancient Alien Theory.

Can science prove an unbroken chain From Chimp to man by way of DNA? Nope they can't. They have scattered bones form different time periods but not an unbroken chain. Therefore science has no clue if that's actually how we came into being and yet it is taught as fact even though the name of it admits it's only a theory:The Theory of Evolution
Even if it did have an unbroken chain of events it would still not disprove Ancient Alien Theory or Creationism unless it can prove a being of higher intelligence didn't alter the DNA to make the evolved improvements. All Science has is Darwin and a nice story of how things might have come into being, but with no more actual merit than other theories. Seriously look at the story of Creationism and strip away the Dogma and what do you have? The same basic concept as Evolution except that we are bringing it back to the start by saying a being of higher intelligence AKA God created us from the primordial ooze and getting it right the first time. Bible says from dust we were created and to dust we will return. Hmm wonder how someone knew that 5000 years ago?

Genesis 3:19 [Full Chapter]
In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.

Ancient Alien Theory had suggested that perhaps a higher intelligence came to earth. Who knows, maybe they messed with chimp DNA and created humans. Maybe they colonized the earth and we are their descendants. Who knows maybe a space ship crashed and we are the children of the survivors. Can Science prove it didn't happen that way? Nope.

I'd also like to point out that oodles of money has been and continues to be poured into the belief system of evolution to the point that Science fears and shuns any other possibility of the origin of man being put forward. Should any proof to the contrary ever be found I wouldn't expect Science to admit the error because it would cause great embarrassment and financial loss. As we all know Science is financed and run by large institutions like schools and corporations and only tells you what it wants you to know for it's financial gain. It's as dirty as the Rev. Dollar and not the pure entity that people seem to think it is.

Shall we go to Global warming next because I just got rid of three feet of snow and would beg to differ.
Thanks to all of your Bit@@ing, Creflo had to pull his donation website!!

Now he is going to have difficulty replacing his multi-million dollar jet!!

I thought you guys didn't slam other peoples beliefs--but you were body slamming the "dollar's followers" like Stone Cold Steve Austin on steroids!!
Thanks to all of your Bit@@ing, Creflo had to pull his donation website!!

Now he is going to have difficulty replacing his multi-million dollar jet!!

I thought you guys didn't slam other peoples beliefs--but you were body slamming the "dollar's followers" like Stone Cold Steve Austin on steroids!!
If The Rev Dollar wanted to deliver food ETC. he'd buy a cargo plane not a luxury jet. Actually he'd find a more efficient way of distributing food and supplies I.E. collect the money and buy the food in or near the country he's trying to reach. That's what most of the missionary services do. There is also cargo ship containers. We sent some clothes by way of cargo ship to Haiti and basic medical supplies to Congo. They got there just fine. That's 65 million dollars would be better spent helping people than flying Dollar around the world. He and his followers can fly coach like all the other missionaries.
Thanks to all of your Bit@@ing, Creflo had to pull his donation website!!

Now he is going to have difficulty replacing his multi-million dollar jet!!

I thought you guys didn't slam other peoples beliefs--but you were body slamming the "dollar's followers" like Stone Cold Steve Austin on steroids!!
If The Rev Dollar wanted to deliver food ETC. he'd buy a cargo plane not a luxury jet. Actually he'd find a more efficient way of distributing food and supplies I.E. collect the money and buy the food in or near the country he's trying to reach. That's what most of the missionary services do. There is also cargo ship containers. We sent some clothes by way of cargo ship to Haiti and basic medical supplies to Congo. They got there just fine. That's 65 million dollars would be better spent helping people than flying Dollar around the world. He and his followers can fly coach like all the other missionaries.

I knew the mainstreamers don't get it.

Creepflo whole ministry is set up so that he needs the money to showcase his message and bring people to his flock!

It is nearly impossible to ask a mega-christian-superstar like Creepflo to tone it down and get the message across--dollars are the fabric of his teachings.

Think about it, when was the last time a religious teacher walked around broke and teaching the message and gain converts to prosperity theology?

Nope, Jesus did not preach the prosperity gospel--!!

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