What Would King Say?

Yet you want reparations. Isn’t that charity?
No. Go look up what reparations actually are instead of listening to white race pimps.
That didn't happen. Welfare started in 1935, blacks were excluded until 1965. Since 1965 the majority of all welfare has gone to whites.

So let me repost this for the thousandth time, because it's apparent that you are ignorant.

Since 2000, U.S. gross domestic product lost that much as a result of discriminatory practices in a range of areas, including in education and access to business loans, according to a 2020 study by Citigroup. Specifically, the study came up with $16 trillion in lost GDP by noting four key racial gaps between African Americans and whites:

$13 trillion lost in potential business revenue because of discriminatory lending to African American entrepreneurs, with an estimated 6.1 million jobs not generated as a result

$2.7 trillion in income lost because of disparities in wages suffered by African Americans

$218 billion lost over the past two decades because of discrimination in providing housing credit

And $90 billion to $113 billion in lifetime income lost from discrimination in accessing higher education

So if blacks had actually been given this 10 trillion dollars you racists lie about, then we still are down 6 trillion based on what CIitgroup found.

We've babied and coddled you Schvartzes to a pathetic dependent 4th class people

It is the Democraps who put you down. You Schvartzes are too dumb to realize it
No. Go look up what reparations actually are instead of listening to white race pimps.
Slavery was bad. All agree. Now let’s move on. I’m sure you agree. Lol.
Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.

"Bill of Rights for the Disadvantaged,"

The struggle for rights is, at bottom, a struggle for opportunities. In asking for something special, the Negro is not seeking charity. He does not want to languish on welfare rolls any more than the next man. He does not want to be given a job he cannot handle. Neither, however, does he want to be told that there is no place where he can be trained to handle it. So with equal opportunity must come the practical, realistic aid which will equip him to seize it. Giving a pair of shoes to a man who has not learned to walk is a cruel jest.

Today, special measures are needed to alleviate the economic conditions of Negroes and all other persons in a family unit which earns less than $3,000 a year.

During World War II, our fighting men were deprived of certain advantages and opportunities. To make up for this, they were given a package of veterans' rights, significantly called a "Bill of Rights." The major features of this GI Bill of Rights included subsidies for trade school or college education, with living expenses provided during the period of study. Veterans were given special concessions enabling them to buy homes without cash, with lower interest rates and easier repayment terms. They could negotiate loans from banks to launch businesses, using the government as an endorser of any losses. They received special points to place them ahead in competition for civil service jobs. They were provided with medical care and long-term financial grants if their physical condition had been impaired by their military service. In addition to these legally granted rights, a strong social climate for many years favored the preferential employment of veterans in all walks of life.

Compensation Approved

In this way, the nation was compensating the veteran for his time lost in school or in his career or in business. Such compensatory treatment was approved by the majority of Americans. Certainly the Negro has been deprived. Few people considered the fact that, in addition to being enslaved for two centuries, the Negro was, during all these years, robbed of the wages of his toil. No amount of gold could provide an adequate compensation for the exploitation and humiliation of the Negro in America down through the centuries. Not all the wealth of this affluent society could meet the bill. Yet, a price can be placed on unpaid wages. The ancient common law has always provided a remedy for the appropriation of the labor of one human being by another. This law should be made to apply for American Negroes. The payment should be in the form of a massive program by the government of special, compensatory measures which could be regarded as a settlement in accordance with the accepted practice of common law. Such measures would certainly be less expensive than any computation based on two centuries of unpaid wages and accumulated interest.

The rest of the proposal:

MLK was a bible-thumping blow-hard who liked to beat up White women. But you're right, Black people can't compete in the work market without special laws to help them.
Since the reparations include continuing atrocities after slavery, your definition doesn't cut it. Besides whites who had slaves in their ancestry had them based on rape.
Okay, so be honest then and say that you want "reparations" to simply be payments to dark skinned people, full stop. Consider this, if you were a freed slave and had children with a white woman who then had children only with white people up to today, your descendants would be due reparations, white or not. No rape involved.
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You scrubs are always trying to use words from King. Seems that sentence is all your raggedy asses know. And even then you take it out of context trying to derail conversations. Because when you read the link, you understand that his proposal include dirt poor whites who are soooo damn dumb that they play into the racism while the very whites who tell their stupid asses they are better than blacks are robbing them blind. Just like you idiots who slobber all over trump while he continues taking your money while you get nothing back but a COVID variant.
Poor white people are due contempt? You sound very elitist.
Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.

"Bill of Rights for the Disadvantaged,"

The struggle for rights is, at bottom, a struggle for opportunities. In asking for something special, the Negro is not seeking charity. He does not want to languish on welfare rolls any more than the next man. He does not want to be given a job he cannot handle. Neither, however, does he want to be told that there is no place where he can be trained to handle it. So with equal opportunity must come the practical, realistic aid which will equip him to seize it. Giving a pair of shoes to a man who has not learned to walk is a cruel jest.

Today, special measures are needed to alleviate the economic conditions of Negroes and all other persons in a family unit which earns less than $3,000 a year.

During World War II, our fighting men were deprived of certain advantages and opportunities. To make up for this, they were given a package of veterans' rights, significantly called a "Bill of Rights." The major features of this GI Bill of Rights included subsidies for trade school or college education, with living expenses provided during the period of study. Veterans were given special concessions enabling them to buy homes without cash, with lower interest rates and easier repayment terms. They could negotiate loans from banks to launch businesses, using the government as an endorser of any losses. They received special points to place them ahead in competition for civil service jobs. They were provided with medical care and long-term financial grants if their physical condition had been impaired by their military service. In addition to these legally granted rights, a strong social climate for many years favored the preferential employment of veterans in all walks of life.

Compensation Approved

In this way, the nation was compensating the veteran for his time lost in school or in his career or in business. Such compensatory treatment was approved by the majority of Americans. Certainly the Negro has been deprived. Few people considered the fact that, in addition to being enslaved for two centuries, the Negro was, during all these years, robbed of the wages of his toil. No amount of gold could provide an adequate compensation for the exploitation and humiliation of the Negro in America down through the centuries. Not all the wealth of this affluent society could meet the bill. Yet, a price can be placed on unpaid wages. The ancient common law has always provided a remedy for the appropriation of the labor of one human being by another. This law should be made to apply for American Negroes. The payment should be in the form of a massive program by the government of special, compensatory measures which could be regarded as a settlement in accordance with the accepted practice of common law. Such measures would certainly be less expensive than any computation based on two centuries of unpaid wages and accumulated interest.

The rest of the proposal:

Well it's to late now. Johnson said after passing his Great Society Bill "Will have those Ni**ers voting democrat for the next 200 years. Welfare brings out the worst in a person. At first you appreciate it but as time goes by you expect it is is owed you. a person loses his pride, and self worth. He loses the ability to make all decisions in life even easy ones as get above sea level when a category 5 hurricane is barreling down on you. 50 years ago if Katrina had gone down a Black Man would have made sure every person threaten by Karrina was save They wouldn't have waited around for the midnight loot till ya poop snatch and grab or found drown in the upper floors of their homes. A cluster fuck of criminal porportion that's what welfare does to you. It even cheapens life seen by the murder rates in these areas.

When I was growing up it was different The Black family was closer net than all others, They were more religious, and there was little crime. A Black American woman was less likely to have a baby out of wedlock than any other race. Well look at what 55 years of democrats has done to the Black race or a good part of it. You have been housed in crime and drug infested shit holes as you vote the democrat ticket. Doctor Martin Luther King Jr. was a republican. There were 70 different welfare programs. Out of those 70 programs only one improved one's life. It was called workfare one would be given a job and learn a skill. In time those people would fall back into the work force and become productive citizens. But obama illegally ended that program. We now spend A TRILLION DOLLARS a year on what we were told the Great Society was to cure along with a clean environment, and equality with good jobs all around Has anyone seen any of that? No, you have been played for chumps still voting for the same democrats that ripped off your life Maybe Johnson was right, 200 years.
MLK was a bible-thumping blow-hard who liked to beat up White women. But you're right, Black people can't compete in the work market without special laws to help them.
Apparently you are ignorant of the laws that were on the books for nearly 200 years that helped whites by eliminating competition in the market by anyone who was not white.
Well it's to late now. Johnson said after passing his Great Society Bill "Will have those Ni**ers voting democrat for the next 200 years. Welfare brings out the worst in a person. At first you appreciate it but as time goes by you expect it is is owed you. a person loses his pride, and self worth. He loses the ability to make all decisions in life even easy ones as get above sea level when a category 5 hurricane is barreling down on you. 50 years ago if Katrina had gone down a Black Man would have made sure every person threaten by Karrina was save They wouldn't have waited around for the midnight loot till ya poop snatch and grab or found drown in the upper floors of their homes. A cluster fuck of criminal porportion that's what welfare does to you. It even cheapens life seen by the murder rates in these areas.

When I was growing up it was different The Black family was closer net than all others, They were more religious, and there was little crime. A Black American woman was less likely to have a baby out of wedlock than any other race. Well look at what 55 years of democrats has done to the Black race or a good part of it. You have been housed in crime and drug infested shit holes as you vote the democrat ticket. Doctor Martin Luther King Jr. was a republican. There were 70 different welfare programs. Out of those 70 programs only one improved one's life. It was called workfare one would be given a job and learn a skill. In time those people would fall back into the work force and become productive citizens. But obama illegally ended that program. We now spend A TRILLION DOLLARS a year on what we were told the Great Society was to cure along with a clean environment, and equality with good jobs all around Has anyone seen any of that? No, you have been played for chumps still voting for the same democrats that ripped off your life Maybe Johnson was right, 200 years.
Welfare has not bought out the worst in the corporate CEO's. You are lying about the past. I was alive 50 years ago. Nothing you say is true. King was not a republican. Blacks were republicans for 100 years and all we got was Jim Crow. Once the Civil Rights Act was passed, republicans took a knee on us and have stayed in that position ever since. No one has spent a trillion dollars for blacks, whites have always been the largest recipients of Welfare. Welfare started in 1935, for 30 years blacks were excluded from it. Just like 60 percent were excluded from drawing social security and blacks were not paid minimum wage.

Everything you say here is incorrect.
How about talking sabout the atrocities blacks have faced in America AFTER SLAVERY to include this very moment? Talking about slaves elsewhere is the white mans dodge used to deny what was done here.
a big 10-4 IM2, there is/was no 'after slavery'.........it still EXISTS.....but you could give two sh*ts.....as such, you've just thrown any racial altruism under the bus ,anything you have forward is simply about your own greedy back pocket

best of luck w/that....

well, that would be one form of slavery Sloopy

slavery in 2021 exists>>>

So if IM2 and the rest of the black community is all so fired up about it, you'd think they'd be all over it

The issue is about what has been done to blacks by the American government at every level.

The white racist wants to limit the argument to slavey in order to dodge having to face the truth. When that doesn't work they try brining up a false equivalence using shit that has nothing to do with the United States. This argument left slavery years ago but you chumps can't face the truth. We are talking about, black codes, lynchings, sundown towns, convict leasing, contract selling, restrictive covenants in housing and employment, redlining, both residential and retail, underfunding black education, enironmental racism, medical exclusion, american apartheid, racist housing policy, 160 years of white terrorism, all of this occurring after slavery.

We don't have time to worry about what's happening overseas when we have massive problems right here while white racists lie about how they are things of the past as if they have no relation to the present.
a big 10-4 IM2, there is/was no 'after slavery'.........it still EXISTS.....but you could give two sh*ts.....as such, you've just thrown any racial altruism under the bus ,anything you have forward is simply about your own greedy back pocket

best of luck w/that....

Fuck you and your diversion. This is about the AMERICAN SYSTEM.
CRT has nothing to do with this.
Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.

"Bill of Rights for the Disadvantaged,"

The struggle for rights is, at bottom, a struggle for opportunities. In asking for something special, the Negro is not seeking charity. He does not want to languish on welfare rolls any more than the next man. He does not want to be given a job he cannot handle. Neither, however, does he want to be told that there is no place where he can be trained to handle it. So with equal opportunity must come the practical, realistic aid which will equip him to seize it. Giving a pair of shoes to a man who has not learned to walk is a cruel jest.

Today, special measures are needed to alleviate the economic conditions of Negroes and all other persons in a family unit which earns less than $3,000 a year.

During World War II, our fighting men were deprived of certain advantages and opportunities. To make up for this, they were given a package of veterans' rights, significantly called a "Bill of Rights." The major features of this GI Bill of Rights included subsidies for trade school or college education, with living expenses provided during the period of study. Veterans were given special concessions enabling them to buy homes without cash, with lower interest rates and easier repayment terms. They could negotiate loans from banks to launch businesses, using the government as an endorser of any losses. They received special points to place them ahead in competition for civil service jobs. They were provided with medical care and long-term financial grants if their physical condition had been impaired by their military service. In addition to these legally granted rights, a strong social climate for many years favored the preferential employment of veterans in all walks of life.

Compensation Approved

In this way, the nation was compensating the veteran for his time lost in school or in his career or in business. Such compensatory treatment was approved by the majority of Americans. Certainly the Negro has been deprived. Few people considered the fact that, in addition to being enslaved for two centuries, the Negro was, during all these years, robbed of the wages of his toil. No amount of gold could provide an adequate compensation for the exploitation and humiliation of the Negro in America down through the centuries. Not all the wealth of this affluent society could meet the bill. Yet, a price can be placed on unpaid wages. The ancient common law has always provided a remedy for the appropriation of the labor of one human being by another. This law should be made to apply for American Negroes. The payment should be in the form of a massive program by the government of special, compensatory measures which could be regarded as a settlement in accordance with the accepted practice of common law. Such measures would certainly be less expensive than any computation based on two centuries of unpaid wages and accumulated interest.

The rest of the proposal:


It's this sort of shit that got him shot, i used to wonder why they thought he was a commie plant. lol

Shoulda stuck with race blind meritocracy
Apparently you are ignorant of the laws that were on the books for nearly 200 years that helped whites by eliminating competition in the market by anyone who was not white.
The US was a White country back then. And look at it now, full of brown people causing trouble.

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