What Would Jesus Fly?


“Here's how Jesus said to evangelize.”

'Jesus' didn't 'say' anything, there was no 'Jesus' as perceived by Christians; the bible was written by men, not a 'god' or 'son of a god,' or any such nonsense.
There are some charismatic preachers out there...with big churches ...and many people coming to hear their sermons ....

Have these Pastors never heard of the cleanasing of the Temple by Jesus.... money grabbing bastards that they are? it's all money money money

makes me vomit

Never money and religion has to be mixed NEVER!
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So the good Pastor wants 65 million

That particular Pastor is no different than other Pastors

Never mind the Bible

All they will ever want is money....

This is BS. Jesus Evangelized on foot and so should he.

Why? He won't find enough sheep to fleece for the green to buy a new jet but he'll get a tidy sum.

Why do people give up their hard earned money to these con men? Because the con men tell them what they want to hear.

If you would like to post your MasterCard # I'll make a generous donation to Mr. Fleece the Flock in your name. Trust me. I'll ask Jeebus to bless you.

Ain't nothing new under the sun. Christians need to pay better attention to what the bible actually says because this was predicted to happen 2000 years ago.

2 Timothy 4:3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires,4 and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths.5 But you, be sober in all things, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.

That tells me the religion scam has been going on for a long, long, long time.

How to Fleece the Flock for Fun and Profit

Rule number one: Before embarking upon this enterprise of fleecing the flock for fun and profit, one must establish oneself as a special “Anointed” spokesperson for God. This can be accomplished in several ways.

a)Learn the official “Anointed” Christian buzzwords. You can begin with repeating the word “anointed” in your conversations, making sure that people recognize that you have this special anointing. (See Rule 3 for a more complete list of buzzwords.) Setting up people in the audience to be “healed” is a good way of gaining the flock’s confidence. However, make certain the affliction they are healed of is something that is not visible or something that can be medically verified. Headaches and other aches and pains are good to capitalize on. Make certain that you choose the people beforehand so they will not give away what is happening.

Persuading people that you are giving them a secret, hidden knowledge that others do not have will draw them in like flies to honey. This will encourage them to have an awe of your knowledge. Once people recognize you have this anointing, then you can begin to claim apostleship or establish yourself as a prophet of God. This works well as people would rather hear from a prophet than to hear from God through study of His word. Remember to keep them from discovering that you “anointed” yourself. This is vital. If they see that you started out as the only one who said you were anointed, you will never get a flock going and will miss out on all the fun and profit there is when you start fleecing your flock.

b)Establish yourself as a prophet from God by making a few predictions. It does not matter if they don’t come to pass because you can always claim it was their lack of faith as to why it did not come to pass. The secret to being successful is always to shift the blame back onto them when in a tight spot. Whatever you do, never ever accept responsibility for the lack of failed prophesies as this will taint your image and hinder the pursuit of fleecing the flock for fun and profit. You must also keep your flock from any passages in the Bible that say that a prophet must have 100% accuracy such as Deuteronomy 18. It will be necessary to steer them clear from such passages and remind them that all people are fallible. If you keep the focus on the fallible people, your flock will not notice that prophecies are supposed to come from God who is infallible.

c)If anyone challenges you as a prophet of God, remind them of the verse that says “touch not the anointed of God” and of the consequences of blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. Never mind that neither of these passages have anything to do with you or the situation. It will sound very spiritual if you say it to them with a very stern look on your face and a loud voice. It is essential that you use fear as often as possible to make sure the flock maintains its fear of you. Fear is a great tool to use that will enable you to continue to fleece the flock.

d)Emotionalism is essential for a flock-fleecing ministry. Mimic the most successful fleecers and practice this often until you have it down pat. Aggressively prance back and forth across the stage while waving your arms wildly and be sure to talk fast and loud. For added emphasis, whisper at times to make them strain to hear you and then scream to make them jump out of their seats.

Tears and a lot of mopping of sweat from the forehead and mouth while preaching happens a lot while under the “anointing” and this assures the flock that they are receiving an “anointed” message. Dance a lot and say “Whoooeeee, I feel the anointing comin’ upon me, ....GLORY.” Be certain to make odd noises at times and call them speaking in tongues from the Spirit. This is highly impressive and will ensure the flock’s awe of you.

Rule number two: Gimmicks are essential.

For a ministry to thrive, money must regularly be fleeced from the flock. Don’t take all of the money at once because it would drain the well dry, and you must be careful to spread it out over a very long time in order to raise your own income. Keep holding out a little hope to them that your teachings work. This can be accomplished by showing how the Lord has blessed you when you drive up in your limo. Assure them that they too can become an anointed servant of God and be blessed in the same way. Some of the following gimmicks work well; they have been tried and tested. However, when the gimmicks begin to wane, one must use a little imagination to keep it fresh and exciting.

a)Anointed prayer cloths and trinkets. This one has been a big hit and a great success. This fleece does not work well with the older sheep but there are many new sheep who still find this to be exciting. You can have a variety of anointed cloths and trinkets that keep them going for quite awhile. Cloths and trinkets can be for healing, wealth, and power. The possibilities are almost limitless with a fertile imagination. The profit margin can be very large because the cloths and trinkets are cheap to buy and you can sell them for a good deal more than they are worth because of your special “anointing.”

b)Praying over letters. This is another great way to bring in the income since your monetary investment is virtually nothing. Have the flock send in prayer requests in letter form and you can set the price for praying over them. How much you charge depends upon how well you have convinced the sheep of your anointing. A good anointed prophet can receive a “donation” of 20 bucks or more per prayer if handled correctly. Remind them that they are furthering God’s kingdom while being blessed at the same time. Make sure you have a way of disposing of the letters so they don’t clutter up your personal office space.

c)If one chooses the deliverance ministry as their means of income and recognition, you can offer anointed trinkets to ward off the spirits and set the price according to the severity of the demon. I would not recommend the use of the term “dollars against demons” because this would not sound too spiritual. However, this ministry guarantees an income and recognition because the demons don’t stay bound very long and soon return. You will be called upon over and over to keep casting out the same demons from the same people. Fear works great in this gimmick because they soon become dependent upon you to keep the demons at bay. If they become divisive and question you, then is the time to dismiss them as dogs who keep returning to their own vomit. Remember, you do have an image that needs to be protected and never accept such non-sense questions as “why doesn’t it work?” The key for a successful ministry is to shift the blame back onto the sheep. Arrogance will be your best friend to keep yourself aloof from the flock.
d)The electronic age is wonderful and one must not neglect this means of income and recognition. You can convince the flock that God is ever present everywhere and this includes the internet. Have the demon-possessed or the sick place their hands or forehead on the screen and convince them that God is touching them through you through the monitor. Have your website designer post a picture of you that reaches out your hand to them. This will convince them that you are really reaching out to pray for them. State that the prayers will only come to pass if they send you money. Again, your reputation will determine how much you set the price at for these prayers. The power of suggestion works well; hypnotists have used this principle for many years. All that is needed is for the prospective customer to be convinced in their mind that the “anointing” is flowing through to them upon contact with the monitor screen. You can then request additional “donations” for further anointed touches.

Rule number three: Parrot the buzz words that only the “anointed” use, such words as “Plead the blood of Jesus”.

It sounds spiritual so use this phrase often. Repeated often enough, this makes it sound like there is some magical ingredient in the blood of Jesus and puts it on the same level as holy water, incense, burning of candles and wearing the cross that protects the believing flock. (These previous items can also be sold for profit, if they are “anointed”.)

a)Learning the lingo of the anointed will push you up the ladder of recognition and place you in the position of fleecing the flock for fun and prophet at a much faster rate.

Talking directly to Satan is very impressive, but you must keep them from seeing that it's not biblical. Suggested buzzwords and phrases to mimic are as the following and NEVER forget to “invoke” the “name of Jesus”. (Try to make Jesus as multisyllabled as you can -- Jeeeeeeeesssssuuuuuuuuuussss. The more syllables you can extract from it, the holier it sounds.)

·“Satan, I come against you in the name of Jesus.”

·“Satan, I bind you in the name of Jesus.”
·“Satan, I cast you out in the name of Jesus.”
·“Satan, I command you back into the pit of hell in Jesus name.”
·“Satan, I rebuke you in the name of Jesus.”

(Remember to emphasize the word “I”. This keeps the focus on you as the one who has the power to do these things. This also keeps the focus on Satan and be sure to ‘invoke” the name of Jesus for a religious touch that sounds “anointed”. If we can keep the focus off of Jesus, then this assures the flock of their need for us and of our position. To point to Jesus will hinder our standing and hinder our continued fleecing so exercise much caution in this area.)

b)More suggested buzz words and phrases:

·Claim, Confess, and Demand healing in the name of Jesus are good ones that draw attention to your anointing. Once again, the more arrogant you are, the more "anointed" you will appear to them.
·“Hallelujah, Praise the Lord , Glory and Amen”. (Repeat over and over and for added emphasis, a loud whistle at times is good. The louder the better to let them hear your anointing.)
·“Glory bumps” and “Holy Ghost Giggles” are cute ones to throw in at times. This lets them see the “joy of the Lord” in you. If you ever are overcome with laughter at how easy it is to fleece your flock, just claim it is “holy laughter” and they will all join in with you (which can cause you to laugh even harder, but no worry, they will laugh harder with you all the way to the bank).
·Singing, Dancing, Speaking and Walking in the Spirit are sure fire “anointed” words that will be noticed.

c) Seed faith. This term indicates that they are planting a seed of faith and will reap a harvest of money because of it. Using this idea, you can get people to send you large amounts of money with the promise that they will receive a hundredfold back. Obviously, if they are not willing to send you this type of "love offering" then they do not have enough "faith" to plant. Accusing them of a lack of faith if they do not send you money in this way is highly effective and will assure you of a profitable ministry for many future years.
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The Jesus mommy is the shit. Christ was her cun!-squirt. Mary is where it's at. :thup:

the problem is

all this Pastors

asking for money

what sort of people are they?

and their helpers and followers?

CLEAN THE TEMPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!

do not mix money with the Bible!

omg!~ they will all go to Hell
The Jesus mommy is the shit. Christ was her cun!-squirt. Mary is where it's at. :thup:

the problem is

all this Pastors

asking for money

what sort of people are they?

and their helpers and followers?

CLEAN THE TEMPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!

do not mix noney with the Bible!

omg!~ they will all go to Hell
that's well and good but has nothing to do with Jesus mommy.
The Jesus mommy is the shit. Christ was her cun!-squirt. Mary is where it's at. :thup:

the problem is

all this Pastors

asking for money

what sort of people are they?

and their helpers and followers?

CLEAN THE TEMPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!

do not mix noney with the Bible!

omg!~ they will all go to Hell
that's well and good but has nothing to do with Jesus mommy.

I know

you go tell all the followers...
Money and Religion do not mix

why are all these Pastors being a pain???????????

asking for money???????

they have not heard of the Bible?

and the cleansing of the Temple by Jesus?

so sad so sad!!!!!!!!!!!! walk away............
Jeremiah girl....

if the Pastors ask you

for money


no way Jose

cheers to you and all
What's the difference between a preacher asking for money to buy a jet, and the Mormon church using money to build castles?


Money and Religion do not mix

why are all these Pastors being a pain???????????

asking for money???????

they have not heard of the Bible?

and the cleansing of the Temple by Jesus?

so sad so sad!!!!!!!!!!!! walk away............

Money and religion don't mix?

I've never attended a church that doesn't pass around a collection plate. Some are adamant that you give up 10% of your earnings.
This is BS. Jesus Evangelized on foot and so should he.

Why? He won't find enough sheep to fleece for the green to buy a new jet but he'll get a tidy sum.

Why do people give up their hard earned money to these con men? Because the con men tell them what they want to hear.

If you would like to post your MasterCard # I'll make a generous donation to Mr. Fleece the Flock in your name. Trust me. I'll ask Jeebus to bless you.

Ain't nothing new under the sun. Christians need to pay better attention to what the bible actually says because this was predicted to happen 2000 years ago.

2 Timothy 4:3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires,4 and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths.5 But you, be sober in all things, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.

That tells me the religion scam has been going on for a long, long, long time.
Yes it has. Jesus never hesitated to point this out among the Pharisee's I don't think today's Christians should hesitate either. I hope this Rev. Dollar's flock calls him out on his greed.

“Here's how Jesus said to evangelize.”

'Jesus' didn't 'say' anything, there was no 'Jesus' as perceived by Christians; the bible was written by men, not a 'god' or 'son of a god,' or any such nonsense.
Money and Religion do not mix

why are all these Pastors being a pain???????????

asking for money???????

they have not heard of the Bible?

and the cleansing of the Temple by Jesus?

so sad so sad!!!!!!!!!!!! walk away............

Money and religion don't mix?

I've never attended a church that doesn't pass around a collection plate. Some are adamant that you give up 10% of your earnings.

Me neither.

Tithing is blackmail. If you don't pay up, you won't go to heaven.

Money is the only reason for religion to exist. Religion was invented as a way to fleece the sheep.
Money and Religion do not mix

why are all these Pastors being a pain???????????

asking for money???????

they have not heard of the Bible?

and the cleansing of the Temple by Jesus?

so sad so sad!!!!!!!!!!!! walk away............

Money and religion don't mix?

I've never attended a church that doesn't pass around a collection plate. Some are adamant that you give up 10% of your earnings.
There's a practicality to collection as there are expenses that come with a building. Of course then the question becomes, should we have buildings because Jesus didn't. Living in a cold climate buildings are a must. This doesn't however mean that the building has to fancy or the pastor should be raking in a huge salary. Ours is just a plain building with plain windows. We also tell those visiting that the collection is only for the members and not to feel obligated to contribute. Our church expenses are written up in a regular report and made available to church members.

“Here's how Jesus said to evangelize.”

'Jesus' didn't 'say' anything, there was no 'Jesus' as perceived by Christians; the bible was written by men, not a 'god' or 'son of a god,' or any such nonsense.
Money and Religion do not mix

why are all these Pastors being a pain???????????

asking for money???????

they have not heard of the Bible?

and the cleansing of the Temple by Jesus?

so sad so sad!!!!!!!!!!!! walk away............

Money and religion don't mix?

I've never attended a church that doesn't pass around a collection plate. Some are adamant that you give up 10% of your earnings.

Me neither.

Tithing is blackmail. If you don't pay up, you won't go to heaven.

Money is the only reason for religion to exist. Religion was invented as a way to fleece the sheep.
We don't preach tithing. Still many who have come from other congregations do feel obligated to tithe. We do expect regular members to give what they can because the running of the building does have expenses but nobody's getting rich. Not all churches are out for the cash.

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